Updated: 06-26-18 02:11 PM
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Updated:06-26-18 02:11 PM
Created:01-03-11 11:00 AM

RobBossMods  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.20
by: cremetorte [More]


RobBossMods 0.67 guide


=== What is RBM? ===
With Cataclysm new heroic instances came and we all know the dificulty is now much harder than it was on wotlk. Many people are forced to go 5 man heros with random groups. The problem: Some of the randoms might not know what the boss mechanics is. In Addition, it might be he is to afraid of asking because he might be kicked. To solve that you can use RBM. RBM explains the boss mechanics of the boss in front of you.

=== How does it work? ===

Just Copy the "RobBossMods" Folder to your Addons folder and the addon is loaded.

When you get in an instance via the dungeon finder the first boss will be loaded automatically and - if configured - the RobBossMods Window will appear
Left-Click on the Minimap Icon/ Titan Panel also toggles the RobBossMods Window and you can send the tactics for the current chosen boss to either Party/Raid,Yourself,Officer or Guild.
Right-Click on the Icon/TP and you will go the setting section.

In the RobBossMods Window you can choose a boss manually and send the tactics. If you target a boss who is supported by RBM then the current Boss will automaticlly set. Also, after a boss died, RBM will load the next boss automaticlly ( only works in linear instances ).

Furthermore there is the possibility to edit the pre-made tactics for each boss. Especially the raid tactics - which i did NOT deliver with this addon (because i think you need some kind of voice communication for raids ) - can be edited and then used in your random raids.

People in your party can do !boss in /p chat or whisper you !boss. In the first case you will post the current boss tactics to /p and in the other case you whisper the tactics to the player who asked.


/rbm show - Shows RBM Frame
/rbm hide - Hides RBM Frame
/rbm toggle - Toggles RBM Frame
/rbm resetlang - Lets you decide whether you want to set addon to german or english ( french and russian users wont get asked )
/rbm minion - Shows Minimap
/rbm minipff - Hides Minimap
/rbm autor - Important Information ^^

!rbminfo (in partychat) posts information on /p
!boss (in partychat) posts tactics on /p
!boss (in /w) you post tactics only person who asked ( in /w )


* Minimapicon and LDB Support (Titan Panel)
premade tactics can be send to either Guild, Raid, Say, Myself or Party
* After entering an instance you can post a hint which is telling other players that you installed this mod and that they can get tactics by typing !boss. Post that hint via RobBossMods Frame
* Every partymember can ask for tactics by typing !boss in party chat and instantly you will post the current tactics to him ( also works with whispers )
* If you wipe or you entered an instance which is already in progress, rbm will automatically set the current boss properly
* When a boss dies the next one will be loaded automatically ( works only in linear instances )
* In every other case the first boss of an instance will be loaded automatically
* You can edit the premade tactics and add your own raidtactic very easily
* Whisper Mode (default disabled): Someone types !boss in partychat and you will whisper him the tactics instead of posting on partychat
* Option (default disabled): By targeting any boss you will sent a hint to the group reminding them to ask for tactics by typing !boss
* Option (default disabled): When a boss dies you will tell in partychat who is the next one


=== Was ist RBM? ===
Mit Cataclysm sind viele neue Instanzen mit Schwierigkeitsgrad "Heroisch" erschienen. VIele sind gezwungen sich mit dem LFG Tools und Randomgruppen herumzuschlagen.
Das Problem: Einige der Randoms kennen die Taktik nicht oder nur unzureichend und sind verunsichert. Mit RBM kann sich das ändern. RBM erklärt schnell und auf Anfrage den Boss, den man vor sich hat.

=== Wie funktioniert es? ===
Einfach RBM in den Interfaces\Addon Ordner packen und das Addon ist geladen.

Werdet ihr eine eine Instanz befördert ( durch Dungeon Browser ) wird der erste Boss der Instanz automatisch geladen.

Mit Linksklick auf das Minimapsymbol kann man das RobBossMods Fenster öffnen.
Mit Rechtsklick öffnet man die Einstellungen.

Im RobBossMods Fenster könnt ihr Bosse manuell auswählen. Ihr könnt dort auch die taktiken der Bosse an diverse Kanäle senden.
Wenn ihr in einer Instanz seid und ihr visiert einen Boss an, wird der als aktuell geladen. Stirbt der Boss dann, wird der nächste automatisch geladen und so weiter.

Kommt ihr in eine Instanz, in der bereits Bosse tot sind, so wird automatisch der aktuelle Boss geladen.

Weiterhin habt ihr die Möglichkeit unter Optionen die Taktiken zu editieren, falls ihr der Meinung seid, dass einige Taktiken falsch oder zu oberflächlich formuliert sind.
Insbesondere für Raids habe ich KEINE Taktiken mitgeliefert, da ich persönlich der Meinung bin, dass man im Raid sowieso im TS sein sollte, um so bessere Absprachen zu treffen.


/rbm show - Zeigt RBM Fenster
/rbm hide - Versteckt RBM Fenster
/rbm toggle - ein/ausblenden RBM Fenster
/rbm resetlang - Spracheinstellung
/rbm minion - Zeigt Minimapsymbol
/rbm minipff - Versteckt Minimapsymbol
/rbm autor - Wichtige Info

!rbminfo (im Gruppenchat) gibt Informationen im Gruppenchat aus über das Addon
!boss (im Gruppenchat) Du postest die Taktik im Gruppenchat
!boss (im /w) Du flüsterst dem Spieler der gefragt hat die Taktik

==== Zusammenfassend: ====

* Minimapsymbol und LDB Support (Titan Panel)
* kann voreingestellte Bosstaktiken posten (Gilde,Raid/Gruppe,sich selber,Gruppe)
* Man kann nach Belieben nach Betreten einer Instanz mit dem RBM Fenster einen Hinweis senden, dass man dieses Addon installiert hat und die Taktiken mit !boss erfragbar sind
* In Instanzen kann jedes Gruppenmitglied mit !boss die Taktik erfragen, welche dann automatisch im Gruppenchat gepostet wird ( auch anflüstern geht )
* bei einem Wipe oder bereits toten Bossen in der Instanz wird der aktuell richtige Boss automatisch geladen
* Stirbt ein Boss, wird der korrekte neue Boss geladen ( in linearen Instanzen )
* Ansonsten wird beim erstmaligen Betreten der erste Boss jeder Instanz automatisch geladen
* Man kann die voreingestellten Taktiken nach Bedarf beliebig anpassen und damit auch Raidtaktiken selbst eintragen
* Flüster-Modus (standard aus): Auf !boss folgt kein posten im Gruppenchat, sondern als Whisper für die Person, die angefragt hat
* Option (standard aus): Beim Anvisieren eines Bosses wird nochmals im Gruppenchat der Hinweis gegeben, dass die Taktik abfragbar ist mit !boss
* Option (standard aus): Beim Ableben eines Bosses wird angesagt wer der nächste ist ( in linearen Instanzen )


- added all current raids and dungeons with placeholder tactics
- feel free to fill tactics out and send me yours, contact me [email protected]


- added Karazhan and Trial


- added english tactics
- added german tactics


- fixed drop down menu for BC, Vanilla and Legion 5mans and raids


- added Legion Support (pre patch)
- Legion content locked until release


- added new Raid [Hellfire Citadel]
- corrected typo


- corrected some english and german translation

- added UBRS english tactics
- added german 5 man WoD translation
- you can click on dungeon in menu to get the first boss instead of using the sub menu once more

- WOD beta


- fixed version number: showing old version


- new tactics for current raid bosses, thanks to logan - really thank you for reworking everything! :)


- repaired RaidInstances (EJ_SetInstance)
- Added Siege of Og Raid
- 5.4.1 compatible


- fixed a bug where RobBossMods crashed in intances
- please report further crasehd asap!


- now official supports 5.3 (no deprecated warning anymore)
- A custom joined channel has now to be number 4 or higher to show up in right-click menu on SAY button (lowered from 5 or higher)


- added section for new raid instance
- you can add your custom tactics there
- if you want the tactics to appear in the addon then do:

1. either send me the tactics to [email protected] so i will add them
2. OR use and go to the localization menu. you can then look up the boss id and insert the tactic


- new french translations


- fixed crash bug at beginning (drity hack)
- if error still occurs please report it on


- if you are in a manual party and at the same time in an instance group (e.g. you do PUGs with you friend) you will post the tactics to the instance chat.
- priority changed instance chat > party/raid chat


- 5.1.0 brought Instance Chat to LFR and LFG
- RobBossMods now properly places posts in instance chat when you are in lfg/lfr or in party / raid chat depending where you are, otherwise
- Please test this behaviour and tell me when it is buggy
- fixed an translation issue


- ready for 5.1.0
- World bosses now won't be loaded automatically anymore


- Dropdown menu adapts to correct addon
- Added Forward and backward arrows to browse through instance
- WOTLK bosses were missing in options tab, now you can edit them as well
- Post when targeting split in 5 man and raid version

please test all functions and report any error at any time :)


- fixed a bug, that loot and achievements were posted in group chat when beeing in a raid


- hopefully fixed a bug: when changing targets there shouldn't be an error anymore

Please always report bugs!


- tried to fix as many blizzard spell Links crazy actions as i could
- found out new links via digging in the files, it can be faulty it can be incomplete but tactics WILL work, it just may be that i forgot some links ....
so please report if you detect something strange.


- Hotfix:
because blizzard decided to completely change some spelll IDs, some tactics are broken. if they are broken you will see the old spell id without link.
i will fix that issue later because i am very busy with private stuff at the moment.

sorry guys


- added german MoP tactics for 5 man
- added achievements for MoP 5 man
- added SpellLinks in tactics


- !!! added english tactics for all MoP 5 man heroics !!!
- categorized MoP Raids and Dungeons
- categorized options to create an overview
- unlocked also Vanilla, BC and wotlk 5 mans but there are no tactics (yet)
- german tactics for MoP Dungeons coming soon ( ~3days)


- runnable for MOP (5.0.4), tactics still not visible because i need the 5.0.4 patch on the server to make that work
- if you hit a button and no boss is selected you will be notified
- loot post now includes a header
- youtube link in HelperFrame (Question Mark in title)
- Loot categorized properly now
- some information were saved per char like your options and customized tactics, these information now are saved accountwide


- bugfixes ( bosses with no achievement dont cause any errors )
- corrected the position of headline
- position of main window is now saved between sessions (per char)
- optimized !loot output, now proper categorized in hero / normal / misc
- some bugfixes


- unfinished achievements now posted when entering instance or targeting a boss (can be switched off in options)
- now custom channel with channelnumber greater 5 supported as target for tactics/loot/achievement posts
- Channel Party changed to Party/Raid
- added missing ZA/ZG achievements


- added say channel
- lifted the design so it has now more space


- added Achievement Support for Raids and Dungeons (cataclysm)
- added new command !achieve and !achieveall
- added button function (leftclick: show boss achievement, rightclick: show dungeon achievements)

- new GUI
- added loot support

See video to learn more

- Mop support (not this addon, see link in video)
- potential support for ALL instances (5man)
- internal structure change
- bugfixes

See video to learn more (GER/EN subbed)


- added 2 minimap icons ( you can choose between them in options config -> general -> select minimap icon
- fixed minimap bug ( checkbox "show icon" should now not be inversed anymore)


- added localized support for 4.3 bosses and regions
- finally fixed the Minimap Bug, position and hide/show is saved once per char
- new minimap icon (temporally "hammer symbol")

- updated internal libs ( overwrite Libstub.lua should be fixed now )

- updated some of the new tactics
- internal structure changes
- tactics for 1st raid boss in DS should be available

- 3 new instances are included with german/english tactics
- Minimap Button changed so that it shouldnt be first layer anymore
- Instances are now sorted by name
- Firelands and Dragonsoul blank boxes added, feel free to add your tactics
- new 2nd developer added to project: Jeeo@US-Hyjal , welcome ! :)

- shouldn't spam "would send" in certain situations
- gsub error should be removed
- Mandokir activated

- 4.2 compatible
- new DYNAMIC Tips and Hints INFIGHT ( via /s chat )
- they are only available for za/zg but maybe i will expand if you like it
- of course you can disable this
- some new translations for fr/ru

- Patch 4.2 compatible
- Shortened some of the ZA/TG tactics (de/en)

- finally: Edge of Madness Eventbosses are implemented !!
- You can now WHISPER the tactics to ANYONE
- ZA/ZG bosses are now located ( internal update of LibBabble-Boss-3.0 library )
- MainWindow: Checkboxes gone, DropDownMenu added
- internal program structure changed ( boundless recursion on boss tables )

- roleback to v0.42 LibBabble-Boss causes Problems...

- bugfix from v0.42 was buggy :)
- manually modified LibBabbleBoss so that new Bosses finally should be translated ( at least for the 4 supported languages )

- fixed a bug: Mouseover Minimap icon caused sometimes error spamming because wrong boss id was set. should be fixed now
- Russian translation for new menus and ZA / ZG tactics included now!!

- Spam Protection enabeld: If a player spams too much !boss in partychat you will be asked if you want to ignore further requests from that player
- Please test it and report all problems and wished you have with that addon

- Now you can toggle the option "NEVER pop up Main Window" Only clicking on Minimap Icon or typing /rbm show will reappear the window
- Mouseover Tooltip on MinimapIcon changed
- Added Mouseover Tooltip in the Main Window
- Settings are now on TOP of the Interfacelist ( instead of BOTTOM )

- Bugfix: Even in always display mode, mainframe window will only reapear after combat if it was NOT closed before combat

- Left-Click now opens main RobBossMods Window
- In the WIndow you can set current boss and do all the postings like you did before via the minimap / broker button
- You can either force the RBM Window to be shown all over the time while you are in an instance OR you can turn that option off. It will then only show if you have a boss in target

- Added French Translation for new bosses + some menu entrys, Thanks to the voluntary workers :)

- HOTFIX: the correct boss should now load after a wipe, at the moment i can't assure that the always the first boss will be loaded. This is because if you do an Instance several times a day and lets say you leave instance 1 with 4/6 bosses down, and you are now standing in a freh new version of instance 1, i cant figure out wheter you are in the 4/6 or in the 0/6 instance. Blizzard unfort. doesnt help a lot :/

- HOTFIX: There were issues that certain tactics were broken because of wrong line breakes ( line breakes destroyed the spell-links). that should be fixed now!

- HOTFIX: internal communication now works again ( uses RegisterAddonPrefix) thats important if more than 1 player installed the addon in one party and/or version checking, so please update again. Sorry for that. ( just forgot it in 0.34)

- you can now whisper the one with RBM installed with "!boss" and you will get the explanation via WHISPER
- Its now possible to post tactics to officer channel
- new ZA and ZG Tactics. just Edge of madness event is missing, will be delivered soon
- ATTENTION: Only german and english version for ZG and ZA works. French and Russians please help me translating on ( or email me )
- 4.1 compatible

- Added russian translation
- Changed a few english translations
- Welcome note and note when targeting a boss now customizable

- removed Guild recruitment popup beacuse many player complained about it ( sorry but i had to find a guild :/ )
- fixed in german version: Symbol "RAID" was missing for LibAce:Locale
- Default Tactics 4.0.6 compatible ( not ! in french because i cant change the tactics without french help )

- 4.0.6 Tactics for a few bosses already implemented
- Now RBM is completly standalone
- Added new version of some embeded libs
- new: Whisper Mode. Instead of posting in party chat when typing !boss now possible to whisper

- fixed Cut-off Bug: in Some tactics whole words were cut-off and were missing in the party chat when posting. I changed the Parser so it shall be ok now
- added new French translation. Some Non-menu texts should be better translated now
- Changed the instance detection. Now the first boss ( or better the first boss available ) will be chosen as current boss automaticly in EVERY Instance.
- Increased the cooldown of tactic posting to 15 (up from 10) seconds, when someone in partychat typed !boss

- Setesh/Isiset Bug now FINALLY fixed. this bug driving me nuts...

- You can now send tactics to raid
- Minimap Icon should now stay where you last draged it to.
- LibDataBroker: added a Label ( next to the icon )

- Raid instances added. Tactics are empty! Please edit the tactics ingame ( interace options -> RobBossMods ) and send me the WoWOrdner\SavedVariables\RobBossMods.lua File so i can add default raid tactics.

- BugFix: Some people couldnt use RBM because i forgot to include the AceConfig Lib

- Finally! You now can change the default tactics and save your own! Just "ESC" -> Interface -> RobBossMods and you can change every Tactic you like
- Options moved from left-click-menu to the Interface->RobBossMods tab
- Isiset, Setesh bug should be finally fixed :) Please feel free to report if it still bugs
- Please report if the custom tactics dont work! I will fix it ASAP

- If you join a dungeon which is already in progress, RBM will detect that and set the current boss correctly
- now full french language support ( reviewed )
- old option is back! When targeting a boss you will say "If anybody does not know that boss, type !boss" toggle option , left-click menu
- several bugfixes

- added french language support, please try and report

- fixed the isiset and setesh bug
- minimap_hide settings now really are saved between sessions
- changed to the right path in embeds.xml for LDB lib

- added LDB Support
- minip_show and next_boss_post decisions are now saved between sessions
- several minor bugfixes

Known Issue
Isiset and setesh tactics are mixed up. Will fix that in 0.25 or 0.26!

- If you turn off the next Boss announcement, your setting is now saved between sessions
- bugfix: when you kill admiral rispnarl there is no more posting that you installed the boss mods
- When you post the party note, it is said that you installed 'RobBossMods' instead of 'a boss mods'

- Minimap Symbol now hideable with /rbm minioff and enable with /rbm minion
- You can now turn off the announcement after a boss kill in the left-click menu
- SpellLinks added

- if you are more than one partymember which installed RBM the ones with the inactive RBM did not changed current boss when targeting a boss or when a boss died
- dead bosses are not selected as current target anymore
- there is no more hint when you enter a party. Instead you can manually post the hint in party chat with left-click on minimap -> Post hint to party

- BIG Change
- Added a minimap symbol ( looks like a Computer )
- Left-Click and you can Send the tactics of the SELECTed Boss
- Right-Click you can manual select any boss via a menu
- If you enter an instance with LFG Tool you will tell the group ONCE
that you have an addon installed and right before every boss they can type !boss
- First Boss in each instance is automaticly loaded
- If a boss dies next one is loaded automaticly
- PLEASE try it and post your experience bugs and everything here!

- german version should now work again

- completly sepereated addon from text.
- uploaded on so that you can see the localization on that site

- english translation reviewed by native speakers. Should be much better by now :)
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Unread 01-03-11, 01:04 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant

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Sounds like a great idea, but if you translate into english, please don't just use google translate or some such.
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Unread 01-03-11, 03:04 PM  
A Black Drake
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Originally posted by Kraki
Sounds like a great idea, but if you translate into english, please don't just use google translate or some such.
Is better than nothing
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Unread 01-03-11, 03:23 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Just a note on your screenshot, you censored the names on the party frame and damage meter, but failed to do so on the loot log. Just an observation if you plan on censoring out names, be thorough.
Last edited by xboxdude1 : 01-03-11 at 03:23 PM.
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Unread 01-03-11, 04:08 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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awesome mod! english would be awesome!
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Unread 01-03-11, 04:22 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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ok guys, in a few hours i will upload Version 0.18. it will be with full english translation.
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Unread 01-03-11, 05:27 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Gott sei dank ist das in Deutsch! Tolle Idee übrigens! +fav
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Unread 01-03-11, 09:21 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by ßlink
awesome mod! english would be awesome!
Now available in English in Version 0.18 just try it!
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Unread 01-04-11, 09:16 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Mate... lack of words, this is simply awesome! Thanks a lot for this!
Was using BossInfo till now for pugs, but you got the idea of explaining tactics much better! Thanks again!
On the side note, are ya planning to go back a bit and do tacts for WOTLK instances at least? Would be nice as well while leveling alts in pugs.
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Unread 01-04-11, 09:35 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Kramarz
On the side note, are ya planning to go back a bit and do tacts for WOTLK instances at least? Would be nice as well while leveling alts in pugs. [/b]
Maybe anytime soon.

I am now busy with inner structure of the addon.
when wowinterface release my new version v0.19 update! much better english explanation
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Unread 01-04-11, 09:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Unread 01-04-11, 11:09 AM  

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tolle Idee, danke dir!
Ist geplant "alte" Bosse hinzuzufügen?

great idea, thank you!
Planned to add "old" bosses?

Have a nice day

Last edited by : 01-04-11 at 11:12 AM.
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Unread 01-04-11, 11:18 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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why cant i download this file?? damn!!!
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Unread 01-04-11, 12:14 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by nazuk
why cant i download this file?? damn!!!
try now
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Unread 01-04-11, 12:15 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Slaxi81

tolle Idee, danke dir!
Ist geplant "alte" Bosse hinzuzufügen?

great idea, thank you!
Planned to add "old" bosses?

Have a nice day

Noch nicht. Vielleicht später ich kämpfe momentan damit die Localization ordentlich zu machen
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Unread 01-05-11, 12:01 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Great addon thanks

Originally posted by cremetorte
Noch nicht. Vielleicht später ich kämpfe momentan damit die Localization ordentlich zu machen
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