Results: 2010Comments by: Tonyleila
File: KayrMacro - Advanced Macros and Expanded Storage06-21-14
looks like you crashed the side a b...
Posted By: Tonyleila
looks like you crashed the side a bit with your ============ line :D
File: Rematch06-17-14
Re: 2.4.8
Posted By: Tonyleila
I have 2 problems with the current version: 1. When switching skills of pets in the original pet window while rematch is open in the background it closes blizzards window after switching the skill. (my window options are -> 4 Lock slide window, 5 use side pannel, 7 close pet window). 2. I got 2 new Pets, I want to level both o...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames06-10-14
Your numbering is very random so I...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Your numbering is very random so I am going in linear order 4 & 5) Let me double check, but that's more of a AceGUI internal thing I can't trivially change. I'll double check to see if it's possible, but I doubt it. Sorry about the numbering i fixed it now :D! New alpha seams to work fine! 4) Maybe if you shrink the "group" al...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames06-08-14
Check out the latest alpha on http:...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Check out the latest alpha on Tonyleila OMG jizz! Love the new menu! Much better overview now! Icons are great and classes sortet is much better even with class color perfect! (this is to 2. and 3.) But I have a 4) now: maybe there shoud be a button to shrink and expandet all gr...
File: Rematch06-07-14
Re: Re: Feature request
Posted By: Tonyleila
Would 250 characters be enough space for notes? This way notes could be sent/received with the team also. He he lol good idea, I think 250 is enoth since my Tamer notes woud be "press 1 1 1 2 switch to 2. pet 2 3 3 3 switch 3. pet 1 1 1 2 enemy down" while my Pet notes woud be "Mahh I wasted all my money on this pice of shit and i...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames06-07-14
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hey Shadowed thanks for the great update! Aura indicators are now built in, deprecating ShadowedUF_Indicators EDIT: Ok works fine to update SUF and removed the old ShadowedUF_Indicators folder! All my custom buffs are still here :) Thanks! 1. Can you maybe include all my Auras into the addon? Over the last years I have made trac...
File: Rematch05-25-14
Re: 2.4.2
Posted By: Tonyleila
I see 2 rematch buttons now :D Its caused by Pokemon Trainer if PT is enabled 2 buttons show up if its disabled there is only one rematch button.
File: Rematch05-17-14
Gello, I just want to thank you...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Gello, I just want to thank you for the work you have put into this addon. I would be lost without it! Its good to hear the upcoming plans for it, and I cannot wait to see how it all turns out. -Zinn THIS! Thanks again Gello for your awsome work, Pet Battel is the only thing I currently do in WoW exapt rading so this addo...
File: Aurora: Missing Textures05-15-14
The SilverDragon skin has started g...
Posted By: Tonyleila
The SilverDragon skin has started glitching out like this :C The problem with this is that NPCscan us using the same texture. With NPCscan it looks like this: So if you want to use SilverDragon just remove the texture for NPCscan. You can find it inside: World of Warcraft\Interface\ACHIEVEMENTFR...
File: ChanceToWin05-02-14
privat server
Posted By: Tonyleila
Have never seen an addon only tested on a privat server lol. But I can tell from the version number 30300 that its not working on the regular server. I don't even know if its allowed to upload this here ;)
File: Towelliee's UI Installer tool04-24-14
Posted By: Tonyleila
Why woud you need an exe file for UI setup?? There are addons to load and save profils: Reflux and nibProfileLoader With this you can easy load addon profils with one klick. Just share your saved variables. No need to rename for every char. You may look how its done with my interface.
File: DisplacedEnergyWatcher04-21-14
There are maybe other words for "fa...
Posted By: Tonyleila
There are maybe other words for "fanatic" or "a person obsessed into rouls" than Nazi but my english is not very good. First of all I woud add Malkorok name into the addon titel since his name is in every language the same but the debuff is not. If someone have problems with the boss woud he search for a specific debuff or for the b...
File: DisplacedEnergyWatcher04-19-14
I understand how the word Nazi is m...
Posted By: Tonyleila
I understand how the word Nazi is meant by you but as a German I don't understand how anyone comes on the idea to use it in this way, there are so many better words. Its creepy how words get abused so easy. Have you every thought about what a Jew woud think while downloading and using this addon? And what happens now if you google...
File: Juwe: Gem Stats instead of Names04-14-14
can anyone confirm if this is still...
Posted By: Tonyleila
can anyone confirm if this is still working in 5.4.7 its in my addon list but no button in game or no change in jc window It still works fine for me. Note it dosen't work for epic gems. Mabye its your language? What client do you play on?
File: BagSync04-14-14
Is there anyway to change the font?...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Is there anyway to change the font? I can't seem to find it in the config. No but you can replace the wow fonts in the font folder.
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)04-12-14
1. I've noticed that when I join a...
Posted By: Tonyleila
1. I've noticed that when I join a raid with a party (4 manning DS seen here) then the SUF raid frames completely disappear. I've looked through the SUF settings and can't seem to figure out why they're gone. Any ideas? 1. I'm aware of that problem and I hate it! There is currently no way to fix it without manual changing it eve...
File: Dominos04-10-14
AWESOME addon, just a question: is...
Posted By: Tonyleila
AWESOME addon, just a question: is there any way to get back blizz's range indicator?(the little white/red circle) Not as little circle but as red button:
File: RecountTweaker04-10-14
Yes this works fine now. Thanks in...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Yes this works fine now. Thanks in advance for taking the time to rewrite this! :banana:
File: RecountTweaker04-06-14
Well, that's embarrassing! :p I...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Well, that's embarrassing! :p I went through and checked the names again, and this time actually disabled addontweaker before testing, and it appears to be working correctly. So I uploaded a new version. The font is still in there, so you'll have to delete that again :p Sorry but it still dosen't work for me, its looking like o...
File: RecountTweaker04-04-14
Thanks for Uploading, its not worki...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Thanks for Uploading, its not working because you renamed the addon in the last place, the pathes in the lua file all link to "AddonTweaker" instead of "RecountTweaker". I renamed everything but its still not working 100%, the top bars stucks together with the values shown in recount: --- Firs...
File: SkyCompass04-03-14
If you're interested, I could packa...
Posted By: Tonyleila
If you're interested, I could package it up as a Recount-specific tweaker addon. Oh yes I'm very interested please package that. Woud love to use this for my UI. Looks very neat!
File: SkyCompass04-02-14
Nice will it work with HandyNotes t...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Nice will it work with HandyNotes too? And can you please tell me where to download that recount skin you have in the screenshot? Love it!
File: KuiNameplates04-02-14
Re: My auras debuffs
Posted By: Tonyleila
This is my dilemma, when applying diseases on a target the debuff aura shows up perfect, however, when say spreading those diseases to a group the debuff aura does not show up on the other target's nameplates unless I target them. Is it possible to have the debuffs automatically appear without having to target first? That way I'll kn...
File: Dominos03-30-14
Green icons: I suspect that this is...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Green icons: I suspect that this is related to your button skinning addon. Dominos isn't actually responsible for a lot of what is displayed on the pet bar. Green fire quest: Is the pet bar meant to show up, or is this a possess bar situation? /dom statedump could help here. Green fire quest with standart UI it just shows up...
File: Dominos03-30-14
@ Tuller: What about the two proble...
Posted By: Tonyleila
@ Tuller: What about the two problems with the Pet bar? Are they fixed too? Green flashing attack icon for some classes pets and the warlock green fire Quest where you take over a deamon and it dosen't show the pet bar of it? 5.4.10 should fix that (not sure why I missed it in the first place :P) You're human, it happens. You f...