Results: 391Comments by: Baine
File: oUF_WeaponEnchant02-08-11
3rd Weapon Enchant
Posted By: Baine
since a few patches, rogues are allowed to enchant 3 weapons (mh, oh, thrown) here's a version of ouf_WeaponEnchant.lua which supports all 3 =) just replace the contents with the text i've posted using the above link, save, and ya good to go^^ greetings =)
File: AutoEquipQuestItem02-03-11
just as a note, the problem i've me...
Posted By: Baine
just as a note, the problem i've mentioned a few days ago (equipping items when chosen as highest valuable) that was due to another addon (questreward), which selects the most valuable automatically (really selects, not only highlight) disabling that addon solved the problem i had =) thanks for keeping making this addon, mak...
File: AutoEquipQuestItem01-27-11
it automatically equips the item if...
Posted By: Baine
it automatically equips the item if chosen as highest valuable... not as intended i guess^^
File: KoskenAngo01-13-11
hey there =) any chance to get an...
Posted By: Baine
hey there =) any chance to get an update on this? really like your approach here ^^
File: Bongos Cornucopia01-10-11
it happened everytime when i clicke...
Posted By: Baine
it happened everytime when i clicked the button, no matter which character i was on or where i was. i'll try with a "vanilla" install, cornucopia+ovale enabled as only addons and reenable all others, one by one maybe it's a events/code combination of some sort... dunno. i'll report back when i'm done =) edit: still crashes on all...
File: Bongos Cornucopia01-05-11
found the reason for the lock up o...
Posted By: Baine
found the reason for the lock up ovale caused them...
File: Bongos Cornucopia01-05-11
not that i'm aware of but i'll disa...
Posted By: Baine
not that i'm aware of but i'll disable all and try again and if another addon causes this, i'll track it down
File: Bongos Cornucopia01-05-11
my client freezes when clicking the...
Posted By: Baine
my client freezes when clicking the minimap icon :(
File: FreeUI12-17-10
on my version (latest version from...
Posted By: Baine
on my version (latest version from here as of writing) the left "cap" of the editbox is missing the background und top/bottom are simply ending without being cut off by a black border as done on the right side :/ purely cosmetical, but kinda disturbing ^^ thanks for your ui, especially for fixing the positioning on low res!
File: Aurora12-16-10
would it be possible to exclude arc...
Posted By: Baine
would it be possible to exclude archeology ui for the time being? the way it is now the text is very hard to read (yes, there are people who read that stuff :P)
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-14-10
again, great ui =) but the weapone...
Posted By: Baine
again, great ui =) but the weaponenchants are overlapping each other, resulting in only one icon where 3 should be :(
File: DerpyUI (alpha)12-08-10
thanks for this awesome ui! just w...
Posted By: Baine
thanks for this awesome ui! just wanted to let you know that the temp enchant bars are kinda bugged offhand and thrown weapon bars are displayed correctly, but the mainhand bar is missing although, when moving the mouse where the bar should be, the tooltip for the mainhand appears as it should :(
File: Tattoo Minimap12-07-10
minimap doesn't save it's position...
Posted By: Baine
minimap doesn't save it's position after /rl :( aka positioned it, played a while, relogged/loaded my interface, and it's in topright again
File: Reminders12-02-10
this is my priest module: local ad...
Posted By: Baine
this is my priest module: local addonName, addon = ... local config = addon.config.priest if config.enabled and addon.playerClass == "PRIEST" then addon:AddReminder("Missing Power Word: Fortitude", function() return not addon:HasAnyAura({"Machtwort: Seelenstärke", "Blutpakt"}, "PLAYER") end, {type = "spell", unit = "player", sp...
File: Allez UI11-12-10
totembar for shammies is acting ......
Posted By: Baine
totembar for shammies is acting ... weird a picture says more than 1000 words, so they say
File: Aurora11-01-10
getting this error when opening gui...
Posted By: Baine
getting this error when opening guild roster Interface\AddOns\Aurora\aurora.lua:889: Usage: GuildLevelFrameText:SetFont("font", fontHeight ) Count: 1 Call Stack: : ? : in function `?' Interface\AddOns\Aurora\aurora.lua:889: in function : in function `LoadAddOn' Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:...
File: SuperClassic11-01-10
in latest version target and tot go...
Posted By: Baine
in latest version target and tot got portraits, but neither player nor group have them :/ (portrait is missing for pets too)
File: SuperClassic10-31-10
got this error while running icc 10...
Posted By: Baine
got this error while running icc 10 (gunship fight) Interface\AddOns\SuperClassic\UnitFrames.lua:495: attempt to index field 'portrait' (a nil value) Count: 1 Call Stack: : ? Interface\AddOns\SuperClassic\UnitFrames.lua:495: in function : ? : in function `UnitFramePortrait_Update' I...
File: SuperClassic10-31-10
using your latest version i get 2 t...
Posted By: Baine
using your latest version i get 2 timers on unit frames (buffs/debuffs) and action buttons :( and as mentioned before, the tot frame doesn't show any portrait (neither 3d nor the normal one) another bug that i discovered: repair...
File: SuperClassic10-30-10
so far nothing to complain about, b...
Posted By: Baine
so far nothing to complain about, but... ^^ druid mana bar seems to... flicker while shapeshifted (cat/bear) and not on 100%. just like it's constantely changing it's color back and forth, dunno
File: SuperClassic10-30-10
entering/leaving vehicle works as w...
Posted By: Baine
entering/leaving vehicle works as well in combat as out of combat, thanks for fixing it! but now i'm missing the totembar on my shaman... (i don't want to sound like i'm only complaining, it's just that i'd like to be able to use this with all my chars, without missing important features^^) edit: found another lua error (latest v...
File: SuperClassic10-29-10
Originally posted by Wildbreath wi...
Posted By: Baine
Originally posted by Wildbreath will fix this in next update upd: but my UI is not contained any roll/loot addons exept autogreed option in "Helpers" module. Try to switch off it and check? maybe this bug in other addon(s)? no, rolling works as it should but the loot display in the data bar on top always threw a lua error regarding...
File: SuperClassic10-29-10
ran icc with your ui, and have to r...
Posted By: Baine
ran icc with your ui, and have to report 2 bugs... :( 1. the loot type display doesn't work with lootmaster (where you manually asign loot to people) 2. the actionbar is bugged when entering/leaving vehicles while in combat sometimes (when exiting the vehicle) the vehicle actions stay, there for the normal action buttons aren't acc...
File: SuperClassic10-28-10
ah, ok preferred it in top left, an...
Posted By: Baine
ah, ok preferred it in top left, and the settings didn't change anything (settings of the module that is, there still was the anchor)
File: SuperClassic10-28-10
the tooltip modul in latest version...
Posted By: Baine
the tooltip modul in latest version seems buggy, since the tooltip is always in bottomright using the module from the latest archieved version fixes this