Updated: 03-14-21 05:43 AM
File Info
Shadowlands patch (9.0.5)
Updated:03-14-21 05:43 AM
Created:01-05-21 03:07 AM

Migraine Helper

Version: 0.4.2
by: Arderath [More]

WoW Migraine Helper is an accessibility addon for people that suffer from migraines or other headaches. Some areas in World of Warcraft have graphics that can hurt or trigger migraines. This addon includes two helpers that can mitigate some of the effects. These are not subtle, the addon uses the sledgehammer approach to problem solving. The intention is to have you quickly enable one of the helpers when you're in an area of the game with effects that trigger migraines (like the "Cloak of Ve'nari" effect in the Maw), and then disable them afterwards. The addon also provides access to some config options that can be helpful which are not exposed in the default Blizzard settings dialog.

By default the helpers are bound to `CTRL-ALT-M` (screen frame) and `CTRL-ALT-D` (brightness filter). These are customizable (and you may also disable them).

Helper modes

Brightness filter

This toggles a filter that makes the game world a lot less bright than normal. By default the filter leaves UI elements untouched, but you can configure it to also reduce the brightness of the UI elements, which can be useful during a migraine attack. By default this is bound to `CTRL-ALT-D`, or you can use `/migrainebrightness`.

Frame overlay

This toggles black bars around the screen, which can be used to hide effects like the "Cloak of Ve'nari". Any UI elements placed on the edges of the screen work as normal. By default this is bound to `CTRL-ALT-M`, or you can use `/migraineframe`.


To configure Migraine Helper, open up the addon settings panel (`Esc` -> `Interface` -> `AddOns` -> `Migraine Helper`). There you can select the width and height of the frame overlay, the strength of the brightness filter, choose if you want to include the UI elements in the brightness filter or not,
configure the key bindings and set some WoW config options (see below).

WoW options

Migraine Helper also gives you access to modify three game graphics settings in its UI panel. Toggling these may also help alleviate migraine. Note that changes to these persist even if the addon is removed.


Please use the issue tracker at Gitlab ( to report any issues or submit feature requests.


Thanks to the authors of the Ace3 config, event and UI library, and the authors of the LibStub helper library. These libraries handle a lot of the lower level plumbing so I don't have to, and made life a lot easier than it would have been without.

# 0.4.2
- Bumped interface version for 9.0.5

# 0.4.1

- Corrected some text in the settings screen that was no longer valid

# 0.4.0

- The brightness filter's strength is now maximum 95%
- Added an option to remember the filter state on next login

# 0.3
- Renamed /migraineedge to /migraineframe (the old one still works)
- Renamed /migrainedark to /migrainebrightness (the old one still works)
- Added a setting for including UI elements in the brightness filter
- Corrected the name used for keybindings in the WoW keybind UI

# 0.2
- Various code refactoring
- Listen to events for screen resolution changes and update overlays
- Renamed "blockers" to "frame" and "opacity overlay" to "brightness filter"
for clarity
- Made the config dialog refresh itself if the overlays are toggled through
hotkeys or slash commands

# 0.1.1

- Fixed placement of the "WoW settings" info text in the config window
- Added missing toc-file

# 0.1

- Initial release
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