Results: 3Comments by: Asteague
File: Useful Extras12-15-10
I know it's a bit late, but my prob...
Posted By: Asteague
I know it's a bit late, but my problem is really starting to get annoying. Somehow, the party invite window doesn't get hidden when having auto accept invite enabled. The invite itself is accepted without a problem. It's also not a different addon that's causing this problem, as it happens when only EMLib and UsefulExtras are ena...
File: QuestSpamFilter08-09-10
function QSF_addon.addBetterStuff(i...
Posted By: Asteague
function QSF_addon.addBetterStuff(in_string) local toReturn, numsubs = string.gsub(in_string, "%%1$s", "(%%S+)"); toReturn = string.gsub(in_string, "%%s", "(%%S+)"); return toReturn; end Could it be that you forgot to change in_string in the 3rd line to toReturn? Otherwise, the 2nd line in the code above would never r...
File: EventHorizon Continued06-04-10
Thanks Taroven for your great work...
Posted By: Asteague
Thanks Taroven for your great work on EH, however there's one thing that's been bugging me: Trinket Support, or rather the missing localization. I think you were planning to change the trinket detection to use the itemID, but for starters used the item names. However, as it annoyed the hell out of me and I had some time to spare, I...