Updated: 12-11-13 11:58 AM
File Info
Updated:12-11-13 11:58 AM
Created:07-30-13 02:56 PM
Categories:Unit Mods, Combat Mods, Raid Mods


Version: 1.4.9
by: Dridzt [More]

targetAssist provides unit frames that track tanks and main assists in your party or raid, along with their current targets.


  • Drag and lock the assist frames from the header.
  • Lots of appearance options, anchor and sort order.
  • Select the sources of tanks and assists (role, raid/group assignment, talent specialization, oRA3 custom tanks)
  • Optionally mark on the assist frames the most popular friendly or hostile targets.
  • Assist keybinds.
  • Fade out of range units.
  • Ability to broadcast assist lists to your party, raid or guild.
  • ... and more

  • General addon options are available in the Interface options panel.
  • Specific on-demand options are available from the header and assist unit context menu.

* Addon inspired by the long-defunct MainAssist by Nargiddley, originally developed by Sonora, 5.1+ versions by Dridzt

Created tag 1.4.9.
r110 | dridzt | 2013-12-11 15:48:27 +0000 (Wed, 11 Dec 2013) | 2 lines

- Fix a rare division by zero error because pets and portals don't get along.
- Also, compatible with 5.4.2

Created tag 1.4.8 "Siege or Orgrimmar"
r108 | dridzt | 2013-09-11 08:45:00 +0000 (Wed, 11 Sep 2013) | 1 line

- toc update, compatible with 5.4

Created tag 1.4.7. (5.4 PTR)
r106 | dridzt | 2013-07-30 19:00:59 +0000 (Tue, 30 Jul 2013) | 3 lines

- Moving utility functions to their own module, lots of internal cleanups and re-organization.
- Pet name coloring changed so owner is easier to identify.
- Modify initialization to account for changes in addon loading process for 5.4.

Created tag 1.4.6 "Escalation"
r104 | dridzt | 2013-06-07 06:27:39 +0000 (Fri, 07 Jun 2013) | 8 lines

- Fix roster list getting polluted from tank and mainassist lists.
- Fix a typo that prevented role detection from working in parties.
- Fix x-realm unit names.
- Improve auto-add and auto-purge options.
- Add class colors and tank/assist/pet icons to the 'Custom Assist' dropdown.
- Improve event processing (skip events whose option isn't enabled)
- Remove some debug code.
- Update .toc, compatible with WoW 5.3.0
r102 | dridzt | 2013-06-05 19:21:25 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jun 2013) | 16 lines

- Option for automating the addition of tanks/assists is now cumulative.
- Provide separate options for the various sources of tanks/assists.
- Add specialization detection to tank sources (using LibGroupInSpecT).
- Improve range detection (using LibRangeCheck-2.0)
- Provide separate options for friend/enemy range checking and expose the alpha setting for oor units.
- oRA2 support removed, !ClassColors support added.
- Improve the auto-clear logic, make 'Clear All' option apply to all relevant data (target list, broadcast history etc)
- Make the 'include player' option apply for all relevant data (eg. auto-add tanks/assists)
- Fix 'prefix too long' error for target list broadcasts.
- Fix party/raid detection, remove obsolete events, use 5.3 API.
- Fix raid marking dropdown not working on Target frame.
- Fix default font not displaying properly on some foreign locales (Asian, Russian etc)
- Properly split initialization of saved variables and game data.
- Performance optimizations, both cpu and rate of memory consumption (should be nearly static now)
- Properly disable the addon when hidden so all processing stops.
- Needs testing: x-realm parties/raids.
r101 | dridzt | 2013-06-05 19:18:30 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jun 2013) | 1 line

- Remove hard-embeds (step2)
r100 | dridzt | 2013-06-05 19:16:37 +0000 (Wed, 05 Jun 2013) | 1 line

- Remove hard-embeds (step1)
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