Results: 2010Comments by: Tonyleila
File: KuiNameplates06-08-13
Why do we need bigger nameplates? I...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Why do we need bigger nameplates? I think adding an option to make some nameplates like the DK Bloodworms to Trival nameplates woud be enough. Blacklist woud be better for that so that we don't have to whitelist every mob
File: Raven06-07-13
<3 update
Posted By: Tonyleila
Thanks for the update! I send you a massage back about the Holy lock out! Hmm, I think of the ICB as containing a small number of class-specific buffs that you want to click off in combat. On my Paladin I have 4 Buffs and on my Druid I have 5 Buffs. Hunter and DK no Buffs, Mage, WL, Priest, Rogue, Monk 2 buffs and then there are so...
File: KuiNameplates06-07-13
Kesava I'm realy confuse about your...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Kesava I'm realy confuse about your version names :D Now is there any difference between 208 and 201 @ curse? Sorry :p And I have one question, why are there 2 media folders? one outside the addon folder and one inside?
File: Broker Ticket Status06-07-13
Well the new ingame broweser to ope...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Well the new ingame broweser to open tickets realy sucks! But I don't think its possible any more for an addon to open a ticket with one klick?
File: LeilaUI v4 (LUI)06-05-13
Re: Raven Spell list
Posted By: Tonyleila
Any idea why when I add spells to my special buff list in raven it works untill i log off. But after I log back in it reverts to your old spell list. I've tried everything i can think of even deleting the Leila profiles off raven and it still wont save my customized spell lists after I log. How did you try to add spells? Ingame? = (...
File: Masque Nefs 206-04-13
Checked.tga for InlineAura compatib...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Checked.tga for InlineAura compatibility: Whatfor is this? I use this skin and InlineAura for years now and haven't seen any problem
File: Raven06-03-13
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: In-Combat Bar update
Posted By: Tonyleila
Well ok keybinds are cool but only to Cancel all buffs. If I need a keybinding for alll that buffs I alrady have 35 keybindings thats enough. Ice Block can be klicked off just be klicking it again in your action bar and for Dispersion I have a macro to cancel it. ATM I have about 23 buffs in the overall list but I think it will go...
File: Raven06-03-13
Re: Re: Re: In-Combat Bar update
Posted By: Tonyleila
Tojaso you are the best! Only thing that teases me is the spacing between some buffs are you shure its not a bug? at my priest the t buffs are next to each other but on my paladin there are fare away. I will add all heal over time buffs (to give a mage no way to steal them or bosses where you don't wa...
File: Raven06-03-13
Re: In-Combat Bar update
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hey Tojaso thanks for the update! 1. I'm testing the alpha right now and a big wild icon with "Body and Soul" buff apperas anywhere in my screen when I cast Power Word: Shield on my self. normaly this icon shoud show up in the normal buff bar AND in my filtered with raven filter bar for "Pala+Priest Buffs" I tryed to disable the in...
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]06-01-13
Re: Re: Re: Re: Dunfeon Finder role icons
Posted By: Tonyleila
edit: Oh i see its only the X, ? and arrow thing. Where are they used? Doesnt seem to be the dungeon inv stuff? raid invite? its dungeon and raid invite popup so you can see on what class you are wating for.
File: MiirGui Texture Pack [Grey]06-01-13
Re: Re: Dunfeon Finder role icons
Posted By: Tonyleila
Miiru your UI-LFG-ICON-ROLES.blp is missing 3 icons :) Blizz changed it in 5.1 I think I made my own for "Aurora: Missing Textures" and they look like this right now:
File: Aurora: Missing Textures06-01-13
AMT v2.23
Posted By: Tonyleila
Changed color of Micro-Highlight for red color to more red (was bit pink!) Fixed UI-Quickslot-Depress - now you can see the Button highlights at Pet Battels again. Thanks to Liarsenic for the hint!
File: KuiNameplates05-31-13
kn.r = { { .7, .2, .1 }, -- ha...
Posted By: Tonyleila
kn.r = { { .7, .2, .1 }, -- hated { 1, .8, 0 }, -- neutral { .2, .6, .1 }, -- friendly { .5, .5, .5 }, -- tapped } Those are all the colours which can be changed at the moment. I see - Pet nameplates can be canged here by changing friendly color. But can't figure out how to change color of fiendly players. C...
File: MiniLoot05-30-13
Bonus Valor Points (Tapferkeitspunk...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Bonus Valor Points (Tapferkeitspunkte) from HC szenarios don't show up on miniloot. In german it says: Ihr erhaltet: x120. Ihr erhaltet: x15. (Bonusziel) Miniloot only says: x120(1503)
File: KuiNameplates05-30-13
Where in the lua file can I change...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Where in the lua file can I change fiendly and pet nameplate color?
File: Raven05-29-13
Re: Re: Re: Development update
Posted By: Tonyleila
Uhmm did you change something about the in combat bar? I'm not able to klick away buffs any more with it. EDIT: Ok a reload solved the problem. Don't care about skinning this bar If it woud be possible to hide it untill mouseovering it :D
File: Aurora05-27-13
So I have, strange. You're the firs...
Posted By: Tonyleila
So I have, strange. You're the first person to point that out. :) Hehe maybe because most servers are sooo dead that you never ever get a scrool bar at /who :D
File: KuiNameplates05-26-13
Were there any changes between 187...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Were there any changes between 187 from curse and 189 from her? Thanks for adding trivial nameplates glow and colour of uninterruptible cast bar!
File: Aurora05-25-13
Not really, it's simply a matter of...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Not really, it's simply a matter of whether it's inconvenient to constantly have a new version out, or whether people want new changes as soon as possible, like I've been doing for the past two updates. If you have this "pixel perfect with wrong UI scale" update ready please upload it asap :D Is not a bad thing to update ofen. If...
File: Foglight05-25-13
5.3 update?
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hey semlar! Addon seams to work fine with 5.3 just needs a toc update ;)
File: Aurora05-25-13
Question: Should I update this addo...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Question: Should I update this addon as soon as I've made changes (even if they're minor) or wait until I've stacked up a few? Depends on how much time you need to update the version. Will we get less improvments when you update more often because its so time consuming?
File: BagSync05-25-13
5.3 update?
Posted By: Tonyleila
Everything seams to work fine just needs a toc update. When you update it woud be cool of you change the databroker name so we can chose between a short and a long name in our button. label = "BagSync", text = "BS",
File: cargBags Nivaya05-24-13
Re: Re: cargBags Nivaya
Posted By: Tonyleila
I notice the frame is a little blurry, so it's currently not pixel-perfect causing the edges to be cut off. Is your Bag frame the same way? only after opening the toggel bags at the bank
File: cargBags Nivaya05-24-13
cargBags Nivaya
Posted By: Tonyleila
Aye, the Toggle Bag option is meant as a temporary means to access the bag items. Not sure what you mean about icon borders getting cut off. I still see them all on my end. Post a screenshot? :) I set icon size to 40 Its also sometimes happens to the normal bag after showing the bagslots it somet...
File: cargBags Nivaya05-24-13
Hmm, intriguing. It was certainly n...
Posted By: Tonyleila
Hmm, intriguing. It was certainly never designed to be a one-bag addon. I'll see what I can do. There is no code based (without textures = pixel perfect) working one-bag addon around. I'd like to switch to cargBags Nivaya right now I'm using DerpyStuffing. This is how it looks after pickung up items from mail: http://i.imgur....