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Nightshade74 09-05-11 05:09 PM

HELP!!! I have an idea, but no clue
First off let me start by saying I have no business trying to code anything. I am a hardware guy not a software guy. That being said I just picked up this add-on today and really like what I see. Sure I could go get this add-on for this and that add-on for that, but I like the all-in-one look and feel of this one. Just add a few extra bells and whistles and it's perfect.

However, there are some purely cosmetic changes that I would like to make in order to customize my UI even further than what this add-on has done. My hope in doing this is to gain some skills that I don't already have, and to make my UI just a little bit different than everyone elses.

With a little bit of help from the people in the know, I am sure I can make these changes, and learn a little something at the same time.

:D Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction. :D

:eek: And now for the ideas. :eek:

;) I would like to re-size and move the 4 action bars around the chat and map windows to be the same size, shape and location as the other 3 action bars.

;) I want to stack the 2 exp bars and move them to between the action bars and the mini map, so that they span the distance between the chat and map windows.

;) I want to move the player/party/raid and map/combat buttons and the clock/cords/zone box (currently under the mini map) to the top of the screen by the HUD button.

;) With all that moved I want to re-size the chat box and map box to take up the additional now empty real-estate, in hopes of 1. having more chat space and 2. fitting recount and omen into the map side together and be a little bigger.

;) I want to get rid of the buff/de-buff timers on the side. I want to add another line of icons for the target to the HUD like the ones for the buffs/de-buffs on yourself. I want to put the count down clocks for them inside the icon like the ones on the action bars. I want my buffs/de-buffs to but the first ones and a little bit bigger then the rest to catch my eye more. And I want to make the icons on the HUD count down time left on the buff/de-buff and the ones on the action bars to show the time left on the cool down.

If I keep is simple it works better for me. With all the colors of the timers in the icons I make simple mistakes that can be avoided by just keeping is simple.

When I get this the way I want it to look, I'll post a few screen shots.


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