Updated: 10-21-10 12:39 PM
Updated:10-21-10 12:39 PM

Satrina Buff Frames 3  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.1.25
by: Satrina, father0fnine

SBF has a maintainer!
I have to say, I am amazed by the number of people who just kept plugging along. It makes me feel bad that I do not have the time to keep working on this myself - you guys are all awesome! The good news is that a new maintainer has been found. Meet father0fnine, who is taking over SBF. I'm sure you'll all show him as much love as you showed me all these years

SBF 3.2 with clickable buffs
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Version 3.1.25
+ "my" filters are fixed
+ Added support for thrown weapon poisons
+ Poisons, totems, etc. should not cause errors in filters anymore
+ Added "id" filter type
+ Spells tab works again
+ Added option in the spells tab to show/not show buffs by spellID
+ Added options in the global tab to show default buff frame and default enchant frame
+ SBFOptions will now make the background for names visible when configuring to help you not overlap the icons when positioning (which can cause clicks on icons to not register)

Version 3.1.24
- Sadly, clicking off of buffs is not fated to be at this time. Disabled for now

Version 3.1.23
+ Fix an error when tracking is enabled

Version 3.1.22
+ Added "id" filter for spell ID numbers
+ You should now be able to click off player buffs
+ Fixed problems with the colour picker
+ You can now remove/edit filters
+ You should be able to rename buff frames without error now
- You will not be able to click off temporary enchants or totems
- When you rename a buff frame, the old name will still appear in ButtonFacade's list until you reload UI or restart

Version 3.1.21
- Update for WoW 4.0
- The scale slider has finally been removed. Use the individual sizing mechanisms on the tabs, and set spacing between buffs on the layout tab
- Some performance tweaks courtesy of Yarlir@Area52
- You won't be able to click off buffs (same with pretty much all buff addons right now)

Version 3.1.20
- Fix an error for new users introduced by 3.1.19

Version 3.1.19
- Fixed an error between SBF and Parrot
- Increased maximum number of buff frames

Version 3.1.18
- Reworked temporary weapon enchants somewhat. They should work a lot better now
- Fixed a problem where ButtonFacade users could not rename frames
- Fixed an error during buff updates when fast bar is enabled (line 177)
- Some performance tweaks
- The SBF entry in the Interface panel now has a button to launch SBF options rather than just clicking on the name
- Fixed a bug where the tracking type icon would not update when the tracking type was changed

Version 3.1.17
- Hopefully fixed ButtonFacade problems

Version 3.1.16
- More work on castable filters
- Buff timers and bars should refresh correctly when first appearing in frames

Version 3.1.15
- Fix dumb error in 3.1.14

Version 3.1.14
- Fix for castable filter (that should fix up out my filters as well)
- Added option for icon opacity
- If you set a the height of a frame's bars to be greater than its width, the bar will automatically become vertical (experimental)
- Totems and weapon enchants should work correctly with my filters now

Version 3.1.13
- Player and vehicle buffs are now separated correctly (this fixes the stack count problem)
- Added a vehicle (v) filter for filtering your vehicle's effects
- Added an option on the General tab to have player blacklist buff frames show vehicle buffs when mounted
- The spellsteal (s) filter works correctly now.
- Added the player (player) filter that will filter effects cast by players
- Added the NPC (npc) filter that will filter effects cast by NPCs
- Added the party (party) filter that will filter effects cast by members of your party or raid
- You can now toggle buff names to show tooltips when hovered over
- Added frame visibility options for solo, party, raid, party or raid, friendly, and hostile
- Using !~ in filters (n!~xyz, tt!~abc) will now work correctly
- SBFOptions now has localisation for koKR (submitter did not give locale file for SBF itself)
- Some other small bug fixes

Version 3.1.12
* When SBF can determine the caster of an effect, it will put the name in the effect's tooltip
* The list on the Spells tab should populate correctly now
* The tt filter should function correctly now
* Fixed a condition where SBF would sometimes not be able to determine a border colour for ButtonFacade skinned icons and an error would occur

Version 3.1.11
* Fix errors when creating/removing frames

Version 3.1.10
* Fix that error with temporary enchantments

Version 3.1.9
* Fixed an error when checking castable status (SBFUtil line 86)

Version 3.1.8
* Fixed an error where size limited frames get the wrong buffs
* Some small fixes for ButtonFacade. Some skins will still not get border colours. I've sent a message to StormFX to see if there's something I am missing or if it's just an inconsistency with some BF skins
* Added the ability for users to add custom sounds for expiry warnings. See SatrinaBuffFrame/Media/SBFSounds.lua for directions
* When changing SBF profiles, the list of frames shown in ButtonFacade setup will update correctly

Version 3.1.7
3.1.7 is version bookkeeping to keep in sync with a massive fubar I had at Curse

Version 3.1.6
* Bars should no longer jump directly from 00:01 to 00:00
* Buff flows will no longer reset when you re-enter the options after setting them up
* Fixed an error that was occuring for new users and people converting from 3.0, preventing them from using SBF
* Buff icons changing from debuffs to buffs due to buff flowing should have their borders re-coloured correctly now
* You can now have SBF try to fix corrupted saved variables for the current character by using /sbf fix
* You can now reset the profile for the current character by using /sbf reset

Version 3.1.5
* TOC version has been updated for WoW 3.1 :rolleyes:
* SBF will no longer allow you to try and flow buffs for different units. (There's no way to make that work without a major code revamp)
* Buff and Name help in non-English localisations has been updated with the current English version. Translators will need to re-translate them
* ha filters should behave a little bit better now
* Vehicle buff frames will update and clear when you exit a vehicle
* Hopefully (hopefully!) the overextending bar thing is gone finally.
* SBF and SBFOptions now has an actual licence besides All Rights Reserved. Check out licence.txt in the zipfile, or read online:

Version 3.1.4
* Code change for my filters to work correctly with WoW 3.1
* Added an option to reverse cooldown sweeps
* Flashing buffs should not go insane in combat
* You should be able to dismiss weapon enchants/poisons correctly now

Version 3.1.3
* Cases where the first buff in a frame cannot be clicked should be fixed for real now
* Shaman weapon imbues should not get moved into frames using the to filter any more
* Cooldown sweeps should not flicker in combat now
* Cooldown sweeps should not occasionally cause an error

Version 3.1.1
* Because it wouldn't be an SBF release without me forgetting something ridiculous, SBF will no longer say "hi" to you when you click on a buff
* Added vehicle to the list of units for buff frames on the general tab

Version 3.1.0
* Filters now work completely for any unit
* In addition to assigning a unit to each frame, each frame is designated as holding buffs or debuffs, and is designated as a whitelist or a blacklist
* Each frame now maintains its own filter list
* Filters now work with the whitelist or blacklist setting for the frame
* A dropdown allowing you to select from commonly used filters is now available
* The filter system has been simplified, read the SBF site for details
* Timers, counts, and names can now have their frame level adjusted (allows you to ensure that things appear on top of each other correctly)
* You can now name your buff frames, and the name appears in the drag tabs
* You can size buff icons
* You can set bar height
* Buff bars can show tooltips when hovered over, and can dismiss effects when right clicked
* Bars should not occasionally go insane when buffs are refreshed anymore
* Timers should always update in a timely manner in combat
* The filter evaluator has been rewritten for performance
* You can put a cooldown sweep (like on action bars) on buff icons
* Some other performance enhancements

Version 3.0.7
- Tweak to re-get buffs when a buff's time left reaches 0
- ButtonFacade settings saved in SBF's saved vars
- Tweak timer and bar updates
- Add new zhCN and zhTW locale files
- Account for multiple separate buffs with same name

Version 3.0.6
- Fix pets and other units coming and going

Version 3.0.5
- Fix for when party members leave so that buff frames clear correctly
- Add Name options trunc, chop, of
- Add zhCN and zhTW locales
- Add option to display N/A as time for auras
- Castables are stored separately by class now

Version 3.0.4
- Really fix the problem from 3.0.2

Version 3.0.3
- Fix error from 3.0.2 where frames are not regenerated when changing buff count

Version 3.0.2
- Performance tweaking
- Fix an intermittent error with ButtonFacade

Version 3.0.1
- Fix an error when temp enchants reach 0 time
- Add time left on temp enchants to their tooltips

Version 3.0.0
- Add SBF button to Interface panel
- Fix so Sentry Totems are not destroyed when right clicked
- Fix so frames with out of combat visibility do not flash in combat
- Fix so flowed buffs actually use the expiry settings of their home frame
- Promote to release version

Beta 15
- Fix an error when removing frames
- Adjustments to buff sorting
- Removed ButtonFacade debug messages
- Fix for debuffs that don't report their type properly
- Make sure that weapon enchant buff index is always valid

Beta 14
- Fix filters for harmful effects by type
- Fix some totem problems
- Add option to track totem timers when out of range
- Add option to not track totems that do not give buffs
- Fix buff sorting error for totems

Beta 13
- Add an option on the Globals tab to disable ButtonFacade for SBF only
- Some performance tweaking

Beta 12
- ButtonFacade is back!
- Fixed a problem where buffs would overflow frames sometimes
- Re-fix unit debuffs
- Added "my" filter

Beta 11
- ButtonFacade is still disabled
- Fix a couple of in your face problems from beta 10

Beta 10
- ButtonFacade is still disabled
- Added throttling to the event input to reduce unnecessary extra work when buffs are coming and going quickly
- Fixed an error where the Copy From dropdown never got updated
- Some general performance enhancements

Beta 9
- ButtonFacade is still disabled
- The auras have max time option should work correctly
- Time remaining filters should work now
- When a frame fills, it should correctly discard extra buffs
- Frame visiblity options Always, In Combat, Out of Combat, and Never are available again. Mouseover is currently removed.
- Random other fixes and tweaks

Beta 8
- Fix an error in SBFOptions when ButtonFacade is loaded

Beta 7
- Disabled ButtonFacade support for the time being
- Buff flashing when expiring fixed
- Mirror buffs should work correctly now
- New users should not have problems with profiles not being saved
- Some profiling fixes for performance

Beta 6
- The positioning window is hopefully now in a more obvious place
- Positioning window also has labels now!
- Profile stuff now works
- Fixed an error where you could sometimes only adjust positions of items in frame 1
- Increased the maximum scale to 3.0 times
- The spells tab works normally again for setting up show in frame/always warn (though filter diagnosis is broken currently)
- cyCircled support should be back again

- Beta 5
- ButtonFacade colours should save now
- Tooltips should be correct when buffs fade
- Fixed some bugs

Beta 4
- More tweaking of sticky tab in options
- ButtonFacade should work now
- Few small fixes from the known issues list

Beta 3
- Redid the sticky frames interface in SBFOptions
- Added ability to colour names of debuffs separately from buffs

Beta 2
- Added new timer formats
- Very early and basic work on sticky frames.
- Stability fixes

Beta 1
- Weapon enchants should work right now
- Totems should appear correctly now. Won't disappear when you go out of range, though
- A bit of fixing in the 2.x saved variables conversion
- You shouldn't see errors with ButtonFacade now

Beta 0 (fixed)
- Fixed load order in embeds.xml for people who have no other Ace3 addons

Beta 0
- Conversion to Ace3
- Many new features
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Unread 01-10-09, 02:29 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by aegnor
I'm having this problem as well. I have frames 1 and 2 hidden, and use frames 3 and 4 for short-duration buffs (via a "3<=5" filter) on me and my debuffs on the target respectively. In both 3 and 4, sometimes they work, and sometimes when the buffs show up the bar and timer are "stuck".

The one thing I've tried is adjusting the throttle value, but as far as I can tell that has no effect on this bug at all.

(this is using 3.0.7, by the way)
Some further observations on the behavior:
* confirmed that frame 1 doesn't do this - I set up frame 1 as the short-duration buff frame by filtering everything with duration over 5 minutes to a hidden frame. Never saw it get stuck. Unfortunately, I can't think of a similar workaround to make frame 2 a "my debuffs on the target" frame or I'd test that as well.
* when a frame gets stuck this way, it will stay stuck until all buffs shown are gone, although that doesn't always seem to get it unstuck.
* when a frame is stuck, the bar lengths don't update at all, and the timers only update when the entire list is updated, i.e. when a buff is added or removed
* the length of stuck bars is based on position, i.e. the first bar will always have the same length, even if what buff it actually is changes as items move up or down on the list.
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Unread 01-10-09, 10:04 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by SoulFlare99
I know you're hard at work on 3.1 (and I can't wait!) but I'm just letting you know that the bar and timer issues I was having before are still very prevalent.

I have buff flowing going for frames 1 and 2 and that works perfectly.

I have a third frame designated to hold just a few buffs/procs (Commanding Shout, Sword and Board, Glyph of Revenge), and while the icons come and go when they're supposed to, none of the timers or bars associated with the buffs work. The bars seem to start at whatever length they want to (I can't figure out a pattern or anything) and don't update until I drop combat or they're refreshed and the timers very rarely update.

I'll take an SS and see if we can come up with a problem that can be fixed!

EDIT: Something interesting about this little bug - buffs in Frame 1 work perfectly, the timer bar and icon all do exactly what they're supposed to. However when I shift+click on a buff and move it to Frame 3, it goes completely wacky. Is there like a "make buffs not work" box that I have checked for Frame 3? hahaha <3
I'm having this problem as well. I have frames 1 and 2 hidden, and use frames 3 and 4 for short-duration buffs (via a "3<=5" filter) on me and my debuffs on the target respectively. In both 3 and 4, sometimes they work, and sometimes when the buffs show up the bar and timer are "stuck".

The one thing I've tried is adjusting the throttle value, but as far as I can tell that has no effect on this bug at all.

(this is using 3.0.7, by the way)
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Unread 01-04-09, 07:17 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I'm thinking about downloading this when I get home to my PC and giving it a try, but I just noticed the note on the buffs on other units. Can you still add debuffs on a target (raid boss) to a frame and use filters for them?
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Unread 01-04-09, 12:29 AM  
A Cyclonian
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If it isn't in the spell list, it hasn't proc'd for you yet. The spell list not pre-populated, rather it is built of effects that have been applied to you. Go shoot something =)
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Unread 01-03-09, 07:34 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Missing Spell Proc

There is a missing spell in the spells list:

Now is the time!

From the item: Sundial of the Exiled
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Unread 01-02-09, 02:52 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I know you're hard at work on 3.1 (and I can't wait!) but I'm just letting you know that the bar and timer issues I was having before are still very prevalent.

I have buff flowing going for frames 1 and 2 and that works perfectly.

I have a third frame designated to hold just a few buffs/procs (Commanding Shout, Sword and Board, Glyph of Revenge), and while the icons come and go when they're supposed to, none of the timers or bars associated with the buffs work. The bars seem to start at whatever length they want to (I can't figure out a pattern or anything) and don't update until I drop combat or they're refreshed and the timers very rarely update.

I'll take an SS and see if we can come up with a problem that can be fixed!

EDIT: Something interesting about this little bug - buffs in Frame 1 work perfectly, the timer bar and icon all do exactly what they're supposed to. However when I shift+click on a buff and move it to Frame 3, it goes completely wacky. Is there like a "make buffs not work" box that I have checked for Frame 3? hahaha <3
Last edited by SoulFlare99 : 01-03-09 at 02:07 PM.
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Unread 01-02-09, 04:25 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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I just realized that what caused my issues wasnīt really a bug but me having set up my pet debuffs to be shown in that frame. Iīm really, really sorry if I already caused you any unncessary work.
What kind of puzzles me though is that this "supposedly bug" was fixed by using an older version. Maybe it was actually a bug in the unit tab you fixed with 3.0.6. Sorry again, I should have checked it before reporting the issue.
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Unread 12-29-08, 08:38 PM  
James Lame
A Kobold Labourer

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Thanks for the reply.
Can't wait for 3.1 now.
Originally posted by Satrina
James Lame - there is currently no filter that covers all crowd control effects. The closest you can get is to do Show in Frame for polymorph/root/hex/etc and assign to frame 3. You won't be able to filter buffs on anyone else until I get 3.1 out, so your partner is currently out of luck

Crowfeather - will check that today, thanks!
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Unread 12-29-08, 03:01 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Just tried again and it looks like I lied a little, itīs not THAT easy to reproduce. It seems like thereīs some other condition that needs to be met. It usually happens the first time I get debuffed in a raid. It was reproducable outside the raid after I got it once though.
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Unread 12-29-08, 09:47 AM  
A Cyclonian
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James Lane - there is currently no filter that covers all crowd control effects. The closest you can get is to do Show in Frame for polymorph/root/hex/etc and assign to frame 3. You won't be able to filter buffs on anyone else until I get 3.1 out, so your partner is currently out of luck

Crowfeather - will check that today, thanks!
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Unread 12-29-08, 03:12 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Iīve read the last two pages of comments and couldnīt find anything about this problem:

Ever since SBF 3.0.6 Debuffs are mirrored in another one of my frames where I directed a few selected debuffs (and buffs) to.
More precicsely - Iīve created a buff frame 7 for the sole purpose to show me a single big icon in the middle of my screen with exspecially important (de)buffs (Grobbulus Plague, Thaddius Polarity, Aspect of the Viper). Iīve created spell filters to show exactly those and no others in said buff frame 7. So far this worked pretty well, when I got one of the choosen (de)buffs it was shown in frame 7 and not in itīs original frame. Since SBF 3.0.6 now every single debuff is shown in frame 7 in addition to itīs expected frame. Itīs easily reproducable with bandages that give me a debuff. Downgrading to 3.0.5 fixes the problem.

And while Iīm at it another suggestion - would it be possible to make buff frames "clickthrough"? Maybe when the "right click cancel" option is selected already?
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Unread 12-28-08, 10:29 AM  
James Lame
A Kobold Labourer

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Could someone help me as i can't figure this one out.

What i want to do is too show only CC that's been cast on me in frame 3 and the CC that's be cast on my partner in frame 4 but still have all the other debuffs i can get in frame 2, would this be possible?

Much appreciated if someone could help me out.
Last edited by James Lame : 12-28-08 at 10:30 AM.
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Unread 12-27-08, 12:56 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Satrina
SFJake - expiry options are per frame. Make sure you set them for every frame you want warnings on.
I have 2 frames, and they both have the exact same settings. That isn't the issue here
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Unread 12-26-08, 10:02 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by Satrina
A bigger change is that your ButtonFacade settings are now stored in SBF's saved variables. You will need to re-skin your frames, but you shouldn't lose settings when BF clears its saved vars.
Thank you, Satrina.
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Unread 12-26-08, 03:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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SBF - dismiss buffs

i'm using the latest SBF released 12/26 (btw love the addon) however i'm unable to right click to dismiss buffs.

i have verified that i do not have the check box enabled to prevent right click and have even tried turning it on and off.

has anyone else experienced this ? i am also using buttonfacade, latest version.
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