Results: 4Comments by: Daved23
File: Tarynn UI02-08-11
Posted By: Daved23
i have a little prob with grid all i got is a black square and when im in a group is 5 black squares any idea how to fix it this is the message i get Date: 2011-02-08 07:37:24 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\Grid\GridStatusRange.lua line 9: Usage: GetModule(name, silent): 'name' - Cannot find m...
File: Tarynn UI12-23-10
Posted By: Daved23
dude which order do the tanking macro's go?
File: Tarynn UI11-20-10
Re: Re: like the UI m8
Posted By: Daved23
Originally posted by Tarynn Yeah you can do it easy enough, just enter the Bartender 4 options and unlock the bars and drag it to where you want it :) If you have trouble let me know and i'll do it for the next update. (Friday 26th) ty for info m8 sorted it now awsome UI me n r lass r using it but she has a smaller screen but i...
File: Tarynn UI11-19-10
like the UI m8
Posted By: Daved23
i like the UI but can u move the shammy totam things up so they do conflict with the action bars plz:banana: im from chamber of aspects my shammy is called Nelith http://WoWScrnShot_112010_055017