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AtliThor 07-14-10 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 197853)
:)Anyone still having problems with character copies? I've tried to copy two from Nesingwary and one premade several times over the last couple of days with no luck so far. Don't get me wrong, my Wargen rogue is looking pretty cool, but I'd like to actually explore some of the new landscape.

I've copied three characters into my beta account, two on Thursday and one this morning. (One of them I actually copied twice, but that doesn't count :P)

No problems, and it took only a few hours each.

Xrystal 07-14-10 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by AtliThor (Post 197851)
What kind of errors? Like: "You've performed an illegal action..." or more like a glitch?

For me, when I click the "Show on map" in the quest-log, or on the (?) next to a completed quest in the tracker, it shows the wrong map. (Playing Worgen. Shows some random island I don't recognize.)

And sometimes the quest "?" mark on the map is way off. (Had me running around in circles looking for the NPC :mad:)

@Grimsin. Your playing on live? Now?! :D

Yeah, errors that kick me out of game and ask for information as to what I did before the crash out. I was just in dalaran looking at the new screens.

Bluspacecow 07-14-10 08:12 PM

There was a tools update today guys.

Looks like you can get in now.

I will admit tho. This was the first time I tried the beta today. I don't know if this is a fix for the "Login server busy" error as I never actually seen that error. I did get my beta key from the Addon Authors giveway here on tho , tracking ID # 000132.

All I did was open the launcher. No news was showing so I clicked "Play". Logged in with my normal email address and password.

It started downloading an update. This is odd I thought ... normally the Launcher kicks in the downloading & updating thing itself. It's been a while since I saw it doing an update after logging in.

It downloaded "something" (possibly a small MPQ file in the World of Warcraft Beta folder) and updated some various tools. A small blue window told me it was updating.

Once it was done I opened the Launcher. It had all the news there as usual. Clicked Play , logged in and was asked to select an account. What you choose here depends on if you have done the PTR before. Best Idea is if you see a choice between "Wow1" or "Wow2" pick one of them. If you can't see realms on that account change to the other account (there will be a pop up menu underneath the account name).

One account will be for the PTR , the other will be for beta. You can check which one to use by logging into and looking at the box in your list of games that has Deathwing on it in a myspace pose (*oh hai!* *snap*). The account name used for Cataclysm will be under that box.

Here's my install log out of World of Warcraft Beta->Logs->Blizzard Updater Log.html

Petrah 07-14-10 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 197853)
:)Anyone still having problems with character copies? I've tried to copy two from Nesingwary and one premade several times over the last couple of days with no luck so far. Don't get me wrong, my Wargen rogue is looking pretty cool, but I'd like to actually explore some of the new landscape.

I copied my hunter over, and was able to log in on her (for all of 2 minutes before they had a restart). I haven't copied any others, or made any premades yet. Playing with my sweetie atm on Nesingwary, but will be logging in to beta once he logs for the night.

ricks322 07-14-10 10:47 PM

One thing I noticed when I copied my first toon. When I did get into the game and had no characters to pick from, looking back at the Char copy page it said I still had 5 copies left. So I thought it didn't take because I had tried it when we were all having problems logging in. So I copied it again, also copied a pre-made just to be sure. Had dinner (wanted to give it the hour), logged back in and still no characters. Then I noticed the realm name and thought "that was not the one I selected". I changed realms and found I was on the UK one. When I swtched to the one I selected I had 3 toons, the 2 I copied and the pre-made one.

And my Char Copy page still states I have 5 copies left.

zork 07-15-10 12:21 AM

My solution for the character copy is very simple.

I could not for *** sake get it to work on Firefox.

But the first time I tried it with Opera it worked like charm.

I have no clue why but Opera displayed every page for the character copy where the Firefox just reloads the character copy page over and over.

Still having the 5 copies aswell (But I copied some chars already)

AtliThor 07-15-10 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 197898)
But the first time I tried it with Opera it worked like charm.

Come to think about it, I used Opera too. And I seem to remember something about a problem with Firefox during the 3.3.5 PTR phase as well. Opera and Chrome should be fine. (And Safari, I suppose.)

... just don't put your login into a IE window. It's basically asking to get hacked :D

O yea, and I also have 5 copies left according to that page, even though I have 4 working chars on the beta servers right now. They must not be enforcing that limit at the moment. (Or the site is broken.)

voodoodad 07-15-10 12:47 AM

Yeeeah... Regarding my comments about the character copies... Let's just forget I ever said anything... I kinda... Well... I logged into the wrong server the first time... In my defense none of them were showing that I had characters present, and I was so thrilled to actually get in that I forgot which one I had copied them to... Soooo... Yeaahh...

Starinnia 07-15-10 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by AtliThor (Post 197900)
O yea, and I also have 5 copies left according to that page, even though I have 4 working chars on the beta servers right now. They must not be enforcing that limit at the moment. (Or the site is broken.)

The display is broken, this was noted in the 3.3.5 PTR. If you try to copy a character after 5, the copy will fail. Nothing prevents you from going through the process, but the Character Copy Status page reports that the transfer failed.

Bl4ckSh33p 07-15-10 01:11 AM

Just created my first Worgen! :D :banana:
But my copied druid is broken. Logged in in Bearform and now he is stuck and can't change to any other form or cast anything. :(

zork 07-15-10 02:10 AM

try "/cancelaura Bear Form"

Torhal 07-15-10 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 197902)
Yeeeah... Regarding my comments about the character copies... Let's just forget I ever said anything... I kinda... Well... I logged into the wrong server the first time... In my defense none of them were showing that I had characters present, and I was so thrilled to actually get in that I forgot which one I had copied them to... Soooo... Yeaahh...

*waves hand* These are not the realms you are looking for. *waves hand*

dafire 07-15-10 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bluspacecow (Post 197863)

I did not get that last "World of Warcraft Update Tools (“ update yet but it works now .. at least on my macbook.

I'll check my windows box hat home after work ;)

Bluspacecow 07-15-10 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 197902)
Yeeeah... Regarding my comments about the character copies... Let's just forget I ever said anything... I kinda... Well... I logged into the wrong server the first time... In my defense none of them were showing that I had characters present, and I was so thrilled to actually get in that I forgot which one I had copied them to... Soooo... Yeaahh...

Don't forget here that if you've used the 3.3.5 PTR you will have a wow1 and a wow2 account to select from. The exact one to choose you can confirm by logging into and looking under the Manage games for Deathwing or w/e that dragony thing on the box is.

I know it doesn't strictly apply here but thought I'ld add something in for the new beta players.

Originally Posted by dafire (Post 197946)
I did not get that last "World of Warcraft Update Tools (“ update yet but it works now .. at least on my macbook.

Forgot to mention this is on my PPC mac. Not sure if it's connected to not being able to login as I never actually saw that error.

Bl4ckSh33p 07-15-10 07:40 AM

I tried /cancelaura, /cancelform, using other form spells but nothing works. It says I am already transformed. :(
I opened a GM Ticket but this could take weeks on beta realm (blue in betaforum said to one player with a stuck char he should play another char because GMs have almost no time to fix chars).

Slakah 07-15-10 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 197898)
My solution for the character copy is very simple.

I could not for *** sake get it to work on Firefox.

But the first time I tried it with Opera it worked like charm.

I have no clue why but Opera displayed every page for the character copy where the Firefox just reloads the character copy page over and over.

Still having the 5 copies aswell (But I copied some chars already)

Thanks for the Opera tip it worked :).

voodoodad 07-15-10 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 197942)
*waves hand* These are not the realms you are looking for. *waves hand*

Now that I thiink of it, this is EXACTLY what happened! This old guy dressed in a snuggie came up and then...

Slakah 07-15-10 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Bl4ckSh33p (Post 197972)
I tried /cancelaura, /cancelform, using other form spells but nothing works. It says I am already transformed. :(
I opened a GM Ticket but this could take weeks on beta realm (blue in betaforum said to one player with a stuck char he should play another char because GMs have almost no time to fix chars).

You could try just copying your druid over again and deleting the bugged one?

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