Results: 137Comments by: Huldrych
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-21-16
Re: Arms Warrior
Posted By: TimothyLuke
First of all, a big thank you for this addon and your dedicated work. Second: I wrote down two Arms Sequences (SingleTarget and AoE). It does the job, but if someone with more knowledge and capability regarding macros would look over/tweak it would be really nice..:) Sequences = { specID= 71, author="Hizzi@Nathrezim", helpTx...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Hello Exists you it a version fr?...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hello Exists you it a version fr? Disclaimer: I don't spoeak French Theorieically the mod will work but the sequences will need to be translated from English to Francais. eg: "Consecration" to "Consécration" I haqve had a couple of people ask about this and will see what I can come up with. I've added a ticket for this h...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Retribution Paladin (Since WoW La...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Retribution Paladin (Since WoW Lazy Macros website is down) I've done a little bit of working on my rotation... Just some testing with Legion. Thanks for working on GS-E! It's such an improvement from the old GS. Sequences = { specID = 70, author = "Quicksylver", helpTxt = "Retribution Single Target macro - 3312112", ic...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Re: macro spam
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Quick question is it best to press the macro once every gcd or can we spam it. Both. It really depends on teh individual macro and playstyle. If you spam and it hits a spell on Cooldown it will skip to the next line. Out of the bundled macros, the ones that I have personally written are specifically expecting this kind of spam b...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
My Macros Addin and GS-E 1.0.1
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hi Everyone, GS-E has just been updated to 1.0.1. THe main change apart from some bug fixes is the new command /gs cleanorphans This command will check for any left over GS-E Macro's that no longer have a sequence behind them. For example you had a Sequence called RetTest and its now called Ret. You enter /gs and it adds Re...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Re: Re: Re: Thansk, Feedback & Questions :)
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hey thanks for the quick reply. :) to a) What I meant with a) is that you export the '' as well as the numerical value. But they are not needed or actually they block the core addon from reading the specid properly. Take a look at the core.lua at line 141. At the "specID" part of that line, you have additional '' in there....
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Re: Updates?
Posted By: TimothyLuke
I've added a note to put in a check for this. You can track the progress of this here: Hi Draik, Thank you for your work on updating this addon! You have made it soooo much smarter! I went to your page on github and you have recently updated there...but not her...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Re: Custome macros
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Is there a way that I can make my own macros and add them to the list? for instance I would like to make a few changes to the Prot Pally macro, and add a macro for Prot Pally AOE, but if I use the LiveTest feature to make my own macro, how do I make an additional custom macro? Yes you can. There are two videos on this : h...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Re: Thansk, Feedback & Questions :)
Posted By: TimothyLuke
@bwaclawc: Check out the videos linked in the description. They should help. @TimothyLuke: Hey first of thanks for the awesome changes to GNS! I realy love what you have made of the addon. I have been using it for years and was always wishing for almost all the features you added. I have some debugging regarding the Script-Edit...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Getting an error when trying to edi...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Getting an error when trying to edit sequences using /gsse. 1x FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:665: Header frame must be explicitly protected :: ? FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:665: in function (tail call): ? GS-Core\Core.lua:184: in function 'GSUpdateSequence' GS-SequenceEditor\core.lua:120: in fu...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Re: Re: Re: Re: Working on Release?
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Will correct the macros once we get wowlazymacros back and i get home from work. Can you please update the Arcane Mage macro? It keeps making me auto attack in the middle of my rotation. I checked 400 times. I switched to Fire mage and I can confirm that Fire mage macro works. P.S. Thank you for your hard work! Thanks Serato...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Re: Re: Working on Release?
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Anyone have this working on release? Everything seems to load up properly but when clicking on the macro icon after dragging it to a action bar nothing happens. Dude you've post the same question in three places. Did you install from WowInterface or GitHub? The GitHub repository has untested code that may not be work...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Re: Working on Release?
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Anyone have this working on release? Everything seems to load up properly but when clicking on the macro icon after dragging it to a action bar nothing happens. Dude you've post the same question in three places. Did you install from WowInterface or GitHub? The GitHub repository has untested code that may not be work...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
is any one using this on live atm,...
Posted By: Huldrych
is any one using this on live atm, after the patch went live. and getting the message pop up that says "You are attempting to run a custom script, running scripts could comprimise your character causing a loss of items or gold' allow custom scripts... yes or no also can u use somthing like this anymore Sequen...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Re: Thank you for this update
Posted By: Huldrych
I'm really liking the organization and feedback within the system. I really like the in-game editor. I'd propose one small change (unless I just don't see it) -- new sequence button -- that would allow us to add in a new sequence on the fly as well. Thanks! Aggietallboy You can do this but its not obvious. Just choo...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Re: Re: Old MAcros
Posted By: Huldrych
So i loaded all the addons like you said in your you tube videos and i tried out the monk single target macro and i get the pop up that im using a custom script, any ideas why its still poping up. this is on live after the new pre exp patch. tried your Ret macro as well still the same meesage. about running a custom script This is...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Getting an error when trying to edi...
Posted By: Huldrych
Getting an error when trying to edit sequences using /gsse. 1x FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:665: Header frame must be explicitly protected :: ? FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:665: in function (tail call): ? GS-Core\Core.lua:184: in function 'GSUpdateSequence' GS-SequenceEditor\core.lua:120: in fu...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Need to be careful with boomie spel...
Posted By: Huldrych
Need to be careful with boomie spells.... sunfire and lunar strike are AOE spells now. If you want a selective pull use moonfire and solar wrath. Moonfire will only dot 1 mob unless you tab target. Sunfire dots the whole group. I suggest using /castsequence reset=target Moonfire, Sunfire This way you can tab target with m...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
is any one using this on live atm,...
Posted By: Huldrych
is any one using this on live atm, after the patch went live. and getting the message pop up that says "You are attempting to run a custom script, running scripts could comprimise your character causing a loss of items or gold' allow custom scripts... yes or no also can u use somthing like this anymore Sequen...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Hi. Thanks for all the great work...
Posted By: Huldrych
Hi. Thanks for all the great work , the new version 1.0 works a treat all the macros are spot on , just having issues with the monk ww macro, nothing fires of. Just wondering if anyone else having any issues with it. Which one Mesmers? DB_winsingle by Lloskka or DB_WW by John Mets? Just tried both of them on the PTR and th...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-19-16
Hi. Thanks for all the great work...
Posted By: Huldrych
Hi. Thanks for all the great work , the new version 1.0 works a treat all the macros are spot on , just having issues with the monk ww macro, nothing fires of. Just wondering if anyone else having any issues with it. Which one Mesmers? DB_winsingle by Lloskka or DB_WW by John Mets?
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-18-16
I post as John on Lazyman and have...
Posted By: Huldrych
I post as John on Lazyman and have been using the original GS addon. I have a thread Here: With my GS Leveling and raiding macros. I am giving this addon a try instead of GS, and have tried translating my macros to the GSE format. and have posted them in my last two p...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-18-16
I post as John on Lazyman and have...
Posted By: Huldrych
I post as John on Lazyman and have been using the original GS addon. I have a thread Here: With my GS Leveling and raiding macros. I am giving this addon a try instead of GS, and have tried translating my macros to the GSE format. and have posted them in my last two p...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-17-16
Re: Going from GS to GSE.
Posted By: Huldrych
The way I know how to use GS. Go to lazymacros and search the latest and greatest macros from the forums in regards to the class and spec you want. Copy and paste said macros into the GS (Sequence.lua) file. Go into game and create new macro and type in the title of macro you just pasted and saved to (sequence.lua) Hit...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-16-16
Digging this. Just curious of the p...
Posted By: Huldrych
Digging this. Just curious of the pre-loaded sequences will be updated/refreshed as the patch comes out and WoWLazyMacros gets more? I'm perfectly capable of putting together my own sequences file, but having it built in is damn handy. I will be updating the preloaded ones for launch and the patches but I also wanted to create the...