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DeTard 11-15-07 03:48 AM

Detard's WoW 2.3 Add-On Pack for MazzleUI
Hello all...

So the idiot in me decided to stay up to nearly 5am on a work night to compile a release of addons to be used with MazzleUI and have a fully up-to-date set of addons. This includes (nearly) all the Ace2 addons along with many addons that aren't commonly updated like SW_Stats (was released yesterday).

This addon pack is intended to be used with a smaller download that Mazzlefizz may be releasing in the next couple days. Esentially what that will be is simply a re-release of MazzleUI 1.1, but without all the other addons that come along with it. It will allow for you to download one base package, and then I'll be able to maintain a separate compilation of all the supporting addons.

The list of changes are as follows:

This is a MazzleUI-compatible compilation, including all the addons that are required for Mazzle to function with the EXCEPTION of Mazzle's addons and the customized version of Bongos and an older version of gfxToggle included with MazzleUI.

Changes to Original MazzleUI 1.1:

Updated Discord Unitframes (from
Updated DeadlyBossMods (including some new modules)
Updated OmniCC (didn't include OmniCC_Options)
Updated SW_Stats
Updated Lightheaded
Updated Fizzwidget Disenchant Predictor
Updated Fizzwidget Hunter's Helper
Updated KLH ThreatMeter
Updated Fubar_Auto_LootFu (Apparently not being maintained on
Updated Fubar_CombatInfoFu (A very old update to fix a tooltip problem)
Updated SmartBuff (didn't include SmartDebuff from the same update)
Updated rMCP
Updated ALL Ace2 mods WITHOUT externals (with the exception of Autobar and AutobarConfig)

Removed Fizzwidget Trackmenu

Now, you'll have to also get the Fix package (only 57kb) that is for MazzleUI only (no fixes to DUF, I've included that in my addon pack), but aside from that you should be set to go, whether you are starting anew or using your previous settings.

You can find this addon pack here:


ONE NOTE: Do NOT update the addons in this pack using WAU right now! There's no need, I've already done that this morning early and everything should be up to date in working order. Running WAU might break it for you, depending on your settings.

Edit 11/16/2007:

Updated my MazzleUI Fix download located here.


Version 4:
Updated DiscordLibrary
Added TipLib to fix TinyTipExtras problems
Changed Mazzifier DUF Layouts to remove those $ut's you find after Mazzifying
Changed GoGoMount to include Nether Drakes, Nether Rays, the Fiery Warhorse, Raven Lord, and Brewfest Ram

Version 3:
Updated a file for gfxToggle2 to change the variable "M2PixelShaders" to "pixelShaders"

Version 2:
Updated to include changes for MazzleUI that were part of meio's 1.1 Patch 1.

DeTard 11-15-07 05:40 AM

Just tested everything out several times over, found a problem with gfxToggle2 and fixed that in my "Fix" pack. Everything seems to be smooth sailing from here anyhow...

One thing that you may have to do is fix your DUF target names for Focus, Target HUD, Target Model, and Party Targets. I know I saw a link somewhere on how to do that and it worked fine for me... let me see if I can dig that up.

Found it:

Edit: I should correct my statement above.... Everything that Mazzlefizz and I have released uses the similar directory structure. The fix I have linked on the download page for Hoonsy's BC Spells update does not share this structure and you have to add them manually into the Mazzifier folder.

DeTard 11-15-07 07:50 AM

Has anyone tried this with success yet? It's already been downloaded over 1000 times in the past few hours and no comments... has me worried lol. I'd hate to find out that everyone is having problems and I start getting mass numbers of PMs. -.-

Edit: Oh sorry, it's been viewed that many times....but still. Has me worried :P

Smirge 11-15-07 08:21 AM

yeh i tried it and to no avail. After i mazzify and hit the first button i hear Sanity's Fataity and then the button for reload UI doesent show up.

I tried with both WITH externals and w/o them(from WAU)

Gonna give it a go in a while, but too tired atm :)


DeTard 11-15-07 08:36 AM

You are updating with WAU after using my addon pack? You don't need to at all.... it was updated as of like 6:00am EST. Soooo I'd strongly suggest you don't, at least not now.

Poddli 11-15-07 08:38 AM

Here is what I have after all the addons are in. Frankly I'm at a loss as to which bit I have to poke to get it back the way it was. The buttons and layout I can change around. But the portrait location, 3d portraits and target portrait?

DeTard 11-15-07 08:42 AM

Hmm interesting... do you have any errors in Bugsack? If so, copy and paste them into here. If you can't FIND Bugsack, the command to bring it up is "/bugsack show all"

Are you working from a new Interface and/or WTF folder? I'm wondering if you are having a savedvariable conflict somewhere....

Poddli 11-15-07 08:45 AM

Oki, followed the link to the duf editing pointers. I have the feeling I am being dense here, but when it says ...


to open discord options type /discordunitframes or /duf

fix 1. "Looking at $ut"
Fix: Click on the "Target" box at the upper right of DuF options window
Click "Special"
Click "[8] Model ToT" in the left column
Change "Looking at $ut" to "Looking at $tn"
Press "Enter" to update change.
... step one, two, three are fine. But for the life of me I can't see a "Special" button there. What am I missing?

Also, great job Detard. I'm truly happy that Mazzle hasn't been forgotten.

Poddli 11-15-07 08:52 AM

WTF and Interface were deleted/emptied respectively. Bugsack errors as follows ...

[2007/11/15 12:11:02-2-x1]: Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier_Configs.lua:342: Couldn't find CVar named 'statusBarText'

[2007/11/15 12:12:47-3-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\CustomLibs\ContextMenu.lua:25: attempt to call method 'assert' (a nil value)

[2007/11/15 12:18:13-4-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\CustomLibs\ContextMenu.lua:25: attempt to call method 'assert' (a nil value)
AceAddon-2.0-46764 (Ace2):927: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:920>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):266: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):962: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:955>

[2007/11/15 12:22:47-5-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\CustomLibs\ContextMenu.lua:25: attempt to call method 'assert' (a nil value)
AceAddon-2.0-46764 (Ace2):927: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:920>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):266: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):962: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:955>

[2007/11/15 12:22:57-5-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\CustomLibs\ContextMenu.lua:25: attempt to call method 'assert' (a nil value)

[2007/11/15 12:39:07-6-x3]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Main.lua:117: in function `DUF_Main_OnEvent'
<string>:"*:OnEvent":1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>
<in C code>: in function `TurnOrActionStop'
<string>:"TURNORACTION":4: in function <[string "TURNORACTION"]:1>

[2007/11/15 12:39:23-6-x2]: Talented-1.3\inspectui.lua:80: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)

That's half of them. Rest to follow.

DeTard 11-15-07 08:53 AM

Yes, the steps are kind of.... well... out of order I think. I know I had a hard time finding it myself, but after doing it about 2 dozen times from testing my addon pack, I know RIGHT where they are! lol

I'll rewrite the steps in the order I think they need to be clicked:
1. Type /duf to open DUF's option window
2. Click "Target" at the top right
3. On the left side near the bottom, click on "[8] Model ToT"
4. NOW click on Special near the top center
5. Now you should see a box with the words in it "Looking at $ut" - change this to "Looking at $tn" and then hit Enter

The other steps are very similar to this.... hopefully this helps.

And did you get farther along since your last post since now you are working on fixing your DUF? Or still no luck?

DeTard 11-15-07 08:54 AM

I see exactly what you missed. You missed the step for getting the MazzleUI Fix I have a link to. This is a required fix. No, as per talking with Mazzle, it cannot be part of my addon pack, and I agree that it should be separate as well, so you will have to get the "fix" file I have linked too and use it.

Edit: Specifically this step:
"4. Download my MazzleUI Fix (fix for MazzleUI and gfxToggle2, not for any other mod from the original compilation)"

Smirge 11-15-07 08:54 AM

i stand corrected - after a bit of fiddling it is now working

only hting that gives me errors is the gametooltip.lua, but i think i saw a fix on the page somewhere - gonna dig into that now...

Good work mate - thanx...


Poddli 11-15-07 08:57 AM

[2007/11/15 12:39:28-6-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:72: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:62>:
Interface\FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:109: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureStateDriver.lua:79>:

[2007/11/15 14:30:36-7-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:280: in function `GetCamera'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Initialization.lua:466: in function `DUF_Initialize_AllFrames'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:78: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:78>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):871: in function `ScheduleLeaveCombatAction'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:78: in function `InstantiateHUDSettings'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:85: in function `InitHUD'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Core.lua:87: in function `OnEnable'
Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier.lua:597: in function `Phase2'
Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier.lua:576: in function <Interface\AddOns\Mazzifier\Mazzifier.lua:516>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):367: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:345>

[2007/11/15 14:30:36-7-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Initialization.lua:466: in function `DUF_Initialize_AllFrames'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:78: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:78>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):871: in function `ScheduleLeaveCombatAction'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:78: in function `InstantiateHUDSettings'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_HUD.lua:85: in function `InitHUD'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Core.lua:87: in function `OnEnable'
Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier.lua:597: in function `Phase2'
Mazzifier-1.1\Mazzifier.lua:576: in function <Interface\AddOns\Mazzifier\Mazzifier.lua:516>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-49307 (Ace2):367: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:345>

[2007/11/15 14:41:40-7-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:280: in function `GetCamera'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Initialization.lua:466: in function `DUF_Initialize_AllFrames'
DiscordUnitFramesOptions\DUF_Options.lua:810: in function `DUF_Options_OnShow'
<string>:"*:OnShow":1: in function <[string "*:OnShow"]:1>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Main.lua:381: in function `value'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3108: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3033>:
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2800: in function `ChatEdit_SendText':
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2821: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed':
<string>:"*:OnEnterPressed":1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>

[2007/11/15 14:41:40-7-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Initialization.lua:466: in function `DUF_Initialize_AllFrames'
DiscordUnitFramesOptions\DUF_Options.lua:810: in function `DUF_Options_OnShow'
<string>:"*:OnShow":1: in function <[string "*:OnShow"]:1>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Main.lua:381: in function `value'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3108: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3033>:
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2800: in function `ChatEdit_SendText':
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2821: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed':
<string>:"*:OnEnterPressed":1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>

[2007/11/15 14:45:41-7-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:280: in function `GetCamera'
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Initialization.lua:466: in function `DUF_Initialize_AllFrames'
DiscordUnitFramesOptions\DUF_Options.lua:774: in function `DUF_Options_OnHide'
<string>:"*:OnHide":1: in function <[string "*:OnHide"]:1>
<in C code>: in function `Hide'
<string>:"*:OnClick":1: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>

[2007/11/15 14:45:41-7-x1]: MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:286: attempt to index global 'Mazz3D_ModelDB' (a nil value)
MazzleUI-1.1\MazzleUI_Models.lua:44: in function <Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI\MazzleUI_Models.lua:41>
<in C code>: in function `Show'
DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Initialization.lua:466: in function `DUF_Initialize_AllFrames'
DiscordUnitFramesOptions\DUF_Options.lua:774: in function `DUF_Options_OnHide'
<string>:"*:OnHide":1: in function <[string "*:OnHide"]:1>
<in C code>: in function `Hide'
<string>:"*:OnClick":1: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>

DeTard 11-15-07 08:57 AM

Let me know if you find a fix - I may incorporate that into the addon pack if you do find it. What is the error you are getting in Bugsack, or what is the behavior if it's not really an "error" per se?

DeTard 11-15-07 08:58 AM

Yep, the errors about the models are all fixed with the Fix file as well - go here:

Mazzlefizz 11-15-07 09:07 AM

Sounds like people aren't following the instructions. Make sure you do the three steps outline here.

Smirge 11-15-07 09:13 AM

just to show you i have now a complete(almost) MazzleUI up and running WITHOUT externals - never had that before :)

only LittleWigs is acting up - but i bet i cant put the blame on you for that :)

Again - thanx for a good fix mate

Smirge 11-15-07 09:20 AM

and in /interface/Addons/LittleWigs/CoT/Black Morass.lua file - line 154 there's no " at the end - add that and it's good to go :)


DeTard 11-15-07 09:20 AM

hehe... Well congrats on getting that far anyhow. I'm looking at that file right now where that line is and honestly, I can't see where it could possibly have an incomplete line. Try removing your LittleWigs directory entirely and re-extract it from my addon pack.

DeTard 11-15-07 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Smirge
and in /interface/Addons/LittleWigs/CoT/Black Morass.lua file - line 154 there's no " at the end - add that and it's good to go :)


There isn't??

Mine reads:


reset_trigger = "No! Damn this feeble, mortal coil!",
Are you sure you started with an empty Interface folder? I'm wondering if you are working with some files that are old.

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