Results: 2010Comments by: Tonyleila
File: SomeCooldowns09-01-14
Very nice addon but I have some req...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Very nice addon but I have some requests: 1. Coud you add an option to resett enemy and friendly cooldowns when you leave arena? 2. an option to only show the addon in arena 3. Only display when you have a target or when your infight 4. DK is missing Remorseless Winter 5. separated enemy and friendly cooldowns I'm currently wor...
File: BigWigs Bossmods09-01-14
Re: Re: Lich King Module
Posted By: Tonyleila
Update your BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing. Got this error in ICC 26 Heroic today Big Wigs: Module "Deathbringer Saurfang" tried to register an invalid spell id (72443) to event "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED". 10:02 Big Wigs: Module "Deathbringer Saurfang" tried to register an invalid spell id (72442) to event "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED". 10:02 B...
File: BigWigs Bossmods08-30-14
Lich King Modul
Posted By: Tonyleila
Got this error in ICC 26 Heroic today Big Wigs: Module "Deathbringer Saurfang" tried to register an invalid spell id (72443) to event "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED". 10:02 Big Wigs: Module "Deathbringer Saurfang" tried to register an invalid spell id (72442) to event "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED". 10:02 Big Wigs: Module "Deathbringer Saurfang" tri...
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)08-30-14
Re: All set and done!
Posted By: Tonyleila
here are the ids and trink names :) here is a screen shot of the ui. also if i can see this in middle too instead of top right :P che...
File: Broker_Everything08-30-14
I think it is possible... I use 2...
Posted By: Tonyleila
I think it is possible... I use 2 types of tooltip. GameTooltip from bizzard for all broker without in tooltip clickable options and LibQTip. Its not a bad idea to add an global option to make tooltip actions chooseable. i put it on my todo-list. greetings Hizuro I woud like to have it all auto closed when mouseover the tooltip...
File: Broker_Everything08-30-14
It woud be nice especially for tool...
Posted By: Tonyleila
It woud be nice especially for tooltips like Bags and FPS if they woud just hide if you mouseover the tooltip because there can't be klicked anything in the tooltip. Its already working like this for the Lateny tooltip for some reason.
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)08-30-14
Re: hi :D
Posted By: Tonyleila
i really loved the change u made recently to the ui, with unholy fusion being displayed on the centre of the screen :P I guess your talking about "Shadow Infusion" buff :) Ya I recently did this part of the quest and thought It woud be good to see the buff at the centre like many others. my question is similar to that, can yo...
File: Towelliee's Tank UI / LUI (16:9)08-25-14
38 MB = 159 MB
Posted By: Tonyleila
your UI is so big because: 1. you did not remove .png files from the interface\Buttons folder, also CURSOR will never work! 2. Your SharedMedia_MyMedia and SharedMedia folders are together 40mb in size, you shoud clean this up to only have fonts and textures and sounds you use in the UI same for SharedMediaAdditionalFonts, LUI and...
File: SomeCooldowns08-24-14
Very nice addon but I have some req...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Very nice addon but I have some requests: 1. Coud you add an option to resett enemy and friendly cooldowns when you leave arena? 2. an option to only show the addon in arena 3. Only display when you have a target or when your infight 4. DK is missing Remorseless Winter 5. separated enemy and friendly cooldowns
File: Rematch08-21-14
show on injured setting dosen't wor...
Posted By: Tonyleila
show on injured setting dosen't work for me then: - show on injured, Auto shown in target and auto load enabled - Target NPC, my team is already loaded - 2 pets are below 90% - no rematch window showing up
File: Foglight08-21-14
Glad to see you working on this for...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Glad to see you working on this for WoD! Will this v2.6 also work on live? Or dose it only have changes for the beta anyway? The brown isle of thunder map looks badass why not let us see them ingame?^^
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)08-21-14
Hi guys. How can I make pop-up ski...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hi guys. How can I make pop-up skill (left & right) bars always visible? Thanks.
File: Rematch08-19-14
Thanks for the update the side wind...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Thanks for the update the side windows work great !!! Is it new that your team dosen't show up if you target an npc and if its already loaded ? I woud like to see the rematch window then one of the pets is not full HP and "Auto show on target" is on. Or just always show it when I target an npc with saved team.
File: m_Map08-17-14
Re: Re: Re: Moving the Map
Posted By: Tonyleila
rightklick the black border of the map there will be an option menu where you can unlock the maps position. I can unlock it, but it still won't let me drag it. Are there any known mod conflicts? Try to open the cfg.lua of mMap with a text editor and check if lock_map_position = true, if yes change it to lock_map_position = f...
File: m_Map08-16-14
Re: Moving the Map
Posted By: Tonyleila
I'd like to move the smaller map to the left and slightly up. And I'm not sure how to do that, can anyone help me out? rightklick the black border of the map there will be an option menu where you can unlock the maps position.
File: Rematch08-15-14
latest versions
Posted By: Tonyleila
1. I like the new style of the addon exapt one thing. The new Popup for loading Teams is on top of the other windows. Because I have skinned the texturs to be transparent, this makes it compleatly unreadable. Coud you make an option to show this popup above or on the right side of the rematch window. Same for the options menu that wo...
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)08-03-14
Re: I need some help.
Posted By: Tonyleila
First, is there any way to move the damage (made and recieved) that is shown by MikScrolling Battle Text? Because I feel like it is way far to the right/left and sometimes I don't notice how many damage I do or recieve (I'm using a 32' monitor, that's probably why). If it cannot be moved, how can I uninstall it? Because I can't find...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames08-02-14
Hey Shadowed, do you think its poss...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hey Shadowed, do you think its possible to add an extra group layout for Arena? Woud love to have the party frames biger in arena ;)
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)07-25-14
Hi hab ne weile nicht mehr gespielt...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hi hab ne weile nicht mehr gespielt und jetzt nachdem ich das Ui geupdatet habe, hab ich keinen Extra Action Button mehr in Raids. Vielleicht fällt dir ja ein wo man den aktivieren kann. WTF ordner hab ich nochmal aus deiner aktuellen Version benutzt. Bitte nochmal alles Updaten nicht nur den WTF ordner. Der Button sollte da sein...
File: PhoenixStyle07-21-14
Re: additional funcrionality
Posted By: Tonyleila
It would be great to add a possibility to see who pulled the boss. This can help to kick ninjapullers in lfr and flexes. I know your addon is mainly for normal and heroic raids but we all have alts and we're going lfrs and flexes. Идиоты совсем за&...
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)07-20-14
Re: Drawer function on dominos bar 3
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hi, is there a way to remove the drawer function on bar3 of dominos? I can move the bar around and re-position it, but the long vertical button that show/hides the bar will not go away. The button that is attached to bar 3 shoud be "right-buttons" at the Active Panels of kgpanels type "/kgpanels config" and remove the pannel or r...
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)07-11-14
Re: hey
Posted By: Tonyleila
thanks very much for the update mate ^^ been waiting a long time hehe Hehe no problem, as always I tryed to collect as many AddOn updates into one LeilaUI update as possible so you don't have to resett the UI to often, thats why it took so long. But if there is an anoying bug or error i'll update as fast as possible!
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)07-09-14
LeilaUI v3.52 for WoW Patch 5.48
Posted By: Tonyleila
LeilaUI has been Updated again! - Many Addon Updates - Removed Crapy Chat Fix addon since its not needed any more - Shadowed Unit Frames now have a much better menu for Aura Indicators and shows inc heal/shilds on raidframes Have fun!
File: LeilaUI v4 BETA TEST06-28-14
Vielen Dank für die mühe, aber waru...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Vielen Dank für die mühe, aber warum musst du extra nen alten Monitor rauskramen? Das kannste doch auch mit einem Widescreen Monitor einstellen, aber du wirst schon wissen was du tust^^ Und wegen den Variables meinst du wohl die alten 4:3. Werd mal schauen ob das funktioniert, Danke Leider nicht. Wenn man einfach auf Fenstermodus st...
File: LeilaUI v4 BETA TEST06-28-14
Wird an der 4:3 Version noch gearbe...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Wird an der 4:3 Version noch gearbeitet? Wäre echt nice. Nutze noch immer meinen guten alten CRT Monitor :D Ansonsten müsste ich die 16:9 Version selber anpassen, was aber immer ein riesen Gefummel ist. Würde mich freuen wenn du ein Update raushauen würdest. Alten Monitor musste ja net dafür rauskramen, Fenstermodus mit 4:3 Auflösung...