Updated: 06-19-15 09:01 AM
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Updated:06-19-15 09:01 AM
Created:06-11-14 07:52 PM
Categories:Utility Mods, Action Bar Mods, Combat Mods, Graphic UI Mods, Beta-version AddOns

KayrMacro - Advanced Macros and Expanded Storage  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: (Public Alpha)
by: Kvalyr [More]

= KayrMacro - Advanced Macros Addon for World of Warcraft
= Copyright (c) Kvalyr - 2015 - All Rights Reserved

Please see the KayrMacro Wiki @


In-Game Documentation added!

Syntax for macros may occasionally change during alpha phase, but once the addon reaches beta the KMacro addon syntax will be stable and should see minimal changes in future.

Please note: Users upgrading from versions prior to 0.3.4 may need to update any of their KMacros that used macro shorthands (such as [Tx] for talent-casting).
The wrapper symbols for these shorthands have been changed from "[x]" to "<x>"

This addon has been in development on-and-off for a number of months and I've been using it myself since 5.0.
I'm releasing this alpha version to get feedback from users on usability and functionality and to get the ideas and code out.

Description & Features:

KayrMacro (KM) is an AddOn for World of Warcraft that expands the functionality of the game's built-in macro system.
It adds new conditions and keywords; and greatly expands macro storage, all while retaining full compatibility with the default UI as well as all ActionBar addons.

* Vastly expanded macro storage (Space for thousands of macros)
* New advanced macro conditions in addition to those built into WoW
* Macro-shortening and useful shorthands
* Macro Indentation & Syntax Highlighting during editing

Examples of the kinds of complex macros and conditions possible with KM can be seen at:

Existing macros are left untouched
KM never modifies existing macros and does not interfere with the normal usage of macros in WoW.
KM will only modify/rewrite macros that have been 'enabled' in the main KM window.

Players can choose to give KayrMacro control of none or all 54 macro slots in the default macro UI.

Expanded Macro Storage
KM greatly expands the amount of storage space available for macros by allowing the player to store their macros on an
account-wide, class-wide or character-specific basis.

The AddOn then dynamically calls up the stored macros according to the player's choice on a per-macro basis that can be
changed at any time (out of combat) by the user.

The actual macro icon in the macro frame or on the player's bars remains where it is at all times and the addon simply
re-writes the macro's code when necessary.

Advanced Macro Conditions
KM adds a number of new conditions to macros for choosing actions according to class, spec, talent-choices, known spells, etc.

Note: The new conditions added to the macro system by KM are ONLY PARSED OUTSIDE OF COMBAT.
The WoW API prevents macros from being edited during combat and KM makes no attempt to circumvent this limitation.

KM cannot automate macros during combat, it is simply a way to consolidate macros according to new out-of-combat conditions.

Infinite Macro-length
Macros in KayrMacro can be of any length. The advanced conditions added by KM make it less likely that the user will need macros
longer than 255 characters, but the addon supports macros of almost any length as long as no single slash-command within the macro
is longer than 1023 characters.
The addon warns the user in the rare case that this is an issue.

Macro Shorthands
Talent-spells can be cast by using <Tx> in place of a spell name, where 'x' is the tier of the talent.

For instance, to cast the player's chosen 2nd-tier talent:
''/cast <T2>;''

Other shorthands include:
Best Health Potion: <healthpotion>
Best Mana Potion: <manapotion>
Best Bandage: <bandage>
Best Food: <food>
Best Water: <water>

Macro Indentation and Syntax-highlighting
+ Macros written in KM can have as much or as little whitespace as the user desires.
+ KM ignores whitespace and even linebreaks in most circumstances.
+ The semicolon ( ; ) is used to signal the end of a 'line' in a macro.
+ This also allows for indentation so that separate conditions (such as modifiers) can be split across multiple lines after a
slash command for readability in a macro.

+ Examples of this can be seen on the Wiki ( )

How it works
KM Works by adding a pre-processor stage to macro creation that works outside of combat to re-write KM macros according to
states such as the player's chosen spec, talents, available items, etc.

KMacros are handled in a window attached to the MacroFrame of the default UI but the macros produced by KM are normal, valid
macros indistinguishable from hand-written macros in the default UI.

+ Please see documentation at
+ Getting started:

Requirements & Compatibility:
+ WoW 5.4 to 6.x (Mists of Pandaria / Warlords of Draenor)

+ KayrMacro requires empty/available macro slots to work initially.

+ The end-result Macros generated by KM are functionally identical to hand-written macros and are equally compatible with
existing action bar addons.

+ Please report any incompatibilities discovered to Kvalyr on the page for this addon.

+ Standard addon installation:
Place the "KayrMacro" folder inside "[WoW Folder]\Interface\Addons".
Enable KayrMacro in the Addons menu on the character selection screen.

Planned Features:

+ Options GUI
+ Multi-line Conditions
+ User-defined conditions, sub-macros, variables

+ Embeds KayrLib by Kvalyr and LibStrataFix by oscarucb


+ Kvalyr (Author)

Licence & Disclaimer:

KayrMacro & KayrLib - Copyright 2015 Kvalyr (Robert Voigt) - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Modification or redistribution without explicit consent from the author is prohibited and
considered a breach of copyright.

A lack of response by the author to requests for permission to redistribute this software
in any state must NOT be considered as permission, implicit or otherwise.
In such case as redistribution is explicitly permitted by the author, this software and
these accompanying notices must remain intact and included with the software.

Authorized Download Locations:

Known Issues:
+ No user-configurable options for submacros (healthpotion, manapotion, bandage, food, water)

Change Log:
See Change Log tab (above)

- Fixed MacroFrame not responding immediately to changes to KMacros
- Updated TOC to 60100
- Fixed catform variable (was wrong number)
- Minor cleanups & bugfixes

- Significant further optimization using KLib Async Threads
- Infinite-length macros disabled by default until the feature has been properly fleshed-out.
Use the following command (without quotes) to enable Long Macros again: '/script KayrMacro.cfgScheme:Set(false, "LongMacros")' (This is NOT supported currently)
- Fixed issue of long pause at login introduced by caching changes in 0.4.4

- Major optimization pass. Core addon functions should run without any tangible impact on game performance now due to added caching of intermediate macroBody states.
- Updated forms/stances for 6.0.2
- Fixed error relating to CfgScheme.LongMacros general field

- Fixed issue with valid slash commands being removed during KMacro cleanup stage
- Fixed issue with spec condition and numerical arguments

- Fixed issue where existing duplicately-named macros can be inadvertently modified by KM
- Fixed typo in <Tx> description

- Added new constants (in the 'variables' menu) for frequently used pieces of macros.
- Added 'words' for different forms/stances. Example: "form:<bear>" can now be used instead of "form:1"
(Easier to remember)
- Fixed issue with creating new normal macros when KayrMacro is active
- Improved Syntax Highlighting now handles subMacros nested in condition blocks; and higlights condition-negation symbols (! or ~) in red

- Added menus to view SubMacros, Conditions and Variables and their documentation!
These menus currently just display information and usage instructions for KM's built-in macro components.
In later versions this is where users will define their own custom SubMacros, Conditions and Variables
- Improved layout and appearance of main KM window
- Moved "Character-Specific Storage" checkbutton to the macro right-click menu
- Fixed bug in macro shortHand subMacro that allowed for trying to cast tiers beyond the current expansion's max
- Added confirmation dialog to "Place All Macros" button
- Fixed occasional error when renaming KMacros
- UI Performance improvements


0.3.6 (Internal)
- Updated macro defaults to match changes made in 0.3.4
- KM_Parses refactored into separate files in preparation for 0.4
- Improved macro tidy-up procedure to clear out redundant slash commands where KM conditions have removed arguments

- Updated macro defaults to match changes made in 0.3.4
- KM_Parses refactored into separate files in preparation for 0.4
- Improved macro tidy-up procedure to clear out redundant slash commands where KM conditions have removed arguments

- Fixed problems with some conditions spamming errors
- Added unique syntax color for SubMacros
- Added substution submacros for using items like <gloves>, <belt>, <cloak> (eg: for engineering tinkers), <trinket1>, <trinket2>, etc.

- Important: Changed wrapping symbols for all submacro functions from [x] to <x>. This includes talent and item shorthands.
This was necessary in order to support features in developent for future release.
Example: [T1] (for casting 1st-tier talent) should now be written as <T1> in macros. Macros will need to be updated manually.
- Fixed reliability issues with talent conditions and shorthands for both MoP and WoD
- Added new conditions: [class:(PLAYERCLASS)], [name:(PLAYERNAME)], [faction:(PLAYERFACTION)], [pvp],
[realm:(PLAYERREALM)], [sex:(PLAYERSEX)], [race:(PLAYERRACE)]
- Added baseline support for user-defined subMacros and conditions due in 0.4.x
- Added workaround for TextBlock.cpp crash on line 553 in WoD Beta

- Updated to support Warlords of Draenor Beta (Backwards-compatible with MoP 5.4.8)
- Performance improvements from memoizing player talent information
- Added toggle button for the KM window and enabled its X button (Remembers state between sessions)

- New feature: Infinite-length macros (in theory). See Wiki for info.
- More small fixes to layering issues
- Macros containing /script or /run slash-commands will no longer be parsed for KM conditions etc.
- Fixed layering issue with ActionSlot menu

- Fixed right-click context menu
- Macros can now have "Action Slots" assigned to them (ie: numbers representing positions on the actionbars)
(Middle-click to place them without dragging)
- Added "Place All Macros" button
- Increased height of main KM window

- First Alpha Release
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Unread 09-07-14, 03:05 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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maybe you could mention in the wiki that class-condition works with english names (druid, mage,...) but spec-condition needs the localized names.

edit: this is not always, testing more.
Last edited by wolfi : 09-09-14 at 03:49 AM.
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Unread 08-29-14, 04:30 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Trimble Epic

I do have to specify it by using #show [@mouseover,help] heal; mindflay on top of everything else, otherwise it doesn't work.

but that's something I'm missing with KayrMacro. I'm using it for my druid and usually cram all the abilites (for the different forms) in for example button 3, so, if i'm in stance 0 it's moonfire, stance:2 shred etc. etc..

with KayrMacro, as a lot of other conditions also go in there, it almost never shows me the correct icon, as I also wanna see e.g. a certain spell out of combat, even though it's only supposed to cast it in combat... (maybe i'm just using wrong syntax or sth, but if I understand it correctly you can't display icons that don't have anything to do with what is cast, right?)
Last edited by b3n9ti : 08-29-14 at 04:31 AM.
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Unread 08-26-14, 08:11 PM  
Trimble Epic
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Originally Posted by the-wind-waker
Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
I don't understand your question.
I was just wondering, why the limitation you mentioned earlier doesn't seem to apply to the aforementioned addon. my macros are frequently longer than 255 characters and the correct icons are nonetheless shown.
Oh... I don't think the limitation is on the icon, I think the limitation is on the tooltip when you hover over the icon.

Does SDM handle dynamic icon? i.e. when your macro includes a mouseover conditional, and you mouseover a valid target for that condition - does the icon momentarily change to the other spell when it becomes valid?

For example:
/cast [@mouseover,help] Heal; Mindflay

Icon is for mindflay unless my mouse happens to pass over a player that I can heal...
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Unread 08-22-14, 03:57 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
I don't understand your question.
I was just wondering, why the limitation you mentioned earlier doesn't seem to apply to the aforementioned addon. my macros are frequently longer than 255 characters and the correct icons are nonetheless shown.
Last edited by the-wind-waker : 08-22-14 at 04:06 PM.
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Unread 08-20-14, 08:10 PM  
Trimble Epic
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Originally Posted by the-wind-waker
remember ?
for some reason the icon still shows even if the macro is longer than 255 characters. any idea why that is?
the tooltip thing is the only reason I'm still sticking with that fossil SuperDuperMacro :-(
I don't understand your question.
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Unread 08-20-14, 09:52 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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remember ?
for some reason the icon still shows even if the macro is longer than 255 characters. any idea why that is?
the tooltip thing is the only reason I'm still sticking with that fossil SuperDuperMacro :-(
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Unread 08-18-14, 09:05 AM  
Trimble Epic
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Whoops! that was quick...

Possible bug: strata doesn't seem to match the macros window - bartender is poking through (above) your kayrmacro window, but not the blizzard macro window.

Also, I'm having trouble editing a macro - when I press Enter on the keyboard, it completes the macro, but doesn't start a New Line... need to be able to add more lines That's a pretty big deal breaker... (edit: ahh, shift-enter does a newline... that's kinda painful... can you change that? Ion uses TAB or just click outside the edit window to save)

Also, is there a way to sort the macros? or will they always be in the KMacro_01- order? Blizzard's macros sort alphabetically, and I can force a sort order by renaming in-game macros if I want... (i.e. my /macro macro is called AAmacro)

Another missing feature - I can shift-click a spell in the spellbook to auto-type the spell name into the editor for both blizzard's build in macro editor (and Ion's editor, so I know it's hookable somehow..) ... however, KayrMacro doesn't push the spellbook window... I guess I can open spellbook first, then open the macro window... kayrmacro is so wide, i'm not sure how you would address that.
Last edited by Trimble Epic : 08-18-14 at 09:25 AM.
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Unread 08-18-14, 09:02 AM  
Trimble Epic
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Originally Posted by Kvalyr
Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
Now i'm getting errors when I edit macros. These errors seem to affect all of my characters now. Not sure what's going on, but it's pretty bad. I'll try to post a screenshot.
I've uploaded a hotfix to resolve this issue, a bug that escaped testing.
Yup, now it appears to be working without those errors.. I'll get back to testing and let you know if I run into more issues.

Originally Posted by Kvalyr
Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
If you REALLY wanted to work some magic, you could make your editor friend/foe aware such that one could drag and drop a heal spell from one macro to another without disrupting the damage spells.. :P Wow, just saying that invokes programmer nightmares that I don't want to see... LOL
Drag-and-drop macro construction and things like linked/chained macros are on the cards for a (distant) future release, and some of the basic setup for that can be seen in the submacros system implemented in recent versions; so what you're suggesting wouldn't be quite as difficult as it sounds - but it won't be happening soon; and may not be as 'smart' as you'd like because the addon can only do so much guesswork about your intent before it becomes a hindrance instead of a help.

I'm short on time for addon work at the moment so I'll have to respond to your other comments properly when I have more time. Thanks for the feedback.
That was just my mind wandering into the "this would be sooo cool" territory. don't take it as a feature request. My real issue is figuring out the fastest/most usable way to quickly edit macros as needed.. obviously, one of my own macros is /macro to bring up the screen quickly
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Unread 08-16-14, 01:28 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
Now i'm getting errors when I edit macros. These errors seem to affect all of my characters now. Not sure what's going on, but it's pretty bad. I'll try to post a screenshot.
I've uploaded a hotfix to resolve this issue, a bug that escaped testing.

Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
If you REALLY wanted to work some magic, you could make your editor friend/foe aware such that one could drag and drop a heal spell from one macro to another without disrupting the damage spells.. :P Wow, just saying that invokes programmer nightmares that I don't want to see... LOL
Drag-and-drop macro construction and things like linked/chained macros are on the cards for a (distant) future release, and some of the basic setup for that can be seen in the submacros system implemented in recent versions; so what you're suggesting wouldn't be quite as difficult as it sounds - but it won't be happening soon; and may not be as 'smart' as you'd like because the addon can only do so much guesswork about your intent before it becomes a hindrance instead of a help.

I'm short on time for addon work at the moment so I'll have to respond to your other comments properly when I have more time. Thanks for the feedback.
Last edited by Kvalyr : 08-16-14 at 01:28 PM.
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Unread 08-16-14, 09:18 AM  
Trimble Epic
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Originally Posted by Kvalyr
I've uploaded a new version of KM with some fixes for the bugs related to your queries. It should be available as soon as WoWInterface approves the file.

Regarding the macro you posted:
Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
/cast [equipped:Fishing Pole] Fishing
/stopmacro [equipped:Fishing Pole]
/cast [@mouseover,dead,help][dead,help] Resurrection
/cast [@mouseover, help] [help] [@focus,help] Greater Heal;
/cast [@mouseover, help,spec:2] [help,spec:2] [@focus,help,spec:2] Flash Heal
/stopmacro [@mouseover, help] [help] [@focus,help]
/startattack [spec:2]
/castsequence [spec:2,noform] reset=1 Shadowform, Rip
/cast [spec:2,nochanneling] Mind Flay; [spec:1] Smite
/cast [pet] Shadowcrawl
The above macro code should work without problems now, but here's the same macro with some slight modifications using KM conditions to make it slightly more efficient:
/cast [equipped:Fishing Pole] Fishing;
/stopmacro [equipped:Fishing Pole];

/cast [@mouseover,dead,help][dead,help] Resurrection
/cast [spec:!Shadow][@mouseover,help][help][@focus,help] Greater Heal
/cast [spec:Shadow][@mouseover,help][help][@focus,help] Flash Heal
/stopmacro [@mouseover, help] [help] [@focus,help]

/startattack [spec:2]
/cast [spec:Shadow,noform] Shadowform;
/cast [spec:Shadow,nochanneling] Mind Flay; [spec:Discipline] Smite;
/cast [pet] Shadowcrawl
Because it's longer than 255 characters, you'll just see something such as "/click KMacro_XXSecure" but the actual macro code should work.
There are issues with long macros and modifiers, but those shouldn't impact this particular macro; and will be fixed in a future release.
Ok, first, let me apologize for taking so long to get back to you on this.

I downloaded the new version, and updated (deleted old folder and added the new one).

Now i'm getting errors when I edit macros. These errors seem to affect all of my characters now. Not sure what's going on, but it's pretty bad. I'll try to post a screenshot.

Also... to answer your previous question, the tag #spec2 was just a comment to help me keep my macros straight when using Macaroon... (Macaroon had a bug with dual specs)

Also, I'll mention I use macros in combination with a Nostromo N52te (and bartender helps get the bars shaped right, though for the screenshot, all other addons are disabled)... The goal is to have every game action I need available on the ten main buttons of the N52 combined with shift and alt modifiers. I use a lot of [@mouseover] calls, as well a a lot of dual purpose macros where they do one action (typically a heal) if I'm targeting a friendly, and another action (typically a damaging spell) if I'm targeting an enemy, and many of my macros have the extra bits like you see above with the fishing pole. As such, I TYPICALLY overrun the usual 255 character limit imposed by blizzard.

It's a REAL pain to keep the macros organized because if I ever decided to move a damage spell (for example from button 9 to button 10), I can't just drag the tile over because that would move the heal spell too... I have to actually go edit the macros to move the spells.

I experimented with using smart state bars such that if I'm mousing over a friendly target, the WHOLE BAR shows friendly heal spells, but that is just more of a pain because then I have to maintain even more macros on bars where they aren't dual purpose.. (i.e. my dismount-then-heal-me macro is universal, I want it to heal me regardless of my target's disposition)

If you REALLY wanted to work some magic, you could make your editor friend/foe aware such that one could drag and drop a heal spell from one macro to another without disrupting the damage spells.. :P Wow, just saying that invokes programmer nightmares that I don't want to see... LOL

Let me know if you need clarification on any of the above... Your addon shows a lot of promise, but I also see too much complexity for now (i.e. a screenful of unused buttons with names like "KMacro_32" hurts the eyes.. perhaps hide them until the player asks for more buttons?)
Last edited by Trimble Epic : 08-16-14 at 09:20 AM.
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Unread 08-15-14, 10:00 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: lenght issue

Originally Posted by Kvalyr

I have an idea about why the modifiers aren't working. I'll have to do some testing and I have an imperfect solution in mind but it won't be an easy fix so it could be a while before I can get out an update for that issue.
Hi there, just wondering if you had the time to look at the "mod" issue :-)
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Unread 08-13-14, 04:14 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally Posted by Pseudopod
Thanks for the explanation below.

I have an issue with one of my macros. It keeps randomly deactivating, I have no idea why, but I'm quite sure it happens during login, so if it's fine in login I don't think it deactivates in that session.

I tried to copy it to another macro slot but same issue. I've ticked 'Active' (duh) and 'CharacterName'.

Here's the macro:

/cast [shift,talent:!17,@player] <T6>; [talent:!17,@target,exists,harm] <T6>; [talent:!17,@none]<T6>;<T6>

I have two other macros for that char that don't have this issue. One is account wide and the other one is character specific. At one point I tried to see if it's because of switching characters or something, but couldn't replicate it. It just seems to happen. So not sure if how one could even try to fix it. :/
I've seen this issue in my own testing and have had difficulty in replicating it myself! Curiously, it only happens for me on alts and never on my main. I'm hoping to pin the issue down and get the bug fixed soon.
I'll upload a new version here as soon as that happens.
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Unread 08-13-14, 11:12 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Thanks for the explanation below.

I have an issue with one of my macros. It keeps randomly deactivating, I have no idea why, but I'm quite sure it happens during login, so if it's fine in login I don't think it deactivates in that session.

I tried to copy it to another macro slot but same issue. I've ticked 'Active' (duh) and 'CharacterName'.

Here's the macro:

/cast [shift,talent:!17,@player] <T6>; [talent:!17,@target,exists,harm] <T6>; [talent:!17,@none]<T6>;<T6>

I have two other macros for that char that don't have this issue. One is account wide and the other one is character specific. At one point I tried to see if it's because of switching characters or something, but couldn't replicate it. It just seems to happen. So not sure if how one could even try to fix it. :/
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Unread 08-08-14, 12:41 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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I've uploaded a new version of KM with some fixes for the bugs related to your queries. It should be available as soon as WoWInterface approves the file.

Regarding the macro you posted:
Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
/cast [equipped:Fishing Pole] Fishing
/stopmacro [equipped:Fishing Pole]
/cast [@mouseover,dead,help][dead,help] Resurrection
/cast [@mouseover, help] [help] [@focus,help] Greater Heal;
/cast [@mouseover, help,spec:2] [help,spec:2] [@focus,help,spec:2] Flash Heal
/stopmacro [@mouseover, help] [help] [@focus,help]
/startattack [spec:2]
/castsequence [spec:2,noform] reset=1 Shadowform, Rip
/cast [spec:2,nochanneling] Mind Flay; [spec:1] Smite
/cast [pet] Shadowcrawl
The above macro code should work without problems now, but here's the same macro with some slight modifications using KM conditions to make it slightly more efficient:
/cast [equipped:Fishing Pole] Fishing;
/stopmacro [equipped:Fishing Pole];

/cast [@mouseover,dead,help][dead,help] Resurrection
/cast [spec:!Shadow][@mouseover,help][help][@focus,help] Greater Heal
/cast [spec:Shadow][@mouseover,help][help][@focus,help] Flash Heal
/stopmacro [@mouseover, help] [help] [@focus,help]

/startattack [spec:2]
/cast [spec:Shadow,noform] Shadowform;
/cast [spec:Shadow,nochanneling] Mind Flay; [spec:Discipline] Smite;
/cast [pet] Shadowcrawl
Because it's longer than 255 characters, you'll just see something such as "/click KMacro_XXSecure" but the actual macro code should work.
There are issues with long macros and modifiers, but those shouldn't impact this particular macro; and will be fixed in a future release.
Last edited by Kvalyr : 08-08-14 at 12:45 PM.
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Unread 08-08-14, 09:29 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally Posted by Trimble Epic
There seems to be quite a bit missing here. Is the stopmacro command causing an issue with your parsing engine? I really need the stopmacro to prevent targeting an enemy due to the startattack command...

Can you advise?
Hi there, thanks for the detailed question! I'll check it out ASAP and let you know what I can figure out. I suspect it might be a bug in the 'spec' condition but I'll have to do some testing to say for sure.

If you'd like to try something that might fix it, try replacing the "spec:2" with "spec:Shadow" (or whatever the actual name of your secondary spec is) and see how that works out. In the meantime, I'll figure out what's happening and try to push out a fix as soon as I can.

Can you tell me the purpose of the "#spec2" at the end of your macro example? I'm not familiar with any macro metacommond involving the specs and I suspect it might be causing issues as well.
Last edited by Kvalyr : 08-08-14 at 09:32 AM.
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