Results: 1200Comments by: Mayron
File: MayronUI11-15-14
So after updating today, Quartz see...
Posted By: Mayron
So after updating today, Quartz seems to be hidden behind my SuF frames again. I had this issue before in MoP, but for the life of me cannot remember how I fixed it at the time. Also, the pink bar (I play paladin) on SuF is getting brighter as I play. Don't know if this is somehow related. I can add support for this. The reaso...
File: MayronUI11-15-14
I've updated a few minor things. I...
Posted By: Mayron
I've updated a few minor things. I have had no time to do anything else including answering questions but thank you for helping each other out while I'm away / inactive. I want to get to level 100 myself before I start messing around with more larger changes in the UI as well as finishing other projects in life. Thanks for underst...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
Is there anyway you can extend the...
Posted By: Mayron
Is there anyway you can extend the range for the objectives tracker to like, -2000 to 2000? -1000 puts me directly in the middle of my screen. :/ Thanks! for your time! I think I found a good puts it under the minimap Try: Top Left Point -232 & Bottom Right Relative Point 811 I prefer the quest/objectives to be i...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
Odd question, but I wanted to know...
Posted By: Mayron
Odd question, but I wanted to know if it was possible to use just the unit frames and the reskinning part of this addon? And if so, which files would I need to ONLY take out of it? Type "/mui install" and press install and from the list of Modules, un-check everything except the "ReskinUI" option and press confirm.
File: MayronUI10-29-14
Posted By: Mayron I seem to be having trouble with the buttons near the minimap. I'm not quite sure how to get them to move back down to their place beneath it. It tends to get fixed when I run an /mui install but a relog ends up with them being back in the middle of the minimap. I've even tried hiding them via t...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
sorry to ask, but I am noob on UI a...
Posted By: Mayron
sorry to ask, but I am noob on UI and addons :) I just installed Grid and it appears in the center of the screen and it seems that I need to manually configure it. In the Maryon UI config I found the option that Maryon UI will handle Grid and it is checked. what can I do to make the UI automatical...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
how do i enable buffs and debuffs t...
Posted By: Mayron
how do i enable buffs and debuffs to show? Do you mean the buffs and debuffs on the shadowed unit frames or the general player buffs and debuffs? If its the general one then do you not have the Aura frames addon enabled? This is the addon that controls the buffs and debuffs. If its the Shadowed Unit frames one then which langu...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
Hi Mayron, Sorry to bother you a...
Posted By: Mayron
Hi Mayron, Sorry to bother you again. I'm still having problems with the position of the raid info tab when expanding the left retract button (the one that shows how many raid members, etc.), along with Grid not displaying properly. Thanks in advance for your help. Blizzard have made it impossi...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
I submitted a ticket today to blizz...
Posted By: Mayron
I submitted a ticket today to blizzard about an ingame issue, and the blizzard ticket notification is nowhere to be found. Pre-patch, it was above my buffs (overlapping them actually til I moved them), but now it's gone. Did they remove it? Or is it missing from the UI? Just tested this with no addons on and yes they seem to hav...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
when i isntalled everything worked...
Posted By: Mayron
when i isntalled everything worked but my "original" action bars are over the actionbars in the ui what can do i do to fix it? It sounds like either Bartender is not enabled or did not install correctly. If it is definitely enabled and you can type "/bartender" then make sure it is set to the "MayronUI" profile. If it is then type...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
Re: Raid tab
Posted By: Mayron How to fix? Or move, this is the raid pull out window, and it's like that on all of my UI setups. You can hide it permanently but that's about it. Its because the button is anchored to the Compact Raid Frame M...
File: MayronUI10-29-14
Re: Castbar
Posted By: Mayron
Some very old Questions Answered (hopefully): #1 Hi Mayron! I have two very, very strange issues unfortunately. 1. It seems there's a problem with the castbar and monks somehow. I noticed it when i was leveling my mage. I was in an instance with a monk healer and the castbar stopped displaying my cast as soon as the monk...
File: MayronUI10-23-14
Updated the UI to the latest versio...
Posted By: Mayron
Updated the UI to the latest version, only error I seem to be getting frequently is this one. 20x MayronUI\Modules\SkinUI.lua:2101: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value) MayronUI\Modules\SkinUI.lua:2101: in function MayronUI\Modules\SkinUI.lua:2130: in function
File: MayronUI10-21-14
Version 4.2.2 is now available for...
Posted By: Mayron
Version 4.2.2 is now available for Download! Change Log (4.2.2): -- Updated Shadowed Unit Frame settings -- Updated bartender settings -- Changed how clicking on talent frame's works to make it feel better. -- Removed Objectives Tracker from hiding in combat. -- Objectives Tracker with the option enabled will now instead hid...
File: MayronUI10-21-14
Questions & Answers (Hopefully):...
Posted By: Mayron
Questions & Answers (Hopefully): Sorry if I accidentally answered a question that had previously already been answered! #1 Hello Mayron, Is there any way to disable the tool tips and or context menus from data bar? It can become cumbersome especially when playing windowed mode and mousing over that bottom part of the screen...
File: MayronUI10-20-14
Re: UI bottom bars not functioning properly
Posted By: Mayron
When I tried to hide the bar on the bottom the entire bar went down below and wont allow me to extend it again. Image Link: Upon reloading the UI this occurs: also not sure why the images aren't loading into this...
File: MayronUI10-19-14
Just did a clean install of 4.2.0 a...
Posted By: Mayron
Just did a clean install of 4.2.0 and noticed at the bottom where it showed how many friends and guildmates are online is missing. You must have updated SLDataText on Curse Client. The one on WoWInterface is much more updated and includes the SLDataText_Friends and Guild plugins. The curse versio...
File: MayronUI10-19-14
Anyone else having problems with Gr...
Posted By: Mayron
Anyone else having problems with Grid and the Indicator options not showing? Have you set them up to show what you want? Since Grid got reset and many plugins went incompatible most of the old options got removed. The Default settings aren't great :/ The Indicator tab is blank for some reason, it's like it's not installed but i...
File: MayronUI10-19-14
Anyone else having problems with Gr...
Posted By: Mayron
Anyone else having problems with Grid and the Indicator options not showing? Have you set them up to show what you want? Since Grid got reset and many plugins went incompatible most of the old options got removed. The Default settings aren't great :/ Just a quick question to all of you using Mayronui or Mr. Mayron himself.:)...
File: MayronUI10-19-14
Version 4.2.0
Posted By: Mayron
Version 4.2.0 is now Available for Download! The new changes to the Installer and the new process of how it installs should make it a lot more user friendly and less confusing. Some times people had the "UI Scale is far too big/small" issue and this should remove that as a potential issue in future. The automatic adjusting of the...
File: MayronUI10-19-14
Version 4.1.9 fixes the Cast Bar bu...
Posted By: Mayron
Version 4.1.9 fixes the Cast Bar bugs and more! Available Now! Change Log (4.1.9): -- Fixed multiple Cast Bar Bugs: -- Cast Bars now position correctly -- Cast Bars no longer cause a Lua error to occur when anchoring a bar to the Shadowed Unit Frames -- The Target of Target cast bar now works correctly -- Cast...
File: MayronUI10-18-14
Version should be available...
Posted By: Mayron
Version should be available for Download Soon! Change Log ( -- Fixed the sound not working for the clicks and installation sound -- Made it possible to change the Width of the cast bars if they are anchored to the SUF Unit Frames -- Cast Bars now have their width and height values adjusted correctly when anchor...
File: MayronUI10-18-14
Posted By: Mayron Hi Mayron, May i know what's wrong with the error msg show in the picture? When i'm raiding in lfr, this error msg keep on repeating till my raid finish. How to solve this problem? Thanks. You have Grid installed. That's the problem. For som...
File: MayronUI10-18-14
Re: Missing Guild and Friends info on the bottom bar
Posted By: Mayron
Hey Mayron thanks alot for a purely great addon-pack:-) Its blown completly new life into wow for me. I've had a problem all the way from the first 4.0 update with the using the quest items on the quest tracker. I've update from curse when ever theres been an update. now i just red that you yourself use wowinterface for updating y...
File: MayronUI10-18-14
Re: Re: Re: Updates via Curse Client?
Posted By: Mayron
Hi at all. :-) Can I use the updates for Addons and MayronUI via Curse Client without any problems? Because, yesterday i've downloaded MayronUI Gen4, today I see sveral Updates in my Curse Client, like Bartender, Omen Threat Meter, Recount, Shadowed Unit Frames, TipTac and MayronUI. Now i'm not sure what to do. Udate via Curse...