Updated: 04-24-21 10:04 PM
File Info
Shadowlands patch (9.0.5)
Updated:04-24-21 10:04 PM
Created:01-27-19 06:27 PM
Categories:Paladin, Casting Bars, Cooldowns, Rogue, Warrior, DPS, Tank

Hammer of Justas

Version: 0.97.30-Beta
by: PaladinJustas [More]

Hammer of Justas
by Justas ( paladin (dot) justas (at) gmail (dot) com )
version 0.97.* - Shadowlands

If you were using this addon with versions prior to 0.96 you may need to reconfigure your settings, as the addon variable saving was rewritten to support multiple classes.

As the number of classes supported by HoJ increases, testing has become a significant burden. In order to reduce the test load for each release while still allowing frequent updates and stable releases, Hammer of Justas releases will be one of 4 possible types: Dev, Alpha, Beta, or Release. Each of these has a set of expectations for stability.
* Dev - a development-only build. There are no plans to release these and if one is released, it's probably a mistake. By default any build marked “Dev” has the potential for a lot of debugging logs to show up.
* Alpha - a release with only minor changes or minimal testing. You should only download an Alpha build if the changes.txt file specifies a fix for an issue you have or a new feature you want to try out.
* Beta - a release with significant changes and or significant testing. These (should be) less risky to install than Alpha builds.
* Release - a very baked release. Release versions will only be released by promoting a Beta with significant bake time and no known major bugs to Release. Because of the velocity of changes right now, this is not likely to happen any time soon.

Hammer of Justas will always print the version number and type at login time and it can also be seen in the Hammer of Justas AddOns menu.

You can see the testing log for each release here:

It is recommended you delete your existing Hammer of Justas folder and restart your WoW client when installing a new version of the addon, as new files may have been added that the WoW client will not detect until prior to a restart.

This is a beta for Shadowlands support. Currently only Paladin specs (Retribution and Protection), Warrior (Arms and Fury, Protection) and Rogue (Assassination, Outlaw, Subtlety) have been updated for Shadowlands. Demon Hunters are disabled for now.

Rotations that have been adjusted to match Icy Veins recommended rotations for Shadowlands:
- Retribution Paladin
- Arms Warrior
- Subtlety Rogue
- Assassination Rogue
- Outlaw Rogue

Other rotations have NOT been updated to follow Icy Veins rotations for Shadowlands yet, but still work:
- Protection Paladin
- Fury Warrior
- Protection Warrior

Check the downloaded archive for a PDF version of this document, or visit to read it on Google Docs.

* Incoming damage and health tracking was completely rewritten in 0.96.7 to be more reliable through monitoring the combat log.
* Incoming spells (i.e. skills with a cast bar) are monitored and high damage spells are remembered. When these are cast again the addon will suggest mitigation skills in the cooldowns frame. This is mostly intended for Shield of the Righteous and Shield * Block, but will also trigger Shield of Vengeance.
* The addon can be toggled on and off for any supported spec in the addon settings.
* SUBTLETY ROGUE single and multi-target rotations. See the Rogues section below.
* Havoc Demon Hunter single and multi-target rotations.
* An energy or rage bar now appears to the left of the rotation icon for specs that auto-regenerate energy or rage (Subtlety Rogues and Arms Warriors). This shows the amount of energy remaining before the current skill can be used -- when this bar is full, the player has enough pooled energy or rage to use the currently selected skill.

Hammer of Justas is a DPS rotation add-on for Paladins (Retribution and Protection) and Warriors (Arms and Fury). You can think of HoJ as an AI-enabled DPS rotation helper.

Why AI-enabled? Because Hammer of Justas starts with the rotation rules found on well-known and respected sites like Icy Veins ( and augments those with the current game context. Hammer of Justas is constantly monitoring the game world context in order to take many additional factors into account, beyond just rotation priority lists, such as:
* Range to target.
* Current health of target.
* Current health of the player.
* Player's historic and current DPS.
* Crowd control.
* Whether or not the player is fighting a single or multiple targets.
* Whether or not the player is in a group.
* Incoming DPS.
* Target time to live.
* Predicted player health.
* Target's active spell cast.
* Current player buffs and debuffs.
* Target buffs and debuffs.
* Current and future power levels (capping).

* Rotation window with ideal and alternate skill choices.
* DPS buff timers (Inquisition, Furious Slash, Overpower, Seraphim, etc.).
* Blessing tracking and reminders (Battle Shout, Blessing of Wisdom, Blessing of Kings).
* DPS cooldown reminders (Avenging Wrath, Recklessness, Avatar, etc.).
* Shown only when fighting a boss, a tough mob, or some mob that is predicted to take longer to die than the DPS buff duration.
* Mitigation reminders based on incoming DPS and predicted health (Enraged Regeneration, Die By the Sword, Shield of Vengeance, Heroic Leap, etc.)
* Interrupt reminders (Rebuke, Pummel, Hammer of Wrath, Storm Bolt, etc.)
* Crowd control breaking reminders.
* Mitigation suggestions based on target casts (Shield of the Righteous and Shield Block).

Paladin Features
* Highly visible Holy Power meter.
* Highly visible Templar's Verdict indicator.
* Inquisition rotation integration and buff tracking.
* Selfless Healer buff tracking.
* Consecration buff tracking (suggesting consecration when not standing in it)
* Seraphim rotation integration and buff tracking.

Warrior Features
* Rotations include healing based on current health.
* Easy maintenance of Furios Slash for Fury.
* Easy maintenance of Overpower and Colossus Smash (or Warbreaker) for Arms.
* Rotations change based on number of targets and attackers.

* Any skill can be removed from a rotation by unselecting it in the addon options.

Miscellaneous Features
* A chat ignore system that allows silent and stealth ignoring and keeps ignored messages in a special history that can be viewed later.
* Easy-to-move invisible windows (just hold control and mouse over a window to unhide it, then click to drag it anywhere).
* Ability to toggle individual windows off if not needed or desired.
* Cooldowns that need to be refreshed are shown on a separate, clickable bar that can be placed anywhere. The add-on is smart enough to only show some of these skills when an enemy is targeted, so that it's not constantly nagging about them in towns, etc.
* Interoperable with OmniCC. If OmniCC is not available HoJ will show its own cooldown text in some places, otherwise it will let OmniCC do it.

All meters and reminder windows are easy to move around (hold control and mouse over, click to drag) so that they can be placed anywhere on the screen, and easily adjusted for different scenarios (for instance raids vs. PvP).

As of 0.96.7 protection specs rotations and mitigations are still experimental.

When the addon starts the first time, hold control and mouse over the windows in the center. Drag the windows to the desired locations while holding control. Windows can be turned on and off entirely in the addon settings.

It's a good idea to try a target using a target dummy when deciding where to place the windows.

Which skills are displayed in the bars can be toggled in the addon settings.

Window Frames
The addon adds several window frames. Each of these can be toggled on or off in the AddOn settings. When holding control and mousing over a window, the name of the windows is shown as "HoJ:" plus the window name.

In general, windows are context sensitive and will become active targeting a mob that is attackable and in range, or when the character is in combat.

Holy Power (Retribution Paladin Only)
Shows the number of Holy Power stacks as little glowing judgment masks. Note that this was made back when the only Holy Power indicator was on the player portrait frame. It's not as useful today if "Personal Resource Display" under "Names" is turned on in the WoW Interface settings.

Templar's Verdict (Retribution Paladin Only)
Shows a large glowing judgment mask whenever 3 or more Holy Power is available. Note that this is decoupled from the rotation frame, in that it will become visible whether or not it is the best time to use Holy Power. Situationally, it can be good to know when a Holy Power skill is available. This can be considered redundant with the Holy Power Frame or Personal Resource Display option, so it can be turned off.

Shows the icon of the best current skill in the DPS rotation. The rotations are currently based on rotations found on Icy Veins (

For classes that auto-regenerate energy, the rotation frame displays an energy bar to the right of the primary rotation skill that indicates the ratio of the player’s current energy level to the energy required by the selected skill.

The rogue , shown to the right, is displayed as a yellow bar.

The warrior energy bar, shown only for Arms specialization, displays as a red rage bar.

This window shows situational cooldowns. These are generally skills that are not part of the DPS rotation or enhance the DPS rotation, but have long cooldowns.

This window frame will also show mitigations based on incoming damage. The addon is continually managing the last several seconds of incoming damage and using that to predict the player's health over the next 5 - 10 seconds. If the addons sees significant incoming damage it may suggest a mitigation such as Shield of Vengeance or Ardent Defender a healing spell such as Selfless Healer, or if death is predict in the next 5 seconds, a major cooldown like Blessing of Protection, Divine Shield or Lay on Hands. Because these are not part of the rotation, the player can use their best judgment as to which mitigation to use.

For Paladin Retribution spec this window will show:
* Selfless Healer when it has 4 stacks, or if it has any stacks and character health is lower than a threshold.
* Shield of Vengeance when it is off cooldown and the character is in combat.

For Protection Paladins this window shows mitigation and healing cooldowns, based on incoming DPS and current health:
* Ardent Defender
* Guardian of Ancient Kings
* Lay on Hands
* Light / Hand of the Protector
* Gift of the Naaru
* Blessing of Protection
* Divine Shield

For both Protection and Retribution it will show:
* Interrupts when the target is casting an interruptible spell.
* Avenging Wrath / Crusade when it is off cooldown and the character is in combat.

This window shows buffs that need to be refreshed. Currently works for Greater Blessing of Kings and Greater Blessing of Wisdom for paladins, and Battle Shout for Warriors. Buff spells can be cast by clicking the icon in the buffs bar when not in combat.

The addon’s settings UI allows toggling of a debug frame. The content on this frame is generally not useful and may change but it currently shows:
* “Attackers”: the number of current attackers (this is the greater of the number of mobs attacking the player AND the number of mobs the player is damaging).
* “SDPS”: the session DPS for the player. A circular buffer storing the DPS for the last n combat sessions is used to determine the player’s DPS since the addon loaded. This is used for determining Time To Live.
* “SDPS Time”: the total time for all session DPS.
* “SDPS Hits”: the total number of attacks the player landed during combat this session.
* “DPS”: DPS during the current combat session.
* “TTL”: predicted Time To Live of the current target.
* “SPD”: player’s speed as percentage of normal speed.
* “PPS”: Power generated per second.
* “PGI”: Power gain interval. Last time between power gain.
* “PGS”: Power gain step. How much power was gained in the last power gain interval.
* “NPGT”: number of seconds in the future the next power gain is predicted to occur.

The author makes no claims about the fitness of this add-on for any particular purpose or for any particular player’s habits or needs. If you find that it does not suit your needs, feel free to email the author at paladin (dot) justas (at) gmail (dot) com with your suggestions on how to improve it, or post on the addon’s page at

In general, all of the rotations used by this addon come from Icy Veins' ( class guides. Go there for more information. In some cases the addon may do better than the Icy Veins recommendation because the addon has more context, such as whether or not the target is in range, what the player's current health is, the amount of incoming damage, the current and max health of the target, the number of targets, etc.

I only decided to finally release it because some paladins may find it useful. In particular, I have not done any raiding in BFA (not even LFG!) and that probably means the addon does something during raiding that you'll find annoying. I did raid in Legion and prior, so the addon has been tested in raids -- just not in BFA.

Finally, almost all of my Wow playing since Vanilla has been with Paladins (with the exception of rogues in earlier expansions). Playing Warrior has been a relatively new endeavor for me. If you don't agree with the rotation, or find something is wrong with it, please email me.

However, if you feel something is wrong with a rotation or encounter any issues, please email me at paladin (dot) justas (at)

Azerite Traits
Azerite traits are not worked into any of the rotations. This is mostly because I didn't play WoW for about a year of BFA (mostly due to not enjoying it). With Shadowlands around the corner, I probably will not be adding azerite traits at all.
Protection Specializations
- Warrior Protection spec support is not implemented.
- Paladin Protection spec is implemented, but is from a DPS perspective and probably not suitable for raiding. This is partly because Shield of the Righteous use is so situational and would require custom coding of every major boss skill to implement. Players will still need to figure out when to use this mitigation.

Crowd Control
Hammer of Justas will attempt to determine when the player is crowd controlled and will suggest a CC breaker like Blessing of Freedom or Berserker Rage. However, WoW does not provide any way to determine if a debuff is a slow, stun or snare. In order to be 100% accurate, the addon would need to have a huge list of all existing CC spells in the game. Other addons, like Lose Control, implement their CC detection this way. Instead, Hammer of Justas uses a simpler based on the following factors:

The player is in combat
- the player has lost control (this can be known definitively through events)
OR (
- the player must have any debuff (not necessarily a CC)
- the player's current is > 0% but < 100%

This mostly works with the exception of the player moving backwards in combat. Since the addon cannot see the player's inputs, it has no way of knowing if the player is simply walking or running in the backwards direction, which is slower than walking or running forwards. However, a debuff of some sort on the debuff on the player is also required for this to trigger. If this false positive is annoying, unchecking "Show <cc skill name>" in the addon options for your calls will disable it.

Blessings are tracked when cast on other players. However, for players not in the party, the ability to track them is limited. WoW addons cannot inspect the buffs on a player that is not in the player's party. In such a case, the addon uses the original cast time to track the blessing until such time as the buff expires or the blessing is re-cast. This could result in the addon not showing that a blessing needs to be cast if the buff is removed from a non-party player in any way other than expiring due to time.

Holy Paladins
Holy specialization is not supported and there are no plans to add it.

Version 0.96.9-Alpha added experimental support for Subtlety Rogues single and multi-target rotations using Icy Veins as a guide (

Rotation and DPS Cooldowns

The Rogue rotation is somewhat different than Paladin and Warrior specs (with some similarity to Arms in that energy is auto-regenerated) while having some notable similarities (i.e., Combo Points ~= Holy Power). However, Rogue rotations are much more dependent on inclusion of their cooldowns, Shadow Dance and Symbols of Death, which significantly change the rotation. As such, these cooldowns appear in the rotation frame even though they satisfy some of the same conditions as Paladin and Warrior DPS cooldowns (Avenging Wrath and Recklessness) by being instant cast and having no resource / energy requirement.

Along the same lines, Shadow Blades also appears as part of the single-target rotation, though it is much closer to Avenging Wrath and Recklessness in that it does not change the rotation as much as it simply buffs DPS.

When the multi-target rotation is active, Shadow Blades use isn’t mandatory due to the increased combo point generation from Shuriken Storm. Icy Veins stops short of recommending against its use in multi-target situations and simply leaves it up to the player’s discretion. As such, during multi-target rotations (attacking or being attacked by 2 or more targets), Shadow Blades will show up on the cooldowns frame instead of in the rotation.

Shadow Blades showing up in the single-target rotation can be somewhat annoying when fighting mobs that don’t warrant burning the cooldown, as it will continue to occupy the main rotation icon spot, with other skills showing up in the smaller, secondary rotation skill slot.

Energy Pooling

The Subtlety Rogue rotation often involves periods of “pooling”, where no energy-using skills should be used until the player has accumulated enough energy for the optimal skill to be used. In order to facilitate this, the Rogue rotation frame now includes a yellow energy bar to the left of the primary rotation skill. This bar does not show the entire energy pool! It shows the ratio of current energy to the amount of energy the next rotation skill requires. Put simply, when this energy bar is full, the player has pooled enough energy to use that skill.

Symbols of Death will not be selected unless the player has 50+ energy and the player is out of stealth (this syncs with the Icy-Veins opener steps). Shadow Dance will not be selected unless the player has the Symbols of Death buff (i.e. has recently cast Symbols of Death) and the player is not in stealth (Shadow Dance cannot be cast at all in stealth). Since both Symbols of Death and Shadow Dance are instant cast, they can be macroed to a single button to make the rotation more efficient. This can be a significant DPS boost when it allows for another Shadowstrike to be completed during Shadow Dance. If SoD and SD are not macroed together, Symbols of Death will show in the rotation first, followed by Shadow Dance once the player has the Symbols of Death buff active.

The initial rotation implementation proved to be a significant DPS boost for someone who was just getting back to playing Rogue for the first time in several expansions.

As always, feedback on the rotation is welcome. Rotations are complex enough that it’s both difficult and time consuming to be an expert at more than one.

The main reason for the ignore list was so that I could stealth ignore people -- not get any message from them at all, or even a message telling me I had received a message from them, and not have WoW tell them that I was ignoring them. I could not find any other add-on that would do exactly this and still keep a history of the ignored messages for later inspection.

This predates BattleTags and RealID -- it works with toon names only right now.

Commands (always preceded by /hoj):
/hoj ignore <player name> - ignores the player with the specified name
/hoj add <player name> - same as /ignore
/hoj unignore <player name> - removes the specified player from the ignore list
/hoj remove <player name> - same as /unignore
/hoj list -- lists all player names in the ignore list
/hoj silent -- toggle silent mode, which, when enabled, stops HoJ from printing the "Whisper from <player name> blocked." message. The only way to know if a message was received from a blocked player is by checking the ignore history.
/hoj stealth -- toggles stealth ignore. With stealth ignore on, some innocuous message will be printed when a message is received an ignored player (currently something like "Isle of Quel'Danas is under attack!"). "silent" will override this behavior. If silent is on nothing will be seen when an incoming message arrives from a blocked player.
/hoj history -- show the history of ignored messages since logging on
/hoj clear -- clear the ignore history
/hoj - show command list help


All rotations use rule sets to select the current skill in the rotation. The exact rotation may change in the future. In all cases it is implicit that the talent must be selected, off cooldown, and the target must be in range of the skill / talent. The first rule to have all conditions satisfied is selected as the primary skill to use.

The secondary skill is the next skill after the primary skill that is satisfied. Note that the optional / secondary skill is NOT the next skill to use after the primary skill. Because the addon uses context to select skills, and because some of this context (for instance, range of the target, because WoW does not allow addons to know the speed and direction of units) cannot be predicted into the future, the predicted next skill will change frequently by the time it is usable (usually by the end of the next GCD).

When no secondary skill’s rules are satisfied, no secondary skill will be shown.

If no primary skill is found (i.e. all skills are on cooldown or otherwise unusable), the next best skill that is coming off of cooldown will be shown. This skill is chosen by executing the same set of rules as normal and choosing the rule which will come off of cooldown soonest and which currently passes all other tests, e.g. range, power, etc.

If you’re further interested in how the addon works, or would like to modify the rules yourself, see the HoJ_Paladin.lua and HoJ_Warrior.lua files in the addon folder. These files contain the rule sets in tables by class, spec and other qualifiers such as single or multi-target situations.

The addon continually tracks the player’s health and maintains a running history for several seconds. Using this history, the addon tries to predict how much damage the player will take in the next few seconds. This, in turn, is used to predict if the player’s health is likely to go below certain thresholds (including death). This, in turn, is used to select mitigations such as damage reductions and healing.

DPS Cooldowns
DPS cooldowns with longer cooldowns like Recklessness, Avatar and Avenging Wrath are not shown in the rotation cycle. Since these skills buff other DPS skills, they generally should be cast first if they are used at all and would therefore be first choices in the rotations. However, when placed in the rotation these skills tend to consume the primary rotation slot in cases where their use is delayed for strategic purposes. Due to this, such cooldowns are generally not shown as part of the rotation.

For Paladins, DPS cooldowns that fall into this category are:
* Avenging Wrath
* Crusade

For Warriors, DPS cooldowns in this category are:
* Avatar
* Recklessness

DPS cooldowns that are refreshed regularly (Inquisition, Overpower, Colossus Smash, Furious Slash and Seraphim) do show up in the normal rotation.

* Enable UI customization of minor and major healing player health ratios

* Control is used for mousing over the windows. I'm not sure what would happen if control is bound to some skill, but it's probably not good.
* If your character is less than max level, some skills may show up when they’re not usable. Though the author did level up new characters while working on the addon refactor for 0.96.0, many new features went in around this time, and may not have been tested at all levels.
* Party-sync has been tested with Paladins and Warriors, but some of the latest features were not.
* Some crowd control breaks like Every Man for Himself and PVP trinkets are not yet considered.

If you find the addon useful, or find it potentially useful, or just hate it and are capable of (respectfully) explaining why, you can help make it better. Hammer of Justas was mostly maintainable by just the author when it was for Retribution Paladins only. With the addition of warriors, the amount of testing that has to be undertaken for every change is already not sustainable. You can help simply by being tolerant of and reporting any issues you find. Thanks!

Special Thanks
Hubbotu - Russian translations

0.97.30-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.5)
- Updated to 9.0.5

0.97.29-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Show Sap in cooldowns bar if stealthed, not in combat, target is a sappable type and not a boss. Note that there are some rare mobs, such as "Worldbreaker" in Ysera's dream in Ardenweald, that will show up as sappable. There's no way to determine 100% if a target is sappable without having a list of all "special" unsappble targets.
- Fixed Ghostly Strike talent ID row/column being transposed.
- Added Ghostly Strike to Outlaw single- and multi-target rotations.
- Fixed issue with Blade Flurry having an old (pre-Shadowlands) min level of 63, and also being tagged as Assassination spec.
- Blade Rush and Killing Spree have been removed from the rotations and added as DPS cooldowns due to their need to be synced with Blade Flurry and their situational use cases.
- Outlaw and Assassination multi-target rotations are now triggered at > 1 target instead of > 2 targets like Subtlety.
- Allow Cheap Shot and Ambush to combo-point cap for stealth openers when not in combat.
- Assassination: cheap shot, garotte and ambush openers when talented for Subterfuge.
- Subtlety: cheap shot, shadowstring and backstab openers when talented for Subterfuge.
- Corrected Assassination max power with Vigor from 160 to 170.
- Fixed incorrect Blindside buff id. This makes Ambush with Blindside show up correctly in the Assassination rotation.

0.97.28-Alpha (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Updated readme with Alpha / Beta / Dev / Release meanings.
- Hammer of Justas will always print the version number and type at login time and it can also be seen in the Hammer of Justas AddOns menu.
- Dev - a development-only build. There are no plans to release these and if one is released, it's probably a mistake.
- Alpha - a release with only minor changes or minimal testing. You should only download an Alpha build if the changes.txt file (this file) specifies a fix for an issue you have.
- Beta - a release with significant changes and or significant testing. These (should be) less risky to install than Alpha builds. You can see the testing log for each release here:
- Release - a very baked release. Release versions will only be released by promoting a Beta with significant bake time and no known major bugs to Release. Because of the velocity of changes right now, this is not likely to happen any time soon.
- Removed default power check for Blade Rush. Blade Rush can now be selected as long as energy is < Blade Rush energy cost * 0.25 (this assumes energy skills will be used before Blade Rush's energy gain caps)

0.97.27-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed an issue with old paladin Inquisition spell still being in the buffs list.
- Fixed issues with Vendetta using an invalid parameter type.
- Added a developer mode to help mitigate release of builds with debug spam. Debug logs will not show up unless /hoj devmode 1 is executed at the console, or the player's character's GUID matches that of a known developer.
- All /hoj commands now work with lowercase.
- Vanish will be locked out for 5 seconds after using Cheap Shot. This keeps it from showing up in the rotation when used as an opener and before the target's threat table has been updated.
- Removed Vanish from DPS cooldowns.
- Last cast time tracking for spells (used for Vanish lockout after Cheap Shot).
- Fix for wound poison not causing cooldown icon to go away when it was applied.
- Vanish won't show up on the cooldown bars as a mitigation (i.e. to get you out of a tricky situation) if already stealthed.
- Fixed Blindside not being in the active buffs and sort priorities lists. Blindside will now show up in the buffs bar.
- Better error reporting for busted rules.

0.97.26-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed debug spam for Adrenaline Rush missing from Outlaw cooldowns priority list.

0.97.25-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Made Adrenaline Rush show time remaining on buffs bar.

0.97.24-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed numbing poison buff not being detected correctly.

0.97.23-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed some rogue tests for Vanish in rotations. Vanish should no longer be selected if you are tanking the target (since vanish will caush the mob to reset and regain all of its health)

0.97.22-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed Gouge missing from Outlaw rogue sort priorities list.

0.97.21-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Added Slam to Fury rotation for Fury warriors < level 12 (i.e. can't use raging blow)
- Fixed some nil accesses when loading characters with very old profile data.
- Fixed the "Show Holy Power Frame" option not saving correctly because the code was saving "showHolyPoserFrame". :)
- Fixed Templar's Verdict frame not showing up at all. This started with Shadowlands and a change Blizzard made to how frame backgrounds are set. This can be turned off in the options by unchecking "Show Templar's Verdict Frame".
- Fixed debug spam when low-rank judgment spell failed.

0.97.20-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Enabled Rogues.
- Subtlety rotation.
- Assassination rotation.
- Outlaw rotation.

0.97.19-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed an issue where old saved variable data (pre-Shadowlands) could cause errors when spells were re-initialized. In particular this was causing errors on load for warriors if the addon was previously installed for BFA.

0.97.18-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Skipped due to upload issue.

0.97.17-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Major fix for 30-yard range checks. Some range checks were changed to use IsSpellInRange( spellIndex, bookType ) because IsSpellInRange( spellName ) no longer works correctly for cross-spec spells like Judgment. This caused Judgment, Avenger's Shield, and any other 30-yard range checks to fail.
- Prot prioritize Avenger's Shield at 3+ targets.
- Simplified logic for some Prot rotation checks to use built-in range check and power check.
- Some Prot skills (Hammer of Wrath, Avenger's Shield, Judgment) will no longer be selected if using them would waste Holy Power.
- Spell infos are now updated when talents change (as opposed to just when specs change).

0.97.16-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed an issue with GetSpellManaCost() that only showed up on a fresh client load.

0.97.15-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2)
- Fixed range check on Final Reckoning Cooldown.
- Fixed Hammer of Wrath not bewing shown during Avenging Wrath.
- Fixed HoW not in Protection rotation.
- Added Divine Toll to Ret and Prot rotations.
- Added mana cost checking for Divine Toll. Yep, mana has been so inconsequental for Ret and Prot over the years the addon never checked it before.

0.97.14-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2 pre-patch)
- Fixed range check on Final Reckoning on Cooldowns bar.

0.97.14-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2 pre-patch)
- Fixed a case where icon sorting could reference nil if more than 5 icons were in the list.
- Removed spam that would happen when Warbreaker skill failed to be selected.

0.97.13-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.2 pre-patch):
- Updated for version 9.0.2
- Updated Lay on Hands and Hand of Reckoning learned levels.
- Updated Taunt and Charge learned levels.

0.97.12-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Fixed minor bug where nextSkillBaseTime could be nil. This could occur after a load when selecting an enemy that was out of range.
- Removed some debug spam on load.

0.97.11-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Added the ability to scale the entire Hammer of Justas UI from the Interface -> Addons -> Hammer of Justas menu.

0.97.10-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Retribution Paladin rotation updated to Icy Veins Shadowlands rotation.
- Skill selection was refactored to be more functional, so that both skills, skill charges, power and CDs can all be better predicted. The main benefit is that skill prediction (which happens when no skill is immediately usable beyond the current GCD) should be much more stable. There are still times when a predicted skill will change (usually due to RNG) but it should be less frequent now.
- Fixed min level on Warbreaker being set to BFA level (70).
- Added charge, heroic leap, storm bolt and heroic throw to Protection Warrior rotation.
- Added intervene to Protection Warrior cooldowns.
- Adjusted Skullsplitter rules so it's more likely to be chose. It used to not be chosen at all if Bladestorm wasn't on CD. Now it can be chosen if either Bladestorm is on CD or the target doesn't have the Colossus Smash debuff.
- Fixed Protection Warrior's 25-yard range check being broken due to still using BFA Intervene skill.
- Numerous minor fixes.
- If you notice rotations missing any talents, please leave a message on It's difficult to test all combinations without missing something now and then.

0.97.9-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Fixed whirlwind rank 1 not showing in low-level Fury rotation
- Arms Warrior rotation udpated to match Icy Veins rotation for Shadowlands.
- Victory Rush added to arms rotation. This will only show if player health is < 90% and Victorius buff is active. The % health at which this shows can be adjusted by changing the _minorHealHealthRatio to a value between 0 and 1 in SavedVariables\HammerOfJustas.lua.
- The way Arms Warrior rage pooling works was changed. Most skills will now check that enough rage is available before being selected. If no rage-based skills can be used due to too little rage, then some other skills like charge, heroic leap, heroic throw, etc. are tested. If none of these are satisfied, then a few skills like mortal strike, whirlwind and slam are checked without considering current rage and the first one to succeed will be waited on until there is enough rage to use it or some other skill becomes usable.

0.97.8-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Many more fixes to Arms and Fury Warriors (especially around spells with multiple ranks)
- Fixed cooldown calculation for ranked spells.
- Protection Warrior fixes and enabled addon Protection Warrior.

0.97.7-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Warrior Arms rotation fixes (for level 50)
- Warrior Fury rotation fixes (for level 50 and lower levels)

0.97.6-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Added Final Reckoning to DPS cooldowns.
- Fixed execution sentence missing _powerGen field (could cause a nil access) when target was in range of Execution Sentence.

0.97.5-Beta (Shadowlands 9.0.1 pre-patch):
- Removed Inquisition from rotation.
- Added Seraphim to rotation.

0.97.4-Alpha (Shadowlands 9.0.1 Beta):
- Fixed Inquisition using wrong min level.
- Added Seraphim for Retribution.
- Settings UI now differentiate between Consecration in rotation vs Consecration in buffs bar.
- Ability to differentiate specs for buffs / skills / talents in settings list in cases where the spell ID or spell info is different for different spec.

0.97.3-Alpha (Shadowlands 9.0.1 Beta):
- Arms and Fury Warrior spec is now working. Rotations may not be optimal. Protection wasn't tested so it's still disabled.

0.97.2-Alpha (Shadowlands 9.0.1 Beta):
- Protection updates for new skills and holy power resource usage:
- Word of Glory now shows on cooldowns bar if:
- health is < 50% or incoming DPS is high
- holy power >= 3, OR Divine Purpose buff is active OR Shining Light stack count == 3
- Seraphim shows in rotation (when talented) if:
- divine purpose buff is active OR holy power > 3
- ( target is a boss OR target is tough OR ( target time to live > seraphim buff duration AND attack hit on target > 5 )
- Moment of Glory shows on cooldowns bar (when talented) if:
- avenger's shield is on cooldown

0.97.1-Alpha (Shadowlands 9.0.1 Beta):
- Word of Glory will appear on cooldowns bar if:
- health is < 60% or player is predicted to die imminently
- player has 3 Holy Power, or Divine Purpose is procced
- Selfless healer is not available at 4 stacks

0.97.0-Alpha (Shadowlands 9.0.1 Beta):
- Shadowlands support (WoW 9.0.1 client)
- Fixed issues with 9.0.1 API changes.
- Updated Paladin spells for Shadowlands.
- Updated Retribution rotation for new skills. Rotation works but is probably not optimal.
- Consecration for Retribution is tracked as a timed buff.
- Protection rotation works but doesn't take new rotation / skills into account.
- This is based on 0.96.10 build with other internal changes (including Rogue and Demon Hunter support) that hasn't been released for 8.3 yet.
- Warrior, Rogue and Demon Hunter are disabled for now, since there hasn't been time to address changes to those classes' skills and rotations.

- Re-enabled Retribution paladin blessing checks.
- Fixed (apparently?) rare issue where a non-spell heal could trigger a nil access. The only place this was reproduced is vs. Varimathras in Antorus.

- Protection warrior rotation support (experimental).
- Refactored protection paladin support (still experimental).
- Shield of the Righteous / Shield Block cooldown support.
- Toggle any spec on and off in settings.
- Refactored health / incoming DPS health tracking to be more reliable.
- Fixed min level of skills for all supported warrior and paladin specs. Character < 120 then may have had spells suggested which weren't yet learned.
- Improved distance checking with CheckInteractDistance.
- Fixed lua file load order wackiness due to XML including script files.
- Defaulting of individual strings when they're not included in a locale.
- Moved Finalize to PLAYER_LOGIN (makes greeting only show up on initial logon).
- Added major attack detection. Once a significant attack has been recorded, the addon will remember it and suggest mitigation on subsequent attacks.
- Added tracking of consecration cast time.
- Added consecration timer to the paladin buff bar.
- Added per-spec priority lists for icon sorting, used on buffs and cooldowns bars.
- Prot warrior rules use new dps / hps tracking.
- Prot paladin rules use new dps / hps tracking.
- Fixed rotation frame alpha being forced to 0.666 for who knows what reason...
- Added secondary skill to come off cooldown when everything is on cooldown.
- Fixed a bug where the debug window was visible on players < level 10.

- Fixed prot warrior melee range test. This allows pummel to show up on interrupts for prot warriors.
- Made Shockwave only show up on interrupts if the target is interruptible.

- Fixed nil access in damage logging.
- Removed debug print.

- Fixed no rotation skill showing when everything is on cooldown.
- Fixed misses not contributing to number of attackers. This makes multi target more accurate.

- Fixed priority on Battle Shout to stop it from swapping around in the buffs bar.

- Russian locale translations (ruRU). Thanks to Hubbotu!

- Seraphim was incorrectly set as a buff only (vs talent+buff) causing it to show up in the rotation even when not talented.
- Fixed saved version numbers overwriting current version.

- Code was significantly refactored to support other classes.
- Dedicated Inquisition window was removed and Inquisition timer now appears in the buffs windows.
- Addon settings UI revamped.
- Debug frame added.
- More skills supported.
- Fury Warrior support.
- Arms Warrior support.
- Seraphim support.
- Crowd control breakers.
- Secondary skill indicator.
- Multi-target rotation support.
- DPS cooldowns based on target difficulty.
- Saved variables rewritten to support multiple classes. If you had custom settings, they will need to be set up again.
- Fixed blessings icons sometimes flashing when the blessing was expired but WoW's API returned a negative time remaining.
- Probably more.

- Fixed Empyrean Power not being reset in saved variables, causing Empyrean Power not to show up in rotation for some users. If you're having this problem you should see "Hammer of Justas: Saved variables are pre 0.95.7 - fixing Empyrean Power." in the chat window when the add-on loads for the first time on any paladin character.

0.95.6-Beta (not released):
- Fix skill bars showing up when dead.

- Added addon messaging to communicate versions and inform users of when new versions are available.
- minor bug fixes.
- minor cleanup of some chat messaging.

- fixed Empyrean power not showing an icon in the next rotation skill due to being set as "don't show" in the UI config.
- cleaned up range checking code.

- cleaned up an accidental nested loop in buff check
- fixed issue with max party member being out of range
- reset buff update index when group size changes to prevent out-of-range unit ids
- reset buff update index when resetting a buff

- Added tracking for Greater Blessing of Wisdom and Greater Blessing of Kings buffs places on player targets.
- Added checks for disabled spells to accommodate party syncing.

- updated version to 8.3
- fixed Blessing of Kings and Blessing of Wisdom min level.
- fixed Wake of Ashes not showing in rotation suggestions because it wasn't configured as ROLE_DPS

- Avenger's Shield will show up as a interrupt skill on the cooldowns list if Rebuke is on CD or out of range
- Hammer of Justice should now show up correctly on cooldowns bar when Fist of Justice is talented
- Fixed 10 yard range being calculated using Fist of Justice when FoJ talent was selected
- Added frame alpha configuration to addon menu

- Fixed a bug with caching of buffs that was causing Inquisition timer frame to be active even when Inquisition was up.

- Lots of optimizations. Performs better in Raids when tons of mobs are pulled. I cannot guarantee this is 100% fixed, but a number of routines received significant optimization for execution time.
- Frames no longer use buttons so they aren't clickable. This is a minor annoyance when not in combat (i.e. for buffs) but makes the frame hide and show way more reliable. It seems this was only working before because of a race condition -- the addon's update rate was very high and seems to have been beating the combat lockout taking effect.
- Major health history refactor:
- Optimized health history update.
- Fixed some incorrect math when predicting upcoming death and near death
- Death prediction up to 8 seconds in the the future based on 3 second health history.
- Fixed issue where changing roles could cause death prediction to trigger.
- Added frame number for profiling to limit output of stats to frames where they changed.
- Changed UpdateIcons to use pre-initialized table to set the sorted list. This is significantly faster than creating an empty list an iterating to add indices.
- Cleaned up UpdateIcons to not use off-by-one frameNum
- Changed HoJ_Update, HoJ_UpdateGlow, HoJ_UpdateRender to member functions.
- Changed profiling to only output whe threshold is met.
- Added "/hoj func" command to restrict profiling output to matching functions.
- Changed update rate to 15 times per second.
- Added profiling functions.
- Optimized UpdateIcons. List iteration is painfully slow. Calling into WoW is painfully slow, too.
- Optimized some table initialization so the size can be pre-determined by Lua's compiler.
- Removed 6th frame on cooldowns to make it the same as buffs.

0.94.6-Beta: (Not released)
- Added data-driven rotation selection for Retribution

- Fixed spam when in Ret mode and taking damage.

- Added a charge counter on rotation frame
- Added saved var versioning. This might reset some of your show / not show settings in the UI to correct a bug in earlier versions.
- Added Word of Glory and Justicar's Vengeance to Ret cooldowns
- Also added Flash of Light to cooldowns if nothing else is available
- Fixed problem with Prot Consecration cooldown check not taking GCD into account. This is why Consecration didn't always show up when you weren't standing in it.
- Cleaned up cooldown checking in general. There were some invalid uses of prediction in some places.
- Refactored the way current buffs are checked to use less CPU time.
- Added Avenger's Valor buff check (but not used yet for Shield of the Righteous)
- Ret rotation wll now look ahead to the next skill coming off cooldown when no skills are available in the rotation.
- Divine Purpose is now taken into account in the rotation.
- Fixed Ret to use the correct Consecration spell ID for Ret.
- Forbearance is now be handled correctly.
- Fixed problems with Blessed Hammer/Hammer of the Righteous coming up in the rotation when one or the other wasn't available.

- Added a cooldown timer to the rotation frame.
- Renamed some of the addon frames internally to better-match their current uses. Unfortunately this will reset your frame positions if you were already using the addon.

- Amortized some of the update logic to remove most of performance issues I was seeing.

- Fixed check for interruptible spells not working because the return values from UnitChannelInfo and UnitCastingInfo changed since this was last used (WoD or early Legion). This mean Rebuke didn't show up when it should.
- Fixed interrupt checks not accounting for spells being on cooldown. Not sure when this broke.
- Added health history.
- Only show Shield of Vengeance when in combat and taking damage > 10% of health per second.
- Changed cooldowns to only update every 0.25 seconds
- Added changes.txt to archive (this file)
- Updated readme.txt for Protection.
- fixed Hammer of Wrath not showing on the rotatoin when Crusade / Avenging Wrath was active.
- Added skill rotation.
- Added damage mitigation and healing cooldowns: Light/Hand of the Protector, Divine Shield, Lay On Hands, Blessing of Protection, Gift of the Naaru, Guardian of Ancient Kings, Ardent Defender, Shield of the Righteous.

- Fix issue where sometimes a rotation skill is shown when everything is on cooldown. Usually this was Crusader Strike. Global Cooldown was using the wrong spell. Not sure when I broke that, but maybe when I was initially doing 8.1 update. This caused the rotation to sometimes suggest a skill that was actually on cooldown. This only seemed to happen when all skills were on cooldown.

- Added Selfless Healer to cooldowns. Currently shows with 4 stacks or health <= 50%.
- Updated readme.txt
- Restricted buff updates to every 0.25 seconds.
- Renamed windows to reflect current usage and documentation.

- fixed Hammer of Wrath to not show when target health is above 50%
- added Shield of Vengeance to the cooldowns bar. This will show if SoV is off cooldown and you're in combat or targetting an attackable mob.

0.93.4-Beta: First Beta:
- removed some debug output.

- Fixed Empyrean Power buff to show as Divine Storm on the rotation frame, instead of the Empyrean Power buff, since when this buff is active you want to use the Divine Storm skill.

- Fixed a bug where the Crusader Strike icon was incorrect if the add-on loaded while in protection spec.

- Fixed an issue where the cooldown timer on one of the cooldown frame buttons was visible if the add-on loaded in protection.

0.93.0: Initial release:
- updated for BFA 8.1
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