Results: 127Comments by: sylvnaaar
File: Prat 3.002-10-09
Originally posted by Norek Hey ev...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by Norek Hey everyone, I've been using this for a while now and I was fooling around with the name colour module, was wondering if anyone figured out a way to make it only colour like, guildies or friends names, or to assign a different colour to those players. No, its a good idea - but it opens up a whole oth...
File: TradeTrak12-07-08
I have been using http://wow.curse....
Posted By: sylvanaar
I have been using up til now. I'll have to check this out.
File: Prat 3.011-16-08
Originally posted by siema_co Is...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by siema_co Is there a console command like "/script CopyChat()" to copy current chatbox content? I really dislike the copy button and remember having something like /script CopyChat() aliased to /copy and it worked just fine. one short command and voila;P Is this "option" gone or am i missing something? I...
File: Prat 3.011-16-08
Originally posted by jojoza After...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by jojoza After I installed WoTLK, shift-clicking player name not only displayes /who information, but also tries to invite this player to guild. Does not happen with Prat disabled. How to turn off this feature? At most, ALT-Click will do a /invite , which invites them to a group, not a guild. I'm n...
File: Prat 3.011-16-08
Re: Channel Coloring
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by derelicte Greetings. Could someone explain how to change the colors of the coloring of the channel names? /1 seems to have a purpleish tint, but being slightly colorblind, I can't makeout what it says. Thanks :D Use the game's chat interface to change the chat colors.
File: Prat 3.011-16-08
Originally posted by zukuu Can an...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by zukuu Can anyone tell me how to deactivate this "fearure"?: it's just annoying - i want to tab thru my whisper-targets and everytime this huge "name-suggetion-table" pops on >> thx for advise so far zUkUu The feature is called "...
File: Prat 3.011-11-08
Originally posted by Thrillseeker...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by Thrillseeker Hi! First, Prat rocks! :) I miss the /gr-command though. Is there a possibility that it will make a comeback? Even better would be a little automation in that field. Say for example you are in a battleground, open the chat and write something in the raidchannel. If you press enter nothing wo...
File: Prat 3.011-10-08
Originally posted by Maldazzar co...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by Maldazzar could you add shadows to timestamps? edit: by shadows i mean borders Um. I still dont know what you mean. Font Outlines?
File: Prat 3.011-09-08
Originally posted by queenbee Ive...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by queenbee Ive got a question ... for some reason I cannot click on a persons name in the chat window to message them. Not only that but I cannot click on tradeskill links to see what people can make. Any idea why I cannot do this ? Is it my settings or do I need to download something? Could be an interaction...
File: Prat 3.011-07-08
Originally posted by midnightbast...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by midnightbast I'm having a color issue as well only it's with guildies names. When I log on, my guild mates names are not colored by class, but gray. When I open my guild list they color. I have to open the guild list every time some one logs on to get their name to color correctly. I don't know if I'm missing...
File: Prat 3.010-26-08
Originally posted by Jzar It look...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by Jzar It looks like WhoLib, an optional dependency of Prat, has died. If that's not the case, where do I get a working copy? If it is dead, is there any chance of the Prat project writing something to provide once more the ability to actively query player names in general / trade chat? Pazza and I have bee...
File: Broker_Regen10-26-08
Re: FSR Bar
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by Analla I switched to broker_regen from regen_fu since it's not updated, but broker_regen doesn't appear to have a FSR bar. Is it possible to add this? Or are you planning to update regen_fu at some point? Im not sure. I know that some other authors have made ldb plugins for regen too. This one has an 5sr...
File: Prat 3.010-16-08
Originally posted by Zyland In no...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by Zyland In note of it not saving colors, you can see this if you adjust Trade's color, then leave city and return. Fixed in the latest build.
File: Fizzwidget Linkerator10-13-08
You forgot a line somewhere, maybe:...
Posted By: sylvanaar
You forgot a line somewhere, maybe: FLT_EnchantLinks = { }; Also: I'd like to suggest function FLT_SendChatMessage(message, type, language, channel) if FLT_PartialText and FLT_HighlightStart then message = message.."]" end This way you can press enter when you are hilighting the autocompletion that is correct.
File: Prat 3.010-13-08
Ok, for now I'm using the issue tra...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Ok, for now I'm using the issue tracker on If you want to post bug reports etc. Im going ahead an releasing a beta since 3.0 is coming out. Its not as finished as I would like for a beta release, but the target date for release of prat 3, is the release of wotlk.
File: Prat 3.010-11-08
Originally posted by TiaMaster My...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by TiaMaster My char frames always revert to white non-transparent background on load or reload. Also after a reload, my Combat Log which I keep seperate on my UI, gets moved literally on top of my general frame...attached like the default, but OVERLAPPING the other tabs - very strange. Edit, it is definetly P...
File: Prat 3.010-10-08
Originally posted by biggoofyus G...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by biggoofyus Guess I'll continue to use build 81860 until the author figures out which way is intended to work... [/QUOTE I have been busy, but I have to get something together in the next couple days. Personally I like the buttons in the chatframe - that was something that Prat-2 did, and it even wrapped t...
File: Prat 3.009-30-08
Originally posted by biggoofyus T...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by biggoofyus The latest build on has changed the way the Scroll Down Reminder option worked. Previously, the down arrow would overlay the chat box, now it shows in the default location on the side of the chat box. Hm? Overlay the chatbox? Prat 2 did that, Prat 3 doesnt. Can you screensh...
File: Prat 3.009-30-08
Originally posted by Kagemusharu...
Posted By: sylvanaar
Originally posted by Kagemusharu Don't know wats causing this because it just started happening all of sudden. Item Links, Achievement links, and everything else you can link in chat just started doing this out of no where. Also, I know its a lil hard to see...
File: Prat 3.009-08-08
Originally posted by romracer Ah,...
Posted By: sylvnaaar
Originally posted by romracer Ah, thanks for looking into that further :) I've disabled those two modules for the time being and I can confirm both Carbonite Quest and Prat 3.0 play nicely now. To be honest, I only use Carbonite because the last two beta builds broke all the other map mods that I know of (seems map data is not...
File: Prat 3.009-08-08
I forgot to mention. Shift/Ctrl...
Posted By: sylvnaaar
I forgot to mention. Shift/Ctrl click of chatframe hyperlinks works when using Prat on WotLK.
File: Prat 3.009-07-08
Originally posted by romracer Sor...
Posted By: sylvnaaar
Originally posted by romracer Sorry, I did go through and make sure nothing was embedding Ace3 and I was still getting the error. So I went through and started turning off mods. As it turns out, the problem is Carbonite Quest. That mod is all encrypted because they make you pay money for a "better" version of it. I can only a...
File: Prat 3.009-07-08
FYI You no longer need the special...
Posted By: sylvnaaar
FYI You no longer need the special version of Ace3. You can use the normal one for both live and beta.
File: Prat 3.009-07-08
Originally posted by imphat I'm p...
Posted By: sylvnaaar
Originally posted by imphat I'm probably going blind.. but, where is the option to hide the original chat buttons (the bubble and arrows in yellow)? I had to remove the one from Prat-2.0 since some parts of it used cpu, and I have not yet implemented the new one.
File: Prat 3.009-06-08
Originally posted by romracer Sor...
Posted By: sylvnaaar
Originally posted by romracer Sorry, I did go through and make sure nothing was embedding Ace3 and I was still getting the error. So I went through and started turning off mods. As it turns out, the problem is Carbonite Quest. That mod is all encrypted because they make you pay money for a "better" version of it. I can only a...