Updated: 09-26-19 12:49 AM
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Updated:09-26-19 12:49 AM
Created:01-14-16 05:18 AM


Version: 1.0.0
by: yovin [More]

Cauldron is an add-on for game World of Warcraft. It provides essential mechanisms to let players customize various things based on user-defined Lua tables (so-called recipes).

NOTE: Cauldron is just the platform for mechanisms, you need to load this add-on with other extensions for concrate features.

What's recipe?

Technically speaking, recipes are Lua tables defined within global variable There are only two optional attributes are pre-defined for recipes, which means even an empty table is workable for Cauldron too.


Lua Code:
  1.["recipe-name"] = {
  2.     -- Enable this recipe automatically (optional, false by default)
  3.     enable = false,
  5.     -- Description of this recipe (optional)
  6.     description = "text...",
  7. }

How recipe works?

Cauldron only supplies the basic mechanisms for recipe handling. Concrete features are implemented with extensions.

You can write an extension, or integrate Cauldron with various different extensions. The most important thing for you is being creative to make Cauldron unique for yourself!
How to create a recipe

Variable is global, you can define your recipes in any Lua script files as long as World of Warcraft can loads them. However there are some hints:
  1. It's not recommended to put recipes in Cauldron directory, it is the essential add-on for all extensions.
  2. You can put your recipes into the corresponding extensions' directories. For example, you installed an extension named Cauldron_Bindings which adds a new attribute "bindings" for your recipes. Therefore you can put all your "bindings" recipes under directory Cauldron_Bindings.
  3. If you are familiar with add-on loading mechanisms, you can create a new add-on, put all recipe files under this add-on directory and load your recipes by .toc file.

Slash commands

All slash commands begin with /cauldron.


Show help information.

list [KEYWORD]

Lists recipes and enable/disable status. If KEYWORD is specified, just lists recipes with KEYWORD in their names, or else all recipes will be listed.

enable <RECIPE_NAME>

Enables the specified recipe, this command enable the recipe forcedly, which means event RECIPE_QUERY_ENABLE won't be raised.

disable <RECIPE_NAME>

Disables the specified recipe, this command disable the recipe forcedly, which means event RECIPE_QUERY_DISABLE won't be raised.

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