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Rythal 10-01-12 11:52 AM

Current Plans For Carbonite
Here is my current plans for the code, in order of priority.

Immediate - 1) Update 5.041 GPL with my 5.05 changes.

1) Separate purely the maps into it's own addon "Carbonite Maps" to be the base starting point of all future
2) Change Carbonite Maps to Use AceDB w/ Profiles, and AceOptions
3) Change Carbonite Maps to Use AceLocale, update every part of the maps to be locale friendly.
4) Celebrate cuz were on our way with a modular Carbonite.

1) Convert all the quests to plain english from the bytecode
2) Make it easier to add/remove/fix quests, converting it to plain english will make it huge ... possibly larger
then the original carbonite we got (35000 quests, 4-5 lines each quest...) maybe split them up in a
subfolder by zone? continent? patch level?
3) get the new quests added
4) Celebrate, cuz this is the test of modularization to it's fullest... we get to this point the rest is smooth sailing.

Petrah 10-01-12 01:09 PM

There was only one other time that I was this excited about Carbonite, and that was when I made my first subscription payment way back when.

This is so totally awesome... thanks for all the work you're putting forth into this!!

schizophrena 10-01-12 03:05 PM

Just a quick question about modularization, from a non-programmers viewpoint.

Will the combined parts have a much larger footprint because it is modularized?

I use a lot of the features of Carbonite; Map, BG, Punks (a little), Warehouse (especially for professions) and node routing (please tell me this is staying and how we can contribute when you're ready). I'm not sure if there is more that I'm not thinking of, but I'm glad to see the options are also (eventually) going to be re-hauled as that has been a long time gripe with Carbonite.

Thanks again for spearheading this large project!

Rythal 10-01-12 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrena (Post 265579)
Just a quick question about modularization, from a non-programmers viewpoint.

Will the combined parts have a much larger footprint because it is modularized?

I use a lot of the features of Carbonite; Map, BG, Punks (a little), Warehouse (especially for professions) and node routing (please tell me this is staying and how we can contribute when you're ready). I'm not sure if there is more that I'm not thinking of, but I'm glad to see the options are also (eventually) going to be re-hauled as that has been a long time gripe with Carbonite.

Thanks again for spearheading this large project!

In theory, if you have everything enabled it should be the same size.

mcaran 10-01-12 07:06 PM

Hi Hythal,

Why not use any well know database addon to supply the data for quests and gathering ?
Many of them can be accessed through Ace methods. I guess you could take out this heavy work thatīs already been done by other developers. Such approach should save your time to work in the addon code itself.

Also I am working on a Carbonite punk like addon for PVP, BG and PVP servers to learn some of the WOW API concepts. I use ACE as well.

If you want help on, just ping me. I never did any WOW addon but I have knowledge on C++ programming and I did couple 3D engines in the past for learning purposes.

arilen 10-01-12 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 265566)
1) Separate purely the maps into it's own addon "Carbonite Maps" to be the base starting point of all future

OMG, I think i just pee'd a little.

I Have always wished that I could just get the map by it self ,
I use other addons for all most everything else,
but no other map addon even comes close.
I am a addon addict, I constantly change my ui,
and carbonite was ALWAYS the first addon I would install.
I tryed to use the stock map when mop came out but I was lost in game without it.

I rarely ever post on forums ,but I had to just come here and say

Bless you Rythal.

I hope you get everything you want for Christmas and more.


linneon 10-01-12 07:33 PM

Carbonite on Curse
You have no idea how glad I am that the authors released their work and you have taken it upon yourself to keep it alive!

One question I had was will you be releasing updates on for those of use that use Curse client it would make it much easier?

Thanks again!

myrroddin 10-01-12 08:10 PM

[Suggestion] Warehouse improvement
Rythal, I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for suggestions, but I don't see a better one, and so here it is. Since you plan on use Ace3 to build the locales, options, etc, that allows LibStub and CallbackHandler. Taking it a step further, you could improve the Warehouse with syncing. To that end, would LibGuildBankComm be of use to you? The API is easy and straightforward, the lib is secure, and only concerns itself with the guild bank. It also does most of the heavy lifting for you.

Meganbtoo 10-02-12 01:38 AM

Rythal, you are my hero. I have been using other addons until I saw you have officially taken over. Thank you so much for all your work, and looking forward to questing in MoP again :D

Adraste 10-02-12 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by linneon (Post 265604)
You have no idea how glad I am that the authors released their work and you have taken it upon yourself to keep it alive!

One question I had was will you be releasing updates on for those of use that use Curse client it would make it much easier?

Thanks again!

First of all, congratulations to Rythal for saving this huge addon, and to the original authors for GPLing it (that should be a verb ! ). That's a lot of courage from both sides here.

I've been one of the silent users of Carbonite that relied on it for so long, and I always found painful to update it. Would it be possible to release it on Curse ? I'm sure such an event would make it even more popular.

Qin 10-02-12 03:13 AM

Rythal & Team;

Know your busy busting arses and shaking down code.....

When it comes time for distribution of Carbonite (New & Improved), are you going to
only distribute from WowInterface? Will you consider using Curse as well once it's a
finished product?

Also, regarding Curse, will contact with them be established to update the data they
hold for Curse regarding Authorhood and POC's (Points of Contact) for the older version
they are hosting there?

I believe that Curse still is offering 4.03 and not the last one the Originators put out here.

Just trying to help nail down all the loose and flapping ends of the puzzle.

Keep up the good work,

Lythlynia 10-02-12 05:59 AM

About Time!!
Congratulations!! Rythal. Gladto see we are all in great hands. :D :D

Khalipso 10-02-12 06:53 AM

thank you!
i registered for wow interface just to be able to say thanks! i've been waiting for carbonite to be updated, and have always secretly hoped for a moddable carbonite for ages. so this is like a bonus bonus for me! :D

thank you thank you thank you!! :banana:

coyot 10-02-12 07:10 AM

Rythal, do not forget about RU realms, hopefully support and performance will be the same as before. Thank you!

jeffy162 10-02-12 08:21 AM

Rythal, are you going to need user submitted data to help you with the quest and gathering data bases?

If so, please let us know how we can get it to you.

Rythal 10-02-12 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 265666)
Rythal, are you going to need user submitted data to help you with the quest and gathering data bases?

If so, please let us know how we can get it to you.

Eventually, but not yet. If the saved variables are anything like the rest it's using bytecode (tho I haven't looked into it fully to know) and one thing I'm trying to avoid is having any bytecode anymore. Most likely i'll go the way most addons seem and just simple math so it's readable but still just one variable. X * 10000 + Y * 10 (so 67.4, 23.3 would show as 674233)

Shulkman 10-02-12 09:35 AM

Thank you Rythal
I have been using Carbonite for a long time... beginning of Wrath I believe. For you to jump up and do the work to get it functioning for 5.0.4 was a great thing. To the authors of old, thank you for all of your work over the years, and for releasing that work under the GPL so that it could continue to give happiness to the masses. Rythal, you have a heck of a job ahead of you, but I'm sure that we all will be very patient while you do your work.

aric420 10-02-12 10:27 AM

help cant get carbonite to work!
Sorry dont know if im in the right forum or not this is my first time ever posting. I have downloaded carbonite and reinstalled carbonite several times. I have turned off all other addons and tried deleting mw wtf folder. No matter what I do I cant get carbonite working and everything i have read here recently says that it is working somewhat. I have been lost without carbonite since MoP! please help! By the way thank you rythal for picking this back up and keeping it alive WoW isnt the same without carbonite :(

arilen 10-02-12 10:43 AM

go to look at the top, click on carbonite fan update download.
Unzip the file in your wow/interface/addon folder, it will ask you if you want to overwrite the file , say yes, should work now

Rythal 10-02-12 11:56 AM

you don't need to get it from my site anymore, the latest version is here on WoWUI and should be installable like the old.

Muezick 10-03-12 12:35 AM

So now where do donations go to?

seepakseng 10-03-12 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Muezick (Post 265751)
So now where do donations go to?

Yeah, where do we donate to help out?

Lythlynia 10-03-12 03:29 AM

Big Black Circle!!
Howdy Rythal,
Thank you is my first message, second is I am still getting the Big Dreaded Circle where my mini-map (merged map and Detail map) used to be. If im in Ironforge or in the Mist maps I cant see anything but my tracking icons. Is there a fix soon?

Patiently waiting ;)

Petrah 10-03-12 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lythlynia (Post 265760)
Howdy Rythal,
Thank you is my first message, second is I am still getting the Big Dreaded Circle where my mini-map (merged map and Detail map) used to be. If im in Ironforge or in the Mist maps I cant see anything but my tracking icons. Is there a fix soon?

Patiently waiting ;)

Not sure if your dreaded big circle is the same one I was having, but mine was caused by Blood Shield Tracker. Not sure why it was causing it, but once I disabled BST the big circle disappeared from my minimap.

Rythal 10-03-12 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Lythlynia (Post 265760)
Howdy Rythal,
Thank you is my first message, second is I am still getting the Big Dreaded Circle where my mini-map (merged map and Detail map) used to be. If im in Ironforge or in the Mist maps I cant see anything but my tracking icons. Is there a fix soon?

Patiently waiting ;)

There is no fix, and won't ever be a fix, it's a blizzard bug with transparencies... you have 2 options to deal with it, 1) in those zones right click the map, Select Minimap, then change it's transparency to either 1 or 0 and that will stop it going black.

The other option is to go into Options, and under Map Minimap there is 2 options one called Minimap docks in known bugged zones, and Minimap toggles full size in known bugged zones... using those you can have the minimap tuck itself in the corner or become the full map if carbonite knows it would turn black.

patrick51 10-03-12 11:01 AM

modular why?

Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 265566)
Here is my current plans for the code, in order of priority.

Immediate - 1) Update 5.041 GPL with my 5.05 changes.

1) Separate purely the maps into it's own addon "Carbonite Maps" to be the base starting point of all future
2) Change Carbonite Maps to Use AceDB w/ Profiles, and AceOptions
3) Change Carbonite Maps to Use AceLocale, update every part of the maps to be locale friendly.
4) Celebrate cuz were on our way with a modular Carbonite.

1) Convert all the quests to plain english from the bytecode
2) Make it easier to add/remove/fix quests, converting it to plain english will make it huge ... possibly larger
then the original carbonite we got (35000 quests, 4-5 lines each quest...) maybe split them up in a
subfolder by zone? continent? patch level?
3) get the new quests added
4) Celebrate, cuz this is the test of modularization to it's fullest... we get to this point the rest is smooth sailing.

why would you want to break it up? That just creates more add-ons that have to be able to interact with each other any change to one part is going to make problems with the other parts. For example if the map is separate then the questing part has to talk to the map part to show data. If its made in pieces its no better then the 20+ other add-ons that you have to down load a questing add-on then a map add-on etc.

And yes if you separate it is going to have a bigger foot print then it does now. You will have redundant code in each module.

Zarggg 10-03-12 11:06 AM

No, it doesn't create "more addons". It splits the functionality of this addon into multiple modules that can can be activated or deactivated independently. The Maps module will merely be the base that the other modules depend on. It will not create problems or greatly increase the overhead.

U.E. Admiral 10-03-12 11:20 AM

I'm pleased to hear that Carbonite will continue to be updated, and especially happy to hear that there will be an attempt to modularize it--particularly the map!

My oh-so-very selfish, self-important, and ignorant request, however, is a timeline. Especially recently, we get a patch and Carbonite is one of the last addons (that I use, anyway) to be updated--granted this was prior management. Each time, I go looking around for information on when I can expect it to be ready, but don't find a clear cut, simple "try back in X number of days/weeks."

On a semi-related note, I always went to for my update. It seems that place is still saying 5.041 when current is 5.051. I suspect that is again prior management and the transition is still taking place. Will you be taking over that site, or creating a new one, or what?

schizophrena 10-03-12 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by U.E. Admiral (Post 265788)
My oh-so-very selfish, self-important, and ignorant request, however, is a timeline.

I'm pretty selfish about my requests too, but lets not worry about a timeline until Rythal has figured out a bunch of the code and worked on it. That in itself will still take some time. We don't want to scare him away already!

Rythal 10-03-12 10:20 PM

yeah... it's taking time just to get the GPL caught up... a lot longer then I expected it to

It's over and done with now that we have the original source code, but if anyone ever needed proof they were obfuscating the code this was it.

I can't even do searches for variable names because what I was working with were variable names like Map.MaI with subs Na, FNam, X,Y,Min1,Max1 ... now it's Map.MapInfo with subs Name, FileName, X, Y, Min, Max as it should of been all along, but it means tracking down everything is taking longer then making the changes themselves.

tinyu 10-04-12 12:32 AM

and once that's all sorted and you know whats what and whos who life will become that much easier and carbonite will be that much better :D

Subzero7 10-04-12 10:30 AM

Hey Rythal, thank you for keeping Carbonite alive. Really appreciate what you're doing. I just wanted to suggest (request) that you make Carbonite available for updates via Wowmatrix if possible. Mind you, I'll jump through whatever hoops necessary to get it, but Wowmartix is a nice one-stop-shopping area for many of the best addons.

Again, thanks for everything.

Katareena 10-04-12 10:37 AM

Adding my request to others. Where/how can we donate to help you keep going? This community is a large, strong and very dedicated one. We want to help!

Dridzt 10-04-12 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Subzero7 (Post 265869)
Hey Rythal, thank you for keeping Carbonite alive. Really appreciate what you're doing. I just wanted to suggest (request) that you make Carbonite available for updates via Wowmatrix if possible. Mind you, I'll jump through whatever hoops necessary to get it, but Wowmartix is a nice one-stop-shopping area for many of the best addons.

Again, thanks for everything.

That's a sure-fire way to get it UN-hosted from this site and probably Curse as well.
Uploading UIs sticky

sgtevmckay 10-04-12 12:37 PM

Thanks once again Rythal.
More Donation when my wife and I can afford friend.
Any testing or information assistance you may need, do not hesitate to ask.

The Sarge

sgtevmckay 10-04-12 12:43 PM

Regarding Donations to Rythal !!!
Ok Folks, If you are interested in donating to Rythal.
You can go here:
Unless Rythal advises otherwise

The donation button is on the lower right hand side. below all the twitter tidbits.

myrroddin 10-04-12 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dridzt (Post 265876)
That's a sure-fire way to get it UN-hosted from this site and probably Curse as well.
Uploading UIs sticky

WowMatrix = death. As a Curse moderator, I can confirm Dridzt's guess. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY should be using WowMatrix, unless they enjoy viruses, being shunned from the addon community, hate addons and addon authors, and you are generally referred to as your other name: The Devil.

Curse and WowInterface, a few years ago, kicked WM to the curb for all the horrid things they were doing, and rightfully so. If you are using the program, then let me be blunt -- you are incredibly stupid.

mjumnito 10-04-12 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by myrroddin (Post 265881)
WowMatrix = death. As a Curse moderator, I can confirm Dridzt's guess. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY should be using WowMatrix, unless they enjoy viruses, being shunned from the addon community, hate addons and addon authors, and you are generally referred to as your other name: The Devil.

Curse and WowInterface, a few years ago, kicked WM to the curb for all the horrid things they were doing, and rightfully so. If you are using the program, then let me be blunt -- you are incredibly stupid.

while I agree with everything you said here. I would like to point out that sometimes incredibly stupid does not always = incredibly stupid. In rare cases incredibly stupid just means they are not up to speed (educated) on what they did, they being WM.

Rythal 10-04-12 01:18 PM

I removed the donation link from I really do appreciate people wanting to donate, and I hope you still do in the future, but until I get the GPL version finished and uploaded I feel extremely guilty having donations sent to me for nothing during a feature freeze. Even if it's towards what i've done already / against the hopes of the future.

I've tried to stay quiet on it, while I thought over it last night since coming to the full realization of it... and a lot of it has to do with my own personal morals, reguardless what anyone else says.. at this time that the carbonite code I was working on, and was the basis of my updates broke blizzards terms. I won't remove it for download because I don't know how long until I get the new one finished, but I won't accept donations against it.

And for those asking about curse all the time, it's the same reason curse has not been updated yet ... I don't want to submit a patch to them I know breaks the terms, The carbonite team might of had permission ... but I never had that permission.

lerb 10-04-12 03:49 PM

I just wanted to drop by and say that you seem like a generally awesome guy Rythal. Good work so far and good luck creating whatever Carbonite will end up being :)

beastnh 10-04-12 06:52 PM

I love this addon and if it is needed to help carry on the work I would takeover payments on the domain name and or webhosting for the main website and still integrate it with WoW Interface.

sideband 10-04-12 07:04 PM

About the "glow" effect...
Would it be possbile, since "glow" is giving so much trouble, to change the color of the "pip" gather nodes are from yellow to orange? It'd really help us hunters who are also gatherers out to be able to tell the difference between "neutral" NPCs/critters and gather nodes.

amkosh 10-04-12 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by patrick51 (Post 265785)
why would you want to break it up? That just creates more add-ons that have to be able to interact with each other any change to one part is going to make problems with the other parts. For example if the map is separate then the questing part has to talk to the map part to show data. If its made in pieces its no better then the 20+ other add-ons that you have to down load a questing add-on then a map add-on etc.

And yes if you separate it is going to have a bigger foot print then it does now. You will have redundant code in each module.

The problem with a monolithic design like carbonite lies in maintenance of the software. One of the reasons why Carbonite has lagged, and in my experience, it always lags in expansions, at least it did in cata as well, is that it is so big, it naturally takes time to get it fixed and ready. Maybe maps was ready PDQ, but it has to wait for quests, and wharehouse, and punks, etc.

Will it have a bigger foot print? maybe. And it won't likely be much of a different user experience. Take Trade Skill Master for example, Sapu broke it up into multiple mods and he does well with it, so there's little reason to fear having carbonite separated out.

Khalipso 10-05-12 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by sideband (Post 265905)
Would it be possbile, since "glow" is giving so much trouble, to change the color of the "pip" gather nodes are from yellow to orange? It'd really help us hunters who are also gatherers out to be able to tell the difference between "neutral" NPCs/critters and gather nodes.

as a hunter, i'd support this as well. the "glow" never appealed to me much tbh.

Rythal 10-05-12 08:25 AM

Unfortunately there is no way to split the two, all the icons you see on the minimap come out of a single graphic file, the way glow worked was flipping between 2 files, one with the icon brighter then the other. If I tried to change the colour, it would change it for all the nodes not just the one type.

sideband 10-05-12 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 265942)
Unfortunately there is no way to split the two, all the icons you see on the minimap come out of a single graphic file, the way glow worked was flipping between 2 files, one with the icon brighter then the other. If I tried to change the colour, it would change it for all the nodes not just the one type.

How about overlaying the gather nodes with a different color pip, much like the flightmaster and mailbox overlays? Would that be do-able?

tinyu 10-05-12 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by sideband (Post 265976)
How about overlaying the gather nodes with a different color pip, much like the flightmaster and mailbox overlays? Would that be do-able?

I believe he would have to manually do that for every single gather node in the entire game, no small feat, if it's even possible at all.

jbennettsr 10-05-12 10:32 PM

Thanks for taking this project over,been my favorite add-on since i knew what an add-on was.

kaerwyn-k 10-05-12 11:56 PM

I have a question and I was not able to find an answer reading through this thread. I have install Rythal's newest release of Carbonite (thank you for that, by the way). I have enabled track herbs, on both the WoW minimap and the show herb locations on the carbonite section of the map, and yet the places where nodes used to show up on Carbonite's map are no longer showing. Is this feature gone, or is there a way I do not know about to enable them? (Importing carbonite nodes via the guide section in the options just says none can be found).


Subzero7 10-06-12 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dridzt (Post 265876)
That's a sure-fire way to get it UN-hosted from this site and probably Curse as well.
Uploading UIs sticky

Ok, I read the link you shared, and the writer says "don't use WoWmatrix in the first place," but doesn't say why. So the question is, why shouldn't this (or any other) "add-on" be "shared" by WoWmatrix. Just curious.

Cairenn 10-06-12 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Subzero7 (Post 266043)
Ok, I read the link you shared, and the writer says "don't use WoWmatrix in the first place," but doesn't say why. So the question is, why shouldn't this (or any other) "add-on" be "shared" by WoWmatrix. Just curious.

This one does.

jeffy162 10-06-12 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by kaerwyn-k (Post 266028)
I have a question and I was not able to find an answer reading through this thread. I have install Rythal's newest release of Carbonite (thank you for that, by the way). I have enabled track herbs, on both the WoW minimap and the show herb locations on the carbonite section of the map, and yet the places where nodes used to show up on Carbonite's map are no longer showing. Is this feature gone, or is there a way I do not know about to enable them? (Importing carbonite nodes via the guide section in the options just says none can be found).


Two things: One is that you might not be in an area where Carbonite even HAS any nodes to import (like the new Pandaren starting area, although that shouldn't stop the nodes import). The other is what follows.

Please make sure your installation of Carbonite is up-to-date. The latest version of Carbonite is available HERE. Please, be aware that the latest release contains ONLY the main Carbonite folder. If you either deleted your entire Carbonite installation (that would be the four folders: Carbonite, CarboniteItems, CarboniteNodes, CarboniteTransfer) before updating, or you have a new installation of Carbonite using the latest Carbonite download (which doesn't contain the other folders), that's why it can't find the nodes to import.


On the Carbonite information page here on WoWI (the one you get to from the link I posted) go to the "Other Filer" tab, and download / install the "5.041" version under the "Archived Files (21)" subheading. It's the first one (currently) under that heading. Then you can go to your "Interface\AddOns" folder, delete ONLY the main Carbonite folder, then install the latest release from the Carbonite information page here on WoWI.

That should get you your nodes back to import. I know I imported the nodes on a new character the other day, and had no problems doing it, so this was all I could think might be wrong.

EDIT: The latest download for Carbonite (5.052) contains all of the folders again. So, please disregard this post. Sorry./EDIT

Subzero7 10-07-12 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 266072)
This one does.

Thanks Cairenn. I went and read it, now I understand. It's too bad that Wowmatrix is that way. :banana:

Cairenn 10-07-12 12:18 PM

Yup. Drives us crazy when we find people doing things like that. They aren't the first and unfortunately they won't be the last. =/

moondoggy 10-09-12 11:56 AM

quick question>will carbonite maps addon contain punk detection? please say yes!

Rythal 10-09-12 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by moondoggy (Post 266338)
quick question>will carbonite maps addon contain punk detection? please say yes!

that won't be in Carbonite Maps... that would be under Carbonite PVP (or some name like that)

Carbonite Maps will be the maps, and anything dealing with maps alone.

mcaran 10-09-12 12:51 PM

Regarding the bytecode in mapPois and Quests, its a simple munge format.
There are couple functions in the carbonite code that encryt and decrypt that tables.

Check the function function Nx.Quest:Init(). It would not be hard to create a lua function to read, decrypt and save the result in a plain text file.

Another info. You can extract all POIs from the wow client file AreaPOI.dbc.

Tondef 10-09-12 05:46 PM

Thank you for taking on the project.
I look forward to seeing the code broken apart and being able to use just what I need.
Please let us know when you are accepting donations. :banana:

Simulo 10-11-12 10:21 AM

Will you please, for the love of god, make all the maps use the same container. I hated having to re-locate each BG Map in addition to the World Map.

For tips:

I would separate out all the components of Carbonite:
-Quest Tracking
-Achievement Tracking
-Punk Watcher
-and any other's that I missed

This way you can release each section and we don't have to wait around for the whole thing to be done. Plus, when Blizzard breaks something you do have to pour through the entire LUA file, just the LUA of the section that's broken.

Did that for my website, each page was a separate flash file, with the main site loading the other pages into it. So, if I needed to change something I only had to upload a small file (~200KB) instead of the whole 10MB site.

schizophrena 10-11-12 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Simulo (Post 266520)
Will you please, for the love of god, make all the maps use the same container. I hated having to re-locate each BG Map in addition to the World Map.

Having each battleground contain it's own map size/location is very important to me when I deal with each and every battleground. AV for me is long and thing and in a different location than the other BG's.

For Simulo, once you have done this once for your character, use the warehouse function to import that characters map locations/sizes to the other characters. This is what I do with all 10 of my toons.

Thank you,

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