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Cairenn 05-06-09 02:44 PM

FYI: I have had absolutely enough with the personal attacks.

We've said it over and over and over again throughout this thread (amongst others). Either you follow the site rules, specifically:


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 684)
The condensed version, for those that aren't Monty Python fans. ;)

1. Post with respect and courtesy. Debate is fine ... so long as when you disagree with someone, you respond in a civilized and constructive manner.

2. No slander. Don't come here and slam/flame anyone/thing. Don't come here sounding off that Blizz sucks, EQ sucks, mod_author_01 sucks, etc and so on. None of that. You want to post things like that, take it elsewhere, there are enough other boards that cater to that type of thing. This isn't FlameVault. See 1.

Or I am going to start handing out temporary vacations from the site or full out bans. Now stop it.

Ackis 05-06-09 02:51 PM

The page number on this thread are kinda wonky...

Tekkub 05-06-09 02:54 PM

29? ..........

Ackis 05-06-09 02:56 PM

I see page 58/60 being the last page.

Kaelten 05-06-09 02:59 PM

Dont' worry about it ackis, everythings fine.

Tekkub 05-06-09 03:00 PM

It's not fine... the end is near.

Ackis 05-06-09 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tekkub (Post 133971)
It's not fine... the end is near.

The end already happened... wowmatrix died!

Tekkub 05-06-09 03:14 PM

Omg It's A Zombie Now!

Resa1983 05-06-09 03:34 PM

I can't believe the nerve of WM & their FAQ and their blatant lies to their users..

You start to lose faith in humanity & honesty when you see people like the creators of WM not caring about costing you guys HUGE amounts of money while they're using your services/bandwidth.

Totally OT here.. But you guys are hilarious. heh.

Tekkub 05-06-09 04:00 PM

I'm guessing you mean...

"It is clear that both Curse and WoWInterface are more concerned about their own profits"

It's pretty hard for anyone to take that argument seriously when you look at the fact that WM shows ads and uses other's bandwidth (including more than just WoWI/Curse, but they sure as hell don't mention this now do they?) If they weren't concerned about their OWN profits, they would have worked out a deal for paying for bandwidth before using others, or at the bare minimum stopped doing it when asked and pursued a deal to re-enable it.

Spectro 05-06-09 04:23 PM

Yeah, something is buggy with this thread. I see what Ackis is saying. Page 60 goes to page 58. o_o

Kaelten: Is Curse actually going to let a module for Curse to exist for MMOUI Minion?

Elesarr 05-06-09 04:30 PM

:rolleyes: egads....

I'm beginning to think that the only people with an IQ higher than 3 is a member of this community.

What do these WM supporters not get from the threads that started back in Oct 2007 that you lovely people here pointed out to me?

And please wowinsider? their article writers don't do research they post opinions with no real journalistic style (they have done it in the past and had to retract statements/full articles) - were they truly reporting information they would have had references to the threads on wowace and here next to their beloved wowm FAQs...and not have made the comment that no real proof of wowm's wrong doing has been shown.

I would just like to thank you all here for opening my eyes the other day and explaining things to me that were unknown. I like to be informed - it seems that the majority of people do not.

:D Banana's for ALL! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Kaelten 05-06-09 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Spectro (Post 134005)
Yeah, something is buggy with this thread. I see what Ackis is saying. Page 60 goes to page 58. o_o

Kaelten: Is Curse actually going to let a module for Curse to exist for MMOUI Minion?

Don't have an answer for that one yet.

Spookie455 05-06-09 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelten (Post 134019)
Don't have an answer for that one yet.

Much <3 if you did. :)

Spectro 05-07-09 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Elesarr (Post 134007)
:rolleyes: egads....

I'm beginning to think that the only people with an IQ higher than 3 is a member of this community.

What do these WM supporters not get from the threads that started back in Oct 2007 that you lovely people here pointed out to me?

And please wowinsider? their article writers don't do research they post opinions with no real journalistic style (they have done it in the past and had to retract statements/full articles) - were they truly reporting information they would have had references to the threads on wowace and here next to their beloved wowm FAQs...and not have made the comment that no real proof of wowm's wrong doing has been shown.

I would just like to thank you all here for opening my eyes the other day and explaining things to me that were unknown. I like to be informed - it seems that the majority of people do not.

:D Banana's for ALL! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Wowinsider didn't actually say they supported Wowmatrix, though.

HonorGoG 05-07-09 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Spectro (Post 134074)
Wowinsider didn't actually say they supported Wowmatrix, though.

True. In the past, WoWInsider has been pretty fair to our team at least.

Jalandar 05-08-09 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 133958)
Or I am going to start handing out temporary vacations from the site or full out bans.

Or, to be more accurate:
"If I don't like what you say, I will make all your posts in this thread invisible to everyone but you, so that no one else sees them and you don't know that you have been moderated and filtered. And make it so that any future posts by you are also visible only to you and not to anyone else"

How very ethical of you.

Torhal 05-08-09 11:55 PM

How very antagonistic of you.

Oh, wait...that's been your Modus Operandi in at least 90% of the posts I've read from you here and on the o.forums. Troll is obvious troll.

Phantom 05-09-09 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Jalandar (Post 134560)
Or, to be more accurate:
"If I don't like what you say, I will make all your posts in this thread invisible to everyone but you, so that no one else sees them and you don't know that you have been moderated and filtered. And make it so that any future posts by you are also visible only to you and not to anyone else"

How very ethical of you.

You are not using the word "ethical" in the correct way.

What you describe is not an "ethical" action because it does not go against the "society's rules" of this forum. An ethical decision or action is determine by society.
If there were no rules then there would be no eithical decisions.

Cairenn 05-09-09 12:57 AM

(Edit: To everyone that is wondering wtf?! about this post, I am answering someone from elsewhere but the site I am answering from won't let me post the number of links, etc, so I'm needing to post it here.)

[Insert quote from other site here, to which I'm responding]:


Now that you have stopped screaming and may actually be willing to have a dialogue ... :)

You say we gave no warning. I’d ask you to consider all of these various threads and posts:

Oct ’07


Where is he pulling the mods from? I notice that on the site the links are pointing back to the site. Is he going around and manually getting updated mods from the various sites and uploading them himself, or ? If he is, that's a violation of mod author copyright. If not, where are they coming from? This is the first I've heard of it, and given how many authors I talk to every single day, I'd think I'd know about a new site that they are uploading to.

Also, unless the authors are updating them themselves, how do we know that those are the most recent versions of X? Again, where is he getting them?

I have no problem with there being another site out there, don't get me wrong. I just want to make sure that no copyright is being violated and that people are getting what is advertised.

It's the same thing that gets authors annoyed every time a new site or updater or whathaveyou pops up. Violation of author copyright. Unless the author specifically states that you are free to download and do whatever you wish with their mod, no one has the right to do anything other than use the mod for personal use. That includes redistribution. And as someone who has been fighting on the side of authors for a very long time now, it annoys me too. Mods are copyright unless explicitly stated as not, from the moment they are written. It's the same as a piece of artwork or a book or a song or ... It is the intellectual and artistic property of the author/artist and has copyright protection. Period.

That is why you will never find any of our staff uploading mods ourselves, and if we discover users uploading someone else's mods, we delete the mod immediately and warn the user that they are in violation of mod author copyright and the rules of our site(s). If they do it a second time they are immediately banned from the site.
Apr ’08


No, we won't be pulling from other sites for a couple of reasons:

a) that is violation of author copyright (redistribution) - if they want us to be able to distribute their mods for them, they upload here;
b) because the authors aren't uploading to it themselves it isn't current, so authors get users b!tching at them about bugs that they've already fixed and users are getting old versions that may have problems;
c) you don't go pulling from someone else's site without their permission (see a), plus the fact that it takes away their page views and ad impressions, all of which are big no nos.

Other apps do these things, but we won't. I know it is less than convenient for our users, for which I'm sorry, but to do otherwise wouldn't be moral, ethical or legal. Sorry. =/
Sept ’08

Oct ’08


We are not finished trying to protect our downloads (yes, we have been trying to prevent wowmatrix from accessing them, as noted in a quote above), but we would also like to do it in a way so as not to inconvenience our users.
Oct ’08


Don't plan on getting your updates from wowmatrix any time soon. They do not have a good reputation with any of the addon sites and most of the authors, and are being blocked.
Oct ’08


Request block, This is to stop flooding of our server.

This was enabled to keep our site alive during patch week. Our 1 main httpd server couldnt handle all the page requests. We are working to scale our server setup for the next big patch day.

The main reason we couldnt handle it was because wowmatrix would slam our fileinfo pages to parse them for the version info and download link. With people having 50+ addons and thousands using it every time before they load wow our poor server was having major trouble. So we added some flood control that wouldnt affect the majority of the people using our site.

No, its when wowmatrix is used. Every one of their users has a different IP and their program has a random user agent.

I had to re-enable the flood control again, trying to figure out my options.

yes, wowmatrix hammers our file info page acting like a ddos attack.
(We've actually had our datacenter shut us down once because of WM, they thought we were under a DDOS attack.)


We have thought of both ideas, Duugu. [b]We're figuring out what's best for the site atm, to not burden users. :)

While this is an obvious solution, it's also a solution that would be against what we prefer due to the extra burden it places on the users. The objective here is to find a resolution without actually impacting the frequent users of the site that we <3 so much :)

It may have to come down to something like that, however I've been trying to avoid that.
Oct ’08

Part of a news post to authors, on the front page of the site (community tab):


Next, we have instituted a new policy on the site. Some of you have already been apprised of it in PMs, but here's the public announcement. We will not allow any mods on the site that have any Wowmatrix files in them. If you submit a mod that has such files in them, we will send you a PM asking you to remove those files before we will approve it. This is not open for debate. We aren't getting into the whole "what's wrong with Wowmatrix, blah blah blah" stuff. It's been discussed plenty elsewhere and our stance remains the same.
[Insert quote from other site here, to which I'm responding]:

Apr ’09


15. Then why did you block WowMatrix when you didn’t have a viable alternative?
Simply put, we didn’t have an alternative. (This is NOT to lay blame on them, so please don’t go taking it out of context.) Curse was in a position where they were ready to block WowMatrix. They were going to be going ahead whether we did or not. If we didn’t do it at the same time, our site would have simply been crushed under the load, since it would have all fallen on us instead of being split between the two sites the way it was before. So we had two choices. We could block them, even though our updater isn’t ready, and still have our site be usable to anyone that wanted to come to the site; or we could not block them and just have our site be down completely, thereby making it so that no one could get to our site at all. We could wish our updater had been ready, so that we had a viable alternative to offer you, but see #14.
[Insert quote from other site here, to which I'm responding]:

We’ve never claimed it was brand spanking new. We have said, in fact, that we’ve been working on it for quite a while now.

And from the WowAce forums:

Oct ’07
Apr ’08
Jul ’08
Oct ’08
Oct ’08
Oct ’08

There’s lots more you can find on both sites, along with posts on official Blizz forums, on Curse, no doubt on, on …

What more would you have us do? What other way could we have "warned" you? It's not like there are WowMatrix forums that we could go post on, to warn you it was about to happen. No mailing list. What more can we do than post on our sites and on the official forums? And we've been doing that for almost a year and a half now, warning that authors and hosting sites didn't like them and that we were all trying to protect ourselves from them. So what would you have us do?

It sucked. I agree completely. I wish it hadn’t been necessary. I’ve said that from the outset. If you read the posts that I have made in this thread, you will see me saying over and over that we wished something else could have been done, and also agreeing that WowMatrix was (mostly) a nice little program for end users. (I say “mostly” because there are things it was/is doing to end-users that it really shouldn’t be doing, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish.)

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