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litesung 08-27-10 12:11 PM

Request: ShadowUI Minimalist
Details on the UI

Hello, I am a fan of minimalist UI's, and I came across these pictures from the WoW forums. Unfortunately, the user who posted the pictures has quit or is inactive, so I could not request this UI from them. I created an original thread above on the WoW forums for this UI, except I am having difficulty creating it with my lack of knowledge of WoW itself(I'm new to the game), and especially more lack of knowledge of how UI's work. Some users have posted tips and help on how I can create this UI, but I am still having extreme difficulty replicating it, and decided to come here to ask for professional advice.

Requested Screen Resolution:
1366x768 (This is the resolution I have on my laptop)

I was also wondering if the center box of the UI(in the pictures) could be lowered a little more. This is preferred however not necessary.
I can also provide details on which addons I use in my next post if needed.

P.S. Someone stated that the font used is found here.


litesung 08-27-10 12:28 PM

Addons I use
These are the addons I currently use. Since I am new, I do appreciate recommendations for other addons and/or replacements to existing ones that I am using. (Such as using GBoT[Bag of Tricks] instead of Minimalist)

I do use some of these ingame, and turn off most of them with the ACP(addon control panel) when I am not using them.

Name = Summary

_Corpse = Corpse status
ACP (Addon Control Panel) = Control Addons Ingame
Alt-Tab Toggle = Force game to fullscreen when certain events occur
ArkInventory = Organized (one-bag)
ArmoryQuickLink = Add "quicklink" when clicking name in chatbox
AutoLoot = Toggle Autoloot
BangAutoAmmo = [Hunter] Use certain ammo in certain situations
Bindings Reminder = Show keyboard on key bindings page
BuyEmAll = Buy items in bulk at vendors
CastingBarTimer = Timer on default castbar
cError = Removes spammed error messages
DBM (Deadly Boss Mods) = Must have for raiding
DDuel = Decline duel requests from non-guild/friends
Friend Color = Color friends names in friendlist
GBoT = Minimalist: auto-ressurect,repair,openall, etc.
GCD Sound Error Remover = Removes annoying spam spell sound
GFW Feedomatic = [Hunter] Feeds your pet
GunSilencer = Changes gunshot sound (Clientsided)
HideChatButton = Hide chat button in bottom left corner
ItemLinkMacro = Link items in Macro
Leatrix GFX = More options for gfx for older computers
Moniker = Rename RealID friends
Nauticus = Zeppelin & Boat info
oGlow = Items have color glow
Omen = Threat meter
Outfitter = Special outfits in different situations
Postal = Adds "OpenAll" in mailbox
RatingBuster = Ratings on items
Recipe Radar = Shows recipe locations
Recount = Improve rotations
sct (Scrolling Combat Text) = Info in combat text
ShutUp = Block all whispers
SimplePercent = Percent HP next to character frame
TinyPad = Notepad
Titan Panel = Information Panel
TomTom = Waypoints
VisualHeal = [Healers] Shows healing done
WhereToNow = Suggestions for where to be at x level
xcalc = In-game Calculator

Haleth 08-27-10 02:56 PM

To be honest I think you're best off using oUF to try and recreate the unitframes, although that might take a while of learning.

To replace addons, here's a few:

ArkInventory -> Stuffing
CastingBarTimer -> You can do this in oUF
Friend Color -> yClassColor (applies to more frames, it's neat)
Omen -> sThreatMeter2 (do a google search for this)
Outfitter -> Default blizzard equipment manager? Works fine for me.
RatingBuster -> Do you need this? Personal preference ofc.
Recount -> TinyDPS, but if you use it for a detailed spell breakdown then stick with Recount.
SimplePercent -> You can do this in oUF
TinyPad -> Try using the default Windows/Mac notepad
Titan Panel -> LynStats
VisualHeal -> oUF_HealComm
WhereToNow -> Ask friends! :p
xcalc -> Use the default computer calc

Generally you really have a lot of addons. If you like minimalism, then you should always ask yourself "Do I really need this? Is it really bothersome if I don't have this?" Only if the answer is yes to those questions, get it, otherwise don't. Less is more. :)

Hope I helped a little.

ravagernl 08-27-10 06:58 PM

xcalc: /dump 5 * 6, /dump 8 / 16 etc. No need for a calculator :)

OT: I'd really try find the graphic textures before remaking this ui :)

MidgetMage55 08-27-10 09:58 PM

The originals should be lurking in a media pack somewhere on this site. If not I can try and get a hold of the original artist as I have copies kicking around.


In fact take a peek in this DL and look in the folder for Gideon's shadow files.

The art in the above UI are modified bits of shadow ui.

litesung 10-03-10 08:50 PM

Alright, I tried and failed... and I still couldn't do it. The truth is even more clear that I do not know what I am doing at all. I have no experience with making my own UI... so I think I will resort to asking once again, can someone make this UI for me?

Coote 10-03-10 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by litesung (Post 208012)
Alright, I tried and failed... and I still couldn't do it. The truth is even more clear that I do not know what I am doing at all.

What part has you stumped? If it's importing the panels into KGPanels, that's one of the easiest steps.

The more difficult part would be the unit frames, but there's a UI laying around that uses a similar setup made with oUF. All you'd really need to do is modify the scale of them frames to get the look you want.

Other than that, it's just picking, and placing whatever square minimap addon you prefer, whatever button mod you prefer, as well as chat to get a similar overall effect.

If you insist, I might help you, but I will not completely build it for you. The best way to learn is to do some of the work yourself, and the knowledge gained is definitely worth it. This comes from personal experience. ;)

litesung 10-03-10 11:16 PM

Actually, I'm having trouble with even starting. I am new to WoW, and am also new to coding(no experience whatsoever), and I especially don't know enough about any addons that can assist me in setting up everything.

The whole time I've been playing around with the RealUI settings trying to mimic some of the settings to produce this, but I am completely lost.

Help would be very much appreciated :)

I want to start from scratch, rather than playing with the RealUI settings... so I think that would be my first step >.< haha...

Hopefully if I ever complete this, I can release it into the public for others to enjoy.

If it's possible, I'd like to make this before I actually begin playing WoW (was planning on purchasing game time today, but your offer has inspired me to wait until I finish this project before officially playing WoW again)


MidgetMage55 10-03-10 11:36 PM

Well the issue here is you need a way to test layouts so you will need game time to do so.

That being said you can get your feet wet just working with existing addons for the general stuff. You don't have to start by coding anything. Use addons that in game configs to get started. Learn the ropes of layout and design and the quirks that come with it.

You can of course dive right in and go right for addons that use Lua configuration. It is entirely up to you. :D

Coote 10-04-10 12:01 AM

For the whole center, which is pretty much the one main thing that differentiates it from most UIs, that can be done in about 5 minutes with KGPanels, a minimap mod (there are several of these), and either Bartender/Dominos/any other bar mod. Most of the mods needed to pull this off have their own in-game configs that are fairly easy to work with. Aside from KGPanels, I'd recommend any of the necessary mods to a new player.

litesung 10-04-10 06:49 PM

Hi everyone, Okay so I finally got back home from school and I believe this weekend I should have time to buy some game time and then attempt making the UI. Although I also have a few questions... Currently I am using RealUI and for some odd reason, the "arcane shot" button keeps popping up in the center of my screen like this during random times. Here is a picture:

Also, I was wondering how to skin bars and other things... and if it were possible to edit some of the RealUI settings to provide the look of the above UI(Shadowui minimalist).

Dawn 10-04-10 08:20 PM

Don't get addicted to World of UIcraft before even playing the game.

There's plenty of time for this at max level. :p

Just play the game... :cool:

Btw, that Arcane shot icon pop'ing up is most likely some sort of cooldown tracker that tells you that you can use the ability again.

Coote 10-04-10 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by litesung (Post 208084)
Also, I was wondering how to skin bars and other things... and if it were possible to edit some of the RealUI settings to provide the look of the above UI(Shadowui minimalist).

As good as RealUI is, you won't be able to get a similar look as what you want using it. Your best bet is to start from scratch. The artwork was linked in a post above, and all that's required to load and set the frames up is KGPanels. Then, just pick up Bartender (or Dominos), and a square minimap addon, and you pretty much have it done. Finish off with a HUD of some sort for the unitframes.

So, grab the art, KGPanels, either Dominos, or Bartender, one of the map addons, and then oUF_FavHUD2. That should be what you need to get the UI rolling. Add in any wanted extras afterwards.

litesung 10-06-10 04:30 PM

I actually have no idea what that arcane cooldown timer is, and I am having trouble finding the addon that is associated with it... i will provide an addon list, and i was wondering if you guys could help me locate the addon associated with the buff-timer cooldown thing...

Ghost: Pulse
PitBull UnitFrames
Threat Plate Options
TidyPlates : Clean Plates Options

Anyways... I noticed that RealUI had it's own set of customizeable options, and I was wondering if anyone would help me create an addon to customize my UI options once I finished setting everything up.

I really like how RealUI has everything in it's location, so my goal when making the new UI, is to have it as similar to RealUI, such as the mini-map style(in center like in first post pictures), invisible hotkeys(the ones that fade but appear when in combat or when ctrl is pressed), the bottom + sign in the bottom right corner that provides some functions(i still don't know what it's for)...Basically, a similar UI to RealUI that performs similarily(same functions) to RealUI, except has a different interface(The one above in first post).

I was about to purchase a 60 day game time card but I decided to save it until this weekend. I'm still not sure if I should start playing WoW again(after almost 5 years break). But I'm not sure...(help me decide please x) )

litesung 10-06-10 06:11 PM

PS: Is there an addon that shows the location of your friends that are online on the minimap + world map?
Oh, and for some reason when I hover over items in chat for RealUI, I can't see the item stats, and I can't click on the item, or ctrl+click to view item on my character, how do I fix that?

I also don't really know how to use the files that I downloaded... I'm not sure how to attach them to WoW and how to upload them or edit them and whatnot.

Coote 10-07-10 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by litesung (Post 208300)
the buff-timer cooldown thing...

Ghost: Pulse

There ya go.


PS: Is there an addon that shows the location of your friends that are online on the minimap + world map?
Cartographer used to do this if your friend were also using it, I think. Unfortunately, Cartographer is pretty much dead these days.


I also don't really know how to use the files that I downloaded... I'm not sure how to attach them to WoW and how to upload them or edit them and whatnot.
Having trouble installing addons?
Importing KGPanels art.

Jigain 10-07-10 05:52 AM

Blizzard doesn't by default send out player positions, excluding raid and party members, so in order to see someone else's position you'll need to run an addon with that functionality, and your friend will need the same addon or a compatible one.

Carbonite can show the position of other Carbonite users, but beyond that and the aforementioned Cartographer, I don't know of any other addons that'll do it.

litesung 10-08-10 06:27 PM

Crap, I had a few questions this morning before I went to school, but now that I'm home and available to type them... I actually forgot them. ._.

Maybe I will remember later but when I do I will post them up ;o

But I do have one question right now... do you guys know the best Fraps-type recording software to record videos on computer? Paid programs are alright, since I do have the money for them... I want the best quality programs :) Do you guys recommend any?

My other questions... I'll edit or repost when I remember them >.<

Okay I remembered one question: When I'm on WoW, normally with the standard GUI, you can click on items in your chat list, and you can also ctrl+click to equip them right...? well I can't do that right now with RealUI, and for some reason I can't ctrl+click, or even click to view the stats of those items, or even mouse-hover over the items like in the standard GUI... is there a setting that was changed in chatter that I should look for? I ended up messing up my settings even more so I had to reinstall the RealUI.

Another remembered question: Is there an addon that auto-declines duels from certain people..? I think RealUI has a built-in junk seller and a built-in auto-repair and other things... but I'm looking for an addon that also does auto-decline duel, auto-accept group invite/party invite.. w.e., auto-accept ressurections, auto-ressurect(after dying)... stuff like that. almost like a minimalist addon, except it is customizeable and doesn't interfere much with RealUI... is there an addon like that?

Jigain 10-09-10 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by litesung (Post 208523)
Another remembered question: Is there an addon that auto-declines duels from certain people..? I think RealUI has a built-in junk seller and a built-in auto-repair and other things... but I'm looking for an addon that also does auto-decline duel, auto-accept group invite/party invite.. w.e., auto-accept ressurections, auto-ressurect(after dying)... stuff like that. almost like a minimalist addon, except it is customizeable and doesn't interfere much with RealUI... is there an addon like that?

The one I use is called simply AutoDecline. It can automatically decline duels, guild charter signature requests, guild invites, and party invites, with options to allow friends, guildies and the last five people you whispered to to invite you. It doesn't auto-accept anything though.

Word of warning, it hasn't been updated for well over a year, and while it still works I do believe it won't be continued into Cataclysm.

litesung 10-10-10 03:38 PM

Auto-Decline? What about "minimalist" I heard it was a good auto-accept addon but I know it hasn't been updated in such a long time.

PS does anyone know a good recording software like fraps?

OH YEAH and for some reason, when I mouse-over items in chat box, I don't see their details or anything. I'm using Chatter.. and the addons listed above. Is there a way to fix it? I used to be able to ctrl+click them too but apparently I cannot interact with items linkd in the chat box. How do I fix that?

Nobgul 10-11-10 08:00 AM

click on the general tab and click make interactive.

litesung 10-12-10 10:54 PM

Awesome! Thank's for explaining :) I'd like to try it out on the new RealUI though :(

Anyways... I also noticed two more problems.

Whenever I log on, it doesn't save my option for choosing "Auto-Loot" on the interface tab... I want to log out and have it stay on auto-loot but everytime i log off it resets to untick itself.

Also, wait nvm.. I just forgot that second thing that was on my mind... I'll edit when I remember >.<

Oh yeah, okay... so whenever I talk in /party or /guild or something, it always tends to go back to /say... I was wondering how I could make it stay in /party or /guild? I used chatter's addon options to make the /party stay, but /guild and some others don't stay when I talk. They go back to /say after I have said what I needed to in /guild or whatever.

litesung 10-26-10 06:07 PM

New UI Help
Alright, so I finally got Game Time and started playing on my new account.

Unfortunately, I am having trouble with NPC names, they are still hovering above the creatures in the game like in this picture, is there a way I can turn that off? I have tried looking under "NPC Names", and it is "off" set to "Display None" and stuff, but has no effect. I also checked all my addons and am unsure if any of them are associated with this.

Can anyone shed some light in my scenario?

Here is the picture

Taryble 10-26-10 07:45 PM

litesung, it's a new "feature" in WoW - if an NPC is involved with a quest that you have, their name is above their head, no matter what the settings are in the "Names" section.

Jigain 10-27-10 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Taryble (Post 214431)
litesung, it's a new "feature" in WoW - if an NPC is involved with a quest that you have, their name is above their head, no matter what the settings are in the "Names" section.

True. And 'tis darn annoying, is what it is!

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