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-   -   Beta 5.2.1 alpha 6 [En-US] Error reports.. (

JimJoBlue 03-13-13 07:00 AM

Beta 5.2.1 alpha 6 [En-US] Error reports..

26x Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMap.lua:8724: bad argument #2 to "strsplit" (string expected, got nil)
<in C code>
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMap.lua:8724: in function "GetInstanceID"
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMap.lua:8744: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:8733>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMapGuide.lua:1183: in function "UpdateMapIcons"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:3291: in function "RecordQuestsLog"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:2867: in function "RecordQuests"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:6150: in function "LogUpdate"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:6118: in function "?"
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxUI.lua:2743: in function <Carbonite\NxUI.lua:2725>

self = <table> {
 MiniBlks = 6
 IconScale = 5
 MenuIShowWorld = <table> {}
 GIconMenuITogInst = <table> {}
 PlyrRZY = 89.508080482483
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 Guide = <table> {}
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 Menu = <table> {}
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 Zone = 3
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 StartupShown = 1
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 BackgndAlphaFade = 0.4
 MoveLastX = 1100.5848789844
 PlyrDir = 87.065012388887
 PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 29128.991
 MapPosYDraw = 1308.1207308754
 ArchAlpha = 0.3
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 PadX = 0
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 MMArrowName = "Minimap\MinimapArrow"
 MapPosX = 1100.5848789844
 BackgndAlphaTarget = 0.4
 MoveDir = 180
 BGGrowBars = true
 ArrowScroll = 0.89
 H = 141
 Tick = 4875
 IconNIFrms = <table> {}
 LastDungeonLevel = 0
 BaseScale = 1
 ToolBar = <table> {}
 MoveLastY = 1308.1207308754
 MenuIShowHerb = <table> {}
 DotPartyScale = 1
 DotPalScale = 1
 QuestAlpha = 0.3
 CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 3
 MMZoomChanged = false
 Scale = 0.45510719861835
 TextFrm = <unnamed> {}
 BackgndAlpha = 0.4
 ArrowPulse = 1
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 MapId = 6015
 MMOwn = true
 MMModels = <table> {}
 Size1 = 0.93750005587936
 ShowUnexplored = false
 InstLevelSet = 0
 Arch = <unnamed> {}
 PIconMenu = <table> {}
 DotRaidScale = 1
 GIconMenu = <table> {}
 StepTime = 0
 PlyrSpeedX = 1100.5848789844
 PlyrFrm = <unnamed> {}
 TrackDistYd = 3.1468763008843
 DebugAdjustScale = 0.1
 ScaleDrawW = 2.1972845145844
 IconStaticFrms = <table> {}
 UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
 IconNavScale = 1
 TrackName = "Shado-Pan Garrison, Townlong Steppes"
 WorldHotspotTipStr = "Pandaria, |cffffff00Dread Wastes (89-90)
 TrackPlayer = "Wethand"
 MiniFrms = <table> {}
 Win = <table> {}
 InstanceId = false
 RealScale = 0.45510719861835
 Data = <table> {}
 RMapId = 6015
 TrackDir = false
 CurOverlaysTexFolder = "IsleoftheThunderKing"
 MMMaskName = "Buttons\White8x8"
 BGIconMenu = <table> {}
 CurOverlays = <table> {}
 TrackETA = false
 MMFScale = 0.4
 LocTipFStrs = <table> {}
 TrackPlyrs = <table> {}
 MMScale = 0.5945915304057
 MMZoomType = 0
 TextScFrm = <unnamed> {}
 Targets = <table> {}
 GIconMenuIFindNote = <table> {}
 QuestWin = <unnamed> {}
 WorldHotspotsCity = <table> {}
 MapPosY = 1308.1207308754
 PlyrY = 1308.1207308754
 TargetNextUniqueId = 1
 Tracking = <table> {}
 TextFStrs = <table> {}
 Scrolling = false
 Cont = 6
 Level = 41
 LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {}
 W = 150
 MapsDrawnFade = <table> {}
 IconFrms = <table> {}
 ContFrms = <table> {}
 CurWorldUpdateMapId = 6015
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 UpdateTargetDelay = 0
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 TitleH = 0
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 MMChkDelay = 12
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 PlyrRZX = 34.629899263382
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 MapPosXDraw = 1100.5848789844
 TransMenu = <table> {}
 Frm = <unnamed> {}
 MapsDrawnOrder = <table> {}
 DotZoneScale = 1
 PlyrX = 1100.5848789844
 BackgndAlphaFull = 1
id = nil

^ I can't be sure, but I think I was doing the part 2 solo scenario for the Isle of Thunder thingie... (technical term..)


4x Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:4440: attempt to compare number with nil
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:4440: in function "OnMsgQuest"
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxCom.lua:530: in function <Carbonite\NxCom.lua:498>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":4: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":4
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":13: in function "?"
Ace3-Release-r1083\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function "Fire"
Ace3-Release-r1083\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0-7.lua:339: in function <Ace3\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0.lua:321>



109x Carbonite\Carbonite-5.2.1.lua:2488: bad argument #4 to "format" (string expected, got nil)
<in C code>
Carbonite\Carbonite-5.2.1.lua:2488: in function <Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:2442>

self = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
 texture = <unnamed> {}
 NxCombat = <table> {}
arg1 = 1362870284.083
arg3 = false
Combat = <table> {
 DamDone = 391169
 EnterCombat = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2591
 Win = <table> {}
 HealDone = 0
 BGEnterXP = 93970
 HitBest = 123929
 H = 80
 BGEnterHonor = 1784
 BGEnterTime = 24266.385
 SetLine = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2607
 Frm = <unnamed> {}
 OnUpdate = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2580
 GraphHits = <table> {}
 HitTotal = 101074
 Deaths = 1
 KBs = 1
 Init = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2344
 TimeStart = 24883.636
 HitPeak = 12851
 Open = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2366
 OnEvent = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2442
 AttackerName = "Beast"
 Honor = 122
 W = 400
 OpenGraph = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2434
 HKs = 3
 EventTable = <table> {}
 OnEnter = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2584
 InCombat = true
UEvents = <table> {
 AddHerb = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2702
 UpdateAll = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2757
 Init = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2634
 AddOpen = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2735
 AddHonor = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2689
 GetPlyrPos = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2748
 AddMine = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2719
 SortCmp = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2767
 Sort = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2779
 AddKill = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2675
 UpdateMap = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2890
 List = <table> {}
 AddInfo = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2642
 AddDeath = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2656
prtD = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:101
time = 1362870284.083
_hideCaster = false
sId = "0xF140F9AE24000050"
sName = "Spirit Beast"
sFlags = 4369
sf2 = 0
dId = "0xF140EE05C4000052"
dName = nil
dFlags = 4424
df2 = 0
a1 = 16827
a2 = "Claw"
a3 = 1
a4 = 3133
pre = "SPELL"
mid = "DAMAGE"
post = "DAMAGE"
spellId = 16827
spellName = "Claw"
spellSchool = 1
i = 15
amount = 3133
school = -1
resist = 1
block = nil
absorb = nil
crit = nil
v = 3133
hitStr = "Claw"

^ Not sure what that one is.... Or what I was doing at the time..

mjumnito 03-13-13 07:17 AM


^ Not sure what that one is.... Or what I was doing at the time..
Looks like a hunter was beating the hell out of you, and you died at some point. I would say a battle ground or world pvp

JimJoBlue 03-13-13 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by mjumnito (Post 274577)
Looks like a hunter was beating the hell out of you, and you died at some point. I would say a battle ground or world pvp

Heh.. you shoulda seen the hunter after I had finished with him... lol (on his back watching the clouds go by lol)

I love PvP'ing with my guildies...

Also I play a hunter (was that day) could it be my damage? I usually use my spirit beast too but I occasionally swap to my shale spider...

mjumnito 03-13-13 09:30 AM

shot in the dark here, but are you using one of the new spirit beast "SpectralPorcupine"? If so it might stem from that, idk.

JimJoBlue 03-13-13 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by mjumnito (Post 274583)
shot in the dark here, but are you using one of the new spirit beast "SpectralPorcupine"? If so it might stem from that, idk.

Not yet... I can't choose what pet to drop to make room for it in my stables...

The spirit pet I usually use is Loque'nahak ( ) I do have most of the others.. but that's the one I carry around all the time..

Rythal 03-13-13 11:53 AM

top one is fixed in alpha 7 (tisk tisk not updating :P)

second one, my bad... I fixed carbonite not sharing quests crossrealm, looks like I make assumptions I shouldn't in the code... I really need to find friends crossrealm & on moonguard who use carbonite to test this stuff better lol

third..... no clue, first time seeing that one.

JimJoBlue 03-13-13 12:38 PM

I think I have a bit more info on the second one...

I was grouped with someone who was running an old version of carb/release version of carb.
No cross realm stuff involved..

That might be solved by updating his version to the beta.. I'll do that for him via teamviewer ( later...

Rythal 03-13-13 01:49 PM

naw has nothing to do with older version or not...

The whole reason cross-realm grouping never worked was because Carbonite builds your group list using UnitName("party1") - UnitName('party5") which is your characters name.

Addon communication chat, reports who sent the message as your real name-your realm, so like Rythal-MoonGuard .... the difference between the two is why it never worked before.

I had to make a decision of either updating group building to also include server, or drop the servername in addon messages ... i decided on the second since the quest watch window is ment to be small, if it starts listing realm names aswell when your sharing... that's a mess.

So in the processing, I look for the "-" character, then strip that and the server name out, but if your groupmate is not on a different realm, there is no -realm, so finding the location of "-" is nil and the next line if loc < 0 fails.

dvantassel11 03-14-13 11:43 PM

I also get the NxMap.lua error when entering certain scenarios using Version is 5.2.1 alpha 7

JimJoBlue 03-15-13 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by dvantassel11 (Post 274676)
I also get the NxMap.lua error when entering certain scenarios using Version is 5.2.1 alpha 7

Could you list them for Rythal please?

He can't fix what he don't know about lol..

dvantassel11 03-17-13 12:43 AM

I had listed 2 in another post, Arena of Annihilation and Lion's Landing, I will list others as they come up. I also get the error for Dagger in the Dark & Unga Ingoo, there may be a variable that is not initialized as subsequent entry into the same scenario does not seem to generate the error.

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