Results: 785Comments by: Fizzlemizz
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
3 1 Trade Trade Trade Interest...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
3 1 Trade Trade Trade Interesting, the 3 1 Trade I understand but Trade Trade is not right. That would indicate something is triggering the chat elsewhere which is possibly related to the new communities. Something to work on. Any chance I could get a list of any non-FM addons? Just in case there is some obscure function hoo...
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
Edit: one small test. If you run th...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Edit: one small test. If you run the following after getting the error and before doing anything else, could you list the result printed to chat for me? /run for i=1, 20 do local f = _G if f then for index, value in pairs(f.channelList) do print(i, index, value) end end end End Edit To save yourself the agravation, as a tempor...
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
Hope im not confusing you.. Basical...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Hope im not confusing you.. Basically if i do the /run command you gave then do a /reload it fixes the problem but as soon as another reload happens then its back.. This has me well and truly stumped and I'm not sure where next. If there is no /FM in that process then there seems to be a server side saved settings issue. I will...
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
yes it says Trade in the chat windo...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
yes it says Trade in the chat window.. For some reason the chat profile isn't being cleared properly during the /FM chat reset. If you type (paste) /run for i=1, 10 do ChatFrame_RemoveAllChannels(_G) end does that remove the error (you should no longer get Trade chat to the Trade channel frame). If no error then running the...
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
I accidently left a debug line the...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
I accidently left a debug line the the Prat version in the .zip so it should print to General the channel name that is about to throw an error. A number shouldn't cause an error (/2 /1 etc.) but a string will. Is anything being printed to the General chat when an error occures? Yes no matter what i type rather it be enter to type...
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
Re: New Addons folder and WTF folder
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
If you just type /2 Do you get a printout in chat? Do you get anything if you just press ? If you /2 ok, does that appear under the Trade button display. Sorry for this.
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
Having a look at the errors and it...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Having a look at the errors and it might be comming from an addon with an embedded out of date ACE library hitting the new author errors included with this xpac. If you just have the addons from the .zip installed an no others, what happens? Im using everything in the latest zip file from here.. ive tried a whole new WTF too b...
File: FauxMazzle08-13-18
This is pointing to something else...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
This is pointing to something else altogether. If you are using the Prat from the latest FM build, there should be no errors on login from any addon in the .zip. The Prat errors of the last days when logging in were caused by a space in two blank lines in the Prat .toc file after the ## Interface line (line 1). I deleted those l...
File: FauxMazzle08-12-18
Re: errors persist
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Hi legion3pm. This looks like the error the update is supposed to fix but I haven't seen it since I made the change. I'll keep digging. I guess it's possible the WTF\Account\\\\chat-cache.txt file didn't get properly re-set. If you delete that before logging in and run the /FM process does that help? I've got the newest releas...
File: Prat 3.008-12-18
Message: Couldn't open Interface\Ad...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Message: Couldn't open Interface\AddOns\Prat-3.0\ Time: Sun Aug 12 17:44:02 2018 Count: 3 Have this error every time. Anyone know how to fix it? Open the Prat .toc file and delete the two blank lines after: ## Interface:
File: FauxMazzle08-11-18
Re: Error when starting a pet battle
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Upon starting a pet battle, the pet battle UI is missing pet ability buttons and I get the the following error Hey ^^Freckles, thank you for the report. I have a fix in testing that, if all goes well, I hope to get out tomorrow.
File: Discord Unit Frames08-06-18
Re: Re: Re: Issue with DUF
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Thanks for such a quick fix! :):banana: Fingers crossed it works ;) Enjoy!
File: Discord Unit Frames08-06-18
Re: Issue with DUF
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
I keep getting a message when playing my Horde characters where it shows: DUF_set.lua.RACEORSEXNOTFOUND: Scourge 3 That comes up usually in a group of 3-5 lines of text, all saying the same thing, in my chat box. It seems to be an issue whenever there is a Forsaken character in my group. It only came up in the last couple o...
File: FauxMazzle08-05-18
Can't believe there's still an upda...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Can't believe there's still an updated version of this #memorylane Hi difozenn, Thank you for looking in on FauxMazzle. It's not actually an update but my own limited take on a much loved (by me at least) UI. Have fun!
File: Discord Unit Frames08-02-18
Re: 3D Portraits Backgrounds
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
This is probably dumb but on the 3D portraits for any frame, theres a light semi transparent blue background to them. Is there any way to disable this or change its color? Hi Enchalian, Thank you for trying DUF. If you have the "Hide Background" option set for the portrait then the blue background should only occure when the...
File: FauxMazzle08-02-18
Re: Hitsmode error
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
HitsMode hasn't been updated so I'm trying to find these errors (Blizzard appear to have changed the format of some combat messages) so thank you for this legion3pm. At around line 655 of HitsModes core.lua after it says print("A Fizz, Hitsmode Can't find:", L, "in", arg1, ...) if should have -- a = "" If you delete the two...
File: FauxMazzle07-30-18
Re: Re: Re: Error when using FM button
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Thanks for your patience ^^Freckles. It seems Windowed is not returning a usable base screen resolution. What if you set the game to FullScreen (Windowed), run the setup process and after it has reloaded, reset to Windowed? My display mode is windowed. Window size is custom. Resolution scale is 1920x1017. After pasting...
File: FauxMazzle07-29-18
Re: Error when using FM button
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Hi ^^Freckles], Thank you for trying FauxMazzle. This seems to be related to the screen resoultion you are running, can I ask what that is and also what is shown in the chat window if you paste the following into the chat input box and pres Enter: /run print(GetCurrentResolution()) BfA may have changed some of the videa function...
File: FauxMazzle07-29-18
Re: Chat error
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Hi Nonspecific, thank you for the report. There still seems to be some general chat funkiness going on and while it would be easy to point to Prat as being the problem here, I'm not sure it is. It seems to most likely to happen after a /reload or logoff/logon. If you exit the game and re-start it doesn't (so far in my test...
File: FauxMazzle07-24-18
ok i will get it now.. ty Expansio...
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
ok i will get it now.. ty Expansions, too many things to do, not enough mind :) Thank you for the report and follow up legion3pm.
File: FauxMazzle07-24-18
Re: Error
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Hey, legion3pm Did you download the latest DUF? There was a change to DK runes thanks to some garbage returns comming from the RUNE_UPDATE event. I haven't packaged it into FauxMazzle yet... I guess I should do that soon :rolleyes: On my Deathknight when the last rune tries to reload or show that its full on the class bar it th...
File: FauxMazzle07-24-18
Re: Autobar updates
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Just wanted to update you on Autobar. I usually keep track of this particular addon since it's always been my most useful, and MuffunManKen just released a beta update on Curse. But he has said he should have a finished version out relatively soon. If I find out when he releases the finished version before you, I'll let you know...
File: FauxMazzle07-21-18
Re: Error
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
Wow, those comments are so old I'd forgotten they were there. I was really just trying to get a handle on this new fangled lua thingy back then :D This one was caused by a failure to have a complete handle on the BfA API changes. Well that and not going back over my updates when I did :o. Thank you for the report legion3pm....
File: FauxMazzle07-20-18
Re: Re: Re: Appreciative
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
I think many of us are overjoyed that someone picked it up. I beta tested the original MazzleUI and this is the only thing that's come close to the awesomeness I was used to for so many years. Thanks for picking up the torch! :) And now I have this second hand torch :D Thank you for the kind words Bremagorn.
File: FauxMazzle07-20-18
Re: Appreciative
Posted By: Fizzlemizz
I absolutely thank you for it. I have been using this compilation for a number of years, even when it was mazzleui. When I stream I still get comments asking about which UI I am using and have been proud to help distribute your work. I love the ability that it will still allow me to be flexible to make changes and additions / subt...