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syncrow 07-29-14 12:45 AM


some video stuff:

semlar 07-29-14 01:00 AM


I would replace the elite border from the nameplate though, it kind of clashes with the style.

syncrow 07-29-14 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 294490)

I would replace the elite border from the nameplate though, it kind of clashes with the style.

Thanks for feed! :rolleyes:

The elite border is tentative and will be replaced later.

Phanx 07-29-14 01:57 AM

The default game font doesn't really fit the style. Have you tried using the font from Recount everywhere?

The buttons on your action bars should have the same border as the rest of the icons.

Tooltip could use a more opaque background, and more padding so the text isn't right up against the border like that.

semlar 07-29-14 02:06 AM

You might also steal the infinity gears font from infinity plates, as it matches the angular space theme.

ravagernl 07-29-14 02:15 AM

I'm using this little snippet in my UI that you may find useful:


local nfns, font, size = NumberFontNormalSmall
font, size = NumberFontNormalSmall:GetFont()
nfns:SetFont(font, size, 'OUTLINE')
nfns:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 0)

local gsub = string.gsub

hooksecurefunc('ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys', function(self)
    local hotkey = _G[self:GetName()..'HotKey']
    local text = hotkey:GetText()

    text = gsub(text, '(s%-)', '|cFFFFDF00s|r')
    text = gsub(text, '(a%-)', '|cFFFFDF00a|r')
    text = gsub(text, '(c%-)', '|cFFFFDF00c|r')
    text = gsub(text, '(st%-)', '|cFFFFDF00c|r') -- german control 'Steuerung'

    for i = 1, 30 do
        text = gsub(text, _G['KEY_BUTTON'..i], '|cFFFFDF00m|r'..i)

    for i = 1, 9 do
        text = gsub(text, _G['KEY_NUMPAD'..i], '|cFFFFDF00n|r'..i)

    text = gsub(text, KEY_NUMPADDECIMAL, '|cFFFFDF00n|r.')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_NUMPADDIVIDE, '|cFFFFDF00n|r/')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_NUMPADMINUS, '|cFFFFDF00n|r-')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_NUMPADMULTIPLY, '|cFFFFDF00n|r*')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_NUMPADPLUS, '|cFFFFDF00n|r+')

    text = gsub(text, KEY_MOUSEWHEELUP, '|cFFFFDF00m|rU')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN, '|cFFFFDF00m|rD')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_NUMLOCK, 'NL')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_PAGEUP, 'PU')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_PAGEDOWN, 'PD')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_SPACE, '_')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_INSERT, 'Ins')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_HOME, 'Hm')
    text = gsub(text, KEY_DELETE, 'Del')


syncrow 07-29-14 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 294499)
The default game font doesn't really fit the style. Have you tried using the font from Recount everywhere?

The buttons on your action bars should have the same border as the rest of the icons.

Tooltip could use a more opaque background, and more padding so the text isn't right up against the border like that.

I havnt had any thoughts about the font style until now, but you might be right. that doesn't seems to fit with the whole style.

The border texture (action button) is the same but not blurred. I gonna fix that x)

The tooltip is tentative. I wanna rewrite the whole GameTooltip but had'nt enough time so far.


Originally Posted by ravagernl (Post 294503)
I'm using this little snippet in my UI that you may find useful

Thanks, i've tested your code!

I have to decide the font style first and then (maybe) tune the way hotkeys are displayed

ravagernl 07-29-14 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 294505)
I havnt had any thoughts about the font style until now, but you might be right. that doesn't seems to fit with the whole style.

Doesn't seem to be too complicated :)]=10&l[]=1]=10&l[]=1

I kind of like fonts that are sans-serif, but with just a tad of sci-fi.

If I can make a suggestion: Zeroes seems awesome.

Seerah 07-29-14 07:09 PM

There are a few good fonts in SharedMedia, as well.

syncrow 08-02-14 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by ravagernl (Post 294511)
Doesn't seem to be too complicated :)
If I can make a suggestion: Zeroes seems awesome.

I've tested around 50 diffrent fonts, and Zeroes seems to be the best by far. The numbers are pretty nice x).

10leej 08-02-14 03:28 PM

Looks pretty cool 9/10

Talyrius 08-03-14 03:33 AM

There is no reason to display an experience bar at max level. You could center and widen the reputation bar upon hitting max level. You'll also have to replace the background texture that currently separates the two bars.

syncrow 08-03-14 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Talyrius (Post 294657)
There is no reason to display an experience bar at max level. You could center and widen the reputation bar upon hitting max level. You'll also have to replace the background texture that currently separates the two bars.

For WoD, I plan to use the exp-bar otherwise at maxlvl.

Talyrius 08-03-14 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 294661)
For WoD, I plan to use the exp-bar otherwise at maxlvl.

Lua Code:
  1. --[[
  2. For finding the maximum attainable player level:
  3.     0: WoW Classic. Level 60
  4.     1: The Burning Cruade. Level 70
  5.     2: Wrath of the Lich King. Level 80
  6.     3: Cataclysm. Level 85
  7.     4: Mists of Pandaria. Level 90
  8.     5: Warlords of Draenor. Level 100
  9. --]]
  10. local maxPlayerLevel = MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL_TABLE[GetExpansionLevel()]
  12. -- Check if player is already max level
  13. local displayXP = true
  14. if UnitLevel("player") == maxPlayerLevel then
  15.     displayXP = false
  16. end
  18. -- Disable XP bar upon hitting max level
  19. local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
  20. frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEVEL_UP")
  21. frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, level)
  22.     if level == maxPlayerLevel then
  23.         displayXP = false
  24.     end
  25. end)

If I've misunderstood, please clarify.

syncrow 08-03-14 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Talyrius (Post 294665)
If I've misunderstood, please clarify.

thx, i know the code!

I meant, instead of hiding the exp bar, i want to use it in other way -> to display another kind of information at max-lvl instead of experience. therefore it isn't really necessary to hide the bar. It would only be a temporary cosmetic fix till WoD is released.

I plan to use it for garrison progress or something like that.

syncrow 08-04-14 08:01 AM

I want to implement animated healthbars!

What i got so far:

you can update frame textures with:

- AnimateTexCoords

- rotating between texture files

i've tested it for xml StatusBars:

- AnimateTexCoords doesn't work, cause every few seconds the frame reset the TexCoords (works fine with "Frame" types but not with "StatusBars")

- rotating does work, however it starts flashing... (pretty ugly)

semlar 08-04-14 08:21 AM

You can try something like this, drycoded so I'm not sure about the texture coordinates
Lua Code:
  1. local fill = bar:GetStatusBarTexture()
  2. local animatedTexture = bar:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK', nil, 2)
  3. animatedTexture:SetAllPoints(fill)
  4. animatedTexture:SetTexture('texturepath')
  6. local timeSince, textureOffset = 0, 0
  7. bar:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed)
  8.   timeSince = timeSince + elapsed
  9.   if timeSince >= 0.03 then -- speed at which it updates
  10.     local value = self:GetValue()
  11.     local minValue, maxValue = self:GetMinMaxValues()
  12.     local diff = maxValue - minValue
  13.     if diff > 0 then -- cut off horizontally to match the bar fill value, and rotate vertically however you want
  14.       animatedTexture:SetTexCoord(0, (value - minValue) / diff, textureOffset, textureOffset + 1)
  15.     end
  16.     textureOffset = textureOffset + 0.02 -- how far to animate the texture each update
  17.     if textureOffset > 1 then textureOffset = textureOffset - 1 end
  18.     timeSince = 0
  19.   end
  20. end)

syncrow 08-04-14 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 294694)
You can try something like this, drycoded so I'm not sure about the texture coordinates

if i understand it right, you want me to create a fake statusbar (texture type) and rotate it (cause frames or textures itself doesn't flash like StatusBar) and calculate the texCoords with the statusbar value

I had this idea too, just thought there would be a more elegant method.

Edit: I must change the size of the texture each time I set coords, since the texture would be cropping too much otherwise?!

Or i can simply use a scrollframe for this..maybe

semlar 08-04-14 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by syncrow (Post 294698)
if i understand it right, you want me to create a fake statusbar (texture type) and rotate it (cause frames or textures itself doesn't flash like StatusBar) and calculate the texCoords with the statusbar value

I just created a texture on top of the existing status bar texture for you to animate, which is not even close to the overhead of creating a second status bar.

The texture is automatically sized to match the status bar fill because you call :SetAllPoints() on it, you don't need to do anything else with that.

There's no reason to create a scrollframe for this because you're already using SetTexCoord to animate the texture and it's trivial to add the horizontal offset to that to avoid skewing the texture as it shrinks.

AlleyKat 08-04-14 10:20 AM

use ScrollFrame frame type to create "view ports"
like here:

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