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Unbelievable 04-16-09 07:33 AM

Step-by-step tutorial: Favorites

This tutorial is designed to hold your hand through the process of creating a simple multi-waypoint favorite. The intention is not to patronise you, dear reader, but to ensure you don't come unstuck.

Carbonite allows you to specify your own sets of waypoints. Many players use favorites for creating an optimised path between their daily quests or for specifying the best route between event objectives (e.g. Lunar Festival Elders, Midsummer Fires etc).


To start with we need to open up the Favorites window. To do this we click on the Favorites button located on the Carbonite map:

The Favorites window will appear. Our first task is to create a folder. Each folder can contain one or more favorites, typically somehow related to one another. To do this we right click Root (in the left-hand pane) and select Add Folder from the popup menu:

Give the folder an appropriate name. I've chosen "Examples" here, but you could use "Events", "Dailys" or pretty much anything you like:

Next we add our favorite. To do this we select the folder we've just created ("Examples" in this case) and right click. Select "Add Favorite". Think of this as creating a page within the folder. This "page" can contain one or more related waypoints on it.

Give the Favorite a name. In this case I'm going to create a Favorite containing all of the waypoints I need to check all of the book spawning locations for the achievement "Higher Learning". No prizes for guessing the name I'm giving my Favorite:

Adding Your First Waypoint

Left click your newly created Favorite so that it is highlighted. Now select the "Record" button:

For accuracy it's a good idea to move to the location of the first waypoint and zoom the Carbonite map fairly close. To do this click the "+" icon on the Carbonite map:

At this point we have two types of waypoint open to us:
  • "Target 1st" are waypoints that will always be the first part of a path. These are created by holding CTRL when left-clicking the carbonite map at the desired location of your waypoint.
  • "Target" waypoint which specifies the next waypoint in a sequence. These are created by holding both CTRL and SHIFT while left-clicking the carbonite map at the desired location of your waypoint.

In my experience it doesn't really matter which type you choose as the first waypoint in a path. However, if you want to see multiple connected waypoints on your path (that is waypoints 1 and 2 and 3 etc) at a glance then you should choose "Target" for all waypoints after the first one. If you only want to see the very next selected waypoint (only 1 or 2 or 3 etc) then use "Target 1st". Don't worry if you don't understand the distinction right now. It's nothing you can't work out with a bit of experimenting later.

For now lets stick with "Target" waypoints. To reiterate we make these by holding both CTRL and SHIFT down together and then left click on the map where we want our waypoint to be placed.

Making sure the Record button is still red in the Favorites window we hold CTRL and SHIFT down. Your characters location on the Carbonite map should now turn from an arrow to a dot. Still holding CTRL and SHIFT down, left click the dot to record the location of your character as a waypoint.

Note: The waypoint is always set where you CTRL+SHIFT+left click on the Carbonite map. We're just using the dot to accurately pinpoint our desired waypoint location.

You should now see the first waypoint appear in the Favorites window. Type shows what type of waypoint you've added (it should show "Target"). Value should currently show "Goto " followed by the waypoints coordinated. However, Value is purely a name for your waypoint that will appear on screen when you arrive at your waypoint in future. You can change it to something more meaningful. To do this select the waypoint in the right-hand pane of the favorites window and right-click. Select "Rename" from the popup menu:

Now give it a meaningful name and select Accept (or press the return key):

That's the first waypoint done.

Unbelievable 04-16-09 07:34 AM

Adding More Waypoints

Now let's add another waypoint.

Note: Remember, the "Record" button in the Favorites window should be selected (i.e. highlighted in red).

Move your character to the desired location. Zoom the map in. Then hold down CTRL and SHIFT while left clicking the Carbonite map:

Select the new waypoint in the Favorites window. Right click to bring up the popup menu and select Rename.

Give your waypoint a suitable name and press the return key or select the "Accept" button:

That's the second way point added. Keep repeating this process until you've added a string of waypoints. Now we've added all of the waypoints click on the "Record" button to exit waypoint recording. The Record button should no longer be red:

The Finished Result

Click the top-most waypoint in the Favourites window and you should see all of the waypoint you've recorded chained together on the Carbonite map:

Move to the first waypoint. When you arrive you'll hear a ping and see the text you specified as it's value displayed on screen. The Carbonite waypoint will vanish from the map and the path will direct you to the next way point in the list (the 2nd one you created).

You don't have to always start a path at the 1st waypoint. You can click any waypoint the favourite you've created and the path will show from that point down.

Congratulations! You've just created your first Favorite :)

Things to try next

Making "Target 1st" waypoints (CTRL + left click the map)
Add comments to your favourites list
Change the order in which waypoints are connected

Futher Reading

Enjoy :)
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Unbelievable 04-16-09 07:44 AM

< Reserved for additional content >

Jezzabel 04-16-09 08:10 AM

Great post indeed.

A sticky would be great

Silverloch 04-17-09 09:02 PM

not at all patronizing,,, but surprising (in a good way)
There is a lot to Carbonite. Lots to learn. New things to discover... like the file system..


Jezzabel 04-19-09 09:18 AM

any reason I dont see any more the pictures ? link lead me to Imageshack but no picture available there

carboniteaddon 04-19-09 05:57 PM

I just refreshed the page and still see the pictures.

Jezzabel 04-19-09 09:52 PM

thks it was blocked by ZA, I changed the settings for WOWInterface

Unbelievable 04-20-09 10:44 AM

Glad to hear it's all working. Almost had a panic on as I read that images werent working for you. :eek:

The links on the images have been removed as it seems imageshack are fine with direct linking. Logo left in place to keep them sweet tho :)

aera 05-22-09 01:58 AM

Great tutorial, thanks.

My question is if there is a way to 'export' and then 'import' favorites - online or offline (WTF files) - so that they can be shared with friends. The only "option", I see is 'Import Cartographer Notes'. Any tutorials, utilities around?

Unbelievable 05-26-09 12:40 PM

Import/Export has been requested a few times. I think there maybe a way to do it with Carbonite Transfer but I'm not sure how.

Here's my current work around.


First, you need to understand how the data is stored. It's pretty simple and goes like this:


        ["NXFav"] = {
                        everything here is your first favourite
                }, -- [1]

                        everything here is your second favourite
                }, -- [2]

                        everything here is your third favourite
                }, -- [3]


Open Account\{username}\SavedVariables\Carbonite.lua

Search for ["NXFav"] = { . There will be several matches. You need to look for the one that has ["Name"] = "Something" below a list of location names. "Something" will be the name of one of your favourites. In my Carbonite.lua it's the last occurance of ["NXFav"] = { .

Copy the appropriate favourite (complete with start { and end }, --[x] lines into a text file, preserving the tabbing for clarity. Email it to your friend.


First of all we need to create a unique marker so
  • Start WoW.
  • Open Carbonite Favorites window (see original post above).
  • Right click "Root" and Add Favorite.
  • When asked for a name type in: Dummy Favourite To Be Deleted
  • Exit WoW.

Back up Account\{username}\SavedVariables\Carbonite.lua in case anything goes wrong.

Open Account\{username}\SavedVariables\Carbonite.lua

Search for ["Name"] = "Dummy Favourite To Be Deleted",

The place where we will paste the new favourite is usually a line or two below this, however, to ensure the correct insertion point please read on.

Scroll up until you find a line saying ["NXFav"] = {. Be aware that there are more than one ["NXFav"] lines in the file. You want the one above and nearest to the ["Name"] = "Dummy Favourite To Be Deleted", line. Make a mental note of how many tabs are used to indent it.

Scroll down from ["NXFav"] = { until your reach the first }, that is indented the same number of tabs as the line containing ["NXFav"] = { . Just above this there should be a line saying ["Version"] = x.xx,. Above that line will be one that reads }, --[x]. Move your cursor to the end of the }, --[x]

Press the Return key (see illustration below).


        ["NXFav"] = {
                        first favourite
                }, -- [1]
                        second favourite
                }, -- [2]
                        ["Name"] = "Dummy Favourite To Be Deleted",
                }, -- [3]
                ["Version"] = x.xx,

Paste the favourite text you're importing at this point.

Finally, change the trailing }, --[x] so that the comment contains the correct number in sequence (although this shouldn't really matter in theory).

So we end up with something like this:

        ["NXFav"] = {
                        first favourite
                }, -- [1]
                        second favourite
                }, -- [2]
                        ["Name"] = "Dummy Favourite To Be Deleted",
                }, -- [3]

                        Pasted favourite
                }, -- [4]

                ["Version"] = x.xx,

Start WoW. Open Carbonite Favorites. Right click the "Dummy Favourite To Be Deleted" entry and delete it.

You can then right click your imported favourite to copy and paste it to an existing folder or use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to organise it.

Disclaimer: You follow the above steps entirely at your own risk. If you break your Carbonite data then restore the backup you created.

aera 05-27-09 11:49 AM

Thanks for the reply. I was looking at the WTF file as well and also thought that it must be possible to simply edit it. That's a nice immediate way to share favorites with friends.

I guess mid-term, a small utility would be nice to ensure that the file is not corrupted. Let's see if Santa brings something nice this year.

MisterPuk 06-26-09 06:37 PM

It would be nice to be able to plot a route through input of coordinates rather than this. It just seems overly cumbersome.

Unbelievable 07-16-09 10:21 AM

It's not cumbersome really. The tutorial shows how to add accurate waypoints, hence the zoom in while standing at the desired location steps.

However, there is nothing to stop you adding rough and ready waypoints without visiting the location. It helps to right-click the Carbonite map and stop it following you while you set up the various waypoints. Then just move the mouse to desired location, using the coordinates display as a guide, adding each waypoint once the mouse is in roughly the right spot. Once you get going this is a rapid process.

By way of example, when I added the midsummer event npc and fire locations to my Favorites, I started by using rough and ready coordinates gleaned from various forum posts. As my main character visited each location I refined the waypoint positions. This meant that on subsequent alt runs I didn't have to spend any time compensating for inaccuracies in the forums coordinates / location descriptions.

That said, I do agree that it would be handy if you could directly add / edit coordinates directly into the Favorites window - but definitely in addition to the current point and click method. :)

Jigain 07-17-09 08:21 AM

Can't you do that by using the existing goto command prompts?

I mean, press the Record button, then type in the chat window (example)

/carb goto zangarmarsh 90.53,12.3
/carb goto shattrath 33,20
/carb goto hellfire peninsula 56.7,38

Won't that work?

Unbelievable 07-27-09 11:12 AM

Dunno.. I've never tried to edit Favorites that way, but it's definitely worth a try. :)

Could probably use Prat's alias module to reduce the amount of typing too :cool:

Jigain 07-28-09 02:11 AM

Well, I'd probably just copy and paste "/carb goto".

CTRL+V is your friend! ;)

Coral 01-01-10 02:00 PM

Is it possible to get carbonite not to show quests for other classes?

IE If i'm on mage, can I turn off priest class quests?

rotath 03-23-10 03:37 AM

Player Trail ???
Is there a way to simply record ur player trail, say for farming routs and suck
a simple way at tht i would be nice to add my fav routes to it withou haveing to fool with waypoints ???

plzz email me respons to ty.

Unbelievable 03-28-10 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Coral (Post 172884)
Is it possible to get carbonite not to show quests for other classes?

IE If i'm on mage, can I turn off priest class quests?

Good question. I dunno the answer though.

You'd be better asking in Carbonite: General discussion as this topic is dedicated to the Carbonite Favorites (sic) feature, which is used for creating your very own waypoints. :)


Originally Posted by rotath (Post 182443)
Is there a way to simply record ur player trail, say for farming routs and suck
a simple way at tht i would be nice to add my fav routes to it withou haveing to fool with waypoints ???

Not as far as I know.

It does sound like a useful idea, although I imagine the route would have to be captured at timed intervals, at points where you stop for more than a <set> time or when a player gathers ore/herbs, obtains a quest etc.

I'd recommend suggesting it as a new feature request in Carbonite: General Discussion. :)

Maeby 04-01-10 03:12 PM

I'm working on the insane title, and I would like to use Carbonite to search for Blood of Heroes at their spawn points in the Plaguelands.

I've been able to import the nodes for herb and mining locations and have loved using those to route a farming path, and I'm sure the same could be done with Blood of Heroes nodes.

I've looked up Blood of Heroes on wowhead, and someone has posted all the spawn points as well as instructions on how to import those into TomTom via the .lua file. How can I do the same for Carbonite using the list of lua-ready cords?

Unbelievable 04-14-10 07:52 AM

You could add them as a Favourite using /carb goto x,y but this would limit you to a set route between them.

What would make more sense is for the Carbonite team to add the option to gather Blood of Heroes using the same system employed for Herb/Ore gathering.

I'd suggest starting a new thread about it, as it's unlikely that Carbonite team members will look in this (tutorial) thread for new feature suggestions. :)

Garonne 02-01-11 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jigain (Post 147716)
Can't you do that by using the existing goto command prompts?

I mean, press the Record button, then type in the chat window (example)

/carb goto zangarmarsh 90.53,12.3
/carb goto shattrath 33,20
/carb goto hellfire peninsula 56.7,38

Won't that work?

Well... Yes and no... Sort of...

You can push the Record button and use "/carb goto" to enter the locations... Sadly they are recorded as "Target 1st" locations... So you can't chain them for routing.

Is there any way to use a short LUA Skript to record locations into the current (or any specific) Favorite?

I'm using NotesUNeed (AddOn) to store textual data, you can also use it to run LUA Skripts manually, so if you can add locations via LUA this would be the easiest way I think.

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