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-ReD- 09-05-09 05:33 AM

ClassTimer and heroism/bloodlust
Hello, back in tbc I used this addon and I can remind it used to be able to track Heroism/bloodlust along the other buffs by just typing the name into the extra section. Downloaded it again yesterday, and to my surprise the addon is no longer capable to display Heroism/Bloodlust after adding it through the "extra" menu tab (I've tried by typing herosim both with the first letter in lower and upper case). Then I tried to add to the rogue.lua the following:

"GetSpellInfo(32182), -- Heroism"

still, even after this no bar was being shown. Then I was suggested to try:

(GetSpellInfo(32182)), -- Heroism

however with the above, the addon would not even load. At this point I must admit I have no further ideas on what to do, does blizzard have changed something so that heroism/bloodlust became "untrackable" (doubt so else buff display addons would have the same problem I guess) or there's some shenaningan to make herosim/bloodlust trackable I am unaware of? Thanks for the help.

Sekrin 09-05-09 06:03 AM

From what I recall, Classtimer will only display buffs that you cast, although there is a ticket on wowace about Bloodlust/Heroism cast by others:

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