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Solgath 07-25-13 11:51 PM

so... what does the future hold?
so, i've kinda given up on waiting for nui6, seen no activity since the last major patch for nui5 apart from the usual update to version.. so whats the word? is nui6 coming or has scott ditched it for other projects? cause for me i need a ui addon that doesn't own my framerate whenever i'm in a raid, and i'm really a massive supporter of nui itself due to the fact there is nothing else out there like it... but its coming to a point with 5.4 looming and the promise nui6 would be ready with cata, then panda, but both promises falling short i feel the need to ask whats going on? and if nui has hit end of life due to disinterest is there anything out there i can use to replace nui?

so yeah question is, will we see a complete release of nui6 or should we start shopping for a new ui?

Chmee 07-26-13 07:09 AM

WhyinHell do people keep posting this question without reading the forums first?

Scott's still working on nUI 6. It'll be done when it's done. Waiting is.

Xrystal 07-26-13 12:37 PM

Please bear in mind that building a UI from the ground up is no easy feat. It isn't like the other UI compilations where multiple addons are set up to work together. Put on top of that a normal work day and time spent with family and it only leaves a few hours a week to work on hobbies etc.

I've looked at nUI's code and I know for a fact that even my 3hrs of sleep a night won't help me build anything remotely as good as what nUI is in any reasonable time frame.

Seer 07-26-13 01:25 PM

Not to mention the interaction with Spiel and others like X when trying to fix bugs is nothing more then AAA+

Can't wait for a more fleshed out version of nUI6 tho. :-D

Solgath 07-27-13 04:58 AM

i wasn't bashing on scott, or anyone else for that matter, i haven't seen any post about how far along or whats being done, or anything in a very long time, so i just figured it had been dropped, i asked the question cause no one else had, and i get attacked for it, i like nui, i do, i just need something that doesn't take my frame rate and flush it down the toilet when i raid as heals, makes it damn near impossible to heal properly and i have been patient, damn near 2 years patient, and yeah i understand its not easy building a UI, nor am i demanding a UI NOW or anything, all i'm asking is whats the progress, will we see something soon?

Seer 07-27-13 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Solgath (Post 281628)
i wasn't bashing on scott, or anyone else for that matter

Yea, I know. Just posted to.. support X I suppose. Support isnt the word I'm looking for tho.


Originally Posted by Solgath (Post 281628)
i haven't seen any post about how far along or whats being done, or anything in a very long time,

There hasn't been an "official" post about it from Spiel, but he did/does mention he's still working on it in one of his latest reply.

Chmee 07-27-13 11:20 AM

I suppose I overreacted a little. Or maybe not. My two favorite addons are nUI and Carbonite. Both are complicated endeavors. Both are being actively worked on. In both cases, progress is slow. In both cases the developers are, from what I've seen, honorable enough that if they decide to quit developing their addon, they'll tell us up front as soon as they know that. And in both cases, there are way too frequent (IMO) "what's going on? is this addon abandoned?" posts. And although Solgath's wasn't accusative or all that whiney, too often these posts are. I just get annoyed, what can I say?:eek::cool:

Solgath 07-28-13 02:15 AM

i can understand, most posts i see they are basically boiled down to "whine whine, me want ui now" type posts, but i wasn't saying that, and yeah carbonite is another addon that i love to death, same goes for nui, it has everything i need to play WoW, no other ui comes even close, well not unless a download a load of addons to cover everything nUI brings to the table, i was just asking the question i sure everyone wants to ask but are to afraid to do so for fear of being attacked, and i don't overly care if i am attacked or not, but yeah, i just wanted to find out what was going on, and maybe a little progress update, cause as i said, next big patch, not far away, and still no sign of a non-alpha release of nui6. but hey we've waited this long, and will still wait, maybe not forever, but i don't see myself giving up on nUI anytime soon, unless informed otherwise. :)

todd0168 07-29-13 01:28 PM

Slogath, I know exactly where you are coming from (as well as the others). I haven't posted the question myself, mainly due to the fact that I have seen here and there some tidbits from Scott that, while he is still working on 6, things are moving slowly. I too cannot use 5 due to the frame rate issue. As such, I use 6, as is, and find it very usable. While I admit that I would love if it was a non-alpha version, as is it's way better for me than 5 is.

spiel2001 07-30-13 06:32 AM

Hey all... pretty much everyone posting in this thread is near and dear to my heart... you've all been with me a very very very long time and I kinda think of you all as geek family ~smile~

So... trust me when I tell you that (a) work does continue on nUI6, albeit very slowly. There are various technical issues I'm trying to overcome that are blocking me trying to do some of the critical pieces and that's been a major issue... most especially as it relates to getting auras to (a) work the way that I want them to work, and, (b) not kill the frame rate in doing so. I would hate to tell you how many times I've written aura code and then deleted it all to try again. It's the biggest stumbling block I'm dealing with.

About two weeks ago I can to the conclusion that I was going to start trying to deal with "everything else" except auras and get all those features in place, then go from there. At least that way I can have most of the functionality I want in place and nUI6 can be more functional and nUI5 can be put to bed for good. I'd love to do that by the time that 5.4 goes live, but I don't know that I'll make that schedule. I doubt it, but I am trying.

That all said, I should point out, too, that I'm not happy with the action bar design, either, and I want to try two other methods of dealing with the unit frame data gathering, as well. I have nUI6 performance about 8x better than nUI5 performance (as per my prior post) and have solved the garbage collection problem that nUI5 had, but there are still issues... especially in 40 main raid frames.

There's still a lot of work to be done to get nUI6 to be what it is that I want it to be. But I have to realize, too, that there's a difference between getting something out there that works for the user base and being an anal OCD programmer ~grin~ I'm trying to balance that better.

nUI6 is going to happen in its time and I have no intention whatsoever of retiring it. Period.

reddrumjay 08-01-13 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 281955)
nUI6 is going to happen in its time and I have no intention whatsoever of retiring it. Period.



Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 281955)
there's a difference between getting something out there that works for the user base and being an anal OCD programmer ~grin~ I'm trying to balance that better.

For me, I would rather have you release 6 for the functionality even if it isn't pretty, and ave future updates for tweaking how things look. As long as the action bars work, that's what we need. I think a lot of us would rather deal with a slightly more developed Alpha or even a Beta of 6 rather than continue with 5. Besides, if you call it Alpha or Beta, that's your out for things not meeting you're anal OCD requirements. lol

Solgath 08-02-13 02:26 AM

good to hear from ya scott, and appreciate the info, at least i know that i won't have to go shopping for a new UI any time soon :)

todd0168 08-02-13 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by reddrumjay (Post 282091)
As long as the action bars work, that's what we need.

The Alpha of Nui 6 that is available right now works. I use it just fine. There are no auras, so I have Elkano's Buff Bars for that. And I had to tweak the layout of my Skada when I first set it up to put it where it belongs. But otherwise it works just fine. Action bars work as intended as far as I know (don't have any special bars so don't know about those). The party and raid frames seem to work OK. And with almost none of the FPS drops that are so inherent in Nui 5. :D

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