Results: 7Comments by: Naruni
File: FauxMazzle06-27-15
Posted By: Naruni
Fizzlemizz sorry to be a bother again but when you get a chance could you please tell me how I can change the font color for the skill increase in the bottom right chat box? The Dark Blue on Charcoal color background is killing my eyes trying to read it. I looked through the Prat options but don't see how I can change the text color...
File: FauxMazzle06-14-15
Re: Re: Disord Unit Frames
Posted By: Naruni
Thanks I appreciate that info and your promptness at getting back to me so quickly. My other question is I repositioned the bags and the quest accept/give window and quest turn in window using MoveAnything but everytime I reload the UI, switch toons, or log out and back in they are reset back to the default position. Am I doing somet...
File: FauxMazzle06-12-15
Disord Unit Frames
Posted By: Naruni
I was looking around and I moved my player unit frame to the right slightly then closed DUF and now I lost my Player Frame entirely and can't get it back. I tried reloading the UI, reloading the FauxMazzle Profile in Misc options but still nothing. How do I get back the Player Frame?
File: SuperVillain UI05-24-15
Posted By: Naruni
I am not able to see my auras or buffs anymore for some reason on some characters. Instead I get an LUA error message Window that pops in the middle of my screen and it keeps counting up into the thousands and after a while I get a message about the error causing excessive use of system resources and may affect game play then asks if...
File: SuperVillain UI03-28-15
Posted By: Naruni
Using 1.1.4 but still can not get the bag bar working correctly. I have it enabled in the inventory options and when I go to the option to move the elements around I see a vertical bar labeled bag bar but even when I have it set horizontal it is always vertical. And I never see my bags in the bag bar. Am I missing something here? I d...
File: MetaMap12-03-07
How would I fix this error I get ev...
Posted By: Naruni
How would I fix this error I get everytime I load into the game? Date: 2007-12-03 22:07:49 ID: 51 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\MetaMap\MetaMap.lua line 894: attempt to index global 'MiniMapTrackingFrame' (a nil value) Debug: : ? MetaMap\MetaMap.lua:894: MetaMap_SetTrackIcon() MetaMap\Me...
File: ZMobDB Advanced611-30-07
What kind of Unit Frame mod would y...
Posted By: Naruni
What kind of Unit Frame mod would you recommend for using with ZmodDB? I tried toying with Pitbull but that one completely overwhelmed me hehe. I was thinking maybe like Xperl Unit Frames or something like that. If I could get vertical Health, Mana, etc bars that would be cool. And the 3D models from ZmodDB, is there a way to attac...