Results: 3Comments by: PessimiStick
File: EventHorizon Continued06-25-16
Assassination Rogue config
Posted By: PessimiStick
Assassination Rogue config: function EventHorizon:InitializeClass() self.config.gcdSpellID = 1966 -- Assassination -- Rupture self:newSpell({ debuff = {1943,2}, requiredTree = 1, }) -- Garrote self:newSpell({ debuff = {703,2}, cooldown = 703, requiredTree = {1}, }) --Hemmorrhage self:new...
File: GnomeSequencer11-09-14
Ive heard of one person stating tha...
Posted By: PessimiStick
Ive heard of one person stating that you could get banned for using this or a program like this? I wanted to confirm before I succumb to the hysteria of one or two people. Does this addon violate any of the TOS for WoW?It just uses the supplied API. If Blizzard doesn't like the functionality, they will simply break it.
File: LUI v221105-27-10
Originally posted by Froagh I rea...
Posted By: PessimiStick
Originally posted by Froagh I really like the floating combat text more than the scrolling. Which addon is that, I didnt see it in the list or if it was even configurable. It's just the default Blizzard text with a custom font.