Updated: 01-26-23 11:53 AM
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Dragonflight patch (10.0.5)
Updated:01-26-23 11:53 AM
Created:08-26-18 03:15 PM
Categories:Graphical Compilations, DPS Compilations, Healer Compilations, Tank Compilations

Yulu UI (2560x1440)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 10.3.1
by: Aur0r4 [More]

I'm very proud to present you the next generation of Yulu UI
an interface based on the Caith UI.
It is optimized for a screen resolution of 2560x1440.
and is fitting perfect for DPS, TANK and M+ HEALER.

setup | showcase | full fight | F.A.Q.

Click here to lend your support!

The installation guidelines can be found in the

I use these addOns to modify my UI

PitBull, Quartz, NeatPlates
Bartender 4, OmniCC
Details, BigWigs, LittleWigs, LoseControl, Hekili
Raven, WeakAuras
LS: Glass, BasicChatMods
BasicMinimap, Leatrix Maps
Drift, kgPanels, Masque, KalielsTracker, Peddler, TipTac, AngryKeystones, Immersion

Clique, BindPad, OPie

A big thanks goes to Caith, for his work and inspiration that made all this possible.
Thanks to Janede and dpmr for helping me out with Lua.
Last but not least thanks to all the addOn authors out there for your increcible work and support - you guys are awesome!

- working with 10.0.5

- season 1 dungeon auras added (by causese -
- VotI auras added (by causese -

- AddOns updated
- changed position of ExtraActionButton
- changed position of EncounterBar
- implemented a workaround to prevent a bug with scaling of the party-debuffs

- changed theme
- changed positions of bars and texts

- fixed height of focus-castbar

Known Issue:
When reloading UI while inside a dungeon or raid, BigWigs timerbars will be in wrong position.
Workaround: Go to /bigwigs and re-apply the X- or Y-coordinates for timerbars or restart game

- new installation guidelines now included (old one was in 10.2.0)

- changed frame strata of pet castbar to 'LOW'

- ready for patch 10.0.2
- text-background from Pet-frame should be always visible now
- removed dublicated kgpanel-texture from Pet frame
- moved position of Encounter-bar
- attempt to fix the errors regarding EditModeSystemTemplates.lua (need more testing)
- updated installation guidelines

- added import string for my layout - check the installation guidelines for more info

- reconfigured due to v6.0.0 profile reset
- changed position to bottom left
- added border- and background-texture
- reduces height (but you can scroll through the tracker)

- leave vehicle button should be visible now
- set up hotkey-text (disabled by default)
- set up count-text

- using a community fix to get it working again
- re-applied a Lua fix for fps drop while hovering bag items

- changed language of all auras from TRACKER_CDs to english
- all auras from TRCKER_CDs now also check for "Spell known"
- changed some spellnames to spell-id to get it work on all clients
- added new visual alerts for whispers, bnet-whispers, party-chat and guild-chat
- added additional animations for enter/leave combat
- removed SL dungeon-weakauras (some where producing Lua errors)
- attempt to fix an issue where Debuffs on party frames has the wrong scaling (need more testing)

- Evoker Empowered Spells are supported now

LS: Glass
- replaced the outdated addOn 'Glass'

- new
- gives us some more chat-modifications

- ready for Dragonflight prePatch 10.0!

- Prat was exchanged with Glass
- Dominos was exchanged with Bartender 4 (/bt)
- MoveAnything was exchanged with Drift
- removed XLoot due to compatibility issues in 10.0
- removed TullaRange
- added Leatrix-Maps
- kgPanels on FR client should be visible now by default (Lua-Edit -see FAQ)
- some minor fixes
- removed some unnecessary texture-files

- using a community-updated version
- check /glass for options
- 15sec chat-fade is set by default

- Move frames with left mouse-button
- resize them with right mouse-button
- added DurabilityFrame and VehicleSeatIndicator via Lua-Edit

- Low-HP animation will not longer show when player is dead
- Player energy animation is visible when energy is 0 percent now
- AddOns updated / working for 9.2.5
- updated the installation guidelines

- removed a sound-effect for curse on partymember1
- added Challenger's Burden to ignored party-debuffs

- correct settings should be loaded with EN client now

v10.0.0 -[Reincarnation]-

- Yulu UI v10 is here
- created completly from scratch with inspiration from Caith
- new design
- new colorful trackers for your important buffs and debuffs on enemys
- Head-Up-Display for short cooldowns (you don't want them in your actionbar!)
- More animated frames
- new system fonts
- AddOns were updated
- and more +++

- changed design so its matching the new theme

- new
- better transmog-window

- better bar positions
- improved readability

- new - you want it, you get it
- you know what it is for
- matching Yulu UI theme

- changed frame positions and barsize
- EXP/REP-Bar is integrated in player unitframe (mouseover)

- changed position and look
- showing up your next five (up from four) spells now
- Default Keybind:
- ALT + < = Single Target/Automatic Mode Toggle
- CTRL + SHIFT + R = Toggle CDs

- new
- nicer quest/dialog window

- setup with my new created border-texture

- new
- replacement for kuiNamePlates
- Lua-Tweaks

- new
- Combo/Ressource Display
- Lua-Tweaks

- new design
- name-spelltext text from Caith

- integrated in UnitFrames now
- Lua-Tweaks

- changed positions for player buffs to top-left (was top-right)
- more colorful now

- changed to community-fixed version from frozn <3
- Yulu UI v10 themed
- changed tooltip position to top-right (was bottom-right)

- added party buffs & debuffs display
- added new clock
- added new spellIcons for player, target and focus unitframes
- added target buffs & debuffs
- added combat-status messaged
- added tracker for important player-buffs
- enh. shaman and holy priest available
- you can add your spells easily by yourself
- added tracker for important CDs
- keep in mind that it shares position with Hekili
- I'm using it for my healer cooldowns
- added tracker for important debuffs on target
- enh. shaman and holy priest available
- you can add your spells here too
- added new range-check animation
- added some UI elements for better readability
- added low player HP indicator
- added some useful auras for dungeons

- compatible with WoW 9.1.5
- AddOns updated
- moved anima-power frame
- boss frame highlight enabled (you can better see which boss is your current target now)

- is showing only in arena now

- Due to API changes in 9.1.5 we have to use another community fixed version of TipTac (Thanks to Frozn45)
- Custom borders are not possible at the moment, until someone can fix this AddOn
- I am soooo saaaaad :(

Hint: already working on the next version of Yulu UI ..!

- ready for Shadowlands Patch 9.1
- AddOns updated
- removed ExtTransmogUI (addOn is not working)

- possible (minor) changes that I have not noted myself

- AddOns updated
- installation-guidelines updated

- changed alignment of the bars once again

- slightly better design

- fixed the "no quests are showing up" bug
- masque support (re)enabled

- fixed a scale problem for the flag capture container frame (also used @ Lady Inerva Darkvein)

- enabled aura-module on focusframe (debuffs only)
- increased size of name-text on focus frame
- increased size of combat-text on focus frame

- raidframe-borders are matching the UI theme now
- fixed a problem with a RaidFrame-Panel being showed in the middle of the screen sometimes
- created chatframe-editbox-panels for up to 7 different chat windows

- enabled color for non interruptible casts

- slightly bigger frames now
- and some more tunings

- realigned frames

- In-Combat bar is hiding out of combat now

- AddOns updated

- fixed some panels

- fixed font-style
- fixed finish-effects

- removed transparent overlay (flickering-bug)

- minor changes
- for some reason style-settings can get lost when updating
- fixed GCD flash showing when out of combat
v9.0 -[Ascendance]-

- ready for Shadowlands
- new design
- removed addOns: ArkInventory
- new addOn added: Bagnon
- removed unnecessary addon-profiles
- addOns updated

- changed default border via Lua
- changed button-background via Lua

- reduced minimap size a little bit

- changed design a little bit
- victory sound fixed

- 2 more buttons in main-actionbar for the click-guys out there
- moved micromenu to the top of screen (mouseover)
- alpha fade out activated

- same design as PitBull

- slightly new design

- new textures
- new panels
- increased size of chat-panel

- implemented some community fixes

- new design for player-, target-, focus-, targetoftarget-, pet-, party- and raid-frame(s)

- enabled memory-module (it saves the chat-configuration and restores it on login on every character)

- re-injected some Lua fixes
- slightly new design
- changed bar-texture

- minor changes

- downgraded to a community-fixed-version (sadly it's working better than the original at the moment)
- minor changes

- new design for uninterruptible casts (target and ToT)
- realigned minimap auras
- enhancement shaman auras updated for 9.0

- minor design changes

+++ and more +++
If you are running WoW in 1920x1080 you can try this workaround:
Type the following into the chat if you're using a screen resolution of 1920x1080:

/run UIParent:SetScale(0.5333333333333333)

Unfortunately you won't achieve pixel perfection and there are texture glitchs, but so far I haven't found a better solution.

- addOns updated
- new addOn: ExtTransmogUI
- increased size of transmog-ui

- fixed monk ressource-flair texture (trigger was set to combo points lol)

- changed aura colors a little bit

- improved layout
- some Bigwigs notifications are now displayed through MikScrollingBattleText
- minor changes

- enabled ToT icon

- enabled for LoseControl

- slightly changed player-, target-, ToT-, pet- and groupFrame-borders
- removed panels for losecontrol
- modified chat-panel

- increased distance between pockets


- fixed some kgpanels
- removed unnecessary textures from \Interface\ directory

- reduced chat-spam after login

- fixed alternate power bar positioning
- fixed leave vehicle button positioning
- fixed vehicle-seat-indicator positioning
- fixed durability-frame positioning (its inside the minimap now)
- fixed zone-ability and extra-action-button positioning
- changed scale of battleground-scoreboard
- changed scale of LevelUpDisplay
- and more

- it looks nicer

- fixed size of HiddenBar
- fixed size of ActionBar_Right

- fixed BossFrame style and positioning

- mirror bars are now activated (and I think they look really nice)
- added an OUTLINE to mirror bar text (keep that in mind if you wanna update that addOn!)

- changed all DK runes animation to "clockwise"

- increased master-fontsize by 2points
- increased size of all scroll-areas

1080p is no longer supported natively. For 1080p you can use v7.7.3 or try this workaround:
Type the following into the chat if you're using a screen resolution of 1920x1080:

/run UIParent:SetScale(0.5333333333333333)

Unfortunately you won't achieve pixel perfection and there are texture glitchs, but so far I haven't found a better solution.

v8.0 -[Windfury]-

- Yulu UI is now complety remastered in 1440P (2560x1440 - WQHD)!
- Did I say completly? YES, I've done a rework to nearly every frame in this pack, without simple upscaling
- addOns updated
- resource-display for Combo Points, Chi, Arcane Charge, Holy Power, DK-Runes
- removed VuhDo-profile
- new AddOn added: UIScaler (needed for pixel perfection)

- no more borders around the borders (other design)

- redesign of player/target/focus/pet and ToT frame
- some improvements

- enabled smooth-bars

- implemented a fix from author (

- changed font and font-size

- you can see even the
- slightly other design
- you can see even the weaker DDs now (more bars are visible)

- Added [Outline] to casttext and timetext via LUA-edit (keep this in mind when updating this addOn)

- removed buff-display for frost mages and shadow-priests (will return later)
- new aura for earth-totems (enhancement shaman)
- special resources-display (like combo points, chi, arcane charge, holy power, DK-Runes, Soulshards) added

+++ and more +++


- AddOns updated
- fixed overlapping infoframes (hopefully..)
- removed addOn: Combuctor
- new addOn added: ArkInventory

- new boss-health frames (beta)
- fixed raidframe-borders (was a little bit offset)

- fixed a problem with tooltips that are not displayed correctly (setpoint error)

- updated to newest version
- removed fix from author, so that header-size is the same as text in editbox


Since I switched to a WQHD monitor (1440p), this is the last version with 1080p support.
The next update with 1440p support is already in the works, but I can't say at the moment whether it will be compatible with a resolution of 1920x1080.
You can still use this version, if necessary you have to update your AddOns if there are problems.

When the 1440p version is ready, I will check if simple a "port" is possible.
If this turns out to be too complex, I don't have the time to work on an independent 1080p version.

I am aware that many of you are still playing with a resolution of 1920x1080, but everything is evolving and so Yulu UI has to take this step now.

At this point I would also like to thank you for more than 5000 downloads. :)

- AddOns updated
- new addOn added: Hekili
- smaller minimap
- realigned some UI elements a little bit
- some minor improvements

-fixed OldTextures-Plugin

- changed background color of player, target and focus castbar so that it matched the UnitFrames emptyspace part
- AddOns updated
- hide CalenderEvent-Icon
- ready for 8.1.5
- AddOns updated / some LUA fixes
- removed AddOns: bdCore, bdMinimap
- new addOn: BasicMinimap
- new WAs for time, date, mail, calendar, dungeon/raid-difficulty were added
- some minor improvements

- new Auras for frost mage were added
- AddOns updated
- no kgpanels spam after login anymore (thanks @Glitchery!)
- combo points for rogues should be working correctly now on lower levels
- ready for 8.1
- AddOns updated
- new combo-point display for rogues and feral druids (using Marbul's WA and edited it a little bit: )
- new display for soulshards
- fixed monk chi-bar for v7
- removed AddOn "CalenderNotify"
- new WeakAura for calendar-invites (you should see a text and icon on the minimap now if you receive an event-invite)

- fixed the profile once and for all (hopefully)
- AddOns updated
- moved garrison minimap icon (it was overlapping the difficulty-display)
- moved TalkingHeadFrame to the chat-window again

- Focus_Castbar border for non uninterruptible casts

- Changed raidframe-style, it has the same style as the other frames in v7 now (also the same style as VuhDo-Frames)

- added a border for garrison minimap icon

- In the previous releases my custom profiles for BigWigs, kuiNamePlates and MoveAnything wasn't loaded by Reflux.
- To fix this I saved my settings to the default-profile for the mentioned addons

- moved focus CC icon

- minor improvements

VuhDo (profile)
- New look (not tested)
- increased icon size a little bit
- adaptions for VuhDo

+++ and some more again +++
- I knew that it was a bad idea to update the compilation at midnight, there are some unnecessary AddOns inside 7.1, sorry guys
- removed personally AddOns in 7.11
- Groupframes -> Debuffs are back (yay!)
- moved Focus frame
- Groupframes -> PowerBars are displayed correctly now (they were in minus-mode before)
- moved Raid frame a little bit
- moved PetBar frame too

- moving some bars (they were overlapping some other frames sometimes)

- moved the pet bar frame so it matchs the other ui-elements

++some other minor fixes++
v7.0 -[Stormbringer]-
- While I was working on 6.1 I was changing so much more so I decided to go to v7 directly :P
- EXP/Reputation/Azerith-Bar moved to the bottom of UI (its visible on mouseover)

- Complete redesign of all kgpanels-frames
- fixed group-CC-ButtonBorder being visible while target-CC is active
- fixed some other stuff too

- tuned the scroll effects a little bit

- fixed the order of the arena-cc-frames (CC_Arena1 was attached to Arena5 before...shame on me :o) )

- enabled animated healthbars and energybars for all frames
- fixed shaman class color (lol I was playing with wrong color for 3 years)
- new design
- changed aura border-colors
- changed design once more so it matchs the other UI elements
- removed bars from buffs/debuffs because they are useless

+++ and more +++

v6.0 -[Crash Lightning]-
- fixed mailbox position (it shouldn't be in the corner)
- AddOns updated!

LoseControl (new)
- Setup new CC Tracker Icons

CalendarNotify (new)
- since the minimap can't display calendar invites, this addon is a small workaround to not forget your invites

OmniBar (new)
- Setup new enemy CD-Tracker

AngryKeystones (new)
- better time-display for mythic+ :P

- better design (changed the powerbar size a bit, so it looks more like pitbull group frame)

- moved some frames
- changed group-frames build up order (now: upwards)
- focus frame resize
- HP percentage (player- and targetframe= is now integrated (it was a weakaura before)

- setup focus-target castbar
- changed color and font, its now a little bit better to read :o)

- reduced the size of the rows, it shouldn't overlap the azerith-tracker while doing expeditions now

- it shows removable buffs on the nameplates now
- fixed overlapping aura-text

- minor fixes here and there
- fixed my vuhDu profile (addOn not included only the profile)
v5.0 -[Stormstrike]-
KGPanels (update)
- better border textures (much smoother now)

- new minimap-addOn, because of compatibility problems with wMinimap

- created enhancement-shaman WA for BfA

- complete new profile, activated Blizzard-DMG-Font

- complete redesign and recreation of my UI - based on CaithUI
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01-14-23 08:58 AM

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Unread 11-15-22, 08:30 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Any chance to make this work without the yuluscaler? My eyes are bad are all my options are tiny and blurry.

Getting Lots of Lua error so I will wait until you have an update. Thanks!
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Unread 11-15-22, 07:08 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Can't wait for the updated version, the objective tracker and whisper change look sick!
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Unread 11-15-22, 08:40 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hey danke für deine schnell Antwort .
Habe das interface am laufe. Die Skalierung ist bei 0.5333333....
Das schon klein habe es auf 0.6 gemacht und habe dann halt fast alle addons manuell neu skaliert war ein wenig arbeit aber es geht

Wüsste ich wie man sein interface mit Reflex etc speichert und damit umgeht hätte ich dir die Arbeit abgenommen und eine 1080p Version für Leute erstellt die auf 1080p Spielen. Trz danke nochmal für die antwort
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Unread 11-14-22, 02:53 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by TheDomsen
Hi tolles interface. Meine Frage ist es möglich das interface irgend wie so zu skalieren das es mit 1920x1080 funktioniert .

Oder muss man doch wirklich alle addons einzeln einstellen und skalieren.
(english version below)

Normalerweise würde ich jetzt sagen:
Das Interface ist für 2560x1440 optimiert (so ist es auch), für andere Auflösungen müssen ggfs. Anpassungen vorgenommen werden, siehe F.A.Q....ABER ich habe es gerade eben nochmal auf einem 1080p Bildschirm getestet und war etwas überrascht:
Es wurde bereits alles (was ich jetzt in der Kürze testen konnt) korrekt skaliert, lediglich ein paar unschöne Ecken und Kanten entstehen, da hilft es aber die jeweilige Textur (auf dem ersten Blick waren nur die Rahmentexturen betroffen) um jeweils einen Pixel nach links oder rechts auf der X-Achse zu verschieben, sah dann ganz gut aus dafür das es runterskaliert wurde.

Ich schau mal ob ich dann in einer der nächsten Versionen nicht ein zweites Layout für kgPanels erstelle das man sich dann einfach laden kann wenn man auf 1920x1080 spielt...glaube das würde den einen oder anderen freuen

Warum geht das jetzt plötzlich?
Weil ich seit dem Dragonflight Patch einen anderen Scaler für Pixel-Perfect verwende, der scheint besser zu funktionieren als der alte UIScaler, welcher nicht mehr funktioniert hat.

english version (auto translated - because I'm lazy:

TheDomsen was asking if he can use Yulu UI for 1080p screen resolution or if he had to scale everything down for himself:

Normally I would say now:
The interface is optimized for 2560x1440 (so it is), for other resolutions may have to be adjusted, see F.A.Q....ABER I just tested it again on a 1080p screen and was a bit surprised:
Everything (what I could test now in the shortness) was already scaled correctly, only a few unsightly corners and edges arise, but it helps the respective texture (at first glance, only the frame textures were affected) to move one pixel to the left or right on the X-axis, then looked quite good for that it was downscaled.

I'll see if I don't create a second layout for kgPanels in one of the next versions, which can be loaded easily when playing on 1920x1080...I think that would make some people happy

Why does this work now all of a sudden?
Because since the Dragonflight patch I use another scaler for Pixel-Perfect, it seems to work better than the old UIScaler, which didn't work anymore.

Originally Posted by Rhaom
Spells that share a single talent "slot" (Holy Priest: Apotheose and Salvation) will trigger both CDs on the TRACKER_CDs WA bar, despite only actually knowing one or the other spell.

I had to go into the specific cooldown WAs and set a load condition on them of "Spell Known" and "Exact Spell Match" to fix this issue.
Thanks for pointing that out. I was playing a new priest for test-purposes yesterday and fixed it like you but was still wondering what was going on there
I will fix this in the next release.

Originally Posted by Boomshak
You mention a Paypal link in the installation file but it seems I can't find it lol.
hehe, its a secret ... the button is visible when you click download file here on wowinterface.

See Yulu UI in action: here

Last edited by Aur0r4 : 11-14-22 at 05:18 PM.
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Unread 11-14-22, 11:10 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hi tolles interface. Meine Frage ist es möglich das interface irgend wie so zu skalieren das es mit 1920x1080 funktioniert .

Oder muss man doch wirklich alle addons einzeln einstellen und skalieren.
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Unread 11-14-22, 04:29 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Minor bug with the TRACKER_CDs WA.

Spells that share a single talent "slot" (Holy Priest: Apotheose and Salvation) will trigger both CDs on the TRACKER_CDs WA bar, despite only actually knowing one or the other spell.

I had to go into the specific cooldown WAs and set a load condition on them of "Spell Known" and "Exact Spell Match" to fix this issue.
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Unread 11-12-22, 01:37 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you for your reply!
Will add all those buffs for my Warrior. Good to hear you will play DF!

Love the Whisper window!

You mention a Paypal link in the installation file but it seems I can't find it lol.
Last edited by Boomshak : 11-12-22 at 01:43 PM.
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Unread 11-12-22, 12:42 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Boomshak
1. Do you have a discord so we can speak a little more about your UI?
No Discord support yet, sorry!
I will try to answer all questions here on wowinterface.

Originally Posted by Boomshak
2. About your WA's, will you update them for DF? Do you have a wago profile? If not no problem, I already have your placements of the WA's and it should be fairly easy to just take some from and put them in your UI. Any recommendations for Raid WA's?
I will update them for that class and spec that I'm currently playing. For DF that means enhancement shaman. When I got time to playing alts I will create/update WA's for them too.

Its quiet easy to create your own auras for the Buff- and Debufftracker, you just have to dublicate an existing one and exchange spell-IDs and colors. I will eventually make a little tutorial for that in the future.

edit: Raid-WA: I only use some WA's from causese:

Originally Posted by Boomshak
3. What do you use Hekili for? I am curious .
I use it for dps-rotation. Before Legion I was always learning the rotation/priority list but I wanted to become a better player then and so I installed Hekili to help me out in combat when too much was going on at the same time. So I was able to play my rotation without loosing focus on the fight.

Today I'm using it because I'm lazy ..
When I'm playing heal or tank I always use the "important CD-tracker" (see screenshot on my addon-site) instead and Hekili is disabled.

4. So, I will use your Action Bar to track my CD's, but I am kind of missing some Icons to track the active buff of the CD. Do you use Raven for that in the upper left corner?

Top left is raven yes - its just to display all buffs on yourself. To track your important buffs you can use the Bufftracker via Weakaura. Just add your own spells there.

Originally Posted by Boomshak
Thanks my man hope you will grind DF a bit!
That is the plan!

Originally Posted by Boomshak
PS: don't update Kaliel it messes up the already existing version! Also I get quite some messages in the chat telling me there are many addon errors. No clue if important or not.
Ye .. version 6 of Kaliels Tracker will reset your profile its not a bug. Just did the update and reconfigure it and also did some new things with it... still testing

And the errors ... I get them too. Most of the time on my druid. I was not able to isolate it yet but it seems like its an issue on Blizzards site:

btw: also testing this atm - chatframe is glowing for a few seconds when receiving a whisper

See Yulu UI in action: here

Last edited by Aur0r4 : 11-12-22 at 12:50 PM.
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Unread 11-12-22, 11:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Holy moly, this UI is really good. Thanks! I get these nice nostalgic vibes and its refreshing to see something else than ELV.

Just got a couple of questions though:

1. Do you have a discord so we can speak a little more about your UI?
2. About your WA's, will you update them for DF? Do you have a wago profile? If not no problem, I already have your placements of the WA's and it should be fairly easy to just take some from and put them in your UI. Any recommendations for Raid WA's?
3. What do you use Hekili for? I am curious .
4. I love the concept of the border colors to match the CD Icons in WeakAura

Thanks my man hope you will grind DF a bit!

PS: don't update Kaliel it messes up the already existing version! Also I get quite some messages in the chat telling me there are many addon errors. No clue if important or not.
Last edited by Boomshak : 11-12-22 at 12:30 PM.
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Unread 11-12-22, 07:28 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: keybind text disabled?

Originally Posted by wrook
ps. any way to make the borders of the UI Dark?
Sorry didnt read that and I'm not sure what you actually mean. The borders (that are made with kgpanels) like chatframe, actionbar, unitframes?

Dark like this?

If yes, the do that:
search for the frame that you want to change and change the border color:

See Yulu UI in action: here

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Unread 11-11-22, 09:02 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally Posted by wrook
Just wanted to chime in. The issue was with Bartender4's update, somehow they removed they option. But the latest update brought it back and works as intended again.

I used dominos as well forever but glad it's back now.

I wanted to ask how do make your art dark as I have a preference for a darker UI. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Aur0r4
Personally I always disable the Hotkey text so I'm pretty sure that I've disabled it while configure Bartender but I can't find the option too.

I tried to enable it through saved variables but it did not work. Creating a new profile brings the Hotkey text back but the option to show/hide it is still missing.

You can create a ticket at or wait for an update.
(edit: OK, you dont have to write a ticket:

I will also put it on my "to do/ to check" list but ...
since Dominos is continued now, I will maybe go back to it in the future
I believe it's using masque with some settings tweaked. You should check the masque settings and see how he played around with color/alpha settings. Since that's the way I was able to replicate CaithUI wotlk UI in retail.
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Unread 11-11-22, 04:43 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Just wanted to chime in. The issue was with Bartender4's update, somehow they removed they option. But the latest update brought it back and works as intended again.

I used dominos as well forever but glad it's back now.

I wanted to ask how do make your art dark as I have a preference for a darker UI. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Aur0r4
Personally I always disable the Hotkey text so I'm pretty sure that I've disabled it while configure Bartender but I can't find the option too.

I tried to enable it through saved variables but it did not work. Creating a new profile brings the Hotkey text back but the option to show/hide it is still missing.

You can create a ticket at or wait for an update.
(edit: OK, you dont have to write a ticket:

I will also put it on my "to do/ to check" list but ...
since Dominos is continued now, I will maybe go back to it in the future
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Unread 11-11-22, 03:08 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Well...I used some point I switched over to Dominos and was never disappointed, I really liked the config mode it provides also the smooth-fade out...oh and you can move more frames with it.

I was forced to switch to Bartender because the author said that he will not longer support Dominos for 10.0, but looks like he changed his mind.

Visually you won't see big differences.

See Yulu UI in action: here

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Unread 11-11-22, 01:22 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally Posted by Aur0r4
Personally I always disable the Hotkey text so I'm pretty sure that I've disabled it while configure Bartender but I can't find the option too.

I tried to enable it through saved variables but it did not work. Creating a new profile brings the Hotkey text back but the option to show/hide it is still missing.

You can create a ticket at or wait for an update.
(edit: OK, you dont have to write a ticket:

I will also put it on my "to do/ to check" list but ...
since Dominos is continued now, I will maybe go back to it in the future
Is there a significant difference between bartender and dominos?
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Unread 11-10-22, 04:59 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by SMK
hey Aur0r4,

geiles UI hast du da ich liebe es <3
Ich nutze eine Auflösung von 5120x1440 und habe das Problem das Pitbull die Frames nicht verschiebt,
ich hätte die gerne mehr in die mitte als Heiler. Kannst du mir weiter helfen?

Einfach in den Chat /pb
Dann kannst du über das Drop-Down die Rahmenbewegung mit/ohne Snapping aktivieren.

Weiterhin kannst du über /kgpanels config , dann Active Panels die Texturen (Actionbar, Top / Bottom Frame, chat) vergrößern, verschieben etc.pp.

es wird durchaus der Fall sein, dass du Für Raven (/raven), WeakAuras (/WA), NucComboBar (/ncb gui) noch einige Dingen verschieben musst.

Originally Posted by wrook
Hey thanks for this UI.

I am having issues trying to show keybinds. I can't find the "show keybind text" anywhere in the Blizz options or Bartender4. Any idea what's up with that?
/bt then choose the bar and tick/untick Hide Hotkey

I did not update any of the included AddOns.
Just dl, unpacked, works fine.^^
Last edited by alivelele : 11-10-22 at 07:47 AM.
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