Most of the functionality is there and greatly improved upon since prior iterations. Bagnon is still not functioning, for now have Baganator on board. Settings are there for Details damage meter, DBM and various other addons. If you like using them download separately as they were too large to include in this UI package.
Version 4.0: Dragonflight Release
Most of the functionality is there and greatly improved upon since prior iterations. Thanks for the continued support. I return at the beginning of each expansion to make sure this UI is optimal and in working order. Appreciate all the kinds words, and as always let me know if anything is out of sorts (or what functonality you'd like me to add) and I will fix it ASAP.
Hey. I'm Vacant! I've played a Rogue on Tichondrius since vanilla. My goal with this project is to provide a visually appealing UI that clearly and cleanly presents pertinent information to immensely improve awareness in PVP and PVE situations.
-Shadowlands: Most of the functionality has been restored. Will continue to update. Let me know what is broken. Thanks
v2.94 Notes:
-BfA prelaunch event updates. Everything should be working smooth. Post comments if any issues.
v2.7 Notes:
- Overall improvements made.
- Many WeakAuras added for Legion
- Added many legion cooldowns/abilties for each class
- Added/pruned PVP target alerts
- Polished many UI elements
Enter your World of Warcraft folder. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft
1. Make a backup of your WTF and Interface folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into my WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called
(YOURACCOUNTNAMEINCAPS) to your own account name, ALL IN CAPS.
4. Enter the (YOURACCOUNTNAMEINCAPS) folder and change the folder called (YourServerName) into your server name.
5. Enter the (YourServerName) folder and change the folder (YourCharacterName) into your character's name. (Also do this for any alts you have.)
6. Put my(the ones you've been editing) WTF and Interface folders in the place where your own folders used to be. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft
7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".
8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:
/gladius and select the profile: Default
/sexymap and select: "Use Global Profile".
/bt and select the profile: Default
/raven and select the profile: Default
/tmw lock
Interface > Addons > SCT > Profile Vacant-Tichondrius
You may have to manually adjust TidyPlates. You can turn nameplates on within Blizzard's interface options. To display enemy castbars under nameplates, you must go into the combat section of Blizzard's interface options and tick the "display castbar under enemy nameplate" option.
Also, you will have to adjust the Last Second (diminishing returns icons) positioning and visibility options to your liking. For some reason there is no built-in profile system for this addon. I use this to see my target and focus target's diminishing returns status. I place the icons under each respective frame, lined up with the bottom right edge with growth moving towards the left. I'd like to have these Icons grow downwards in the future.
Aurora - UI Skin
Aurora Missing Textures - UI Skin
BagBrother - Shows contents of bags/bank for alts.
BagNon - Merges all of your bags into one.
Bartender 4 - Actions bars / easy hotkey adjustments.
BoneFilter - Filters the annoying Broken Bone loot message.
Clique - I use this for Tricks of the Trade. It allows me to Shift+Right Click the frame of the person I want to Tricks.
Deadly Boss Mods - Disable unless you PVE.
Error Filter - Filters annoying / unnecessary errors message (You cannot do that while mounted. Etc.)
Gladius - Arena target frames.
Gnosis - Castbars.
Grid - Party/raid fraim.
kgPanels - Buttons, panels, borders, etc.
LastSecond - Displays diminishing returns of your target/focus target.
Masque - Button skinning.
MasterPlan - Removes the annoyances of managing Garrison missions.
MoveAnything - Move anything.
PetTracker - Shows stable locations on the map, and ability cooldowns of the pet(s) you're facing.
Prat - Chat management.
Postal - Mail management.
Rarity - Displays via Tooltip if the mob you're hovering over drops anything of interest.
Raven - Buff/debuff icons.
SCT - Scrolling Combat Text
SexyMap - Map management.
Skada - Damage meter.
STUF - Unit Frames.
TidyPlates - Nameplates.
TipTac - Tooltip management.
Titan Panel - Bottom info bar.
WeakAuras - God Mode
Past Notes:
-Added functionality for Death Knight.
-Updated/added many general WeakAuras strings.
-Added WeakAuras strings for Frost Death Knight
-Added WeakAuras strings for Affliction Warlock
-Cleaned up several UI elements.
-Added OmniBar
-Removed TrufiGCD
-Support for Feral Druid.
-Organized how certain WeakAuras are displayed.
-Added several WeakAuras for, Feral Druid, Rogue, Arms Warrior, Retribution Paladin. Frost Mage, Survival/Marks Hunter.
-Configured Grid to display PVP crowd control icons on the unit frame.
-New Default Grid profile, moves Grid to the left-hand side of the screen directly under the player buffs.
-New Default Grid profile only displays members of your party. (If you want to display the entire raid, you can choose the other profile.
-Added Bartender Profile for Feral Druid (if you are using this with a Druid, you must select Druid rather than Default, when loading the UI on your Druid.
-Moved Skada
-TomTom added.
-Scrolling Combat Text positioning adjusted.
-Skinner removed! Aurora is back! After using Skinner for a bit, I decided that I preferred Aurora.
-Skinner now used for in-game Skinning. I feel it looks a bit cleaner than Aurora. Aurora is still included. Simply enable it and disable skinner, if you prefer it!
-HandyNotes added!
-Retribution Paladin added!
-Recount removed.
-Skada added. Click the crosshair button to show/hide and control click to reset data.
-Auctionator added.
-Various WeakAuaras added, most notably an aura that alerts you when a teammate successfully interrupts a cast. (Work in progress.)
-Bagnon polished.
-DBM alert positions adjusted.
-TidyPlates Raid Icon position adjusted.
-MiniMap position adjusted slightly.
-Polished the border visuals of several unit frames.
-Adjusted Gnosis castbar frames to match.
-Performance Tweaks
-Added several WeakAuras strings for Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Warrior.
-Raid Frame is now skinned.
-Minimap position adjusted.
-Changed several bar colors in WeakAuras.
-Added bars for several abilities.
-Moved placement of DBM alerts.
-Removed RougeSpamReborn
-Fixed quest objective updates not displaying. (Example: 6/8 Ravagers Slain)
-Performance tweak
-Farewell to Ace3, Pet Breed ID, and a few others
-FINALLY fixed a bug that has been plaguing me for some time now. Apparently there's a bug in Blizzard's UI frame that affects the STRATA(frame level) of certain UI elements making them sometimes unreadable/unclickable. Well, I finally found out that there's an addon called StrataFix that fixes this ANNOYING bug. Hugs and kisses goes to the legendary oscarucb for authoring this addon. That guy rules. For any of you using the UI who have experienced this ridiculously annoying issue, this is now fixed.
-Moved target unit frame and WeakAuras bars to better balance the UI
-Removed DBM bloat
-Removed SharedMedia LIb 3.0
-Blacklisted Windwalk
-Added tenths of seconds under 1 second in OmniCC
wow, amazing work there mate. have never seen such a clean, clear and thought through interface. i'm in love. but sadly can't use it because i play classic and will soon play tbc. is there ANY chance you will also make a version for tbc? man id pay like 50€ for it, just dm me if you do it and ill transfer in an instant much love and keep up the good work!
I just wanted to say thank you very very much for the incredible UI - it's been one I've used for a long time now and it's just so clean and perfect for PvP etc. It's exactly what I was looking for!
I'd really like to use it going into Shadowlands, will it still work or will it be broken upon patch day? If you have the spare time/still play, could you please continue to update it so that we can continue using and enjoying your great work? Obviously I update the addons regularly through the Curse client but I just wondered if anything will break when the next expansion drops.
Thank you very much and best regards,
While it's true that I don't have much time or as much interest in the game as I once did... I can guarantee that there will be an update for each future expansion and/or update that breaks the UIs functionality. Even though I typically don't play long after an expansion releases I tend to always check out pre-patch and launch, so rest easy, I gotchu. Thanks for the continued support. I've gotten so much good feedback about this UI over the years, and all I can say is that I'm infinitely grateful for all of you who have given Vacant UI a shot. I still love the UI and I'm glad many others do as well.
I just wanted to say thank you very very much for the incredible UI - it's been one I've used for a long time now and it's just so clean and perfect for PvP etc. It's exactly what I was looking for!
I'd really like to use it going into Shadowlands, will it still work or will it be broken upon patch day? If you have the spare time/still play, could you please continue to update it so that we can continue using and enjoying your great work? Obviously I update the addons regularly through the Curse client but I just wondered if anything will break when the next expansion drops.
Your UI no longer includes tidy plates. Your UI also makes it impossible to check the show cast bars under nameplates in interface options. WTF m8. Imagine playing a rogue with no enemy cast bars... Quest text isn't collapsible or able to be hidden. Quest text won't show up either...
Beautiful UI! Everything is working perfectly except for my quest tracker on the side. I've moved it with SexyMaps movers but everytime I accept a new quest, it moves the tracker back to the side where it is partially hidden. Any idea how to fix?
Hi, I'd very much like to use this UI for BFA, but I'm having some issues; specifically with the file.
When I follow the installation instructions exactly, WoW will not start at all when I attempt to launch. Through some troubleshooting, I was able to determine that if I deleted your file or replaced it with my own, the game would start. However, almost none of the UI mods would load correctly, so this isn't an acceptable work around.
I've never seen an issue like this, so I'm unsure how to proceed. I'm not sure why using your config file would prevent the game from loading, or why using mine would cause all the UI mods to break.
Thanks for your help
Weird. It's possible that Blizzard changed something. I'll do some testing in a bit. I recently installed the UI on a separate PC and had no issues at all, so I'll do this again and see what's up.
Thank you very much!
Tested again and everything loaded for me on an alternate PC, with and without the config file present. I'm uploading the latest version of the UI now, let me know how it goes. As long as you follow the directions below, I can't see why it wouldn't, unless there is some weird incompatibility with certain types of hardware, but that seems strange and unlikely.
When you edit the folder text for your Account name, Server name and Character name does it matter if all are in caps, or have spaces? My server is Area 52, would I type it as such, or with no spaces?
Just the account name in caps, and as far as I know, I don't even think that's a thing any longer. As far as spaces go for sever names, keep the spaces, as is, no underscores.
Everything works with your new upload. Thanks!
Also, blizzard creates an account name in my WTF folder with random numbers, which is no where near what my account name actually is. Renaming the Account name folder to whatever blizzard puts as my account name made a bunch of things work too. Just in case anyone else has an issue with addons not properly configuring.
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