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Dumandruid 06-30-09 03:18 AM

Right click self cast
I'm trying NUI out and it looks good. The arrangement is compact but totally different from what i am accustomed to. This i will get used to, but i need the right click self cast functionality that Bar Tender offers. i have found no where in the documentation that it exists. Please tell me it is available and i am just not able to locate the switch to turn it on. This is a deal breaker for me. All the neat stuff NUI has (and there is a lot) is sadly offset by the omission of this 1 small feature. Any help you can give me with this would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance

Petrah 06-30-09 03:37 AM

I use this all the time, but it's a default setting in the game itself. Hit your Escape key, go to Interface>Combat and tick the box for "Auto Self Cast".

Dumandruid 06-30-09 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 145405)
I use this all the time, but it's a default setting in the game itself. Hit your Escape key, go to Interface>Combat and tick the box for "Auto Self Cast".

Thats not what i am looking to do. I want to be able to target a friendly and still cast a friendly spell on myself. what you describe only works if i have an unfriendly mob targeted. For instance if i am MT healing i want to be able to right click a heal on myself with out having to de-target the tank.

spiel2001 06-30-09 04:15 AM

nUI does not directly support that sort of feature at this time. However, you can use Clique with nUI to accomplish that goal and then some.

Miralen 06-30-09 10:53 AM

I would also like to see something like this but alas the only addon ive seen that has this is bartender and since I use nUI I don't use bartender anymore as I don't use all the buttons nUI has up as it is.

spiel2001 06-30-09 11:53 AM

The feature you're asking for requires using a different approach to action buttons than the way Blizzard's action buttons work which opens a whole new set of problems. You can work around it, as I already pointed out, but using Clique.

I do intend to do a lot more with nUI's action buttons, but it's going to take a while before I can get to it as there are more pressing issues.

Rhamses 06-30-09 01:22 PM

How many variations of the spells do you want to self cast?

Can you build in a macro for the select spells? I have my Bandage set up to heal target on left and heal me on right. Maybe something like that can be used as a work around


Dumandruid 06-30-09 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 145481)
The feature you're asking for requires using a different approach to action buttons than the way Blizzard's action buttons work which opens a whole new set of problems. You can work around it, as I already pointed out, but using Clique.

I do intend to do a lot more with nUI's action buttons, but it's going to take a while before I can get to it as there are more pressing issues.

I can't seem to get click to perform in this manner either, as it is in a nut shell just a gui approach to key bindings. So once right click is bound that is all it will do is that action. What I am looking for is to have any spell i am hovering over be sell cast if i right click it, just as if i left click it it is always cast on my target

Dumandruid 06-30-09 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rhamses (Post 145501)
How many variations of the spells do you want to self cast?

Can you build in a macro for the select spells? I have my Bandage set up to heal target on left and heal me on right. Maybe something like that can be used as a work around


LOL i suppose it would but i am no coder and am looking for the easy way out.. I guess all i am looking for is a left click cast on target right click cast on self macro. If any of you guys have such a mcro i could adapt to my heals that would certainly fix me up.

thanks in advance

Xrystal 06-30-09 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dumandruid (Post 145507)
LOL i suppose it would but i am no coder and am looking for the easy way out.. I guess all i am looking for is a left click cast on target right click cast on self macro. If any of you guys have such a mcro i could adapt to my heals that would certainly fix me up.

thanks in advance

And there I go logging out of wow for a few hours break to do other stuff. When I log back in I will post you some .. hmm actually might be able to get examples from a website I initially got them from.

Ah here we go.


/cast [button:2,target=player] <Spell To Cast> ; [button:1,target=target] <Spell To Cast>;
It should show you the icon for at least the first spell you want to cast if not you can add it at the end of the showtooltip line.
This will when you press right button (button:2) use you the player as the target for the spell. When you press the left button (button:1) use your target for the spell. And if that target is hostile it will heal you anyway if you have auto self cast switched on. Just replace <Spell To Cast> with the name of the spell you want to use.

Dumandruid 06-30-09 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 145512)
And there I go logging out of wow for a few hours break to do other stuff. When I log back in I will post you some .. hmm actually might be able to get examples from a website I initially got them from.

Ah here we go.

It should show you the icon for at least the first spell you want to cast if not you can add it at the end of the showtooltip line.
This will when you press right button (button:2) use you the player as the target for the spell. When you press the left button (button:1) use your target for the spell. And if that target is hostile it will heal you anyway if you have auto self cast switched on. Just replace <Spell To Cast> with the name of the spell you want to use.

Will try this... If i use the ? icon for the macro it will automatically use the icon for the spell in the macro correct?

neuralassassin 06-30-09 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dumandruid (Post 145513)
Will try this... If i use the ? icon for the macro it will automatically use the icon for the spell in the macro correct?

yes as long as you have the show tooltip line in there and use the ? button it will show whatever spell you program in

Dumandruid 06-30-09 08:23 PM

Maybe the syntax has changed with 3.1 cause that macro didn't work with any of the spells i plugged in.. Will go in search of a working macro.

noob mistake i replaced <spell name> with <rejuvenation>, instead of rejuvenation.....
works now. thanks for the advice.

Edit 2:
Macros works great BUT, you lose the timer functionality that NUI provides on the cast bar... theres gotta be a way to do this to get left and right click functionality and get timers.

spiel2001 07-01-09 06:24 AM

Once again... use Clique. :D

Dumandruid 07-01-09 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 145596)
Once again... use Clique. :D

I tried clique it won't do what i want it to do. It just manages key binds and i can only bind right click to 1 ability not to self cast what ever i am clicking on.

Xrystal 07-01-09 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dumandruid (Post 145550)
Maybe the syntax has changed with 3.1 cause that macro didn't work with any of the spells i plugged in.. Will go in search of a working macro.

noob mistake i replaced <spell name> with <rejuvenation>, instead of rejuvenation.....
works now. thanks for the advice.

Edit 2:
Macros works great BUT, you lose the timer functionality that NUI provides on the cast bar... theres gotta be a way to do this to get left and right click functionality and get timers.

Yeah unfortunately we lose the timers in this instance. The way I get around this is to have the spell I want to track on the bar as well so that I know regardless of whether I use the macro or the spell button itself there will be a counter available when I target someone with that buff or debuff on them.

Whilind 07-27-09 12:44 PM

I would also like to see this function
I love nUI now that I have gotten used to the layout, and have replaced a number of addons. One of those includes Bartended where I really depended on having right click self cast.

I appreciate the macro suggestion, but you have already identified the function break, which I have also grown to *love*.

Adding clique seems a step in the wrong direction, since part of the attraction to nUI is reducing addons, not adding new ones, which involves memory overhead, time to configure and learn, and possible addon conflicts (which I already suffer from, and have been long before I installed nUI)

I have one other "small" suggestion, but will start a new thread for that.

Again, I love nUI and really appreciate all the big picture thought, along with the quality detailed execution.


Telepavarion 08-01-09 07:46 AM

I really doesn't understand what you talk about.
If you wnat to cast a spell on yourself having someone in target using the ALT key on your keyboard and the spell. Equally if you clicking it by mouse or using the key from the actionbar.

Any other things:

Once again... use Clique.

Whilind 08-01-09 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Telepavarion (Post 150219)
I really doesn't understand what you talk about.
If you wnat to cast a spell on yourself having someone in target using the ALT key on your keyboard and the spell. Equally if you clicking it by mouse or using the key from the actionbar.

Any other things:

You don't understand what I am talking about as in you don't understand *what* I am asking for, or as in, you don't understand *why* I and others are asking for it?

What I am asking for is an unmodified ablity to right click to self cast.

As for Why:

First off, I like nUI quite a bit, and would like (and plan) to keep using it. It has a well laid out design, and uses less overhead then trying to build something like it using all sorts of other addons. As I mentioned, I have been able to reduce the number of addons and improve my system performance.

I am asking because in my experience during PvP and sometimes raiding it makes a significant difference for me to use one click versus having to find and press the alt key. That may seem silly, but I don't use the alt key that much, and I am on a laptop, so it just isn't in that convenient a location. I grew very used to being able to do this using bartender, even when I had macro's on the button, so long as I didn't designate a right click in my macro, it still just worked.

I am also asking because I like the functions that have been built into the button bar in nUI and wouldn't want to lose those. For example, knowing how long a heal over time spell has left on my target, right there on the button is a great function. I think that is very ingenious of Scott to create that for us!

As for the suggested solution, Clique. I would like to avoid adding Clique or another heavy weight addon. Clique adds a page to your spell book and offers much more functionality then I want or need. And as I mentioned in a previous post, it adds memory overhead and complexity. I only want to right click a button for self cast, not assign spells to buttons to cast on different units, etc etc, and whatever new fuctions clique may add in the future. It is not a solution that goes in the correct direction for the spirit of nUI from my perspective. nUI's design seems to me to be to consolidate and integrate to create one consistent environment, not a jump off point for adding more and more addons.

There *is* a simple addon to do right click and only right click, it is called RightWing, which uses less than 3% of the memory that clique does. But for whatever reason, it breaks under nUI. If similar code could be added to nUI or we could figure out why it is broken, that would be a great solution, since much of the programing work has been done.

Finally, I have taken the time to spell this out in great detail because I know I am not alone in asking for this. It has been requested in this thread and in other threads in the nUI suggestion forum a number of times, by a number of people. It is a built in function of bartender, and for all I know, other action bar replacement tools, for a reason. As I mentioned, there is RightWing, that has been downloaded about 7,000 times from Curse alone.

Not everyone uses this of course, nor do I think it is the most important thing for Scott to work on, that is for him and him alone to decide. But I do think it is worth understanding that it is important to thousands of peoples game play, not the stray request of one or two clueless individuals.

I hope that clarifies, and I do appreciate you asking and giving me an opportunity to explain to you and others that might wonder about where this is all coming from.


Xrystal 08-01-09 05:35 PM

Well, with Scott working on a new and improved version of nUI perhaps he will be able to implement and right click auto self cast option regardless of current target.

Phanx 08-01-09 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 145412)
you can use Clique with nUI to accomplish that goal and then some.

Erm, Clique allows you to add click-casting to unit frames. It has nothing to do with right-clicking action buttons, or self-casting.


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 145481)
The feature you're asking for requires using a different approach to action buttons than the way Blizzard's action buttons work

Not at all. The addon RightWing ( ) adds right-click self-casting to all Blizzard action buttons in a whopping 6 lines of code. If nUI doesn't create its own action buttons, RightWing should already work with it. If not, it should illustrate for the nUI authors quite clearly how easy it is to add this functionality to action buttons.

Equelibrium 04-12-10 06:06 PM

This thread has been dead for a while, but has there been any update on this issue? Couldn't find anything by playing with the ingame settings.

spiel2001 04-13-10 04:27 AM

I have no plan to modify the existing action bars for nUI5 for this issue. However, if it works in the default Blizz UI, it should work with nUI since it uses the same button type.

Equelibrium 04-15-10 08:36 AM

For now I can live with alt+click, but I do have tossed a few stray innervates ;)

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