Results: 823Comments by: Dridzt
File: Dominos Classic12-13-19
Re: Re: macro
Posted By: Dridzt
is it possible to use a macro to page from bar 1 to bar 2 - hunter ranged to hunter melee? i know shift 2 will switch but a macro already on bar 1 would make so much more sense to me. thanks ;) No, not in WoW Classic. It was possible to do so in actual WoW 1.12 (and I did so with Bongos). Automatic switch no, but macro on a...
File: GnomishVendorShrinker (Classic)12-13-19
Assuming it's approved there will b...
Posted By: Dridzt
Assuming it's approved there will be a patch under Other Files that properly fixes this for cosmetic pet and mount vendors.
File: Simple Raid Target Icons12-07-19
Thanks for the reply. Wasn't sure i...
Posted By: Dridzt
Thanks for the reply. Wasn't sure if you already knew about this or not so i'm glad to hear it's on the todo list. Thanks again Give 2.13 a try when it's approved.
File: Simple Raid Target Icons11-04-19
Love the addon, but it doesn't work...
Posted By: Dridzt
Love the addon, but it doesn't work w/ Z-Perl UnitFrames :confused: (in Classic) Anyone else experiencing this?There is no unitframe support at the moment. It's on the todo list but I'm busy with another addon at the moment. It's a missing feature not a bug.
File: Monolith DKP10-24-19
Re: DKP?
Posted By: Dridzt
Maybe I'm just a filthy noob, but what does "DKP" stand for? It doesn't mention it anywhere in the addon description. Thanks! Dragon Kill Points, it's a virtual currency.
File: Watto (Classic)10-08-19
I'm not 100% but this seems to not...
Posted By: Dridzt
I'm not 100% but this seems to not respect previous settings when updating to a newer version. I'm pretty sure I've unchecked "Sell Junk Soulbound Items" a number of times.
File: Postal_Classic10-01-19
locales.xml calling a esMX.lua - er...
Posted By: Dridzt
locales.xml calling a esMX.lua - error, file not present error on itIT.lua: last few lines ' return end' should be deletet fixed in 3.6.3 3.6.3 still references a file that is not packaged in locales.xml. This line needs to be removed