Updated: 07-22-16 02:27 PM
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Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Updated:07-22-16 02:27 PM
Created:01-06-10 11:32 AM
Categories:Beta-version AddOns, Buff, Debuff, Spell, DPS, Healers, Tank, Combat Mods

Tidy Plates Beta  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 6.18.Beta3
by: danltiger [More]

This is a major update to Tidy Plates, and many things have changed.

Having Trouble?

* Quick Fix - Quick Setup:
1. Use '/tp' to reselect your Theme
2. Use '/hub' to check your settings...
...Some settings have been pruned!

Here are some of the bigger changes:

* Hub Revamp / Phase 1
1. Removed theme copies; ie. "Damage" and "Tank"
2. Theme copies have become 'Profiles'
3. Access profiles via: '/tp'
4. You can still use '/hub' to jump to the
appropriate panel
5. Again, some settings have been pruned!

* NEON is the only theme that has been updated in Beta1
* QUATRE will be available in Beta2
* GREY will be available in Beta3

* Numerous Bug Fixes & Improvements
* Numerous Bug "Additions", possibly

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause.
Think of this: Changes mean that this addon is being actively developed
and maintained, rather than withering.

I'm not going to bug you by popping up an ad whenever you hit "Download". If you enjoy this addon and want to send a monetary "Thank You", please visit our Pledgie page by clicking on the button, above.


99% of the previous nameplate system has been replaced by Blizzard for Legion.

Rebuilding has been slow, since I'm (apparently) a grown-up, now. ;-)

BUT, progress is indeed being made!

The internal widgets are disabled, which means the Aura timers are not working. I'm rewriting the entire bloody system because we now have a good way to capture that data without all the trickery that was previously required. (Blizzard does love us!)

Again, progress is being made!

Many things are broken, so I expect that many of you might want to check back with Tidy Plates in a week or so.

Happy questing!

6.16.Beta: Quick Notes
This is a MAJOR update to Tidy Plates, and many things have changed.

Here are some of the bigger changes:

* The Hub has been revamped and some rearranging has been done.
* Quick Fix - Quick Setup:
1. Use '/tp' to reselect your Theme (and Profile)
2. Use '/hub' to check your settings...

* Some settings have been pruned; If there was something important that got
removed, let me know...

* Numerous Bug Fixes & Improvements
* Numerous Bug "Additions"? (Quite possible!)

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause...

Think of this: Changes mean that this addon is being actively developed and
maintained, rather than withering, as many addons do...

* Hub: Threat: Highlight Mobs Tanked by Other Tanks: It was a mess. Rewrote and tested with hunter pet, and it's working well in that condition.
- To do: Reimplement Combat Log melee swing detection, and test in 5-man and Raids

* I haven't been keeping track of changes. Warlords- yay!

Things still needing testing...
* Healer Tracking
* Tank Target-Of-Mob Tracking

* Some fixes, some additions..

Things still needing testing...
* Healer Tracking
* Tank Target-Of-Mob Tracking

* Lots of things that I didn't write down because I'm busy playing Warlords of Freakin' Draenor woot!
* Fixed some bugs
* Added some new bugs, probably
* Lots of changes to the Hub. Feedback is good. Be polite, please!

* Migrated to new Dropdown Menu and Hub Function system; Your settings will be a bit borked until you go to /hub

* Themes: Migrated Quatre, Grey, and Graphite to the new system
* Hub/Themes: New function definition process, makes it easier to add themes
* Numerous bug fixes.. Can't remember. Been leveling my druid. Sleep; Need more of.

* Hub/Aura Widget: Fixed an issue which would prevent your auras from showing up (Previous configuration conflict)

* Widget/Combo Points: Fixed?

* Widgets/UnitCache: Fix for mouseover bug
* Class Coloring: Fixed IsInInstance() issue.. maybe?
* Hub: Removed "Default" choice from the Friendly and Enemy Coloring Modes (Yeah, this will make current settings funk-up... but it cleans out that redundant choice)

6.16.Beta1: Full-ish List of Changes:

* Core/Panel: !! The Bundled themes no longer create a "Damage" and "Tank" copy !!
* Core/Panel: Introduced a new menu set, called Profiles, which will load the appropriate "Damage", "Tank", or "Healer" Hub profile.
* Core/Panel: When the selected theme is invalid, it'll fall-back to the first available theme.
* Core/Panel: Added a Slash Command alias, "/tp" in addition to "/tidyplates"

Bundled Themes:
* Themes: Neon & Quatre now have CastProtected art. About time!
* Neon: New Elite Icon, which looks more like I'd originally intended. (Replaces the old Star)
* Removed "Blizzard Theme"... Sorry guys... There are core things that I want to get done, and fixing/maintaining
that component is not a priority. It will probably return, but don't hold your breath.

* Widgets/UnitCache: Replaced " (*)" with FOREIGN_SERVER_LABEL, which will fix unit-caching on certain server types.
* Widgets/UnitCache: Now using a Scanning Tooltip, which should prevent conflicts with TipTac and other Tooltip mods
* Widgets/Aura: Combat Log Event Handler now skips units which are group members, relying on the general
Unit event handler for their updates.

* Hub: Colorized 'Friendly' and 'Enemy' description titles, to improve readability.
* Separated Hub functions.lua into discrete category files
* Tweaked some names/descriptions
* Removed Threat Wheel widget from Hub
* Hub: Added a button to the Advanced category; "Clear Cache", which purges the stored Class/Description/Guild data
* Hub/Advanced: "Health Bar Width" (%) Allows you to tweak the relative width of the theme's Health Bar (Experimental)

* Hub/Reaction: New Color, "Tapped Unit"
* Hub/Color Function: Tapped Color will be applied, taking priority over Threat/Etc. functions

* Hub: Scale: Added, Bring Target units to Spotlight Scale, Bring Mouseovers to Spotlight Scale

Hub/Health Bar View:
* Removed several of the Status Text choices; These will reappear in a more advanced "Custom Text" category (Working on it...)
* NOTE: The CUSTOM/ADVANCED Status Text function hasn't been written, yet; Thus, it doesn't do anything at the moment...

* Hub: Opacity: Enemy & Friendly units now have their own independent Spotlight Modes
* Hub: Opacity: Spotlight Modes; Removal of some redundant and underused modes.
* Hub: Opacity: New Checkbox, "Spotlight Raid Marked"
* Hub: Opacity: Modified Checkbox, "Bring Mouseovers to Target Opacity" to "Spotlight Mouseover"
* Hub: Opacity: Modified Checkbox, "Bring Casting Units to Target Opacity" to "Spotlight Casting Units"

Hub/Aura Widget:
* Hub: Buffs & Debuffs: Replaced "Aura Widget Mode" Dropdown with Checkboxes: "Include My Buffs", and "Include My Debuffs".
* Hub: Buffs & Debuffs: The widget will now use a Smart Mode, where it first evaluates the checkboxes, then evaluates the Aura List.
* Hub: Buffs & Debuffs: Added the "Not" prefix to the aura list; This new mode allows you to blacklist auras from "Show My Debuffs" etc.

* Hub: Quick Frame Templates now return the created frame twice (ie. assign two references with a single call, which helps with the Quick Frame setup)
* Fixed some Odd Mouseover Behavior
* Rearranged and removed some old Hub stuff. Cleaning out functions, removing ancient code, removed items of questionable utility
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Unread 12-18-11, 01:19 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Current Target

You could replace the target indicator artwork. I've made customizations to my themes without editing the base file by creating an addon which modifies the theme's table, with the parent theme as a dependency....

1. Create Folder: TidyPlatesNeon_MyCustomizations

2. Create File: TidyPlatesNeon_MyCustomizations.toc

3. Add code to TidyPlatesNeon_MyCustomizations.toc:
## Interface: 40300
## Title: Tidy Plates Neon Customization
## Dependencies: TidyPlates_Neon
4.Create File: MyCustomizations.lua

5. Add code to MyCustomizations.lua:
local theme = TidyPlatesThemeList["Neon/|cFFFF4400Damage"]
local style = theme["Default"]

-- Example Customization = "Path\\YourTextureFile" = 128 = 64
As a plus: The customization would persist through addon updates.

Originally Posted by unstoppixel
One thing I love about Threat Plates is the big arrow icons around the current target. But one thing I love about the regular themes you have is that the full health bars turn blue when a mob is being tanked by another tank. Is there any way this could be combined. I'd LOVE if your themes had an option for bigger indication of your current target!
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Unread 12-16-11, 12:35 AM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Re: Current Target

Originally Posted by unstoppixel
One thing I love about Threat Plates is the big arrow icons around the current target. But one thing I love about the regular themes you have is that the full health bars turn blue when a mob is being tanked by another tank. Is there any way this could be combined. I'd LOVE if your themes had an option for bigger indication of your current target!
that'd be up to threat plates getting updated for newer features. it's been a good while since it's been touched
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Unread 12-11-11, 04:48 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Question Current Target

One thing I love about Threat Plates is the big arrow icons around the current target. But one thing I love about the regular themes you have is that the full health bars turn blue when a mob is being tanked by another tank. Is there any way this could be combined. I'd LOVE if your themes had an option for bigger indication of your current target!
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Unread 10-31-11, 01:29 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: No bars for enemy players.

Hi Drey,

Looks like you're in Dalaran, from the pic. I think that enemy players don't get a nameplate in sanctuary zones, which would explain the oddity. (It's a blizz client thing, not Tidy Plates)

Originally posted by Drey
I'm just starting to use nameplates (yeah, I know. No excuse for that) and I love this addon but I've got a really odd problem here.

I do not get any bars over enemy players.

Current keybindings are:
V - show enemy name plates
Shift+v - show friendly name plates
Ctrl+V - show all name plates

When I have all name plates on (control+v) I don't see any enemy bars. I see npc friendly, npc enemy and friendly but no enemy.

I'm pretty sure it's a pebkac but for the life of me I cannot figure out what is wrong.

The below is a link to a screenshot I took.
As you can see everyone except the troll (on the bear) and the orc (on the broom) have bars.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


quick edit.
I first installed V6.4.6 and had the exact same issue so I upgraded to V6.4.6 (r355). The picture I linked to is V6.4.6 (r355).

Thanks again!

One last edit. Just another quick screen shot to show that now there is a enemy npc in view with a red bar but still none on the troll on the bear.

Thanks cubed!
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Unread 10-13-11, 12:24 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Here is a error log from the last version (r340):

153x TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:556: invalid order function for sorting
<in C code>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:556: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:518>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:589: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:571>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:121: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:114>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:300: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:264>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:374: in function "?"
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:426: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:423>

frame = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
AuraIconFrames = <table> {}
Update = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:599
unit = <table> {}
guidcache = "0xF13079AA000045E9"
_Hide = <func> =[C]:-1
Filter = <func> @TidyPlatesHub\Functions.lua:577
UpdateTarget = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:593
PollFunction = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:482
UpdateContext = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:599
Hide = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:735
guid = "0xF13079AA000045E9"
AuraIconFrames = <table> {
1 = <unnamed> {}
2 = <unnamed> {}
3 = <unnamed> {}
4 = <unnamed> {}
5 = <unnamed> {}
6 = <unnamed> {}
7 = <unnamed> {}
8 = <unnamed> {}
AurasOnUnit = <table> {
3480x0680000001A97F19 = "0xF13079AA000045E93480x0680000001A97F19"
14900x0680000001A97F19 = "0xF13079AA000045E914900x0680000001A97F19"
1720x0680000001A97F19 = "0xF13079AA000045E91720x0680000001A97F19"
6030x0680000001A97F19 = "0xF13079AA000045E96030x0680000001A97F19"
AuraSlotIndex = 1
instanceid = nil
debuffCount = 4
GetAuraList = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:210
DebuffCache = <table> {
1 = <table> {}
2 = <table> {}
3 = <table> {}
4 = <table> {}
GetAuraInstance = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:175
debuffSort = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:513
UpdateIcon = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:492
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Unread 10-13-11, 05:16 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: more information on the current beta errors

Aright, hopefully the current update fixes those errors.

On a side note, the sorting only works with filtering ("My Specific", "Specific" or "By Prefix")

Glad the memory optimization is actually working! :-) Thanks for testing

Originally posted by ronconsoda
replacing Aura_Dispell[guid][aura_id] = nil with Aura_Dispell[aura_instance_id] = nil removes the second error. (solution based on line 227 where you use a different syntax)

checking for an non empty table doesnt remove the first error. removing the else part from the sort function fixes this error. (local function debuffSort(a,b) if a and b and a.priority and b.priority then return a.priority < b.priority end end --else return true end end

On a side note: it seems that the auras are unsorted currently. But maybe thats caused by my hacks. Otherwise impressive memory and cpu consumption improvements

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Tidy Plates, Tidy Threat, and Tidy Bar
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Unread 10-12-11, 11:13 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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more information on the current beta errors

replacing Aura_Dispell[guid][aura_id] = nil with Aura_Dispell[aura_instance_id] = nil removes the second error. (solution based on line 227 where you use a different syntax)

checking for an non empty table doesnt remove the first error. removing the else part from the sort function fixes this error. (local function debuffSort(a,b) if a and b and a.priority and b.priority then return a.priority < b.priority end end --else return true end end

On a side note: it seems that the auras are unsorted currently. But maybe thats caused by my hacks. Otherwise impressive memory and cpu consumption improvements

Last edited by ronconsoda : 10-12-11 at 11:37 AM.
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Unread 10-12-11, 10:47 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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current beta r338 error

using show only your own debuffs following errors are thrown by current beta:


24x TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:555: invalid order function for sorting
<in C code>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:555: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:518>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:587: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:569>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:121: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:114>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:300: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:264>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:305: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:303>
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:444: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:423>

frame = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
AuraIconFrames = <table> {}
Update = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:597
unit = <table> {}
guidcache = "0xF530CCAF0002CF0E"
_Hide = <func> =[C]:-1
Filter = <func> @TidyPlatesHub\Functions.lua:577
UpdateTarget = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:591
PollFunction = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:482
UpdateContext = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:597
Hide = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:733
guid = "0xF530CCAF0002CF0E"
AuraIconFrames = <table> {
1 = <unnamed> {}
2 = <unnamed> {}
3 = <unnamed> {}
4 = <unnamed> {}
5 = <unnamed> {}
6 = <unnamed> {}
7 = <unnamed> {}
8 = <unnamed> {}
AurasOnUnit = <table> {
3480x02000000020A0FB1 = "0xF530CCAF0002CF0E3480x02000000020A0FB1"
860000x02000000020A0FB1 = "0xF530CCAF0002CF0E860000x02000000020A0FB1"
1720x02000000020A0FB1 = "0xF530CCAF0002CF0E1720x02000000020A0FB1"
6030x02000000020A0FB1 = "0xF530CCAF0002CF0E6030x02000000020A0FB1"
939870x02000000020A0FB1 = "0xF530CCAF0002CF0E939870x02000000020A0FB1"
AuraSlotIndex = 1
instanceid = nil
debuffCount = 5
GetAuraList = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:210
DebuffCache = <table> {
1 = <table> {}
2 = <table> {}
3 = <table> {}
4 = <table> {}
GetAuraInstance = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:175
debuffSort = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:513
UpdateIcon = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:492

second error is also thrown when deactivating debuff widget via hub:

4x TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:249: attempt to index field "?" (a nil value)
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:249: in function "?"
TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:426: in function <TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:423>

frame = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
GeneralEvents = <table> {
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:233
UNIT_TARGET = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:355
UNIT_AURA = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:372
PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:233
GetCombatEventResults = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:410
CombatLogEvents = <table> {
SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:342
SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:342
SPELL_AURA_BROKEN_SPELL = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:336
SPELL_AURA_APPLIED = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:328
SPELL_AURA_REMOVED = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:336
SPELL_AURA_BROKEN = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:336
SPELL_AURA_REFRESH = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:328
UpdateAuraByLookup = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:303
ByName = <table> {}
RaidIconBit = <table> {
SKULL = 128
MOON = 16
CROSS = 64
STAR = 1
ByRaidIcon = <table> {}
CallForWidgetUpdate = <func> @TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:114
Last edited by ronconsoda : 10-12-11 at 10:51 AM.
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Unread 10-10-11, 05:50 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Aklarr
Not sure if this problem I encountered is related to the Widgets folder or not.. but I installed the latest beta as of 10/04/11 and went into BH on my main last night. Well... tidyplates basically fell on its face.... it wouldnt let me pick anything for first or secondary nameplates (and i usually use Quatre Damage for both) and it would only show none in the drop down box.

On encountering the first pack of trash it only showed red text with the mob name and that was it. Reverting back to the previous release I had downloaded restored full functionality.
Same problem here.
Seems the files within tidyplateswidgets has naming problem(tidyplates.toc not tidyplateswidgets.toc) and the content of toc has error title(title:tidy plates, should be:tidy plates widgets?)
BTW, good addon,
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Unread 10-06-11, 01:32 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Aye, I'll be fixing it shortly.

Hopefully all of this messing around and optimization will be worth it.

Originally posted by Kazragore
Error after login with 6.4 (r318):

6x TidyPlates-6.3.7 (R304)\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:454: attempt to index global "TidyPlatesWidgets" (a nil value)
TidyPlates-6.3.7 (R304)\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:454: in function "?"
TidyPlates-6.3.7 (R304)\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:503: in function <TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:503>

self = TidyPlatesInterfaceOptions {
 0 = <userdata>
 name = "Tidy Plates"
 Label = <unnamed> {}
panelevents = <table> {
 PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:482
 ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:449
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:460
 PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:487
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:493
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Unread 10-06-11, 09:33 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Error after login with 6.4 (r318):

6x TidyPlates-6.3.7 (R304)\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:454: attempt to index global "TidyPlatesWidgets" (a nil value)
TidyPlates-6.3.7 (R304)\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:454: in function "?"
TidyPlates-6.3.7 (R304)\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:503: in function <TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:503>

self = TidyPlatesInterfaceOptions {
 0 = <userdata>
 name = "Tidy Plates"
 Label = <unnamed> {}
panelevents = <table> {
 PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:482
 ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:449
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:460
 PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:487
 PLAYER_LOGIN = <func> @TidyPlates\TidyPlatesPanel.lua:493
Last edited by Kazragore : 10-06-11 at 09:37 AM.
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Unread 10-05-11, 10:42 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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It makes it easier for me (and others) to track the usage of memory. And it works better for me with how I organize my version control.

Originally posted by suicidalkatt
Is there any particular reason why you separated the widgets into its on 'addon'?

Idk seems odd to me considering it's been a part of the addon for so long.

It's not crazy excessive, just seems strange to have to add another dependency to everything.
Author Portal
Tidy Plates, Tidy Threat, and Tidy Bar
Last edited by danltiger : 10-05-11 at 10:44 PM.
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Unread 10-05-11, 10:40 PM  
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Is there any particular reason why you separated the widgets into its on 'addon'?

Idk seems odd to me considering it's been a part of the addon for so long.

It's not crazy excessive, just seems strange to have to add another dependency to everything.
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Unread 10-05-11, 10:38 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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As always, if it doesn't work, go back to an older version. I test these things before I upload, but sometimes issues can slip through. This is a beta release page, so there are always at least one thing for me to fix..
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Tidy Plates, Tidy Threat, and Tidy Bar
Last edited by danltiger : 10-05-11 at 10:39 PM.
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Unread 10-05-11, 10:36 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Check that the TidyPlatesWidgets folder exists, and that you see "Tidy Plates Widgets" in your addon list. It's a dependency of the Hub, which is required for the bundled themes (Quatre, etc)... which is probably why it won't let you select your usual themes.

Originally posted by Aklarr
Not sure if this problem I encountered is related to the Widgets folder or not.. but I installed the latest beta as of 10/04/11 and went into BH on my main last night. Well... tidyplates basically fell on its face.... it wouldnt let me pick anything for first or secondary nameplates (and i usually use Quatre Damage for both) and it would only show none in the drop down box.

On encountering the first pack of trash it only showed red text with the mob name and that was it. Reverting back to the previous release I had downloaded restored full functionality.
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