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zork 02-03-12 03:37 AM

Roth UI
So since no-one is posting I'm linking some stuff regarding my interface.


Roth UI:

How To Install and Configure Roth UI by Tachi

Preview: [1] [2] [3] [4]


Cryptus made a tutorial for Roth UI 5.2 :)


Roth UI Video Playlist:


Private Sreenshots: Rothar's Roth UI gallery


How Roth UI got the look it has today:
2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011


Maybe some of you use my interface aswell and can share screenshots here. :)
Aswell as any questions/commenty/discussions on the interface.

User Shots:
U | U | U | U | U | U | U

Skwobu 02-03-12 12:14 PM

Skwobus DPS video

have fun

zork 02-03-12 12:29 PM

Thanks Skwobu. I'm currently gathering all my Roth UI developer shots showing the development steps. Gonna host it on dropbox if I get it done. Tons of screenshots starting summer 2008. :)

Funny how ugly Roth UI looked in the early stages lol. :)

zork 02-03-12 01:00 PM

Roth UI archive:

2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011

Currently uploading. :)

uonick 08-15-12 09:17 AM

Roth UI Raid's

zork 10-02-12 05:36 AM

Roth UI in Korea

By looking at the image I need to remind myself to replace the fonts with the STANDARD_TEXT_FONT variable. That way it should use the correct font in any region.

Lua Code:
  1. <!-- This Fonts.xml is loaded before FontStyles.xml Set up Font objects to be localized in Fonts.xml not FontStyles.xml -->
  2.     <Script>
  3.         STANDARD_TEXT_FONT = "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF";
  4.         UNIT_NAME_FONT = "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF";
  5.         DAMAGE_TEXT_FONT = "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF";
  6.         NAMEPLATE_FONT = "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF";
  7.     </Script>

Foreign languages will not use Frizqt__.tff they will probably use sth else able to express those language specific characters.


Anyone has the FrameXML/Fonts.xml for the korean/chinese/brazil/russian servers?


Phanx 10-02-12 04:36 PM

I don't have them offhand, but I do need to get all the updated GlobalStrings.lua files; I can grab the Fonts.xml from each locale next time I do that.

weavingthevalues 11-29-12 07:21 PM

hey man, i cant download the rbbs artwork ): and also how do i get the normal targeting and player frames? thats something ive wanted for eeverr hahaha

zork 03-11-13 04:42 AM

Cryptus made a tutorial for Roth UI 5.2 :)

Plus has a ton of raid videos using the UI:

ravagernl 03-11-13 12:57 PM

I gotta say, this was the first UI for me since the duf/dart era, that was actually visually appearing enough to switch over to. I'm even thinking that there's a possible chance Blizzard saw your UI and used ideas for D3. I'm no longer using the UI but once in a while I switch out my Interface/WTF folders just to check what Roth UI has become so far.

The only thing that is bugging me right now is that there is no "big icon mode".
For people with high DPI monitors(94.34 PPI - WUXGA@24" or higher) the icons are not even bigger then the size of the nail of your little finger. (And as a result, this may lead to tunnel vision, especially for the main actionbar cooldowns :( )

Yes, I'm aware of the ability to change art scales and I do that most of the time(I usually change 0.82 to something like 1.25). So a global setting to introduce a "big icon mode" would be awesome!

Kendian 03-12-13 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by ravagernl (Post 274470)
I gotta say, this was the first UI for me since the duf/dart era, that was actually visually appearing enough to switch over to. (SNIP) I'm no longer using the UI but once in a while I switch out my Interface/WTF folders just to check what Roth UI has become so far.

I do exactly the same thing! :p This was the first package UI that I ever used. I've paid homage (and still do) to it in just about every rendition of self designed interfaces I've come up with. Just wanted to chime in and say one thing:
Zork, you rock~

Cruelass 05-30-13 01:16 PM

Lost Pet Bar on my lock
I have all of a sudden lost my pet bar for my Voidwalker and any other pet. All I have is a square picture on the left hand side just above the chat panel.

If someone could help, I'd much appreciate it.

zork 07-08-13 03:06 AM

How To Install and Configure Roth UI by Tachi
How To Install and Configure Roth UI by Tachi

zork 07-27-14 09:40 AM

Today I found one of the first videos someone made of Roth UI ever.

Video is from 2008.

The animation is based on Basically a huge texture with many orb slice images that alternate via OnUpdate. That technique has its merits though. You need a lot of slices for a smooth animation and fps hick-ups will screw you over.

RockMonster 12-27-15 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ksendian (Post 274531)
I do exactly the same thing! :p This was the first post about the bathmate I read and the first package UI that I ever used. I've paid homage (and still do) to it in just about every rendition of self designed interfaces I've come up with. Just wanted to chime in and say one thing:
Zork, you rock~

Is that really the first video? The roth ui has come a long way since then.

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