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PocketAppZ 12-30-14 06:14 AM

Easily identify Soulbound items
I'm looking for an addon that will add an overlay/marker of some sort to the icon of items in your bag that are Soulbound.

I often send items to my mage so that he can disenchant them, but it is a pain to mouseover all the greens/blues in my bag in order to figure out which ones to vendor and which to mail.

Would also love it if the addon had support for Bagnon (as well as other bag mods like AdiBags, ArkInventory, etc.)

Phanx 12-30-14 07:33 AM

Not exactly what you asked for, but if you use Postal, then you can just Ctrl-Click a non-soulbound green to attach all non-soulbound greens to a mail without having to actually find them all yourself.

Rilgamon 12-30-14 08:07 AM

Funny :) I've started working on a cleaner-addon for my alts only yesterday and ran into exactly that problem ;)
Seems there is no API for that. So I fell back to tooltip scanning. No ETA for a first version ... perhaps someone is quicker than me ;)

Lua Code:
  1. local cTip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip",name.."Tooltip",nil,"GameTooltipTemplate")
  2. local function IsSoulbound(bag, slot)
  3.     cTip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
  4.     cTip:SetBagItem(bag, slot)
  5.     cTip:Show()
  6.     for i = 1,cTip:NumLines() do
  7.         if(_G[name.."TooltipTextLeft"..i]:GetText()==ITEM_SOULBOUND) then
  8.             return true
  9.         end
  10.     end
  11.     cTip:Hide()
  12.     return false
  13. end

Tonyleila 12-30-14 09:25 AM

Just an idea but there was an addon somewhere where you coud auto sell all green items that are not soulbound. Maybe this woud help if you visit the vendor first.

semlar 12-30-14 11:49 AM

This is what I use to black out everything I can't mail when I open the mailbox..
Lua Code:
  1. local tip = CreateFrame('GameTooltip', 'MailBagScantip', nil, 'GameTooltipTemplate')
  2. hooksecurefunc('ContainerFrame_Update', function(frame)
  3.     local name, bag = frame:GetName(), frame:GetID()
  4.     for j = 1, frame.size do
  5.         local itemButton = _G[name .. 'Item' .. j]
  6.         local slot = itemButton:GetID()
  7.         tip:SetOwner(UIParent,'ANCHOR_NONE')
  8.         tip:SetBagItem(bag, slot)
  10.         if SendMailFrame:IsVisible() then      
  11.             for t = 1, tip:NumLines() do
  12.                 local str = _G['MailBagScantipTextLeft' .. t]
  13.                 if str and (str:GetText() == ITEM_SOULBOUND or str:GetText() == ITEM_BIND_QUEST) then
  14.                     itemButton.searchOverlay:Show()
  15.                     break
  16.                 end
  17.             end
  18.         --else
  19.         --  itemButton.searchOverlay:Hide() -- execute this somewhere else when the mailframe closes
  20.         end
  21.     end
  22. end)

This is for the default interface but you can probably adapt it for whatever.

ravagernl 12-30-14 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by PocketAppZ (Post 303917)
I'm looking for an addon that will add an overlay/marker of some sort to the icon of items in your bag that are Soulbound.

I often send items to my mage so that he can disenchant them, but it is a pain to mouseover all the greens/blues in my bag in order to figure out which ones to vendor and which to mail.

Would also love it if the addon had support for Bagnon (as well as other bag mods like AdiBags, ArkInventory, etc.)

That's a nifty idea :) And thanks Semlar :)

I'm using Baggins, it lets you add sections with criteria, I have one set to one of (armor, weapon, ring, shield) + Bind on Equip + (quality >= uncommon).
It doesn't list trinkets, but who disenchants BoE trinkets right :)

Tonyleila 12-30-14 12:50 PM

I wish semlars code woud work with Bag addons / DerpyStuffing

Banknorris 12-30-14 01:36 PM

I use Arkinventory and soulbound and boe items are kept separated in my bags. It is not the standard behavior, you need to configure it.

PocketAppZ 12-30-14 03:16 PM

Thank you for all of the replies.

I'm going to have to say that Phanx came up with the most suitable solution for this. As I don't prefer bag addons that separate/categorize my inventory, and I do happen to use Postal, this seems like the best way to go.

For those that posted code, I honestly have no idea what to do with that. I have no coding experience whatsoever.

Banknorris 12-30-14 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by PocketAppZ (Post 303966)
For those that posted code, I honestly have no idea what to do with that. I have no coding experience whatsoever.

You can copy that code into this site:
and it will generate an addon for you. I would bookmark that link because even though you may not need that code for this particular problem, more often than not a useful code appear that is a bit too big for a macro and is better suited for an addon. I personally put all those press once per session macros into a single addon that I call Miscellaneous (so I don't need to press anything).

PocketAppZ 12-30-14 05:26 PM

Thank you for the link Banknorris :)

natassja72 12-31-14 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Banknorris (Post 303959)
I use Arkinventory and soulbound and boe items are kept separated in my bags. It is not the standard behavior, you need to configure it.

I assume it's some customized rule? I use Ark Inventory as well, but creating rules is a bit too much for me. Can you share your idea how to separate sb and boe items? Thanks in advance!

Banknorris 01-02-15 11:57 AM

You basically:
open bags
click on the gear icon (edit mode)
right click on one bar (doesn't really matter wich)
assign a category->system->equippable items (soulbound)
then click on gear icon again

all soulbound gear should appear on a separate "bag", you can put a name on it (using edit mode) to make it easier to see.

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