Updated: 11-08-10 12:09 AM
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Updated:11-08-10 12:09 AM

Luggage  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.13
by: Nimbal [More]

Luggage sorts the items in your inventory and bank into virtual bags. You can choose from a variety of filters to customize which items should be contained in a virtual bag. If you know Advanced Bags Plus, you'll be familiar with the concept.

You might want to temporarily switch on the "Beginner Tooltips". You can find this option in the Blizzard configuration menu under "Interface", then "Help".

Basic Setup
Luggage comes with a preconfigured bag bar for your inventory. However, you will probably want to reconfigure it to better suit your needs. Most options can be accessed via right-clicking.

Right-click a tab on the bag bar to edit the name or icon of this tab, remove it or add another tab to the bar. You can also add a bag to this tab from the dropdown.

Advanced configuration
You can access additional options in the Blizzard interface options (Esc -> "Interface"). Select the "Addons" tab and then "Luggage" on the left.

Bag Setup
Right-click a bag to edit the name or icon of the bag or remove it. You also have some additional options:

Defragment Inventory
This will compress your inventory physically by combining partial stacks. Depending on whether the bag is set up for displaying main bag items and / or bank items, it will defragment only the main bags and / or the bank.

Show Free Space
Here, you can select which kind of bag space should be displayed as a white number on the bag icon.

Show No. of Contained Items
Check this to have the bag show how many items (or stacks) it currently holds as a yellow number on the bag icon.

Combine Stacks
When this is checked, multiple stacks of items in this bag will be shown as one stack, i.e. when you have a 20 and a 19 stack of runecloth in your bag, it will be displayed as one stack with the size 39.

Note that this is only the display, the two stacks still take up two bag slots.

Also be aware that you will have to switch this option off when you want to split stacks. You can use shift-clicking to split stacks while "Combine Stacks" is on, but you won't be able to see the separate stacks.

Show Empty Slot
When this is checked, an empty slot where you can put new items will be shown in the bag. You will need this for splitting item stacks.

Filter usage
Each filter has three settings:

* Green (Items in this filter definitely belong in this bag)
* Red (Items in this filter definitely don't belong in this bag)
* White ("I don't care")

You can combine the filters to suit your needs. But keep in mind that red filters will always overrule green filters. Often, this is intuitive, but as always, there are exceptions.

You can also set a filter for a specific item by picking it up, holding shift and clicking on the bag you want to set the filter for. The color of the tooltip title will indicate the filter setting. Per-item settings will always overrule any other filter settings.

Example 1
You set the "Armor" filter to green and the "Rarity - Poor" filter to red. Now you will have all armor items in the bag, except the poor (grey) ones.

Example 2
You want all Quest Items in your main bags in one bag. Your first thought may be to set both the "Location - Main Bags" and the "Quest Item" filter to green, but then you'd have all items in your main bags in this virtual bag, regardless of whether they are quest items. In fact, you would have all items in your main bags plus the quest items in your bank in it. What you have to do is set the "Quest Item" filter to green, the "Location - Main Bags" filter to white and all other Location filters (currently only "Bank") to red. This way, all quest items belong into this bag, unless they are anywhere but your main bags. Got it?

Suggestions for filters are always welcome!

* Added option to hide empty bags
* Added option to hide item animation

* Bumped toc version to 3.1
* Separated PeriodicTable filters from default filters
* Added equipment location filters

* Added PeriodicTable filter
* Added keyring to location filter
* Clamped bag bars and bags to screen
* Bag bars are now movable by dragging their tabs
* Fixed "compare number with string" error
* Fixed frame strata
* Fixed ClosetGnome filter nil error when a set was deleted
* Fixed lower border of bags too big
* Tweaked defaults to better mimic Blizzard bags

* Added global bag and bag bar options
* Added 3.0.2 icons
* Tooltips now no longer require activated Newbie tooltips
* Fixed tooltips for bank items
* Fixed sticky manually placed bags when moving them with their title frame
* Fixed deletion of bag bars
* Fixed color option of bags
* Fixed items jumping around in bags with empty slots

- only suitable for WoW version 3.0.2 or later, so don't update before the patch
- Please delete your Luggage saved variables (WoW/WTF/Account/AccountName/SavedVariables/Luggage.*). I apologize for the inconvenience.
* Added profile support
* Fixed stubborn default bags staying when they should have been deleted
* Fixed bags only opening on second hotkey press when previously closed with Esc

* Fixed missing AceHook-3.0 in embedded libraries

* Items are now sorted alphabetically

* Added open / close trigger for bags at various locations (vendor, mailbox, etc)
* Added key bindings for opening all bags and opening specific sets of bags
* Added option to suppress Blizzard bags
* Bag title pulled into bag frame to make bags more compact
* Fixed bug where empty slots weren't properly updated
* Fixed loading locales before AceLocale when using embedded libraries
* Fixed bag placement when using UI scale (again)

* Added option to defragment inventory

* Bags now take UI scale into account
* Minor improvements in default options
* Fixed bag placement with UI scale != 1
* Removed annoying debug message
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Unread 12-23-08, 06:00 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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bug with bank bag

i think i found a bug.
i have made a bag that has every sinlge filter green (including bank), except for main bags and keyring which are red.
i believe this means i should always see every single item in my bank
however, it seems to be ignoring the first 2 bags of the bank (i have a mageweave bag in every bank slot, so i lose 32 items)
i never would have noticed this except that i was having trouble with another addon so i disabled all addons when my bank was supposedly empty, and i discovered 2 bags full of stuff i thought i had lost/sold/etc a long time ago.

of note, however, is that this mostly only seems to happen when i have another inventory addon enabled, bagnon, and/or bagnon forever and/or bagnon tooltips. - while the main features of bagnon arent all that useful in conjunction with luggage, it does have one minor part of it thats useful; a tooltip which shows how many of an item each character has, which is useful, and not included in luggage.

not sure if its just incompatibilities, but it does seem odd that it would only make luggage ignore two of my bank slots and still show the rest

i would be happy to just disable bagnon forever if luggage had this feature, although its probably more work than it seems (i.e. whenever the addon sees the bank of any char, cache the contents, and in the tooltips, show the count of how many total, and broken into in bank and in bags of each character)

anywho, thanks for making such a great addon, its really handy for my bank alt's, i especially love how it combines the 5 stacks of 1 into a single icon with a 5 - great for running a vendor retail operation on the AH
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Unread 12-10-08, 02:14 AM  
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I like the mods idea and how it works.. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to make it work. It shows bank's bags as empty. So I created one custom bag and that one is the only one populated atm with less then half of the items that belong there.. any ideas why it is not seeing my items?
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Unread 11-07-08, 07:17 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Nimbal
I can't reproduce this. Could you post some more details like filter setup on the bags that don't show the empty slot? (And you do have free bag space, do you?)
I got it to appear - I had to change a filter (any filter worked) to get the bag to update. Sorry about that

Originally posted by Nimbal
Since 1.09, Luggage uses Periodic Table and some items seem to be classified a bit unintuitive (and maybe wrong) by PT. In 1.10, I will go back to the old filtering that is driven by Blizzard's classification of items (that is still faulty sometimes) and separate the PT filters out to a separate addon for those who want / need it.
Originally posted by Nimbal
I'll see whether I can add this. No promises though.
Originally posted by Nimbal
Should be in 1.10 (no timeframe yet)
Thanks, looking forward to the next version then!

Oh, something I forgot to ask: any plans for an option to add a gold display to a bag?
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Unread 11-06-08, 04:56 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by mythdat

-Filtering on some items seems a bit wacky. Purified Draenic water, for example, doesn't seem to fall under the "water" filter, but instead under the "buff food" filter. Also I can't seem to get weapon oils such as Brilliant Mana Oil to appear under "weapon buffs" - only "unsorted" seems to pick them up
Since 1.09, Luggage uses Periodic Table and some items seem to be classified a bit unintuitive (and maybe wrong) by PT. In 1.10, I will go back to the old filtering that is driven by Blizzard's classification of items (that is still faulty sometimes) and separate the PT filters out to a separate addon for those who want / need it.

Originally posted by mythdat

- I can't get the "show empty slot" option to work, it just won't appear on any bag
I can't reproduce this. Could you post some more details like filter setup on the bags that don't show the empty slot? (And you do have free bag space, do you?)

Originally posted by mythdat

- Ability to re-order the bags without having to manually place them. I went through and set up all my bags in no particular order, then found I couldn't change the order without deleting them all and starting again, whoops
I'll see whether I can add this. No promises though.

Originally posted by mythdat

- Item border recolouring based on quality
Should be in 1.10 (no timeframe yet)

Originally posted by mythdat

Thanks for the great mod
Thanks for the feedback!
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Unread 11-04-08, 08:28 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Really liking this addon so far, just a couple of problems I've noticed

-Filtering on some items seems a bit wacky. Purified Draenic water, for example, doesn't seem to fall under the "water" filter, but instead under the "buff food" filter. Also I can't seem to get weapon oils such as Brilliant Mana Oil to appear under "weapon buffs" - only "unsorted" seems to pick them up

- I can't get the "show empty slot" option to work, it just won't appear on any bag

And a couple of features I'd like to see

- Ability to re-order the bags without having to manually place them. I went through and set up all my bags in no particular order, then found I couldn't change the order without deleting them all and starting again, whoops

- Item border recolouring based on quality

Thanks for the great mod
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Unread 10-30-08, 02:40 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: suggestions

Thanks for the response -

Originally posted by Nimbal
Ah, yes, I should probably add that to the description. Pick up the item, hover the cursor over the bag and hold Shift while clicking. The tooltip title should change color (I may have broken the title color in a recent change, can't test it right now).

On this I figured out how to do it to the bars, what I was more looking for was a way to drag and drop the the individual virtual bag.
I'll probably never add an option to only show items in exactly one bag as this brings with it a whole heap of implementation problems and configuration headaches to resolve ambiguities (i.e. which bag should have top priority for displaying items).
I understand.

You mean one list per bag showing the items that have been individually configured with shift-clicking (as described above)? Will think about it.
Yep Red and greens would need to be the only ones we need to see though.

Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for listening.
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Unread 10-29-08, 09:55 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: suggestions

Originally posted by Pharaohamun
A way to drag and drop that would change the filters (Maybe Ctrl for Green and Alt for Red and Shift for white?)
Ah, yes, I should probably add that to the description. Pick up the item, hover the cursor over the bag and hold Shift while clicking. The tooltip title should change color (I may have broken the title color in a recent change, can't test it right now).

Originally posted by Pharaohamun
When I item is white on one filter and gets changed to green on another have a option to have it removed from the white list(I don't really want items in multiple places)
I'll probably never add an option to only show items in exactly one bag as this brings with it a whole heap of implementation problems and configuration headaches to resolve ambiguities (i.e. which bag should have top priority for displaying items).

Originally posted by Pharaohamun
A way to see the items that are filtered individually (Similar to ABP)
You mean one list per bag showing the items that have been individually configured with shift-clicking (as described above)? Will think about it.

Thanks for the feedback!
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Unread 10-29-08, 02:24 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I was just looking at your mod tonight as a replacement for Bagnon. I am wanting the auto sort and it looks like yours is the best from what I have seen tonight. Some things I would like to see if you are so inclined.

A way to drag and drop that would change the filters (Maybe Ctrl for Green and Alt for Red and Shift for white?)

When I item is white on one filter and gets changed to green on another have a option to have it removed from the white list(I don't really want items in multiple places)

A way to see the items that are filtered individually (Similar to ABP)

Dvamnar - Crushridge
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Unread 10-22-08, 06:52 PM  
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Originally posted by Nimbal
I am working on optional Periodic Table filters. These should fix most issues caused by Blizzard's inconsistent labeling.
Sweet. I look forward to it.

If you ever want a beta tester, let me know... I will put the mod "through the ringer" so to speak
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Unread 10-22-08, 03:40 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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I am working on optional Periodic Table filters. These should fix most issues caused by Blizzard's inconsistent labeling.
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Unread 10-21-08, 08:28 PM  
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General items


I would really love to use this mod, but it doesn't filter correctly in a lot of instances. Currently I use ArkInventory which is really powerful, but lags a LOT. I am looking for a replacement, but all the bag mods I've looked at are not that good. This one looks the best and I really don't feel like writing my own

OK, first thing I notice is it looks like you rely completely on tooltip scanning. I haven't looked through all the code, but it seems this way.

As an example of where this doesn't work is with an item called "Wildhammer Flare Gun" (and this is only 1 example). This is a Quest item, yet it will never show up in a bag using the Quest Items filter since it does not contain "Quest Item" in its tooltip. However, it does have an item type and subtype of "Quest". Any way you can include a type/subtype check in the filters?

This happens all over items as I found out writing mods. Some potions are listed only as "Consumable", etc. Not sure what Blizzard was doing when they labeled the type/subtype of items?!?

Maybe add Type and Subtype filters?

Thanks for the mod!
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Unread 10-17-08, 08:35 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Nimbal
  1. I must admit, the margin is pretty small, but normally you should be able to move the bag bar by clicking and holding in the small area between the bag icons and the border of the bag bar.
  2. Have you read the tooltips that come with the bag placement frame? If you don't see any, please turn on the "Beginner Tooltips" in the Blizzard options (Interface -> Help). In the next version, the tooltips will also show up when this option is unchecked.
    If I understand you correctly, here's how you would achieve what you want: Click the bottom right corner of the placement frame. Click on the arrows until there is a "1" at the arrow pointing to the left. Drag out the green edge to where you want the bags to "linebreak" to the next row on the top.
  3. I will look into the bag sticking too hard to the cursor. (Edit: Found the error, will be fixed in next version)
Thanks for the quick reply. I'll try your suggestion when I get on tonight... Hopefully I'll have better luck with your guidance.
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Unread 10-17-08, 07:26 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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[UPDATE: Luggage v1.08 was posted, and the change log indicates these issues are resolved. Nothing further to read in this post here, citizen!

Thanks for the update, Nimbal!]

I came here wanting to post about issues I've had trying to place bags manually and see what others were saying, because it seemed like such an obvious issue. And, lo! ...

Originally posted by Nimbal
I must admit, the margin is pretty small, but normally you should be able to move the bag bar by clicking and holding in the small area between the bag icons and the border of the bag bar.
If there is a place to upload video conveniently, I'd show a movie that demonstrates the issue.

I'll try to describe it first though. If you want to manually place the bag, a little menu that you 'check' off to choose manual placement appears and that menu blocks the cursor from the majority of the area you speak of. So, when you move the bag - and especially when you want to stop moving the bag - it's very difficult to do so. I end up having to ESC+ESC to unstick the mouse cursor from moving the frame, which also cancels the move and closes the bag.

This makes it so that you have to re-open the bag to see where you dropped it. And in so doing, if your cursor is within the bag frame, it moves again slightly.. messing up your placement. Then the whole cycle repeats itself until (from a user perspective) you 'get lucky'. It's not easy to place bags at all in this manner.

Originally posted by Nimbal [*]Have you read the tooltips that come with the bag placement frame? If you don't see any, please turn on the "Beginner Tooltips" in the Blizzard options (Interface -> Help). In the next version, the tooltips will also show up when this option is unchecked.
For myself, I didn't know that there were tooltips tied to the Blizz option, so I will also enable Beginner's Tooltips to see if it clarifies bag placement procedures.

Originally posted by Nimbal If I understand you correctly, here's how you would achieve what you want: Click the bottom right corner of the placement frame. Click on the arrows until there is a "1" at the arrow pointing to the left. Drag out the green edge to where you want the bags to "linebreak" to the next row on the top.[*]I will look into the bag sticking too hard to the cursor. (Edit: Found the error, will be fixed in next version)[/list][/b]
Beginner's Tooltips being disabled probably mentions this process (I'll have to check now) and I had no idea there was another way to move an open bag frame aside from the menu that appears when you click the top portion of a given bag frame.

Looking forward to updates. If I can get this bag placement issue sorted out, I can start digging into the filtering options for custom bags. I really want to see this work out, because if you're interested in having multiple bags that arrange items according to user-definable types, this is the mod that wins. I really want to see this project succeed.
-- ęsir
Last edited by Aesir : 10-17-08 at 09:54 AM.
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Unread 10-17-08, 04:42 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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  1. I must admit, the margin is pretty small, but normally you should be able to move the bag bar by clicking and holding in the small area between the bag icons and the border of the bag bar.
  2. Have you read the tooltips that come with the bag placement frame? If you don't see any, please turn on the "Beginner Tooltips" in the Blizzard options (Interface -> Help). In the next version, the tooltips will also show up when this option is unchecked.
    If I understand you correctly, here's how you would achieve what you want: Click the bottom right corner of the placement frame. Click on the arrows until there is a "1" at the arrow pointing to the left. Drag out the green edge to where you want the bags to "linebreak" to the next row on the top.
  3. I will look into the bag sticking too hard to the cursor. (Edit: Found the error, will be fixed in next version)
Last edited by Nimbal : 10-17-08 at 06:03 AM.
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Unread 10-16-08, 07:00 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Help. This looks like a really cool add on, but I can't get it to work in an acceptable manner... am I missing something?

1. The bag tab is stuck in the middle of my screen and everything I've tried does not allow me to move it to somewhere more appropriate.

2. The bags as they pop out slowly stack below each other off of my screen. I've tried playing with the bag placement but that seemed to do things opposite of what I wanted... it would be nice if the bags open on the right and then each one fills to the left, but I could only get it to do to the right. Also when I finally did see the Manually place bag, I was like, cool that could work. But then when I clicked on it to move it, I couldn't UNclick it, so I had to quit to get control of my mouse cursor again.

I'm assuming all of this is just user issue, so any help figuring this out would be great. I would really love to give this add-on a go, but for now I'll have to leave it disabled.

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