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Ketho 08-24-17 02:39 PM

Apology to Mortimerlol
Hey Mortimerlol, I'll keep this short and simple since your native language is Spanish. I want to sincerely apologize for what I've said about your addon if that offended you.

The reason I said that offending remark is because I don't like the way you posted/spammed a lot of threads, in broken English. They were very hard to understand. You were also ignorant when people criticize you for the source code of your addon Bang! Bang!.

Although I don't understand why you think I'm the one that upset you the most since I had said only a single sentence in that thread, while you have been swearing at me in Spanish and calling me slurs multiple times. But I admit I was annoying and unproductive.

I've been receiving a number of real life threats including doxxing from you on MMO-Champion, Curse, YouTube and email. Please stop harrassing me. If you do continue, I will take countermeasures. Again, I want to offer my apology.

Kkthnx 08-24-17 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Ketho (Post 324783)
Hey Mortimerlol, I'll keep this short and simple since your native language is Spanish. I want to sincerely apologize for what I've said about your addon if that offended you.

The reason I said that offending remark is because I don't like the way you posted/spammed a lot of threads, in broken English. They were very hard to understand. You were also ignorant when people criticize you for the source code of your addon Bang! Bang!.

Although I don't understand why you think I'm the one that upset you the most since I had said only a single sentence in that thread, while you have been swearing at me in Spanish and calling me slurs multiple times. But I admit I was annoying and unproductive.

I've been receiving a number of real life threats including doxxing from you on MMO-Champion, Curse, YouTube and email. Please stop harrassing me. If you do continue, I will take countermeasures. Again, I want to offer my apology.

Looking at his replies to you, I am just shaking my head. He totally went off over at MMOChamp. He is banned now though it seems over there. Though good for you standing up and doing what is right.

Banknorris 08-24-17 04:26 PM

Honestly, I think you owed him appologies. His code is indeed bad but maybe he is learning and was proud to release an addon that people all around the world could be using but then you showed up just to put him down. I am not surprised he doesn't like you very much.

Congrats on doing the right thing now, too bad the damage is alredy done and can't be undone.

Kkthnx 08-24-17 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Banknorris (Post 324786)
Honestly, I think you owed him appologies. His code is indeed bad but maybe he is learning and was proud to release an addon that people all around the world could be using but then you showed up just to put him down. I am not surprised he doesn't like you very much.

Congrats on doing the right thing now, too bad the damage is alredy done and can't be undone.

It goes both ways in today's world. Obviously, the guy is a hothead too and made threats, which in no way is okay by any means. I am indeed glad Ketho did what was right as well, though new author or not not, you do not make threats or talk like that. They were both in the wrong then again the dude kept going on with his verbal abuse even far after Ketho's comment.

In today's world freedom of speech is a thing of the past. People take text/words to the heart even though it really doesn't mean much in the end because 9 times outta 10 you are never gonna see that person in real life. There has always been drama in the world of addons for wow between people. People will have their open opinion about add-ons and that is their right.

MunkDev 08-24-17 08:35 PM

Well, you certainly could have been more diplomatic. However, as someone who has to deal with compatibility issues and problems caused by other addons on a daily basis, I think it's ultimately better to deter potential users from low quality content.

This addon was unprofessional and not designed for distribution. It was built for the author himself with the features he personally wanted, even if they were completely out of place. He didn't listen to criticism and he resorted to obscenities when his mod wasn't well received. I know the intent of this thread isn't to discuss his shortcomings, but I really don't think you have anything to apologise for.

Kanegasi 08-24-17 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kkthnx (Post 324787)
In today's world freedom of speech is a thing of the past.

Not to derail this thread, but freedom of speech isn't, and has never been, a basic right. Water, air, shelter, food, those are basic rights. Freedom of speech is a political construct whose only purpose is a promise from a person's government that they will not be punished in any way for what a person says. Outside of a government system, freedom of speech means nothing.

If I say some nasty things to the president in public, nothing happens to me. If I say nasty things to you, here, in the forum, I'll get rightfully banned. The former is me exercising my freedom of speech, the latter is the forum exercising their right to clean up their private space. The forum is not restricting my right to free speech, because it doesn't exist here.

Freedom of speech is not a thing of the past. It is alive and well and still holding strong in the US, and in most of the first world, I assume. Private citizens have never had an obligation to protect the free speech of others, only those in power.

On topic, Mortimerlol's freedom of speech was not compromised. They said some nasty things in a private space and were rightfully removed. I'm sure there's other rights they may end up using if law enforcement gets involved due to the threats.

Mortimerlol 08-25-17 05:39 AM

You and some of your friends had a very unpleasant attitude towards me, what you did was not to say, but to destroy my project.

Mortimerlol 08-25-17 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Banknorris (Post 324786)
Honestly, I think you owed him appologies. His code is indeed bad but maybe he is learning and was proud to release an addon that people all around the world could be using but then you showed up just to put him down. I am not surprised he doesn't like you very much.

Congrats on doing the right thing now, too bad the damage is alredy done and can't be undone.

I am new, yes, but believe me that I try to do my best and I look at every detail. The people who use it ingame congratulate me, and with that I am paid, but I did not get involved with anyone and have destroyed my project for nothing.

Mortimerlol 08-25-17 05:54 AM


People take text/words to the heart even though it really doesn't mean much in the end because 9 times outta 10 you are never gonna see that person in real life.
Insults to me because you think I am invisible? You are wrong, you have to always respect because even, someday, you are wrong.

People will have their open opinion about add-ons and that is their right.

This addon is a pile of shit. Horribly coded and filled with unnecessary bloat

This is respetable? this reply is proffesional?... because him is ur friend and Im nothing, noob, a trash?...

Mortimerlol 08-25-17 06:07 AM

And one last thing, I just did a job that cost me many hours and with illusion I was publishing, I have done nothing more than that and nobody is defending me, that I do not want defense, but that is the reality.

Kkthnx 08-25-17 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Mortimerlol (Post 324795)
And one last thing, I just did a job that cost me many hours and with illusion I was publishing, I have done nothing more than that and nobody is defending me, that I do not want defense, but that is the reality.

Just because an add-on cost time doesn't in return give you any kinda respect, royalty or anything. You are just another developer and as mean as it may sound that's how it is. If someone says something mean, honestly who gives a shit. It's not their addon and if you let 1 person decide your fate then you are no better than the trash being spoken to you. Man up and move on.

Also just because someone shoots down your addOn you don't fire back and fuel the firing calling peoples mothers a whore. You are just as much in the wrong. You completely made yourself look dumb once you fired back and proved everyone's point in the end. Don't talk about respect unless you give respect. That's a rule of thumb you should live by no matter what.

Mortimerlol 08-25-17 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Kkthnx (Post 324796)
Just because an add-on cost time doesn't in return give you any kinda respect, royalty or anything. You are just another developer and as mean as it may sound that's how it is. If someone says something mean, honestly who gives a shit. It's not their addon and if you let 1 person decide your fate then you are no better than the trash being spoken to you. Man up and move on.

Also just because someone shoots down your addOn you don't fire back and fuel the firing calling peoples mothers a whore. You are just as much in the wrong. You completely made yourself look dumb once you fired back and proved everyone's point in the end. Don't talk about respect unless you give respect. That's a rule of thumb you should live by no matter what.

No respect, no road.

Mortimerlol 08-25-17 07:55 AM

look, if somebody call SHIT,SHIT and SHIT your project... u shut up? this is a normal opinion? really?

MunkDev 08-25-17 08:06 AM

This quote almost says it all:

Dude, stop throwing a hissy fit and take it on the nose. You're going to hold back your growth as a creator like this, not to mention what your possible userbase will think of you if you act this way.

It's not an impressive first attempt, but that's fine. I know my first attempts at gamedesign weren't exactly smashing either.
The internet is often harsh, but usefull because of it..people don't know you or care much about your feelings and because of that it's probably more likely to be true feedback about the quality of your work. Rather then if you ask some friend who doesn't want to hurt your feelings..
Strangers are not that negative if the quality of your content is good. When I first started releasing my own work for others to use, I would also get upset about negative feedback, especially the unwarranted toxic kind of feedback because I was doing something controversial. You get resilient to that after a while, and I can tell you're not there yet. If you keep working on your projects and improving yourself, you'll end up with a better product and ultimately you'll respond to criticism in a healthier way. Just keep working on it.

Mortimerlol 08-25-17 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by MunkDev (Post 324799)
This quote almost says it all:

Strangers are not that negative if the quality of your content is good. When I first started releasing my own work for others to use, I would also get upset about negative feedback, especially the unwarranted toxic kind of feedback because I was doing something controversial. You get resilient to that after a while, and I can tell you're not there yet. If you keep working on your projects and improving yourself, you'll end up with a better product and ultimately you'll respond to criticism in a healthier way. Just keep working on it.

Yes, but my project isn't a pile of shit, a pile of shit is other thing. No, I no continue with it but I will remember all it because I think it has been abusive.

Kkthnx 08-25-17 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mortimerlol (Post 324798)
look, if somebody call SHIT,SHIT and SHIT your project... u shut up? this is a normal opinion? really?

I could give a shit less what people think of my project(s). You really think I care if someone calls my projects shit? I just laugh. :D

Ketho 08-25-17 12:51 PM

After you harassed me on Curse I did report you and they subsequently banned you for that. I pleaded Curse to alleviate or undo the permanent ban but they refused. There is nothing I can do anymore, the damage has already happened.

Ketho 08-25-17 12:51 PM

You won't be seeing me anymore on WoWInterface, Curse or MMO-Champion.

I've had enough of this bullshit. I quit. I haven't been playing this game for months anyway.

MunkDev 08-25-17 01:00 PM

Okay, after seeing that message, I think Mortimerlol should be banned from these forums and have his addon removed. What a scumbag. I'd rather see him go than you, Ketho, because you're actively contributing to the community, whereas this guy is just causing trouble.

lightspark 08-25-17 01:14 PM

Welp, that escalated quickly...

Kanegasi 08-25-17 01:48 PM

That sucks. I wish you the best, Ketho. Hope you come back at some point in the future.

Kkthnx 08-25-17 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ketho (Post 324805)
You won't be seeing me anymore on WoWInterface, Curse or MMO-Champion.

I've had enough of this bullshit. I quit. I haven't been playing this game for months anyway.

Quitting over some little kid is not the answer here bro, you have us the entire community behind you and to let one person change your life over their words doesn't give us a chance to stand up for you and help you through this. We are here for you and you have helped in the community so much. Leaving/quitting is not the answer. Are you gonna just let him do that to you? Run you off? You are better than this man. :cool:

d87 08-25-17 08:02 PM

Wow, what a delusional psycho...
Hate lowlifes like that, who go off the rails when someone "disrespects" them.
The world doesn't work by your prison rules, whacko. And after what you've done the only thing you deserve is contempt

JDoubleU00 08-26-17 12:34 AM


Don't let this guy run you off from a community that wants you around.

Mortimerlol 08-26-17 12:46 AM

Yes, yes, I'm who go calling shit to the others, ok, ok. It's all clear.

Mayron 08-26-17 02:59 AM

This is ridiculous. As a content creator, the first project you do is always going to be bad compared to those with years of experience. My first projects were awful and to some extent still are. I always receive harsh criticism and it makes me inspired to do better. I believe if you receive very brutal criticism then you can feel a bit saddened, but you should ask what exactly is wrong with your work and collect facts to help you improve.

I'm sorry to hear you have decided to leave the community after such a bad end like this.

lightspark 08-26-17 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mayron (Post 324817)
I'm sorry to hear you have decided to leave the community after such a bad end like this.

The person who leaves and the person who's being criticised are two different people. o_O

d87 08-26-17 07:05 AM


Yes, yes, I'm who go calling shit to the others, ok, ok. It's all clear.
Oh, so you're the real victim here? People called your piece of shit addon what it is and you're just going around innocently making real life threats? Surely that's an adequate response

And btw, name and server of your character is known, and Blizzard takes threats VERY seriously, so if you want to continue harassing people, better think again.

Mortimerlol 08-26-17 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by d87 (Post 324819)
Oh, so you're the real victim here?

Yes. .

Kanegasi 08-26-17 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Mortimerlol (Post 324820)
Yes. .

No, you are not. You received a pretty overboard piece of criticism and went bonkers over it. Ketho did nothing wrong, your reaction is disgusting.

syncrow 08-26-17 08:58 AM

What the fuck happened here (rhetorical question)


pls lock this thread, for the sake of everyone! thx

And have a nice day guys (free of harassment) ;D

jeffy162 08-26-17 09:09 AM

SECONDED! (Sheesh! Too short. 10 characters.)

Tim 08-26-17 12:01 PM

After reading all this I feel this public apology wasn't even warranted. You heavily criticized someone's work and they couldn't take it. Mort makes real life threats and gets banned and thinks you have any control over it. He/She obviously have no clue about the workings of the communities. Back to the real life threats though... Ketho, Mort is just throwing those threats around to get what he/she wants. In reality this person isn't and can't do anything to harm you. People that generally make these kinds of childish threats are in reality, children themselves. We'll give this person the benefit of the doubt and say they're not a child just someone with really childish behavior. I'd put money on it that even if you both were to meet in person that they'd be like the typical keyboard warrior and act like a totally friendly person due to the fact they can't physically harm anyone.

Moral of the story, if you cannot take both positive and negative criticism for your publication then you shouldn't be publishing your work. Get over it, grow up and move on.

Ketho, you're not going anywhere, end of story.

Mortimerlol 08-26-17 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tim (Post 324824)
Moral of the story, if you cannot take both positive and negative criticism for your publication then you shouldn't be publishing your work. Get over it, grow up and move on.

Much people criticism about my work, ingame, discord, etc... and? Nothing. But say pile of shit without know nothing about it is so offensive and uneducated, for it I so angry. REPEAT AGAIN: call pile of shit the work of others is a very big disrespect. I never said anything bad until then.

Seerah 08-26-17 04:50 PM


Alright, I think this thread has run its course. It started out well, but isn't going anywhere productive any longer.

As a side note (to all reading, present and future)...

Everyone has the right to publish the addons they create - be them wonderful specimens of code or horrible amalgamations. Everyone has the right to ask questions to help with the learning process - in perfect or broken English, or just with what Google Translate gives them. Everyone has the right to offer criticism of these addons. Everyone has the right to accept or ignore said help or criticism.

But most importantly, everyone has to follow the site rules (of this, or any other site they are on).

When someone is rude with their criticism, that's plain rude and uncalled for. Depending on the site involved, it may be overlooked or it may be dealt with. When you are on the receiving end of rude criticism, you then have a choice of how you handle it. Of course you are allowed to feel hurt or disappointment. You are human. But you still have a choice to how you deal with it.

Following someone around the internet, harassing them, swearing at and offending all involved, believing that there is a conspiracy out to get you, and making threats about doxxing someone or harming them physically is absolutely, unequivocally wrong.

WoWInterface strives to be an open, welcoming place for all to come get help with creating and to discuss their favorite addons. It will remain that way. If anything like this should happen on our site - by ANYONE - it will not be tolerated. Overboard rudeness will be dealt with. Anything beyond that, the user will be banned. This thread is now closed. Let this be a lesson in etiquette.

(GD, I feel like I'm lecturing my students...)

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