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Rythal 01-31-16 04:04 PM

Go on... AMA :)
For the fun of it, go ahead... ask me anything, be it carbonite related or not and I'll answer it :) I want people to have some more faith both in Carbonite, and in myself.

ircdirk 02-01-16 12:39 AM

What about pulling MASTER commits to DEV? ;)

Rythal 02-01-16 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 312820)
What about pulling MASTER commits to DEV? ;)

Done, tho I'm considering just deleting dev, and already removed ptr.

ircdirk 02-01-16 08:28 AM

Of course u can do that... but having development branch is allways safer. Commits should allways be made first to DEV then after testing they should be merged to MASTER, as some commits may just broke whole carbonite.

Rythal 02-01-16 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 312829)
Of course u can do that... but having development branch is allways safer. Commits should allways be made first to DEV then after testing they should be merged to MASTER, as some commits may just broke whole carbonite.

The different branches just end up causing confusion in the long run, it should be git is always experiment or testing, and live releases from curse or wowI are where the end users get it from. That is my fault as I rarely pushed to curse or wowI, I was lazy and figured it was on git it's good enough, and I need to stop doing that.

ircdirk 02-01-16 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 312830)
The different branches just end up causing confusion in the long run, it should be git is always experiment or testing, and live releases from curse or wowI are where the end users get it from. That is my fault as I rarely pushed to curse or wowI, I was lazy and figured it was on git it's good enough, and I need to stop doing that.

Ok, we can have only one branch, but there should be massage that git MASTER is for development purposes and LIVE release is allways on curse/wowinterface. This message should be both on git and on curse/wowinterface.

Yuriko 02-13-16 09:34 AM

How do you manage to remain so awesome? :D

I seriously don't know that I'd be able to play WoW with their default maps/quest tracker. So thanks for keeping at this for so long!

Arianna 06-04-16 07:10 AM

I have a question, although I'm a bit afraid to ask it. I saw where someone closed a thread because someone asked if there was a new version of Carbonite, but I honestly don't know where to look. I'm using version 6.2.0; is there a newer one, and, if so, where do I find it?

jeffy162 06-04-16 07:45 AM

Yeah, I know I'm not Rythal, but........ You can get updates at Rythal's Github site. When they happen. Which isn't very often, but more often than anywhere else at the moment.

Arianna 06-04-16 11:51 AM

Thanks very much!

mrespman 06-04-16 02:00 PM

Since I'm not sure how much better of a shot I have than right now, why has the map lost the digsite shovels in Archaeology? As in the image below, all the shovel markers are in a spot in the ocean of Kalimdor. It used to be that you could see them on the zoomed out map over the active digsites. I have tried with only the Carbonite Addon, and the shovels are still in the same place.

jeffy162 06-04-16 03:14 PM

In your screen shot you have another addon still active. Try disabling it and test again. It was my understanding (and I just may have it wrong) that Carbonite didn't put any icons for archeology on its map, just colored blobs.
EDIT: Make that at least one - after looking at your screen shot, it shows at least three other addons still enabled. It is impossible to tell if this "problem" can be attributed to Carbonite from your screen shot because, while it shows the problem, you still, at least in the screen shot, have other addons enabled. Please post a screen shot that has ALL OTHER ADDONS, except Carbonite, DISABLED. /EDIT

Thrumbar 07-13-16 11:45 AM

I have the same issue and the op.. It also appears on a level 1 character though it is not a digsite but the aspiring pet trainer from Duotar .. I think the issue is in the Guides. This could be different from op because that character does not have Archaeology.

I tried deleting the GuideDefault.lua in the Carbonite\Data\Guides and the Icon in the Great Sea disappeared not to return, but as you can expect there were some error thrown as well. Do not know much beyond this.


This is the error that is thrown from deleting the GuideDefault.lua is

Message: ...nterface\AddOns\Carbonite\Data\Guides\AlchemyLab.lua:5: attempt to index field 'GuideData' (a nil value)
Time: 07/13/16 13:27:04
Count: 1
Stack: ...nterface\AddOns\Carbonite\Data\Guides\AlchemyLab.lua:5: in main chunk

Locals: L = <table> {
Fireweed = "Fireweed"
Dragonblight = "Dragonblight"
Bloodwatcher Point, Badlands = "Bloodwatcher Point, Badlands"
Westfall = "Westfall"
Abyssal Depths = "Abyssal Depths"
Stormshield = "Stormshield"
Options have been reset for the new version. = "Options have been reset for the new version."
Archaeology Blob Transparency = "Archaeology Blob Transparency"
Map Mouse Button Binds = "Map Mouse Button Binds"
Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley = "Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley"
Opening = "Opening"
Darnassus = "Darnassus"
Menus = "Menus"
Gilneas = "Gilneas"
Reset global options = "Reset global options"
Left-Click to Toggle Map = "Left-Click to Toggle Map"
Imported = "Imported"
Un'Goro Crater = "Un'Goro Crater"
Dustwind Dig, Badlands = "Dustwind Dig, Badlands"
Stygian Bounty, Vashj'ir = "Stygian Bounty, Vashj'ir"
Kirthaven, Twilight Highlands = "Kirthaven, Twilight Highlands"
Western Plaguelands = "Western Plaguelands"
The Jade Forest = "The Jade Forest"
Middle-Click to Toggle Guide = "Middle-Click to Toggle Guide"
Large Timber = "Large Timber"
Shrine of Seven Stars = "Shrine of Seven Stars"
Max Vendors To Record = "Max Vendors To Record"
Crypt of Forgotten Kings = "Crypt of Forgotten Kings"
Left click toggle Map = "Left click toggle Map"
Flamestar Post, Burning Steppes = "Flamestar Post, Burning Steppes"
Sets the action performed when middle clicking holding CTRL = "Sets the action performed when middle clicking holding CTRL"
Report Status = "Report Status"
Winterspring = "Winterspring"
Main Options = "Main Options"
Flying = "Flying"
Com %d Bytes sec %d = "Com %d Bytes sec %d"
Darkshore = "Darkshore"
Dark Heart of Pandaria = "Dark Heart of Pandaria"
Paladin Trainer = "Paladin Trainer"
Small Font = "Small Font"
Frostweed = "Frostweed"
Show Received Levelups = "Show Received Levelups"
Gold Vein = "Gold Vein"
Onyxia's Lair = "Onyxia's Lair"
Apexis Excavation, Spires of Arak = "Apexis Excavation, Spires of Arak"
When enabled, the full size map will ignore all mouse clicks unless the ALT key is held down. = "When enabled, the full size map will ignore all mouse clicks unless the ALT key is held down."
Trainer = "Trainer"
Ethel Rethor, Desolace = "Ethel Rethor, Desolace"
Sets the size of the player arrow on the map = "Sets the size of the player arrow on the map"
Nijel's Point, Desolace = "Nijel's Point, Desolace"
Show On All Continents = "Show On All Continents"
Loading = "Loading"
Hellscream's Fist, Kun-Lai Summit = "Hellscream's Fist, Kun-Lai Summit"
Silverleaf = "Silverleaf"
Docking Below Map Scale = "Docking Below Map Scale"
Default Chat Channel = "Default Chat Channel"
Gundrak, Zul'Drak = "Gundrak, Zul'Drak"
When enabled, Shows your current movement speed in the titlebar. = "When enabled, Shows your current movement speed in the titlebar."
Nagrand Arena = "Nagrand Arena"
Azshara's Veil = "Azshara's Veil"
Briarthorn = "Briarthorn"
Moa'ki, Dragonblight = "Moa'ki, Dragonblight"
Skyreach = "Skyreach"
Show Custom Icons = "Show Custom Icons"
Herb Gathering = "Herb Gathering"
Yrel's Watch, Nagrand = "Yrel's Watch, Nagrand"
When enabled, sets the max camera distance higher then Blizzards options normally allows. = "When enabled, sets the max camera distance higher then Blizzards options normally allows."
Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest = "Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest"
Button 4 Click = "Button 4 Click"
Zul'Gurub = "Zul'Gurub"
Details At Scale = "Details At Scale"
Stratholme = "Stratholme"
Fuselight, Badlands = "Fuselight, Badlands"
Utgarde Pinnacle = "Utgarde Pinnacle"
Window version mismatch! = "Window version mismatch!"
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