Updated: 10-13-20 12:50 PM
File Info
Classic (1.13.2)
Updated:10-13-20 12:50 PM
Created:05-08-20 12:35 PM
Categories:Classic - General, TradeSkill Mods

Guild Tradeskills

Version: 6.0.6
by: Lindrin [More]

Guild Tradeskills
This addon will send any profession you add to it to other guild mates who also have the addon and they'll send you the professions they've added also.
You can then easily search through their skills for something that might interest you and ask them the next time they're on if they'll craft it for you! Don't forget to tip your guildies!


  • /gt: Toggles the search pane.
  • /gt help: Displays a list of available slash commands and descriptions.
  • /gt opt: Toggles the options pane.
  • /gt addprofession: Add a profession to Guild Tradeskills
  • /gt removeprofession {profession_name}: Remove a profession from Guild Tradeskills
  • /gt add {character_name}: Requests to add a specific character.
  • /gt reject {character_name}: Rejects someone's request to add you. They can request again.
  • /gt ignore {character_name}: Ignores that person. No requests from that account should get through.
  • /gt requests: Lists the characters that have requested to add you.
  • /gt broadcast: Toggles all broadcasting capabilities.
  • /gt broadcast send: Toggles whether you are sending broadcasts to everyone. Yes, everyone everyone.
  • /gt broadcast receive: Toggles whether you are receiving broadcasts from everyone. Yes, everyone everyone.
  • /gt broadcast sendfowards: Toggles whether you are frowarding broadcasts that you have received. This may impact performance.
  • /gt broadcast receiveforwards: Toggles whether you are accepting forwarded broadcasts that you have received. This may impact performance.
  • /gt reset: Resets all stored data. Yes... all of it. This cannot be undone. We warned you.

Q: I can't see my skills in the search window.
A: You will need to add your profession with the '/gt addprofession' command.
Q: I can't see my guild member's skills.
A: Currently if your guild members do not have the addon or have not added their professions their skills will not appear in the search window.
Q: I can't see skill X.
A: The addon does not have a complete list of trade skills. It only tracks the skills it has been told about.
Q: Are characters that are not in my guild that I have added sent to my guild?
No, characters that are added are not sent to the guild.
Q: Do I send my guild member's information to people outside the guild?
No, characters outside the guild do not know about your guildmates.
Q: What is broadcasting?
Broadcasting is sending an invitation for everyone to fetch the skills you have added to the addon. Everyone inside you guild. Everyone outside. Everyone. This setting has no impact on whether you are syncing your skills with the guild. That will always happen even if this is off.
Q: What is advertising?
If this is on the addon will periodically advertise in the trade channel when you are in a city. People can then whisper you and query what skills you have.

  • Add dropdown for online characters in the character search field.
  • Add ability to view alts even when they are not in the same guild.
  • Add ability to add a 'guild friend' that is then synced to the entire guild as if they were a guild member.

Known Issues
  • AddOns\GuildTradeskills\Modules\Comm\CommGuild.lua line 209: AceTimer-3.0: ScheduleTimer(callback, delay, args...): 'callback' and 'delay' must have set values.
  • AddOns\GuildTradeskills\Core.lua:193: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil)


Removed character and profession reset stubs in favor of just ability to remove profession.
Added back end for removing profession and having it propagate through the network.
Removed log info localizations. The end user shouldn't ever see these.
Moved GUI profession check box states up to SavedCharacterVars instead of local. It's super annoying to have to check them every time you reload the UI.
Adding a profession will now auto-close the profession after it is done adding.
Added ability to remove from a table by value or if a table is not integer indexed.
Removed .git directory

Added support for enchanting.
Added ability to toggle comms. Non localized as this shouldn't be regularly used by end users.
Reset last skill clicked in the GUI when necessary.

Fixed issue where only one character was being displayed in the results

Fixed DB error on new launches

Added database
Added ability to add professions
Added sync capabilities
Added GUI
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