Updated: 02-11-11 02:30 PM
File Info
Updated:02-11-11 02:30 PM
Created:01-21-11 12:22 AM

BigRooster PvP Funtime  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.3
by: Koodles [More]

1280 x 1024 resolution interface

An interface with everything centered around the mini map on the bottom of the screen. the buttons around it are just for cooldowns (: but you can key binds stuff to them. All the other bars are hidden from view to give the screen more space (: enjoy if you have any specific questions let me know and ill get back asap. feel free to leave me feed back on my interface or what i could do to make it better.

A interface i made for my warrior, and a interface i made for my friend who plays a lock.

Downloading and Installing

DL and unpack it like normal. replace the interface and WTF folders in your Wow folder with these folders. (inside the interface folder is another folder labeled interface leave it alone its just a graphical mod that changes the pictures/ default blizzard display slightly to improve performance.

You need to change the account name in the WTF folder to your accounts name.

Okay special instructions for a few stubborn mods.

First off sorry but sexy map refused to cooperate with me so you will need to reposition it yourself(right click on your mini map and toggle the lock off) i guess im sorry but it just wont copy the position when you copy profiles or stay there even on default when switching to a new character. so sorry about that.

the buttons around the mini map were just meant for moves with some sort of cool down. see next
For Dominos (that's your bar mod) you will need to copy the Warrior Profile. Also , for this mod you will need to hover over the mini map click on the button around your mini map and then in the sorta middle right of the screen you will see all of your bars shift right click to enable them to see them and change them around and key-bind then turn them off again. don't forget to put all the moves who's cool down you need to track around the bars at the interface.

last one you need to mess with is Satrina Buff Frame. type /sbf options (hit enter after options) go to profiles on the bottom and copy bigroosters profile to set it up nice and neat.

only do this if it didnt set it up when installed (messed up on one of my practice unpacks never figured out why)For tidy plate just go to the blizzard interface/addon tab go down to tidyplates

Addon List:

Auctionmaster- Helps you do your Auction house stuff

ButtonFacade - SKkns for addons

dG Killshot - Custom Killingblow mod useful in arena to make sure you actually killed them
also fun for the things you can make it say when you kill someone.

Dominos - Bar mod

Gatherer & Database - to help you with your gathering profession

Gladius - For arena

lib ace3- make addons run smooth

LoseControl - when you CC displays a button in the center of your screen showing what CC'ed you and for how long.

Mail Opener - opens mail

Miks - combat text mod

OmniCC - cd display for moves on your bars (actual seconds left)

Pitbull4 - Unit frame mod

Prat - Chat Mod

Quartz - Cast Bar mod

Satrina buff frames - Buff/debuff mod

Tidy Plates - awesome mod just pure awesome

DMB - self explanatory

All credit for the Addons used goes to the Authors of the addons.

Have Fun and Enjoy This interface spwnt alot of time working to make it perfect for my self. I hope You guys can enjoy it too

1.1 - fixed quartz, gladius, and pitbull. they wernt saved right in the first upload.

1.3 - updated for patch 4.0.6
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