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forty2j 05-13-09 08:22 AM

As a lifetime Star Trek fan, I absolutely LOVED the movie.

:eek::eek::eek::eek:Spoiler Alert:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Fascinating how they destroyed a key planet that appears in just about every Star Trek series or movie that happens chronologically after this movie, thus invalidating all existing Star Trek canon except, possibly, the Enterprise (Jonathan Archer) series. I wonder if they're going to carry on with the universe rebooted and move on from here, or if the 2011 sequel JJ Abrams is already signed on for will set things right again.

fred 05-13-09 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by tralkar (Post 135675)
I'll wait for it to come out on DVD.

I VERY rarely ever go to the movies, I too prefer to wait for dvd.BUT , being a trekky....I went, and was awed.The sound was awesome...halfway up the row was amazing! I highly recommend the experience. I will still buy it on dvd too.....and I REALLY hope there will be more sequels because events need to be corrected ;)

MidgetMage55 05-13-09 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by fred (Post 135689)
I VERY rarely ever go to the movies, I too prefer to wait for dvd.BUT , being a trekky....I went, and was awed.The sound was awesome...halfway up the row was amazing! I highly recommend the experience. I will still buy it on dvd too.....and I REALLY hope there will be more sequels because events need to be corrected ;)

Personally im hoping they dont correct anything. Id like to see how far they can take this new time line. Trying to 'correct' what was done in this will be somewhat limiting. It more or less forces another time travel based story which has, as stated above, been done to death.

As it stands there is more flexibility for creativity. If done in the fashion this movie was done i expect some excellent films while keeping the spirit of the original stories.

If its done as well as this one its bound to be a good flick in either case. :D

Satrina 05-13-09 01:38 PM

I'd heard there was some time chicanery in the movie and went in with a very wary attitude because it is very overdone, especially in Trek. As the credits rolled I was like "You mean they're not gonna... Oh! Well done!" They did it exactly right, it was the perfect use of it. And I am a bigtime trekkie (I even used to do the convention thing back in the day.)

Twest 05-13-09 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Tristanian (Post 135626)
The movie left me with mixed feelings. Don't get me wrong. I'm a die hard fan myself (although not the convention type :p), I just think that there was so much potential and so many things could have been handled way better, than just throwing together another "time travel" storyline which pretty much invalidates everything we know about the franchise. Time travel has been beaten to death so much, in so many Sci-fi movies and series over the years, it's not even funny anymore. Moreover, it is highly susceptible to plot holes and spawns debates and arguments about things that cannot really be explained scientifically or even rationally. Simply put, huge "reset" buttons are not fun or original anymore.

Nero was a "cheesy" villain anyway you look at it. I believe that they tried to take advantage of Shinzon's popularity and attitude in the last TNG movie, yet the feeling is not the same. The rest of the actors try very hard (lots of lines used from the original series) but imho they have some really big shoes to fill in. The thing to remember is that the Trek movies were also about characters, something that it was strongly emphasized in the more recent series. Character development is certainly not the strongest point of this prequel.

The movie was impressive in terms of special effects and action which was somewhat predictable since it's usually a huge selling factor. All in all a very good effort but still, in my eyes, there was something missing from the movie, there was something "out of place" that I can't really define 100%. If I had to choose between this prequel and another TNG movie, I believe I would go for the later.

Tristan, I'm with you. However I felt that the movie was over tooooo quickly. About the time I felt it was at the 1/2 way point I realized there was only about 10-15 mins left.

Sepioth 05-13-09 11:03 PM

Well I just came back from seeing this.

I must say it was MUCH better than I ever imagined.

Although there are some "flaws" it was an incredibly well done story.

A MUST see for every Star Trek fan .. It won't disappoint ya.

Axl187 05-13-09 11:27 PM

So...anyone else remember Capt Pike?

Torhal 05-14-09 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Axl187 (Post 135855)
So...anyone else remember Capt Pike?

Yes, from the original Pilot episode. Wasn't the character also supposed to appear in the new movie?

MidgetMage55 05-14-09 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 135860)
Yes, from the original Pilot episode. Wasn't the character also supposed to appear in the new movie?

He does indeed.

voodoodad 05-14-09 07:33 PM

Ahhhhh.... Saw Star Trek this afternoon and Serenity is on SciFi channel right now. Life just doesn't get better than this. :)

Regarding Star Trek... It outshines WoK as my personal favorite already, and that is reeeeallly saying something. Here are some of the reasons I loved it so much;

* Put tears in my eyes one minute, and had me laughing my ass off the next.

* Frequent call-backs to TOS and some of the movies. "I have been and always shall be your friend."

* NIMOY! He really doesn't look bad for a Vulcan on the high side of 300!

* Sylar is Spock! I'm a huge Heroes fan and didn't realize it was the same actor till I saw him on the big screen. He does a fantastic job of portraying a character torn between what is logical and what is emotional.

* I got a real sense of "history in the making" from the movie, and then "history in the re-making", which I thought was a great way to re-start the series.

I hope that the big studios continue to "reboot" some of the movie series which have become very stale. Batman was a great decision. James Bond was a great decision. Star Trek is a great decision.

Terminator: Salvation here I come!!!

Kraki 05-14-09 09:39 PM

I loved that they basically reset the cannon. It was so freaking complicated there wasn't much room for much else. Now they can make movies and do whatever the hell they want.

Every person I know that has seen it Trekker and non Trekker alike has LOVED this movie. I kind of hope this opens up room for a new series eventually. I miss having Star Trek on TV.

Sepioth 05-14-09 09:51 PM

Yeah .. I second that request for a new TV series .. I miss it too .. that and Quantum Leap .. they need to redo that too :D

Gako 05-14-09 10:06 PM

I was surprised at the high quality of the new Star Trek movie. However, being an astrophysics nerd I spent a good 2/3rds of the movie cringing in my seat muttering things like, "noo... not possible... u can't... *cringe* friggin... arrrg... red... *shudder* please just... physics... astro... not sideways... *gasp* it would be CRUSHED..." and variations of these. I did however enjoy the acting, the script and the vulcan nerve pinches which overcame my rational rejection at the impossibilities within the film.

voodoodad 05-14-09 10:40 PM

To quote a classic character from a different sci-fi movie series; "You must unlearn what you have learned!" :D

Baltharus 05-14-09 10:54 PM

i havent been to see it yet but im looking forward to a day off work when i can manage it :D my dad called me erlier today.. he and his wife went to see it in an imax theater.. he said it was AMAZING...

we have beoth been long time trekkie.. him with the TOS and me with ther newer TNG and Voyager (never really got into DS9)



Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 135571)


Mingz 05-15-09 12:09 AM

Great movie. I was really impressed with the actor who played Kirk. I liked the job he did with giving Kirk that "Not ****y, just really confidence" type of attitude. Only thing I disliked was that Kirk got his ass handed to him several times! :p

Zyonin 05-15-09 02:10 AM

Too bad I won't get to see this movie until it comes out on DVD since they dub everything here in Italy! Ugh, can't you morons (the Italians) leave anything TV or movie-wise alone? When I lived in Greece they subtitled the dialog in Greek however the original language track was intact.

I am a long time Trekkie so I am looking forward to seeing this movie. I wonder if I can scrounge up a cheap plane ticket to the UK...

Sargeras 05-15-09 02:32 AM

CollegeHumor's Star Trek vs. Star Wars

Pretty good!

Wazakage 05-16-09 09:23 PM

I had only a couple of complaints about the movie, and it was very very minor.

1) Since even in Enterprise they had Phase pistols, why were their weapons shooting bolts?

2) Since when did Federation Starships have machine gun phaser things on their hulls?

But even then I could just chalk it off to "Alternate time line, NAHH!!!" so it was all good. Best movie of the year imo.

voodoodad 05-16-09 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wazakage (Post 136386)
I had only a couple of complaints about the movie, and it was very very minor.

1) Since even in Enterprise they had Phase pistols, why were their weapons shooting bolts?

2) Since when did Federation Starships have machine gun phaser things on their hulls?

But even then I could just chalk it off to "Alternate time line, NAHH!!!" so it was all good. Best movie of the year imo.

You gotta remember, the timeline was really changed right at the beginning of the movie when Kirk's father was killed. And I liked the machine gun phaser things!:D

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