Updated: 07-18-21 05:44 PM
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Chains of Domination (9.1.0)
The Burning Crusade Classic (2.5.1)
Classic Patch (1.13.7)
Updated:07-18-21 05:44 PM
Created:11-12-14 11:23 AM
Categories:Suites, Graphic UI Mods, Graphical Compilations, Minimalistic Compilations, Generic Compilations

Improved Blizzard UI  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.7.0
by: kaytotes [More]

I am not updating this for any future WoW patches as I am no longer subscribed to WoW. Until Blizzard un-fucks the situation they're in I wont be back. Accepting pull requests / maintainers who reach out to me on GitHub or Discord.

Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI is an attempt to improve the World of Warcraft interface by styling frames, implementing additional functionality and restructuring / hiding existing elements.

The AddOn is compatible with Modern WoW, TBC and Vanilla.

Addon Installation

Modern WoW

* To install Improved Blizzard UI place the folder into `World of Warcraft//_retail_//Interface//Addons` as you would any other addon.

Classic WoW

* To install Improved Blizzard UI place the folder into `World of Warcraft//_classic_//Interface//Addons` as you would any other addon.
* Enable "Load out of date AddOns" in your AddOn selection menu.

Core Features


* Once installed if need be customize your installation with `/imp`.
* Most UI elements can now be repositioned with `/imp unlock` and `/imp lock`.
* LibSharedMedia-3.0 Support for customising fonts. Any fonts loaded by LSM will be available in Improved Blizzard UI and vice versa. You may now easily use the Improved Blizzard UI font in other AddOns such as Recount, DBM etc to better match this AddOn.


* AFK 'Hero Mode' Camera View.
* Automatic Repair.
* Automatic Trash Item Sale.

Unit Frames

Player Frame

* Moved and Re-Scaled.
* Larger Health Bar.
* Scaleable.
* Class Coloured Health Bar.
* Hidden Portrait Text Spam.
* Hidden when out of Combat (Without Target / Low Health).
* Improved Fonts.

Target Frame

* Moved and Re-Scaled.
* Larger Health Bar.
* Scaleable.
* Class Coloured Health Bar.
* Improved Fonts.
* Buffs on Top.

Target of Target

* Improved Fonts.
* Scaleable.
* Class Coloured Health Bar.

Party Frames

* Improved Fonts.

Action Bars

* Out of Range Indicator.
* Customizable Texts.
* Casting Bar Repositioned and Scaled.
* Improved Fonts.
* Scaleable Buffs and Debuffs.

Mini Map

* Moved and Re-Scaled.
* Player Co-Ordinates.
* System Performance Statistics.
* Scroll Wheel Zoom.
* Improved Fonts.


* Anchored to Mouse.
* Styled Tooltips.
* Unit Hostility Border.
* Coloured Unit Guild Name, Level, Faction and Race.
* Target of Target.
* Class Coloured Health Bar and Name.
* Improved Font.
* Item Rarity Border.


* Improved Chat Font.
* Shortened Blizzard Strings (Loot, Exp Gain, Profession Levels etc).


* Low Health Warnings (50% and 25%).
* Interrupt Announcements.
* Kill Feed.
* Highlighted Killing Blows.
* Instant Battleground Ressurection.

Modern WoW Exclusives


* Guild Bank Repair Support.
* Automatic Achievement Screenshot.
* Replacement Order Hall Bar.

Unit Frames

Focus Frame

* Moved and Re-Scaled.
* Larger Health Bar.
* Improved Fonts.
* Class Coloured Health Bar.

Action Bars

* Micro Menu replaced with custom drop up menu. (Right of Main Bar).
* Bags Hidden (Show with drop up menu option).

Classic WoW Exclusives

Unit Frames

Party Frames

* Moved and Re-Scaled.
* Scaleable.

Target Frame

* Added Health Text customisable with standard Blizzard "Status Text" option.
* Added Mana Text customisable with standard Blizzard "Status Text" option.


Improved Blizzard UI needs you!

Improved Blizzard UI is on [Github]( and this is where all issues should be reported. New Feature requests are always welcome as are pull requests.

Recommended Addons

Improved Blizzard UI works best with the following addons.

* [Baud Bag](
* [Storyline](

Classic WoW

* [ClassicAuraDurations](
* [ClassicCastbars](


The following libraries have been used in the development of Improved Blizzard UI:

* [LibStub](
* [Ace3](
* [CallbackHandler-1.0](
* [LibSharedMedia-3.0](
* [AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets](

3.7.0 - Refactor Chat Module
3.6.0 - 9.1 Support.
3.6.0 - Class Coloured Party Frames
3.6.0 - Fix Zandalari Troll Loot String
3.5.1 - Fix TBC Focus Frame Dragging
3.5.0 - Full TBC Support.
3.5.0 - Fix Party Frames
3.4.1 - Disabled Party Frames in TBC.
3.4.0 - The Burning Crusade Classic Support
3.3.1 - More Focus Frame Improvements.
3.3.0 - Added Great Vault option to the micro menu.
3.3.0 - Fixed Focus Frame Errors.
3.2.2 - WoW Classic Version Bump
3.2.2 - Fix Item Ref Tooltip Colouring
3.2.2 - Fix Sold Grey Loot Miscalculated Price
3.2.1 - More Tooltip Fixes
3.2.1 - Movable Talking Head Frame
3.2.0 - Tooltips Overhaul
3.2.0 - Numerous Performance Improvements
3.2.0 - Configuration Profiles Support - jmedrano87
3.1.4 - Remove Accidental Debug Print
3.1.3 - Numerous fixes to the Legion Order Hall Bar.
3.1.2 - Shadowlands Support
3.0.5 - Fix Minify Strings Option
3.0.4 - Update to Patch 8.3
3.0.4 - Fix Micro Menu "Guild" Option.
3.0.4 - Fix Wardrobe Favourite Option.
3.0.4 - Fix Garrison Co-Ords error.
3.0.4 - Added Target Frame Scale Option
3.0.3 - Remove Bash and Batch Files (Was killing Curse upload).
3.0.1 - Fix an issue with Killfeed and OSD not displaying.
3.0.0 - Complete Ace3 and LibSharedMedia-3.0 based overhaul.
2.3.7 - ToC Bump
2.3.6 - Cleaned up config loading for AFK Camera Module.
2.3.6 - Cleaned up config for chat.
2.3.6 - Fixed an issue that did not load the correct font the first time a player uses the addon.
2.3.6 - Honor tooltip configuration options.
2.3.6 - Better health warning config.
2.3.6 - Fixed a number of issues with the Player frame attempting to update based on Blizzard UI elements loading.
2.3.5 - In theory improve VehicleUI display.
2.3.5 - Updated embedded Wasabi and LibStub.
2.3.4 - Fixed more issues with co-ords in certain scenarios.
2.3.3 - Fixed an issue with getting co-ords in certain scenarios.
2.3.2 - Essentially gutted Action Bars.
2.3.2 - Stripped some config.
2.3.2 - Hide mini map coords if they can't be gotten.
2.3.2 - Updated readme.
2.3.1 - Duplicate Cast Bar Timers Fixed
2.3.1 - PvP Window LUA Error fixed.
2.3.0 - BfA Build.
2.2.0 - German localisation (Credit @Marakuja)
2.2.0 - Pet Name Font Change
2.2.0 - Fixed an issue with the Possesion Bar placement
2.1.0 - Better Player Frame Config Check
2.1.0 - Removed unit classification from focus frame.
2.1.0 - Added timers to Target and Focus cast bars (Credit @xMarok )
2.0.4 - Fixed an issue with the Kill Feed repeating kills.
2.0.4 - Tweaked focus frame positioning and corrected font.
2.0.3 - Kill Artifact Bar When Leveling.
2.0.3 - Correctly get Focus Frame Unit Classification.
2.0.3 - Correctly display Focus Frame Class Colours.
2.0.2 - Added a config for hiding bar art.
2.0.1 - Accidentally left development build print
2.0.0 - Ground Up Rewrite. Too many changes to list.
1.9.0 - Added ptBR localisation
1.8.3 - Removed Logout and Force Quit options as they are now protected.
1.8.2 - Fixed overlapping with Order Hall bar (Credit: salindersidhu)
1.8.0 - Added Shop to MicroMenu (Credit: salindersidhu)
1.8.0 - Tweaked position of the talking head frame when the top action bar is enabled. (Credit: didehvar)
1.7.2 - Fixed an issue with the focus frame not displaying correctly on resolutions that weren't 2560x1440
1.7.1 - Removed Chat Bubble skinning since as of 7.2.0 these are protected in instances.
1.7.0 - Bumped to Patch 7.2.5.
1.7.0 - Interrupt announcements now choose channel based on grouping. (Credit: R3nd0gg)
1.7.0 - Moved Extra Action Button.
1.6.0 - German Localization updated by Marakuja
1.6.0 - Added player class colour behind PlayerFrame name section.
1.6.0 - Only actual players have class colours displayed now.
1.5.0 - Added Health Bar Colorizing (Credit: Marakuja)
1.4.0 - Moved Focus Frame
1.4.0 - Fixed chat edit box positioning when viewing the Combat Log
1.4.0 - Fixed the unclickable area next to the action bars.
1.4.0 - Added Interrupt Announcements
1.3.3 - Attempted taint fixes related to the MicroMenu.
1.3.3 - Added PvP Toggle
1.3.2 - Fixed chat font not initializing correctly on first load
1.3.1 - Fixes to make compatible with 7.1
1.3.0 - Swapped the default Class Order Hall bar with a custom replacement
1.3.0 - Fixed the /impblizz grid command
1.3.0 - Fixed a c stack overflow related to the experience bar
1.3.0 - Tweaked layout and size of config panel
1.3.0 - Styled Chat Bubbles
1.2.0 - Slightly tweaked action bar positioning
1.2.0 - Slightly tweaked party frame positioning
1.2.0 - Swapped performance counter and co-ordinates font to match the chat and bg kill feed
1.2.0 - Added a config option for hiding the chat arrows.
1.2.0 - Tweaked Honor Bar position
1.1.2 - Swapped Chat Font
1.1.2 - Fixed chat font size being reset on loading screens / relogs
1.1.1 - Fixed artifact bar hovering
1.1.0 - Removed class order hall bar. Currency can be seen under the currency tab of the player pane.
1.0.9 - Improved how class icons are detected and displayed.
Fixed minimap co-ords being generated multiple times.
Fixed display of casting bar text.
Fixed Performance Counter recreating themselves on each loading screen
AFK "Hero View" Re-Enabled
Fixed an issue with killing blows not displaying
Tweaked Buff positions due to class order halls.
Fixed a small deDE misspelling (ben2k1690)
Added Artifact bar support.
Actionbars should now adjust correctly based on reputation, exp, honor bars etc
Stancebar now adjusts position based on the presence of bottom left and right actionbars.
Added deDE localisation by ben2k1690
Minimap MicroMenu now updates based on level, unlocking features as they are required similar to the default Blizzard interface.
Honor bar moved and styled.
Slightly tweaked Battleground kill feed.
Fixed Battleground kill feed font not loading correctly.
Fixed Battleground kill feed not clearing when exiting a battleground.
Fixed a lua error when exiting vehicles.
Full rewrite
Apparently this has been printing PVEFrame open for months and months and I didn't notice. This is what happens when I unsubscribe after adding a new build.
Removed vscode folder
Made it easier to tweak action bar positon / scale.
Fixed the BG "Join Battle" button resetting to the left after every 2nd BG.
TOC bump and minor string changes.
Moved Target buffs above frame.
Nothing changed, decided to push a dev grid onto the public build as well as my own since it helps with tweaking.
Quest related crash to desktop hopefully fixed.
TOC Bump
Fixed Chat font size resetting.
Trimmed a few more global strings
Moved right end cap by 1 pixel.
Backend code change to facilitate 6.0 -> 6.1 migration
Trimmed Useless Fonts
Forced Raid Frame Class Colours.
(Hopefully) Fixed Pet Bar Taint
Chat Module Added.
Fixed PVP Group Finder window going blank after AFK mode displays.
Cleaned up localization template.
Fixed Battleground Kill Tracker Formatting Error.
Fixed pet bar issues when switching from a spec without stances to one with. Eg Disc Priest > Shadow Priest
Added cast bar timer and minor 6.1 prep.
Finally (Hopefully) fixed any pet bar positioning issues across all classes / specs.
Added Improved Blizzard UI options link to MicroMenu
Fixed incorrect TOC version.
Adjusted Boss Frame Scale and Position
Reworked Buff scaling system.
Fixed ToggleSpellbook Taint.
Minor Code Cleanup for the Cast Bar.
Stopped the config "Okay" button reloading ui even when no BlizzImp stuff has changed.
Changed Message Font (Killing Blows etc) in anticipation of Russian Localization
Forgot to remove some debug stuff
Fixed Objective Tracker Logic Bug
Scaled Boss Frames
Fixed a Blizzard bug that causes cooldowns to break when opening the fullscreen world map.
Changed Auto Repair Logic and added Guild Bank Repairs Option
Added Hide Griffin option.
Made options more pretty
Added class colours.
Added Customization Panel
Fixed bet bar and bottom left bar moving when toggling reputation bar.
Fixed Stat and Coords overlapping issues.
Fixed dk pet bar (again)
Fixed Vehicle Exit Button Position
Added FPS by request of tehdeci
Added Minimap Coords
Added Latency Indicator
(Hopefully) Fixed Micro Menu Bar Placement Issue
Fixed Death Knight pet bar positioning.
Code cleanup.
Fixed Talent Frame Taint (Thanks jimym)
Removed Target fade in / out (Taint from UIFrameFade)
Fixed AFK Frame Taint
Fixed all known taint issues. No end user change.
Tweaked Focus Frame
Updated MiniMap menu
Hide Art Toggle
Fixed Combat Lockdown Bugs
Fixed numerous background bugs
Added BG Kills Tracker
Fixed AFK Frame briefly appearing when entering / leaving rested areas
Fixed leaky globals
Code Cleanup Complete - Killing Blow Message / Health Message reenabled.
Fixed AFK Frame (Somehow removed a relevant block of code)
Finally Fixed the Vehicle UI breaking Player Frame position.
Accidentally broke a bunch of stuff, fixed.
Code Cleanup and unnecessary XML Removed.
Fixed a slew of Combat Lock errors.
Added Player Pet to AFK Frame.
Added Fade In / Out to AFK Frame.
Added Quest Tracker PvP Collapse
Added minor Animation tweaks.
Fixed EXP Bar bug at max level.
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Unread 11-12-14, 01:11 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Looks Good

This looks exactly how I setup Bartender for my UI. Only thing is the Micro Menu I have at top in the center. Don't see that in your screenshots so just wondering where yours is set and how to access it?
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Unread 11-12-14, 01:21 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Looks Good

Originally Posted by Poxus
This looks exactly how I setup Bartender for my UI. Only thing is the Micro Menu I have at top in the center. Don't see that in your screenshots so just wondering where yours is set and how to access it?
I personally don't use the Micro Menu as I just use the various keybinds. I may add it on mouse over in the bottom right.
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Unread 11-12-14, 01:31 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Re: Re: Looks Good

Originally Posted by kaytotes
Originally Posted by Poxus
This looks exactly how I setup Bartender for my UI. Only thing is the Micro Menu I have at top in the center. Don't see that in your screenshots so just wondering where yours is set and how to access it?
I personally don't use the Micro Menu as I just use the various keybinds. I may add it on mouse over in the bottom right.
Best bet would be adding it to the minimap via right click.
Success isn't what you've done compared to others. Success is what you've done compared to what you were made to do.
Last edited by Kkthnx : 11-12-14 at 01:31 PM.
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Unread 11-12-14, 02:05 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Either option would be nice.

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Unread 11-12-14, 03:05 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Re: Re: Looks Good

Originally Posted by Kkthnx
Best bet would be adding it to the minimap via right click.
Wonderful suggestion, thank you. EDIT - New version pending approval. Adds MicroMenu support and the ability to Swap Bags (Via MicroMenu)
Last edited by kaytotes : 11-12-14 at 05:11 PM.
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Unread 11-12-14, 05:29 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Looks Good

Originally Posted by kaytotes
Originally Posted by Kkthnx
Best bet would be adding it to the minimap via right click.
Wonderful suggestion, thank you. EDIT - New version pending approval. Adds MicroMenu support and the ability to Swap Bags (Via MicroMenu)
I meant middle mouse click !
Success isn't what you've done compared to others. Success is what you've done compared to what you were made to do.
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Unread 11-12-14, 05:39 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looks Good

Originally Posted by Kkthnx
I meant middle mouse click !
Warlords is out now, it can stick to Right Click :P
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Unread 11-12-14, 06:59 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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How do I remove the class icon? I've changed portraits to class icons instead so it's redundant now.

Really like the UI. Been looking for a good defaultish UI and I think I'll be sticking with this one for a while.
Last edited by Jasmer : 11-12-14 at 07:23 PM.
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Unread 11-12-14, 08:12 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Jasmer
How do I remove the class icon? I've changed portraits to class icons instead so it's redundant now.

Really like the UI. Been looking for a good defaultish UI and I think I'll be sticking with this one for a while.
Take a poke around in "modules/blizzImpUF.lua"
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Unread 11-12-14, 09:25 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally Posted by kaytotes
Originally Posted by Jasmer
How do I remove the class icon? I've changed portraits to class icons instead so it's redundant now.

Really like the UI. Been looking for a good defaultish UI and I think I'll be sticking with this one for a while.
Take a poke around in "modules/blizzImpUF.lua"
Can I just comment out lines 99-125, then?
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Unread 11-13-14, 11:19 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Jasmer
Can I just comment out lines 99-125, then?
New build 004 pending approval. You should then be able to easily toggle it on or off by changing Line 4 to false.
Last edited by kaytotes : 11-13-14 at 11:29 AM.
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Unread 11-13-14, 01:17 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally Posted by kaytotes
Originally Posted by Jasmer
Can I just comment out lines 99-125, then?
New build 004 pending approval. You should then be able to easily toggle it on or off by changing Line 4 to false.
You're awesome, thank you so much. Really loving the UI so far.
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Unread 11-14-14, 06:45 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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graphic bar issue

appears the exp or rep graphics bar is not shrunk down to its new size
picture of graphics
Last edited by slipblade : 11-14-14 at 06:47 PM.
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Unread 11-15-14, 04:52 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: graphic bar issue

Originally Posted by slipblade
appears the exp or rep graphics bar is not shrunk down to its new size
picture of graphics
Should be fixed. Build 006 Pending.
Last edited by kaytotes : 11-15-14 at 07:35 AM.
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Unread 11-15-14, 01:06 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Nice enhancments

The Rep bar and the Exp bar is overlapping making it very hard to actually see how much xp you have
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