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us2006027321 09-10-09 04:00 AM

Are gear rating add-ons beginning to wreck the game?
I just dinged 80 about a week ago (huzzah!), and I'm pretty excited that I can finally start running some heroics. This is the step that is needed so I can get geared and start raiding again. I have been pugging small groups here and there, and every time I get in a run, the puggies frown at me and try to tell me I'm undergeared, am going to be out of mana in a hurry, and that if they weren't desperate for cloth damage, they'd just as soon replace me. I always tell them I'm hit-capped. They say that doesn't matter. I tell them wait and see. We go through the run clearing trash, and I surprise them by never asking for a mana break. (With Evocate on its low two minute cooldown, I only need about five seconds when my mana is two-thirds of the way gone, and I'm good to go. This happens about every third or fourth fight, so I have enough mana to last me between Evocate cooldowns.) Then I blow them away when I top the dps chart on the bosses and only needed to pop a gem. They say my gear stats don't support topping the chart on bosses. I tell them they obviously must. They ask what my Spell Power is. They laugh when I say it's only about 1.3k and tell me it makes no sense. I tell them it works, because I'm hit-capped.

I've been tolerating this, because I want to get geared. Well, today, someone invites me to a group for chain-running heroics. They look at my health and mana and run a gear-rating add-on to check my gear. The add-on reports back a number they don't like, so they tell me I can't go. They wouldn't even take the time to try me out on one run.

I snapped.

You people with your add-ons... When did you get the idea that an add-on could tell you what my stats were, how much I know about my class, or how well I'm going to do on a boss? When did you begin thinking that an add-on could make it so you didn't have to think as much? Who told you that silly amounts of Spell Power was the only way to get good dps? Maybe some other idiots with my gear rating have done terribly, and the law of averages may be working against me, but that doesn't mean I'm not the exception to the perceived rule.

I know wtf I'm doing, and I'm tired of people telling me I'm a cloth-laiden pile of suck because their stupid mod says so.

What do you guys think? Are certain mods making it so that elitist jerks (ucwutididthar?) are getting too lazy to do their own homework? Has anyone else had this issue? How did you work around it?

Slakah 09-10-09 04:05 AM

This is kind of funny because some addons i.e. the achievement spoofers are reducing the amount of VoA Link Achieve Spam I've seen.

Torhal 09-10-09 04:07 AM

I've had/seen similar things happen to me/others and yet I still wrote GearGauge, to help with raid progression, and to see which guild members were being too lazy to spend the time/effort to run the heroics and get enchantments for, and socket gems in, their gear.

Before these types of AddOns, the metric was "Oh, you're wearing blues. ****-off!"

Idiots will be idiots, and the way I look at it is I probably wouldn't want to run with these ****ing retards anyway.

us2006027321 09-10-09 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 158258)
Idiots will be idiots, and the way I look at it is I probably wouldn't want to run with these ****ing retards anyway.


You know, Torhal, you make a pretty valid point. If the WoW community wasn't peppered full of these kinds of people, I would be less bothered by them. Unfortunately, they dominate the player-base, and it's keeping me from getting geared. The idea is that I'm not allowed to go get geared because I'm not geared.

What kind of f*cked up logic is that?

Republic 09-10-09 04:39 AM

Any gear/player rating addon is part of the problem, not the solution. My advice is to avoid them like the plague and the idiots that run them. They only serve vanity. Period. The ONLY, and I do mean ONLY way that I would pay any of these things more than half a mind is if there was ONE standard method of evaluation/ranking/rating. You have Wowhead profiler scores, Wow Heroes scores, Billy Bob's elite gear and endowment stroker, Joe Addon's neat gear checker, and a host of other random crap out there. None of them produce the same results and thus, all of them are useless crap.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that it's possible for a tank to hit a higher gear score with lower mitigation/avoidance/tanking gear. How's that for a ranking system? Pretty rank if you ask me! My paladin tank can boost his gear score by equipping a few pieces that I typically keep in the bank because they don't improve me as a TANK. You know, my primary role.

I have yet to meet anyone that wants a tank with lower mitigation/avoidance/tank stats in favor of one with a higher gear score. If you know of anyone this stupid, they are probably about to burst with premature manlove about the next expansion and all its vanity appeal.

Pfft. Gear scores? Addons that contribute to elitist children? Yeah, I got yer gear score right here! Know what I'm saying? Of course you do.

Good luck fighting the elitist idiots (or are they jerks?) and the addons/sites/tools they covet. Here's to hoping there will be one standard someday if these slapnuts are going to continue using/running/making these things.

...don't hold your breath.

(as a disclaimer, I don't intend to offend anyone who makes otherwise well-intentioned addons, sites, or tools...this isn't about you and your hard work to help advance a's about the damned fools that abuse them)

Limb0 09-10-09 04:44 AM

Personally, I run two gearcheck addons. Torhol's and InventoryOnPar. IOP used to give a rating of raid boss experience which was useful in guesstimating how far an Uld pug would possibly go, but it's borked now. It does give a gs number rating and I find it most useful now to quickly see if anyone is in PvP gear. Other than than it needs an update.

GearGuage I'm still learning it's intricacies, but the rating formulas are the most well thought out of all the mods that I've seen yet (Torhol, you owe me a cookie).

Addons aside, my mentality with the pug is that for PVE, pls wear your appropriate gear, and tanks, pls have minimum of ~3k hp. Other than that, regardless of what your gear, gemming, or enchants are, everyone has a fair chance to pug with me. The only way to tell if someone knows their class well is to run with them, and knowing your class still doesn't mean that you're alive through the whole encounter, which to me is the best display of someone who knows what they're doing.

To sum it up, I pretty much play with the idea of, "make the most of what you have available, adapt to the situation, live, profit."

MidgetMage55 09-10-09 04:52 AM

The fact that people are looking at your gear score only for heroics (which i feel is just utterly stupid) and paying no attention to what the important stats are means your surrounded by idiots.

I can partially understand it for raids. In moderation that is. If all people take on any sort of run (5 man or otherwise) is geared people then you get a gap in the population. Granted this is an extreme case but its not impossible. Personally ive never had anyone mention or tell me on any toon i play im not geared enough for a heroic, then again my server is pretty casual.

Unfortunately the 'geared rant' (i had a thread on here named that back a while ago) is an old one and its never going to go away. Some people are obsessed with spending as little time as possible getting as much as possible done in the game and i will never understand it. Im not one of the types that checks gear scores for anything other than friendly banter between guildmates. I've never bothered to check even for a tank. I just ask if they are capped and i trust they are being truthful.

As for the... shall we say uninformed people you had to deal with they will never get it. You showed them how the mechanics of the game works and all they obsess about is score even in the face of proof. Much like my guildies that obsess over dps as opposed to total damage done. As a consequence i dont ever show reports from skada if i can avoid it.

The main reason these addons get used as much as they do is people want a simple yes or no answer on something and are afraid (or is it incapable) of making their own decision.

I feel the same as you on this subject us2006027321. Sadly they are entitled to enjoy their monthly fee as they see fit. Granted its no less frustrating.

Folji 09-10-09 04:59 AM

What's even more amusing, is that it's not something that happens solely in end gaming.

Was questing around on a Paladin character around the 30's, when I decided to join a group that must have been looking for a tank for at least the past half an hour. We got to the meeting stone; summoned those that weren't there; and not before had we began buffing up, the everyday smart arse(s) of the group went loose. "Do we really want this tank?", "why you got talent points there?", "don't know how great that DPS will be."

Wonder if this whole gear rating trend is part of what made the developers decide to rework and simplify stats in the coming expansion. The elitism around it is a load of needless crap at any rate.

Miralen 09-10-09 05:00 AM

Well I have to agree that these people are idiotic morons (I would use other words but dont want to take the time to 'star' up my letters). You see the problem lies in people thinking for some unknown retarded reason that ItemLVL is the way to go when rating gear. That's BS! Look I understand that blizzard uses it for most if not all of their vehicle set up and I understand that the itemlvl is some sort of mathematical formula for the calculation of all the stat points on the item or something to that affect. (Apologies it's late here and I can't remember too clearly about what it actually is) Sadly, this has been reinforced by various websites that rate peoples gear based on itemlvl to what instance they should be in, I won't mention as to what two websites come to mind atm because I don't feel like starting a volatile firey flame thread with other posts becoming counter flame posts of defense just not worth the time of people on this site..we're better than that I think. At any rate since I like to rant and go off topic I will try to hop back, as I stated people think this is the way to rate people but seriously for instance, I was grouped with a healer not too long ago who was pretty near geared to my priest, and I was tanking on my warrior and I swear I was at half health for most of the instances I ran with this healer. Anyways as far as answering your question of why or how do people get off deciding who should go and who should stay based on what a silly addon says, well the reason for this is because we have had two websites that will rate people on this and it does a great job rating item lvl skills but not playing skills or even what stats are on the item and there are alot of addons that work similar, not all addons but ALOT so please dont go posting what addons work this way and dont cause I dont care otherwise I would've posted them myself. Anyways keep wandering in hopes to not start a fire, I think through a short story long, I have boiled the problem down to a few things:

-people are (and I am guilty of this as well) to quick to judge based on a crappy rating system...Itemlvl
-feel that the WoW authorities are feeding them the correct numbers 100% of the time and follow their instructions to the T! (Again been guilty of this and victim too)
-Feel that they know best when it comes to WoW even if they A.) don't have the class, B.) have a lower lvl version of the class, C.) have the same lvl as your class but not in the near same quality gear as your class. (And yet again, that's right I am guilty of at least B and C though I try to state where I get any info which would make me think differently than the person I am chatting with.)

I apologize about this post being as long as it is but I have had this happen to me many a time and it's a topic that's near and dear to my heart as I feel it's one of those great misconceptions in WoW that you can just completely rate someone down to a number and say that the number is too low and you can't go somewhere to get better gear. I am glad (or saddened, not too sure) to see that I am not the only one kind of fed up with this elitist mentality that's infested itself in WoW, it really ruins the game alot of the time for me when it pops up which is pretty often nowadays. Anyways I am done, again I apologize and hope my post makes some sort of sense as it is late and I am getting tired.

Limb0 09-10-09 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Miralen (Post 158269) please dont go posting what addons work this way and dont cause I dont care otherwise I would've posted them myself..

In my posts I usually try to explain my stance on the issues we bring up.. The second half of my post is more of the meat of my opinion on this thread subject.

Which brings me to the another point. Attitude goes a long way (happy toons get gold stars and friends list adds). :)

Dusso Janladde 09-10-09 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Miralen (Post 158269)
for instance, I was grouped with a healer not too long ago who was pretty near geared to my priest, and I was tanking on my warrior and I swear I was at half health for most of the instances I ran with this healer.

Did you die? If not, the healer wasn't doing their job. If you didn't, he was. A healer's job isn't to keep you topped off all the time, it's to keep you alive. If keeping you alive requires you to be topped off, then the healer needs to know that and do it. Otherwise, it's not necessary and wastes mana through overhealing.

ravagernl 09-10-09 06:51 AM

Hihi, a friend of me runs ulduar with a new guild. On XT, he was #1 dps in 25 man(9%, 5.4k DPS). He is wearing mostly naxx 25 gear, but also hit capped. The other mages have everything ulduar 25 gear and are below 6th DPS.

Good pve mages are rare nowadays :P Most of them are too lazy to cap their hit and use frostfire bolt.

If you have problems getting into groups because you're mostly wearing blues, either don't run PUGS or try to find a different server. I've had the same issues with my hunter(wich does 2.8k DPS in karazhan gear...)

I played on a pvp server with a lot of PUGS (heck, they even run Ulduar 25 runs probably), and all they require is to have all of the achievements that you can get for that raid, and minimum of naxx 25 gear. That's just insane. Skill > gear. It doesn't mean people with gear have skills 100% of the time (ok a large part of them might, but seriously). Since I couldn't even find a guild on stormscale because of my gear, I moved back to my former pve server on terenas.

us2006027321 09-10-09 07:23 AM

It's good to know I'm not the only person with this problem, and it's rewarding to see I'm not the only person who feels as I do about the problem.

Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 158284)
Good pve mages are rare nowadays :P Most of them are too lazy to cap their hit and use frostfire bolt.

When I dinged 78, the first thing I did was gem out of Spell Power and Intellect (which I had done for leveling purposes), and began gemming straight into Hit Rating and Spell Power. The reason for it was that one day I had a sad realization: I was missing on bosses in normal 5-man runs on about every third or fourth hit because my Hit Rating was garbage. I had about 1.8k Spell Power, and my dps wasn't getting above 1.4k. That's a problem! I've lost about 500 Spell Power, and my DPS has gone up so much. I don't know how any other Mage couldn't have noticed the same thing in the process of gearing and leveling up to 80 if they were doing anything even remotely similar. Capping should be first priority for any Mage, and Spell Power should come only after Hit cap has been achieved. That's my theory on it, but it seems like a good deal of the player base on the three servers I've played with this toon would choose to disagree, which brings me to my next point.

Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 158284)
If you have problems getting into groups because you're mostly wearing blues, either don't run PUGS or try to find a different server. I've had the same issues with my hunter(wich does 2.8k DPS in karazhan gear...)

I've had a bunch of people pick me apart for being in a few pieces of Kara and ZA purples. I even have a green belt I've refused to give up. (My toon's siggie is a link to his armory entry if you wish to review it.) I've kept all these pieces because the only options I've had in loot rolls would cause me to lose 16-24 Hit Rating. No one sees that though! All the see is that it dropped from Kara or ZA or that it's green, and they pitch a fit about it. This has happened on three different servers. I've blown $75 on server transfers trying to escape this awful behavior of "your Spell Power isn't high enough to play with the big kids." No one cares about Hit Rating. They treat me this way, and then they gripe in Trade Channel about how Mages don't have good dps... They're pigeon-holing us into doing terrible dps because if we don't compromise our standards on our stats, they won't let us come with them. I'm sick of it!

Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 158284)
I played on a pvp server with a lot of PUGS (heck, they even run Ulduar 25 runs probably), and all they require is to have all of the achievements that you can get for that raid, and minimum of naxx 25 gear. That's just insane. Skill > gear. It doesn't mean people with gear have skills 100% of the time (ok a large part of them might, but seriously). Since I couldn't even find a guild on stormscale because of my gear, I moved back to my former pve server on terenas.

The other day, I was on my Alliance Mage (Imperiosus, 69 Draenei Mage, Stormscale), and someone was in Trade recruiting healers for a run of some kind, and all he required was a link of the achievement. (I believe he was recruiting a H VoA.) Anyways, I shift-clicked someone else's achievement (it even had their name in the achievement — I wasn't spoofing), and I got an immediate invite. He didn't check my level or class to see if I actually qualified to fill the slot he was looking to fill. (Click here to see a screenshot. It was funny stuff. He tried to invite me twice before he realized that I was just baiting his stupidity.) This is the mentality people have now! Inasmuch as achievements were supposed to be for fun for the casual player, they've actually only made things worse, and I'm really sad for where the game has gone.

If the majority of the player base stays this way after Cataclysm has come out and "simplified" the stats for the people who don't want to do their homework and still want to act like elitists, I'm quitting. I'm so tired of doing the research and time to be good at my class only to have a game full of baddies keep me from getting anywhere in the end content.

Maybe I'll find a pr*v*te s*rv*r so I don't have to pay to play with morons. Oh wait... That's against the ToS and EULA, and I would never make a suggestion like that. >.>

ravagernl 09-10-09 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 158297)
If the majority of the player base stays this way after Cataclysm has come out and "simplified" the stats for the people who don't want to do their homework and still want to act like elitists, I'm quitting. I'm so tired of doing the research and time to be good at my class only to have a game full of baddies keep me from getting anywhere in the end content.

With stats being simplified in 4.0, I'm actually releaved. I think it will help getting players that know what they do, but "don't have the gear" actually find a group, or at least less trouble.

I'd recommend telling people your DPS instead of just your stats, they obviously don't have a clue about your class if they think spell power is all that matters. Yes, it matters most if you are hit capped.
If they still want to know your stats, only tell them if you are confident that they will understand. You can actually see if the player is mature and will understand you just if he uses full sentences and/or uses correct punctuation. It works like that for me.
If you don't tell them your stats because you don't feel confident about it, and you're not invited, then they will just have to cope missing a water vendor :D. Make a funny joke about it, or challenge them to something, it might make them invite you anyway :P

Miralen 09-10-09 08:19 AM

I won't edit my post and I do apologize if this is seen as a totally off topic post but seems my example wasn't taken very well or maybe quite honestly it wasn't that great of an example but I wont go into how a healer should or shouldn't be played but yes I did die as well as the group a few times. But I guess I am just spoiled by good healers most of the time. But really that's neither here nor there in my opinion as I am not even sure why my post was nit picked just to bring that up...

Now back to on topic junk, ya I hear you about the blowing all that money to get away from the stupid crap that people come up with I had the same issue when I first hit 80 on my priest as I was still in a few 70 epics as there was just nothing better really for many different reasons. Sadly as I stated this seems to be something that plagues all servers for the game which I think is horrible. It drains the game of fun as many have stated.

I remember posting something similar to this thread in at least two of the guild I was in while I was raiding in a guild and not a group of guilds and I would say I was amazed at the amount of hostile posts I got back it just amazes me of the mentality of people.

Personally as far as research goes I don't spend hours upon hours crunching numbers trying to get the very last drop of efficiency out of my spells from talents or stats, generally what I do is look around on my server, which probably isn't the best around, but look around on my server and grab names of characters from the top raiding guild(s) on my server for classes I play and look at their talent spec and glyphs go down each talent and if it seems useless to me or too situational than I won't get it and tweak their specs. Does this make me a worse player? I don't know and honestly don't care cause guess what, if the talent spec doesn't work I can experiment and tweak it more, sometimes that's a pain in the butt but I like when I find a right combination of things that work through experimentation. I mean it's nice not to have everything handed to you on a silver platter with everything arranged correctly. I think that makes a worse player when they grab cookie cutter specs and don't really examine them. Sorry this is getting away from itemlvl topic but talents were brought up.

I find it quite amazing that I haven't seen any of the "link this achieve for an invite" deal though I haven't been playing much lately, but still I haven't seen any of it. Luckily though I am sure it will hit because as we all know achievements aren't there to have fun but to rate characters like everything else in this game it seems except skill. Anyways I didn't have much to add hope that doesn't get pointed out as I just did it myself, just wanted to basically agree with most everything that was brought up and maybe toss in a cent or two.

MidgetMage55 09-10-09 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 158307)
With stats being simplified in 4.0, I'm actually releaved. I think it will help getting players that know what they do, but "don't have the gear" actually find a group, or at least less trouble.

I'd recommend telling people your DPS instead of just your stats, they obviously don't have a clue about your class if they think spell power is all that matters. Yes, it matters most if you are hit capped.
If they still want to know your stats, only tell them if you are confident that they will understand. You can actually see if the player is mature and will understand you just if he uses full sentences and/or uses correct punctuation. It works like that for me.
If you don't tell them your stats because you don't feel confident about it, and you're not invited, then they will just have to cope missing a water vendor :D. Make a funny joke about it, or challenge them to something, it might make them invite you anyway :P

In all reality if people asking are intelligent enough to know that hit rating is needed before sp matters as much then they would ask if your hit capped. And im sure those people are out there. They are just a minority in most cases. A large percentage of people just have the impression that score (or even specific stats and generally the wrong ones) is everything and that it must magically tells you all you need to know. It removes the need to think for your self. You just set a magic number in your head and if its under then so sorry. Like any rating or comparison it takes a level of judgment that people are willing to suspend or have no desire to use more intelligently.

forty2j 09-10-09 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 158297)
If the majority of the player base stays this way after Cataclysm has come out and "simplified" the stats for the people who don't want to do their homework and still want to act like elitists, I'm quitting. I'm so tired of doing the research and time to be good at my class only to have a game full of baddies keep me from getting anywhere in the end content.

WoW has ALWAYS been like this though.. well, at least since TBC. I don't recall much elitism in Classic, but then, then content wasn't that difficult and there were no "Heroics" or anything. If you could follow directions on a tribute run, you were in. (For Raids, it was pretty simple: run MC until you collect that tier set, then run BWL until you collect that tier set. If you were a Druid, you wanted 8/8 Cenarion, period. The fact that you'd rather play feral was besides the point. :-p )

Here's what I would recommend - but you'd be losing your time investment so far.

1. Wait for a brand new reroll server to be opened up. No transfers allowed on this server.
2. Roll on it.
3. Work on that character exclusively. Try to stay ahead of the curve.

In this way..
- There isn't much room for "elitism", because nobody is much better off than anyone else.
- Even if they want to get "elite" on you, you should be able to be in the top 10-20 for your class on that server if you focus on it.
- If you level with a fresh server, you should wind up with lots of friends / new guild / etc. and have less dependence on pugging.

But then, you lose what you've done already, so.. /shrug.

Psychophan7 09-10-09 01:51 PM

Here's what you do:

1) Head out to Wintergrasp for battles. You only have to win 5 times or lose up to 15 times. Buy these Titan-Forged Slippers of Dominance. You'll get +20 hit rating from that before adding a gem, allowing you to change 2 of your gems. You mentioned your belt before, so you'd be able to get a new belt entirely. It'll also boost your gear score some to appease those jerks.

2) Try to get in a heroic Violet Hold run. Mark of the War Prisoner is really good and loaded with hit rating. (73, 2.78%) This should help you replace your +hit gems for better dps gems. Again, it'll help boost your gear score to appease those jerks AND help you get better mileage with the gear you have (after you change some gems around).

Because 1 and 2 will take some time, here's what you do in the interrim:

3) Tell them your DPS before they can get your gear score. If they question it, then reassure them that you do, in fact, know what you're doing and can put out a helluvalot of damage despite having less-than-satisfactory gear.

4) Tell them that it's a friggin' heroic and your gear score doesn't matter, unless it's Trial of Champions. Be sure to reassure them that you can and will kick ass regardless of your gear score.

5) Do a gear check on them. Pick out every little detail you can about their gear and say how that's actually really bad for the gear they're in. Challenge them to reciprocate their knowledge about mage gearing, and point out where they're wrong. You'll come off as a dick, but you'll show people that you have a clue what you're talking about beyond some mundane gear score.

6) Try and learn what addons the jerks are using, then make requests to those authors to provide better checks. Politely explain to them what their addon is doing to the community at large (creating faux elitists). Request that their addon enumerates the stats on the gear as well, takes into account talents and racials, and overall at least tries to guess at what the individual's skill (aka DPS, to the common grunt) is.

7) When looking for a group, try saying "LFM <instance here>". You'll probably get a few bites, and you're likely to be the party leader. As party leader, you can say who joins and stays in the group and who goes. After the first few pulls, ask if the tank would like to mark targets. From what I've seen, pugs don't tend to mark, they just chain pull and things die. With any luck, you'll get a tank like that and get to keep your party leader status (especially if the tank is one of those elitists).

8) If the tank is said elitist, then try to pull aggro off of them. If they continue to be skeptical about your gear, then showing them that you can give them a run for their money should impress them. If they question it, then say that your gear score should mean you can't generate that kind of threat. Perhaps suggest their gear score means they sacrificed too many of their tanking stats to have a better gear score, and can't manage the threat from someone with less. If you can successfully embarrass them, then they should get the hint that a higher gear score does not reflect higher skill. Be sure to suggest they've been carried if they can't hold aggro from you. :P

Hmm, 5-8 would really make you come off as a dick. They'd probably make you feel better, though. Consider suggestion 5-8 as last resort measures.

xaeran 09-10-09 02:48 PM

We have a running joke now in my guild that if you aren't over 2XXX (fill in the blank) wow-heroes score you should quit the game and die.

I was running 10M VOA the other day and we actually had a player (from the top raiding guild on my server ... sounds something like "Hush";-)) tell the Tank that he should quit the game and die. This same idiot continually pulled the boss before the group was ready and apparently couldn't figure out how to NOT FRIGGIN STAND IN THE FIRE! An important lesson that Gear does not equal Skill. I think this genius had a false sense of superiority and playing skill from being carried through raids by his guildies.

And what happened to running/failing and then learning the fight? I'm ok taking along a noob ocassionally, otherwise how will they ever learn. If no one knows the fights, how will I ever find skilled players?

I usually kick a player if they dare utter the words "this is a non-fail group right?"

us2006027321 09-10-09 03:15 PM

You guys have made some amazing suggestions, and I greatly appreciate all of them. I will be looking into the specifics of each of them as I have the time and ability.

Originally Posted by Psychophan7 (Post 158373)
Hmm, 5-8 would really make you come off as a dick. They'd probably make you feel better, though. Consider suggestion 5-8 as last resort measures.

Actually, Psycho, I really like your seventh suggestion and plan on using it. There's no better way to take the elitists by the sack than to be party lead and keep things fair with boot threats when necessary. I'm really okay with being a d*ck when the situation warrants it, so there are no issues there.

Your eighth suggestion is my favorite, and it's something I used to do in BC with guildies just to be obnoxious and have fun. (They were all irl friends, so it kind of didn't matter if I wiped the raid.) Now, if I really feel like being a jerk to an elitist party, I can pull aggro off the tank, Nova the mobs right on top of the healer, pop Ice Block and Mirror Images until everyone else has died, and then pop Invisibility to avoid a repair bill myself. That's a brilliant suggestion you have there, and that is exactly how I'll handle elitist groups. Thanks!

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