Results: 3Comments by: telshak
File: SyncUI04-26-20
The only thing I see that is broken...
Posted By: telshak
The only thing I see that is broken atm is the bank UI. Everything else seems to be doing nicely. I'm really, really hoping Sync is going to play Shadowlands and will support the UI throughout. I have supported his work before and would consider making monthly donations if he would stay consistent. The UI is the only UI I have ev...
File: SyncUI07-03-19
everyday, hoping for an update =( h...
Posted By: telshak
everyday, hoping for an update =( hope you're doing okay sync!
File: SyncUI08-19-18
Hey! Is there a way to enable azeri...
Posted By: telshak
Hey! Is there a way to enable azerite necklace experience bar in place of the default XP bar? Default UI bar has it, but i can't seem to be able to get it enabled with your UI! Great work with the UI otherwise!