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Nastarria 09-25-09 05:15 AM

A point addon
I was just wondering if there is an Addon that allows me to give points to people in my guild, which also allows me to view the members and their points quickly, Like in a table.

ideally, I would also like it so it can sync with the other officers who can edit the points, and for the members to see their points, but not edit.

ravagernl 09-25-09 06:56 AM

Do you mean something like a DKP system?

Nastarria 09-25-09 07:02 AM

Along those lines, but not DKP.

Cowmonster 09-25-09 07:44 AM

Search EPGP or DKP for related addons. Unless I miss my guess you'll find what you are looking for.

haste 09-25-09 07:58 AM

EPGP does all you want. It also supports uploading to the web for that matter. The only thing you loose is the officer notes (as they are used to store EP and GP). It's by far the fairest point system you can use.

(clearly an unbiased opinion)

ravagernl 09-25-09 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by haste (Post 160081)
It's by far the fairest point system you can use.(clearly an unbiased opinion)

It sure is. Still trying to convince my guild to switch over.

Nastarria 09-25-09 11:28 PM

While EPGP kinda does what I'm looking for, I'm really just looking for something that doesn't have anything to do with loot.

I've came up with a point based system for my guild that will attempted to get more people active in the guild.
By doing different things (Helping Lower Members, Recruiting new People, Attending Guild events, etc) gets the person Points. (Different amount of point depending on what is done.)

At the same time people who are inactive, or do something wrong, get points taken away.

The system I came up with is more about Active people getting better things, then the Inactive ones. (Our ranks will be related to the amount of points a member has) If a person get 0 points, they get kicked out of the guild... since they are not Good for the guild as a whole, or have been Inactive.
Loot only plays a small part. And when people want an Item from a guild run, they do not spend their points.

Would a EPGP addon be ok for my needs?

ravagernl 09-26-09 04:46 AM

EPGP stands for Effort Points Gear Points. You can set up the Effort Points to automatically decay over time.

I don't see how those points are not relevant to loot however. Why would you assign points to people, only to not let them spend them? They can't do anything with those points then. Sure, you could use them to keep track of ranks, but why not use those points for loot instead?

Please read the documentation about EPGP.

Nastarria 09-26-09 05:43 AM

We give points to people so we can see who is the most active, and thus more deserving of things.

People with the higher points will be considered first for raids, and in the raid will get first Dibs on items... They can take or leave the item (Only if they can use it)

It's more to get people more active in our guild, so we can start raiding.

So it is kinda directed to Loot, but more towards Monitoring active people.

Cowmonster 09-26-09 06:32 AM

I don't know of any addon that specifically does what you are looking for, but simply promoting and demoting people allows you to keep track of it the whole points related to rank seems a little overly complicated. It is a very simple thing KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). If you are really determined to do it that way then I wish you the best of luck, but I would point out that if people do not spend points or the points do not decay in any way then the people who are most active and have the highest points always get the best gear which in theory would be nice if it would work that way (reward the hardest working most dedicated people), but if you have 5 absolutely top-end geared people and 20 crap geared people your raid is destined to fail. The reason point systems have a decay (to keep inactive people from coming back with a ton of points and being able to buy up gear in the latest and greatest progression) and the points being spent on items is to move the people with lots of points down the list to spread gear out more evenly across the more active people. The bottom line is if people never get gear they quit coming and if you only have a couple really geared people they do great healing or DPS or tanking, but 5 guys doing good work are worth more than 1 doing great work. If your guy doing uber DPS dies and you are left with the 4 who got crap gear doing practically no DPS then chances are you are screwed because you put all your eggs in one basket.

Nastarria 09-26-09 10:57 PM

I see what your saying, but the raid/loot aspect is an After thought, since it's mainly to get people active so we can DO a raid...

As it stands, my guild has around 100ish members, less then half of those are active. and of the active ones, there aren't too many lvl 80s.
And of the lvl 80s who are active, they would rather DPS, then Tank or Heal, which is what we need most, Tanks and Healers.

The points do have a decay, but again it's to weed out the inactive people.
And the most active people won't be the best geared. The Idea of the points in my system is that The most Active people get first takes at an Item for their Main Spec (That they are currently using), They can Take the item, Equip it, then they go to the bottom of the list, If they pass on the item, the next most active person gets to pick to keep the item or pass it on...
If no one takes the item for their Main Spec, then we go down the list again for their off Spec. ONLY people who can use the Item can claim the Item... as In, a Pally Tank won't be able to even get the chance to pick a Cloth Item.
Once someone has Picked an Item, that is it, they don't get to pick again for that run, Unless everyone has gotten an Item. Then we go over it again.

As I typed that, it did seem overly complicated, but then again, I didn't make my system for the loot.

We could track active people via the ranks, but besides officers picking who gets a Promotion, how would you find out who is active? If it is just the officers doing it, I think members will think the officers are going with the people we like.

The point system I came up with is a tad complex, but it will, IMO, do the job the guild needs it to do. I haven't explained all of the system, since I don't want to bore people.

If Anyone has an Idea for helping my guild get more active, please let me know...

Seerah 09-26-09 11:23 PM

For the moving to the bottom of the list bit, have you looked at a Suicide Kings mod? They don't deal with points, though, so you'd still need to have something to track those... Maybe one of the karma/player rating type mods?...

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