Results: 2Comments by: dfjdejulio
File: Class Buttons06-30-09
Is Cleansing Totem in this thing ye...
Posted By: dfjdejulio
Is Cleansing Totem in this thing yet? It's not appearing for me -- is that because I've got it misconfigured, or because it's not in the totem list yet? (Even once Blizzard's totem UI is in place, a mod like this is going to be great for when you need some specific totem that's not a part of your normal set, particularly like Tre...
File: Altoholic04-25-08
Re: Re: Multiple Accounts
Posted By: dfjdejulio
Bug report: I maintain a personal guild called Arcania on two different realms. This appears to be confusing the Guild Bank tab slightly. I always see the guild bank for the realm that I am currently logged into, but I cannot see the guild bank for the other realm. It's not just guild banks. I have the same guild on two servers,...