Updated: 11-01-16 04:14 AM
Addon for:
We Don't Wipe.
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Return to Karazhan (7.1.5)
Updated:11-01-16 04:14 AM
Created:09-25-16 06:02 AM

We Don't Wipe - Havoc

Version: v1.05
by: Taraezor [More]

A DPS maximiser module for the We Don't Wipe AddOn.

You may use this rotation from level 98 to 110. It is suitable for all manner of Dungeons, Raids, questing and world bosses.

Works great in 7.1 Return to Karahzan!

You will need the latest We Don't Wipe.
You will need the latest Hard Yards.

Priority Queue (aka Rotation)
(To make any sense of this you must read the notes below)

* Eye Beam for low level players
* Metamorphosis (see note below)
** Chaos Blades (if talent chosen) -> Death Sweep -> Annihilation
* Vengeful Retreat
** If Prepared talent taken then Fury must be no more than 20 from cap
** To keep Momentum buff up
** If player really low level just use it
* Fel Rush
** With Fel Mastery talent, Fury must not exceed cap (any Prepared Fury also included)
** If about to reach 2 charges
** To keep Momentum buff up
** To initiate combat (but see "overshoot" below)
* Eye Beam with Demonic talent
* Fel Eruption
* Fury of the Illidari and Momentum buff
* Pre level 102 / no selected Tier 3 talents priority:
** Chaos Strike
** Throw Glaive
** Blade Dance
* Blade Dance with First Blood talent
* Felblade
* Throw Glaive with Momentum buff and Bloodlet talent
* Fel Barrage (if talent chosen) and with 5 charges and Momentum buff
* Eye Beam with Anguish of the Deceiver trait (but see "anguish" below)
* Chaos Strike
* Fel Barrage (if talent chosen) and with 4 charges and Momentum buff
* Demon's Bite (if Demon Blades talent NOT chosen)
* Range based filler
** Throw Glaive for 15 to 30 yards
** Vengeful Retreat followed by Fel Rush for melee range, if possible. Otherwise Demon's Bite if possible
** Fel Rush all other situations (but see "overshoot" below)
* Filler icon (but see "uptoyou" below)

Rotation Notes
The priority queue depends upon your distance from the target. You must use the Hard Yards AddOn. Requiring this AddOn is a different but necessary approach to previous WDW modules.

This addOn manages your Fury generation very well indeed. It forecasts future generation and Fury needs. If you see Felblade or Demon's Bite seemingly out of order, it is because WDW has a need for more Fury so you can pull off an upcoming Fury based ability. This AddOn also anticipates extra Fury from a successful Fel Mastery talented Fel Rush and Prepared talented Vengeful Retreat.

But... if you are relying totally upon Demon Blades or Demonic Appetite for your Fury and didn't bother even with Fel Barrage (which has a cool down), then the priority queue, beyond position #1, will be less relevant as WDW has no idea how quickly you will be generating Fury from the hits which succeed in landing while you are able to stand still (i.e. Demon Blades), or whether there are Lesser Soul Fragments and you'll be able to consume them (i.e. Demonic Appetite).

Single Target
All WDW modules are for single target, due to limitations with the programming API. Yes, Havoc is all about cleave, surges and AoE so with multiple mobs not a lot would really change.

Your big cool down / burst. This AddOn does NOT tell you when to use it. It is up to your raid leader. In dungeons it is typically up to you unless you are pushing hard content. The Nemesis talent (if selected) should be used to initiate Metamorphosis. This AddOn constantly looks for a Nemesis or Metamorphosis buff and adjusts accordingly. The Chaos Blades talent is strongly suggested for this bursty play style.

The choice of worthwhile talent combinations is very diverse and this WDW module allows for anything. It is a matter of comfortable play style as well as min/max research for higher end raiders amongst you. This explains why the priority queue (above) is so very long and goes way beyond min/max website recommendations.

Traits and Relics
Due to limitations with the programming API, this module cannot test for chosen traits and relics. All DPS min/max websites assume you have all available traits. See the "anguish" parameter (below).

Where the rotation mentions this buff, it is relevant only if the talent was chosen.

Not seeing Vengeful Retreat or Fel Rush in the rotation? That's because VR is on cool down and/or you are more than 5 yards from your target; and because you are more than 15 yards from your target for Fel Rush or so close that if you FR, you will stop beyond melee range. Set your "overshoot" to "y" to see more FR. See also the "range" parameter.

Suitable for questing, levelling and raiding?
Very much so. The programming tests for player level, known spells and selected talents. Tested from level 98 in Mardum through to level 110 instances.

Opening Salvo
This module handles initiation. It totally depends upon your distance from the target. It will either suggest Throw Glaive or if you are within range Fel Rush. If you are a huge distance away then Fel Rush is suggested so as to close down the range.

Modifiable Parameters
From the chat line, the following modifiable parameters can be adjusted by you. The values are saved between sessions.

/wdw setr anguish=y
You selected Anguish of the Deceiver as an Artifact Trait. The WoW programming API does not provide the tools to check this. You must set this here. At affects whether or not to add Eye Beam to the rotation. The Default is "y"!!! This is because my testing showed that EB always added significantly to dps. You should set this to "n" if indeed you have not selected the trait AND you wish to follow the thinking of a popular dps website.

/wdw setr fury=y
Whether to include Fury of the Illidari. Default is "y".

/wdw setr overshoot=y
If set to "n" then Fel Rush will be excluded if it will take you more than 5 yards past a mob. Useful to keep you up close and personal, ymmv.

/wdw setr range=0
An ability must be in range so that it may appear in the queue. If, for example, it is okay to be 5 yards outside of range then set this parameter to 5. A large value allows WDW to be very lenient but an ability may appear in the queue when you are outside usable range. Default is "0". 0 to 20 yards.

/wdw setr wait=0.4
At times an ability might not be exactly ready to use as it is cooling down or recharging. The default is to allow an ability to appear in its queue position up to 400ms before it is ready. A range of 0 to 1.5s is allowed.

Pro players will want to set this to zero. High values affect DPS but can help slower players and players with high latency.

/wdw setr uptoyou=nnnnn
The spell or item ID of the queue filler icon. Use negative for an item. IDs can be found at Default is -34249, the Hula Girl Doll sold by Griftah!

/wdw setr {parameter}=?
List the current value and a description of the parameter. New Patch 7.1!

/wdw listp
List the parameters for this module.

Cookies, Beer & Donations
It is all about the cookies & beer although, and don't let Gallywix know about this, a "thank you" in the comments section fuels my programming appetite and is very much appreciated. And then, you could cut straight to Donate to lend your support! because as Gallywix would say... "time is money, friend".

== v1.05 - 1st November 2016
* Incorrect reference to Demon Blade's cool down. Caused fatal error for players pre-102
* Throw Glaive: Removed all logic related to charges (despite in game tooltip). Simply get the cooldown
* Fel Barrage and Fel Rush : retested to ensure that they behave like "normal" recharges
* Eye Beam now no longer checks for Anguish trait if player < 110. Thus plenty more Eye Beams
* Force WDW v5.10 requirement

== v1.04 - 25th October 2016
* Version update to support Patch 7.1 "Return to Karahzan"
* Updated module to reflect new Hard Yards and WDW versions
* Changes to list/setting parameter mechanics due to Patch 7.1 chat window changes

== v1.03 - 1st October 2016
* Default for "wait" parameter is 0.4. Removed (silly) "-1" option
* Removed hard coded 0.1s from 14 locations where remaining CD was calculated. Using "wait" more
* Changed 0.1s to 0.05s in five places. Used for non-GCD ability's time lost hitting button and moving to next ability
* localised math.abs, UnitDetailedThreatSituation
* overshoot and range now work properly together
* Removed option to allow range to be negative. Silly option
* Added "ignore" parameter to help players set "always within range"
* Improved the description of the "wait" parameter

== v1.02 - 26th September 2016
* Block Nemesis if Metamorphosis is from Demonic as waste of a cool down

== v1.01 - 25th September 2016
* Block Nemesis if Metamorphosis is from Demonic as waste of a cool down
* Also block Nemesis while Eye Beam is channeled and with Demonic taken
* When Nemesis and Metamorphosis are both available, block from display
* Adjust forecast distance after a Fel Rush / Vengeful Retreat or Felblade

== v1.00 - 25th September 2016
* Initial version== v1.02 - 26th September 2016
* Block Nemesis if Metamorphosis is from Demonic as waste of a cool down

== v1.01 - 25th September 2016
* Block Nemesis if Metamorphosis is from Demonic as waste of a cool down
* Also block Nemesis while Eye Beam is channeled and with Demonic taken
* When Nemesis and Metamorphosis are both available, block from display
* Adjust forecast distance after a Fel Rush / Vengeful Retreat or Felblade

== v1.00 - 25th September 2016
* Initial version
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Unread 10-04-16, 10:32 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Can I turn off the yard box without messing up the addon?

It just gets in the way.
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Unread 10-29-16, 05:15 PM  
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Throw glave still in first 'box' while on cooldown

I pulled out my DH to test this today. Whenever it puts Throw Glaive as the next thing to cast, the icon stays in that box even tho I can't cast it again. If I ignore that, and cast the next spell in the list (usually Demon's Bite), the icons pick up and carry forward, until Throw Glaive shows up again, and then it gets stuck again. It's also not ever suggesting Eyebeam - only Demon's Bite and Chaos Strike. It also seems to be periodically getting stuck on Chaos Strike when I have no fury. I'll note that I'm only L100 - just barely out of starting zone. The only change I've made to the settings of this 'out of the box' is to set overshoot to no, since it wouldn't go away even when I was right next to the target dummy.

I feel like I'm doing something wrong. :/
Last edited by Barleduq : 10-29-16 at 05:36 PM.
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Unread 11-03-16, 04:07 PM  
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Ok, time for this happened

My apologies for the delay, I spent the last few days dealing with my issues with another addon.

a) I thought that it wasn't giving me Fel Rush when I was out of range, but I found the distance that makes that pop up. Yes, I have Hard Yards installed and enabled.

b) If I'm not exactly in the correct range for Fel Rush, it gives me Throw Glaive. Once I do that, if I'm not in melee range, it gives me 'up to you'.

c) If I'm standing there auto-attacking, I have 5 icons worth of actions-in-waiting. After casting Throw Glaive and then manually moving into melee range, (i.e. not fel rush), they are, in order: Chaos Strike, Demon's Bite, Eye Beam, Demon's Bite, Vengeful Retreat, and Fel Rush.

d) Once I attack, all that ever gets to the first position is Demon's bite, Chaos Strike, and Throw Glaive. I see Blade Dance flicker in most often, Eye Beam flickers into the lineup rarely, Vengeful Retreat even more rarely; but these never ever get to the first icon, i.e. 'cast this now'. Throw Glaive shows up anywhere from the 10th to 16th action, but otherwise it's Demon's Bite and Chaos Strike.

Following this (with one instance of Eye Beam just to see if that changed the line up) I had 424k dps on a Training Dummy in Stormwind.

Is this working as intended? I did not try Metamorphosis at all. I never saw Chaos Nova show up in the line, tho I may have missed it.

ETA: I tried leading in with Metamorphosis. I basically got Demon's Bite and the empowered CHaos Strikes alternating till I lost the demon form, at which point Throw Glaive entered the mix again.

Unfortunately, I haven't bothered to dig up a way to record my game for you to see the addon in action. I think that would show it much better than I'm explaining it.

Thank you for your work on this!
Last edited by Barleduq : 11-03-16 at 04:08 PM.
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Unread 11-03-16, 10:25 PM  
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Re: Re: Ok, time for this happened

Originally Posted by Taraezor
Originally Posted by Barleduq
My apologies for the delay, ...

Thank you for your work on this!
Quick question: this is using the version I uploaded: v1.05?
Yes it is. At least, that's what ACP reports is loaded.

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Unread 11-04-16, 07:30 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Ok, time for this happened

Originally Posted by Taraezor
I'll see what I can do. But... elsewhere I have posted that I am on holidays until about the 12th or 13th of this month. No internet. I am literally departing now lol. Until I get back!
Have fun!
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