Updated: 02-01-11 11:37 AM
File Info
Updated:02-01-11 11:37 AM
Created:01-31-11 04:32 PM

Nikifis Setup

Version: 1.0.0 Beta
by: Nikifi992 [More]

##Updated for 4.0.3.a##

Greetings guys i've made this AddOn and i've decided to release it.
I've made some Installation Instructions becouse it may be a little complicated to install.

But just follow some steps and you'll get it succesfully installed

STEP 1: Extracting.
Start by downloading the files i've uploaded, you should see an folder called "DaAddOn" extract it to your desktop. (no worries it will only stay there temporary.. or another way to say it- It will stay here durning the whole installation.)

STEP 2: Copying.
Okay so now we've succesfully installed the files & extracted them now its time to place the files to the right directions.
Lets start out by opening the "DaAddOn" folder as we placed on the Desktop and inside the "DaAddOn" folder enter another folder called "PacA" and copy everthing inside "PacA"
and goto your world of warcraft's directory in my case it's "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\"
STEP 3: Saved Variables
Now when we've inside the world of warcraft directory goto "WTF" and then "Accounts" and afterwards the account name of your account (Not YOUR but your regular account name, in my case this is "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Wtf\Accounts\Oiooi"
When you've inside this directory goto the folder named "SavedVariables" and paste the files that you copied before.
IF there already exists a file with that name, then please overwride THE file that already is named the same as your file.

STEP 4: AddOn Copy
Now the first part is done.. now it's time to install the addons so start out by opening the folder that we extracted to the desktop "DaAddOn" and goto the folder called "Addons" and copy everthing inside it
STEP 5: AddOn placement
Okay so now goto the directory your world of warcraft is placed and then goto "Interface" and afterwards "AddOns" in my case it's "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns" and paste the files that we copied before.
IF there already exists a folder with that name, then please overwride THE folder that already is named the same as your folder.
This is the last step (In-Game configuration).. click on the same buttons as the picture and then type "/Reload" in-game..

Thats baiscly it, but if you have any questions you're welcome to contact Nikifi - Zenedar or contact me by mail ([email protected])

Yay now we're DONE!

*Update: Please notice that the (Active) panel has been removed and the text "Nikifi's Panel" has been removed too! (But not the panel just the text)

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